What if the Ultimate Warrior stayed in the WWE in 1996-the rest of the Attitude Era

Haha perfectly said man. I agree about the WWF/E having Sting. I would have loved seeing that.

I'm certainly not making fun of those that are ******ed, but its one thing to actually be handicapped and another to create the illusion that you are mentally handicapped and have no clue what you are saying. The Warrior was the only wrestler I've known that successfully created that illusion.

Also, Warrior did make a confession later in his life... enjoy this one:



I think you're totally forgetting about Eugene and Hornswoggle.
First off, he did fued with the Undertaker and Jake The Snake befriended him leading to Jake's heel turn and Taker's face turn leading upto WrestleMania 8.

Secondly he didn't leave the WWF, he was fired the first 2 times. Due to no care for his fellow workers and constantly no showing events and if you ask him "politics". He even threatened the staff on a number of occasions

The Ultimate Warrior character worked with the kids (me included being a kid at the time) he had the look of a champion, the explosiveness and that aura around him. Too bad you couldn't understand a thing he said when he talked, but it didn't matter, his character was just an extension of the Hogan "hero" character

He was useless as a worker/professional.
Vince was happy to see the back of him the first time as was everyone that worked with him, they gave him a second chance when he made his return at WrestleMania 8 minus the steroid induced muscles and it didn't even last 1 yr, he was constantly no showing and injuring others. not to mention the poor in ring ability. And in the heat of the Steroid abuse aligations, Vince apparently used him and British Bulldog as scapegoats, so he left in 1992

Returns again a 3rd time nearly 4 years later in 1996, at WrestleMania 12, Triple H jobbed to him, he fueded with Goldust and Jerry Lawler aswel. Then more issues between him and Vince over no showing and unpaid royalties, so once again he's fired in 1996 so he was part of the WWF Attitude Era's start for a few months

2 years later he shows up in WCW, purely to recreate Warrior vs Hogan, nothing else and well we know what happeneed there, lasted 3 matches ending in the one of the worst Main Event PPV match in recent history Hogan vs Warrior 2, botched move after botched move. The he pulled his i want the most money card again so they refused to pay and he was let go within a month of signing.

Years later we see him commenting on Steroids use in relation to the incident with Chris Benoit, and he's stated i used em all my life and they haven't affected me one bit. Meanwhile he's struggling to keep focus and keeps smiling for no reason and has the jitters.

That somes up Jim Hellwig in a nutshell as did Jessie Ventura when he said "Million dollar body, ten cent brain"

actually come to think of it, he did make a return. in the form of Batista LOL

Seriously though, If the Warrior stayed, he'd have to do something about the gimmick. At the very least, go dark with it. He'd have to turn heel to survive with such a "cartoony" persona. Look at Matt Borne. Although he didn't gain any fame after being Doink, in ECW he became "Borne Again", and was almost haunted by the Doink gimmick. I don't know if anyone remembers that or not, but using that model...I think Warrior could have survived for a while at least in the Attitude era.

There are a few things to consider however...how far would he have went without seriously injuring someone?

Ken Kennedy (Anderson) didn't last long, and some would say his hurting himself and others isn't his fault...Would Warrior have been fired after say...and awry clothesline to an injured Stone Cold's neck?

And the mic skills....With SO MANY people dripping with charisma, would Warrior have been relevent?

Looking back....we can forget that question, Jeff Hardy is terrible and he's still around.

And then there's his style of wrestling. Almost a power/brawler style....would that have gone over with Steve Austin and the Rock using variations of a brawler style? Now we have (had) Batista, so it is possible that that kind of style would have worked in more recent times, but I don't think Austin and Rock would have been really given a chance.

Long story short, there's too many things to look at to make this a simple question. And in the end I think too many good things would have been passed up because of it. In the end though I think Warrior would have been fired regardless, either the drugs, attitude, style, or potential to hurt someone would have made his career short in the Attitude Era anyway.
Warriors OWN was a complete fail in WCW. Reason being is because Warrior is awful on the mic. His interviews made zero sense. Even if they gave Warrior a script and said "******, follow this!" he would have screwed up royally. What I think you are also missing is the fact Warrior was completely unreliable. He no showed several events throughout his career. Vince is a great business man. He wouldnt have put up with an unreliable POS like the Warrior during one of the peak eras for the industry.

I'm curious who you think would have fit in with the OWN though "since all wrestling characters were scum bags." The Hardys werent scum-bags, neither was Owen Hart/Blue Blazer. I could just imagine Warrior screwing up their careers as much as his career was. Warrior wasnt one for sharing spotlight either if you recall. His OWN would have fallen flat because those wrestlers around him wouldnt have been able to shine through the shit stack that was known as Warrior.

Think of it, there were so many anti-heros in that era, Warrior would have no problem. The warrior's psycho rants on the mic were classic too, and fuckers like Edge could've had a field day ripping him apart on the mic. Warrior wouldn't have anyone in his faction.

The idea of a face like the Warrior who was the good vs evil heel, in an era where heel were cheered for like faces would make for some very fun storylines.
Even if I did agree that Austin was a crappy wrestler, which I absolutely do not, that has nothing to do with Warriors skills. Warrior was perfect for his time. Didn't have to do anything technical, could just be a powerhouse. That's fine, that's great, I loved it. But, in the Attitude Era, it wouldn't have worked.

Great matches? Great angles? He couldn't keep up with guys like Austin, Hart, HBK. They would have had to carry him through matches, like Savage did. NO ONE would have bought into his character. Angles? He couldn't work a mic. He used to babble about nothing, so how did he have "ideals?" That is complete nonsense. Warrior never cut a promo about ideals or morals, and if he did, who would have known? Warrior wasn't a hero. He was a babbling roid freak.

A few wrestling classes? He was a former World Champion, he shouldn't have had to take ANY classes in 1996. You just killed your own point with that statement. If he needed wrestling classes, why should he have been feuding with the top guys? It makes no sense. He was great for his era, but the Attitude Era wasn't for him.

Uh I didn't once say he was a good wrestler, I said Austin was a crappy one. Let's face it Austin didn't make it because of his ring abilities, he was limited, he just had that IT factor and could work a mic like nobody else.

Warrior was the super hero of the WWE. Like a comic book character really.

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