Who's Someone In WWE That Got Over That You Never Understood

i have a tie..

Matt "Bore" Hardy : I never got why this guy got cheered. He was quite possibly the most boring wrestler i ever watched in my life. Jeff had Charisma but Matt put me to sleep, he could talk (snore) wrestle (snore) cry on youtube (snore)..nothing bout the man excited me and was happy he left..but i still will never know what people saw in him

R-Truth : Again i dont know why this guy is so praised. Now i wont say he is a horrible wrestler or just boring, but he is nothing special. His finisher the worst in the business. Like he reminds me of a "Ghetto/Hood" less fun Kofi Kingston.
WTF?! You're kidding right?! Kaval has more wrestling skill than most of the roster. He's an indy verteran and that's enough to get over then on top of that, he made it. So he walked the path and reached his destination, how is that not worthy of getting over? Reason he looses is because of the angle, he's making the hard transition from indy to the big time. You really think some of the guys that beat him are actually better? Think again. Funny how you like Morgan, but not a guy with tremendous ability.

Jerry Lawler as a commentator. He's rubbish, it's like he tries his hardest to stay off subject. I'll admit, he makes me laugh every now and again with his diva jokes but he needs to get serious or get replaced.

Apparently he didnt have enough...He got slached by WWE...

But really, how many people on here agree with me about Dabiel Bryan?. He is WAY BORING on the mic (possibley the worst in WWE), no personality (again possibly thr worst in wwe), and his wrestl;ing skills are less than average IN WWE..not counting his indy stuff...
the miz he does nothing for me and i have no clue why he's a champion when he was us champ he never really defended he just held it so to me hes a paper champ
IMO it has to be... Kofi Kingston. Well i just don't understand how he gets pops, sometimes pretty big. I don't like his gimmick and about his mic work; he doesn't ever talk!! I mean he might have good mic skils but he never uses them. And people say he is good in ring. Well i just don't realise how you can say that. Yeah he has nice finisher but othet things he does are just boring. That boom, boom, boom thing is so stupid and besides that he does just some crossbodies and dropkicks that are pretty average stuff. Personally, i never want this guy main event in wwe. i just don't like him maybe others do but i dont. yea, and i also hate r-truth. btw. sorry about writingmistakes, i am from finland and not pretty good at english
I never understood why Rikishi got huge pops. He was alright...but some of the pops he got could rival the Rock or Steve Austin. Seriously...I've been to a live event when he came out and it was ridiculous. WTF?
Drew McIntyre when he 1st showed I could not stand him everything about him is boring and the kept giving him gold he truly has no appeal what so ever. His ex wife even beat him up its sad really
3 letters describe the person who i dont get how hes as over as he is as a face....R....K....O! randy orton acts like a heel during a match,the crowd goes nuts for the punt which is a heel thing to do and i dont even rember when he turned face! plus the fact unlike cena orton isnt fan friendly from many things i read/heard randy orton is a douchebag to the fans in fact! i could handle orton as a heel but as a face hes annoying as fuck turn him heel again already...now but without the title

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