Who's Someone In WWE That Got Over That You Never Understood

Edge: Never did it for me, he doesn't even look like he can beat the people he beats nor does he have the skill. Why does he even do the spear? That's a move for power guys who can move fast in a straight line(ex: Goldberg, Lashley.)

HHH: That man is great, to be sure but he just never clicked for me. Don't get it twisted, I do respect his work.

RKO: Hot and cold on this one.

Don't get why Cena is hated, the man is a workhorse like Austin and Hogan before him. Why not jump on his back? There are more but I can't think of them right now.
Another guy that comes to mind is Perry Saturn and his moppy gimmick. That shit wasn't funny to me. Just pissed me off. Incredibly. I hated it.

He's such a good talent. Just keep him where he was, at mid-card and kicking people's asses. Let him help other guys build. A mop....

Regarding my initial comments about Chris Benoit getting over due to his in-ring ability.

He wasn't a world champion.

Yes he was, he won the World Heavyweight Title in both WCW and WWE.

He won the WCW title on 16 Jan 2000 at Souled Out, and vacated the next day to join the WWE. He won the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania XX on March 14th 2004, holding the title until August 15th.

He was a little short twerp with rotting teeth who dove off the top rope and delivered a head butt for his finisher.

He was 5 foot 11 and 234lbs

Shawn Michaels is 6'1 and 225lbs
Bret Hart is 6 foot 1 and 234lbs
Chris Jericho is 6 foot and 226lbs.
Ric Flair is 6 foot and 240lbs

So are you saying Benoit was a little twerp because he was 1 or 2 inches shorter, and similar weight to these other world champions? Should those 2 inches stop him from being a champion?

And its pretty likely his tooth was knocked out in ring

Everybody can conjure up these fantasies in their head about certain guys being a "man's man" or a "blue collar guy just like me" wrestling out there...and holding some sentimental attachment for something that really isn't there...but I just use logic and reasoning instead.

This makes no sense. At no point did I say Benoit was a "blue collar guy" or a "man's man", or anything about sentimental attachment. My logic and reasoning for him getting over with fans is that he was an excellent in-ring wrestler. That is how he got over with the fans. That is all

Chris Benoit didn't have ANY of these things. He literally just went out there with his 5'4" frame, looking like a jobber from a Sunday afternoon episode of Superstars and somehow got a push in WWF to World Champion??? That's like saying that Floyd Mayweather is the best in the world and he SHOULD be the heavyweight champion because he's quick and has nice moves. NO! First of all he couldn't be because he's too small...therefore it's just not believable.

Once again, he was 5'11 and weighed the same if not more than Jericho, Hart and Michaels, plus having a much more impressive physique. It seems that those 2 inches in height Benoit is lacking makes him less believable as champion to you. By your reasoning, the only reason Y2J, Bret and HBK would have been believable Heavyweight champions is that they are slightly taller than Benoit. Or are you saying none of these guys should not have won the belt EVER because they arent 6 foot 6 monsters???

6'1'' Bret Hart with a submission finisher is no more believable as 5'11'' Chris Benoit with a submission finisher as champion, or Jericho or Flair at 6'' with a submission finisher simple as. All these guys werent the biggest, but were great wrestlers, and had very painful looking submission finishers. Plus Benoit looked a hell of a lot tougher than any of the guys I have mentioned.
wow, so many to name...I think I'll make a top 10 list. (and try not to piss anyone off)... I will provide a brief explanation for all.

10.) MVP/Ahmed Johnson - both big black guys with nose strips, MVP at least had personality, Ahmed not so much plus the fans loved him

9.) John Morrison - Until recently he hasn't shown me much in the ring and his personality is bland unless he's paired in a team

8..) Ron Simmons - Career heel starts saying "Damn" and the crowd loves him?

7.) Gillberg - stupid gimmick... nuff said

6.) The Bushwackers - if these two had of licked my head while walking down to the ring... I would've snapped

5.) Bret Hart - Great wrestler, but when you get on the mic, I change the channel

4.) Al Snow - Was never really an integral part of ECW brings Head around and the crowd loves him to the point of iconic status why?

3.) Matt Hardy - Wrestlings #1 douche...blog about that Ahole!!

2.) Ultimate Warrior - 1 move ...sounds like he has marbles in his mouth...fans dug him...Yes we were dumb in the 80s

1.) Val Venis - Hi, I stole a career heels gimmick and made it into a face, ladies go nuts even though I look like a mole and I sound like I smoked 4 packs of smokes today, but hey, I got over with the crowd.... why? No freaking idea

Ron Simmons CAREER HEEL????!!!!

Are u freakin kidding me????? How about the fatct that he was a face for the majority of his WCW career and when you look at his career is a whole he was a face for 75% of it. And let's not forget The FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN WOLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION
Regarding my initial comments about Chris Benoit getting over due to his in-ring ability.

Yes he was, he won the World Heavyweight Title in both WCW and WWE

He won the WCW title on 16 Jan 2000 at Souled Out, and vacated the next day to join the WWE. He won the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania XX on March 14th 2004, holding the title until August 15th.

Yes, I know. I was saying that as my own opinion. I don't feel he was worthy of being a World Heavyweight Champion. Not only was he small, but he lacked charisma.

He was 5 foot 11 and 234lbs

Shawn Michaels is 6'1 and 225lbs
Bret Hart is 6 foot 1 and 234lbs
Chris Jericho is 6 foot and 226lbs.
Ric Flair is 6 foot and 240lbs

So are you saying Benoit was a little twerp because he was 1 or 2 inches shorter, and similar weight to these other world champions? Should those 2 inches stop him from being a champion?

No. Not only was he shorter than them, but he didn't have any charisma at all...and those 4 guys you mentioned all had/have boatloads of it. And to continue with the height argument. Where does it end then? Shawn Michaels is 6'1" so Benoit should be let in because he's 5'11" (which is a 'billed' height by the way, he's actually 5'9" and has even stated that his height was a problem in the industry because he was much smaller than most wrestlers)...but you'd then open the flood gates. Chris Benoit is in the Heavyweight division at 5'11" (or actually 5'9") so this next wrestler who is 5'7" should be let in too because he's only 2 inches shorter than Benoit. And then there's another wrestler who is 5'5" who should be let in because that other 5'7" wrestler is in there and this one is only 2" shorter than he is. There has to be a line drawn in the sand at some point. In boxing or actual greco-roman wrestling it's against the rules and/or illegal to wrestle in a higher or lower weight class just because you feel that you are able to.

And its pretty likely his tooth was knocked out in ring

Doesn't matter.

This makes no sense. At no point did I say Benoit was a "blue collar guy" or a "man's man", or anything about sentimental attachment. My logic and reasoning for him getting over with fans is that he was an excellent in-ring wrestler. That is how he got over with the fans. That is all

I don't recall ever saying that you specifically did say that. But other Chris Benoit marks did. And therefore I brought it up.

Once again, he was 5'11 and weighed the same if not more than Jericho, Hart and Michaels, plus having a much more impressive physique. It seems that those 2 inches in height Benoit is lacking makes him less believable as champion to you. By your reasoning, the only reason Y2J, Bret and HBK would have been believable Heavyweight champions is that they are slightly taller than Benoit. Or are you saying none of these guys should not have won the belt EVER because they arent 6 foot 6 monsters???

No. That's not what I'm saying. Chris Benoit lacked charisma AND personality. Not to mention he was 5'9". There are several factors of why I don't think Chris Benoit should have been champion and I have listed them all over and over again.

6'1'' Bret Hart with a submission finisher is no more believable as 5'11'' Chris Benoit with a submission finisher as champion, or Jericho or Flair at 6'' with a submission finisher simple as. All these guys werent the biggest, but were great wrestlers, and had very painful looking submission finishers. Plus Benoit looked a hell of a lot tougher than any of the guys I have mentioned.

Bret Hart had a legendary family behind him, along with a very successful fan-favorite tag team he was a part of, as well as having great theme music, as well as having very "cool" wrestling attire and shades to put on the kids, etc. Several factors made Bret Hart successful. Chris Benoit didn't have any of these. Chris Benoit had the submission move and that was it. Literally.
ok, 8 Pages and I can't believe no one has brought my pick up...I do not get Santino in the least. He is a useless comedy bit on the show, but the ovation I heard him get this past Monday on Raw just made me shake my head. I honestly do not think I have seen him do a singe wrestling move in the ring...except try to do his "finisher" the cobra that is pretty much him bending his arm and wrist. And just think this ass clown won the IC title in his first match, and people wonder why titles do not mean anything anymore.

As for the past, I agree with Goldberg. He was a roided up STone Cold look alike with a spear and the jackhammer. He had a 2 move move set, and a 2 word vocabulary for his mic work...You're next.
Someone above me stated The Miz suffered from one of the worst names in history. I laughed about that becasue I made a spam thread joking about it asking what a "Miz" was and I got shit on lol. Not sure why he cant just use Mike Mizanin. I cant see someone named The Miz headlining wrestlemania or shit like that. Anyway I honestly hope Miz fails with his MITB contract, Ive tried to like him, honestly I have, but hes just a below average wrestler who can talk because he had experience on a reality show with one of the most unoriginal/basic catch phrases ever. Whats with "Be Miz" anyway? wtf does that even mean? I marked the fuck out both times Daniel Bryan made him tap out. I don't understand the appeal of him at all. He looks weird, he doesnt have a good physique, and that fohawk is stupid. I'd rather have Jack Swagger win the world title again then watch Miz become wwe champion. I seriously hope it doesn't happen. Let the shitting on me begin i dont care wont change my opinion
Rey Mysterio

I Hate this guy. Why is he so over? Hes like a little mexican John Cena. All the people love him for no reason? They should be just as happy to see Evan Bourne come out every night if they are cheering for Mysterio, but... they're not.

And for those of you who said Wade Barrett... Barrett is awesome. He has great Mic Skills and hes decent as a wrestler right now. They way he tore up Cena on the Mic on this past Raw was awesome. They are giving Barrett some balls which is awesome... hopefully he wins the title.
Well THANKFULLY someone else said it so im not by myself....Foley??..really? Foley is God, really??? I do like my wrestlers more than being thrown through a table. The guy cannot wrestle his way out of a paperbag.

Matt hardey has to be one as well, not the "best" wrestler and is dulling on the mic. No persona at all.

Did someone put bret hart on a list? really? Aside from Shawn michaels, Hart is the best in ring performer (wrestler and mic combination) that there has been...
DJ Mathix....your right, your entitled to your own opinion about The Miz...Howveer SOOOOOO wrong you are your still entitled to your opinion...

the Miz is an above average wrestler. the best thing since sliced bread as far as the mic is concerned....he could be perhaps one of the best total packages of all time, let along in the buisness today
DJ Mathix....your right, your entitled to your own opinion about The Miz...Howveer SOOOOOO wrong you are your still entitled to your opinion...

the Miz is an above average wrestler. the best thing since sliced bread as far as the mic is concerned....he could be perhaps one of the best total packages of all time, let along in the buisness today

Again all a matter of opinion. He doesnt do anything in the ring thats impressive. Calling him above average is silly. The only good matches I can recall him having are with Daniel Bryan and thats because well its Bryan Danielson, and a tag team match he was in with Jomo against mysterio and bourne about a year or so ago and he didn't even do anything in the match.

And like I said he can talk I wont take that away from him, but its all due to his experience on reality television. I respect your opinion, I just think you're being a little biased.
thanks...i respect your opinion too....

for everybody that steps foot in a wrestling ring they have to get thier mic skills from somewhere...they all train for good mic skills, just like the miz who payed his dues practicing mic skills , he just happened to do it in being judged by people..which is credit given to him. instead of practing and honing his mic skills in a empty gym he had to do it in front of millions of people..
DJ Mathix....your right, your entitled to your own opinion about The Miz...Howveer SOOOOOO wrong you are your still entitled to your opinion...

the Miz is an above average wrestler. the best thing since sliced bread as far as the mic is concerned....he could be perhaps one of the best total packages of all time, let along in the buisness today

I may have just died a little. I hope that was sarcasm or a joke...

DJ Mathix is 100% right about the Miz. His name sucks, his look is pretty lame he's a stubby little punk, his hair cut is even bad, he's not 'improving' in the ring I'm tired of reading that. He is simply boring in the ring. Enough said. His mic skills are overrated as HELL on here. He's only had ONE memorable match and it was only memorable mostly because of Morrison and Bryan. I don't hate him because he's good at being a heel, I hate him because he's getting a push when he's one of the most annoying and boring characters that could ever possibly get a ME push.

I too tried as hard as I could to like him. But I just couldn't. No thanks, he blows.
The fuck? Some people don't know how Cena got over? Sure the guy is a big hit with women, And prepubers. Back in 2005 he was given a slow build that started by joining Benoit in taking down Lesnar's faction he had going with Morgan, That big Aussie guy, And A-train. He and Benoit were constantly upping the most hated heel in the WWE at the time, Then he moved on to JBL and was so hot running into Maina 21 he had the title put on him. Cena back then was fresh, Unique, And had a shit ton more moves in his repotiore(i had to lol).

Anyone that questions how, Or why Cena got over is a fucking ******. Edge got over the same way, With a slow build taking out the best faces in the company until he cashed in his MiTB contract.

Edit: to be mildy on topic...

It completely fucking puzzled me why Vickie G was getting so much heat at the start of her career over on SmackDown! She can work a crowd into a fucking frenzy now and i have to give her dues for it.
il say the same as most people randy orton dont no why people like him his gimmick makes no sense hes meant to be cold hearted by comes out similing to the ring why and why do people like him ill never no hes awful
Mr. Kennedy/Anderson, hands down. I would say Drew McIntyre, but fortunately he isn't over.
Kennedy.. my god. I find his promos to be void of humor, self absorbed (he's a heel, but damn it), and nothing special. His in-ring work leaves much to be desired. I know he excuses his clumsiness and awkward movements as trying to be realistic and what not..but it just looks like shit. Thus his comebacks are hard to get behind. And his gimmick was just stupid. He announces himself during the entrance... HUH. For a hot minute I thought he was just a poor baby face, but great heel..but then I rewatched a lot of his heel WWE stuff and his TNA heel work..they both aren't mindblowing.

I've heard some wrestling reporters call his humor Family Guy type humor..which describes it perfectly cause I hate family guy.
Really? Eight pages and only one line about Warrior? Really?

For me, The Ultimate Warrior is someone who should have never been pushed at all, mid-card or main event. Vince has always had an obsession with big guys, and at the time I think part of it was that body building was a hot market that he wanted to capitalize on (remember segments like WWF Superstars vs. body builders tug of war?). That's basically the only reason why he was given a push at all.

Warrior was a steroid freak who gave promos in his own language that didn't make sense to anyone, probably not even himself. He could not wrestle to save his life, and anything resembling a decent match that he might have had was because someone was leading him around the ring by his nose. He was a horrible worker, was disliked by everyone in the locker room, took his entire career for granted, and in total only wrestled for about three years, getting fired at least four times in the process and failing multiple drug tests.

Fans ate him up though, to the point where they put him over Hogan, who was the face of not just the company, but the entire wrestling world (arguably even to this day). He was enough of a household name that WCW brought him in so that he could wrestle all of three matches before he got fired again, one of which is considered to be the worst PPV main event of all time, even by Bischoff and Hogan, who was Warrior's opponent.

People still want him to somehow make an appearance on WWE programming, and it pisses me off that they have him in the intro now. He's basically insane and a raging asshole who was given the world when he didn't deserve it and whines about how he was mistreated, when he's not whining about how "gays are ruining America," or whatever the fuck he's saying. Fuck him.

I'd also like to nominate Goldberg. What the fuck did he do to get his ridiculous push and unbelievable record? He was big. People complain about Cena's move set, yet seem to forget how limited Goldberg's was. He's another jackass people want to come back for whatever reason. The guy basically wanted to kill Jericho's career because the writers gave him a heel anti-Goldberg angle. Hearing about how Jericho took him down in the WWE locker room put a gigantic smile on my face, especially since it's probably the only time that anyone has ever put the guy in his place and shown him that he's not as amazing as he thinks he is.

Fuck HHH too. I've never liked the guy. People never seem to remember that he also does his own version of the "five moves of death", and everything else he does is vastly overrated. The whole nepotism thing aggravates the fuck out of me. If he wasn't Vince's son-in-law, there's no way he'd have held as much gold as he has.

And to the guy who criticized Miz's hair, I have that haircut, asshole. :p

Goldberg was pretty much The Ultimate Warrior without the cool facepaint, colorful ring attire, and energy. I didn't quite understand Goldberg especially when I compared him to the Warrior (because there were people who hated the Warrior but loved Goldberg which I didn't understand - since he was the same thing just more boring).

Taking the Ultimate Warrior out of his era and comparing him in today's market is obviously going to make it easy to critique him. You're also assuming that everything Vince McMahon has said (a man who literally screwed your avatar, Bret Hart, for personal gain) and all of the cronies that work for him is gospel and it's easy to agree with them when you look at his interviews, how he legally changed his name to "Warrior", and already disliking his wrestling abilities. He looks like a lunatic.

But, being a fan from back in that time period, where the gimmicks were that of cartoon characters and the wrestling world took you out of your reality and into a fantasy world of excitement and entertainment, the Ultimate Warrior was a colorful unstoppable superhero unlike any other. In a time period where Arnold Schwarzenegger was the top actor in the world without being able to speak English properly, it was all about the look and charisma. Like Arnold, the Ultimate Warrior looked as though he were chizzled from stone. You added the colorful ring attire and the facepaint (anybody with facepaint back in those days were popular no matter what, same with ninjas) and the fact that he was bulldozing through his opponents...then you also add his badass intro theme music and you had a perfect recipe for success in those days. He was literally the greatest thing going.

Take the success of Goldberg that doesn't really make that much sense...and magnify that by literally thousands and add other factors that make it make a lot of sense...and you get the Ultimate Warrior.

He wasn't a great wrestler, no. But in those days you didn't necessarily have to be...because it was more than just the technical wrestling. You had wrestlers with all sorts of talents and various looks and that's what made it great. Even if the wrestler didn't have the in-ring ability, the fans were extremely satisfied because of the personalities, charisma, and build up to the matches. Hulk Hogan vs. the Ultimate Warrior on paper looks like one of the most miserable matches to watch ever...but because of the build up, the personalities involved, and the charisma of each individual...the match represented more than you could ever imagine. Which is why, to this day when you ask some older people who watched it when they were younger, they'll tell you that either that match or Hulk vs. Andre is there favorite match of all time. Because it was entertaining regardless of the in-ring ability. That didn't matter one bit.
I may have just died a little. I hope that was sarcasm or a joke...

DJ Mathix is 100% right about the Miz. His name sucks, his look is pretty lame he's a stubby little punk, his hair cut is even bad, he's not 'improving' in the ring I'm tired of reading that. He is simply boring in the ring. Enough said. His mic skills are overrated as HELL on here. He's only had ONE memorable match and it was only memorable mostly because of Morrison and Bryan. I don't hate him because he's good at being a heel, I hate him because he's getting a push when he's one of the most annoying and boring characters that could ever possibly get a ME push.

I too tried as hard as I could to like him. But I just couldn't. No thanks, he blows.

Same here, I just cannot take The Miz seriously as a main eventer with his look, and ring name. He just doesnt look like a champion to me, and while his promo work is A* standard, in the ring he doesnt impress me much at all
Thankfully there are people here that feel like me. I really don't get the backing of the Miz right now. I honestly prefered the way that he looked, it was more unique and interesting. then he changes to pink trunks and a new theme (I'm not ragging on the theme, the theme is good) but the trunks dont really work for me. Its like the way bret hart was the biggest star in wrestling and he wore black and pink, except this is taking it to far. His body doesn't look really developed enough for someone to serioudly consider him as a main eventer. He may be good in the ring and still improving but it would be like watching CM punk single handedly take down the great khali, I love CM Punk but even still I would be sayin......HUH? I guess it isnt that impossible given the success of rey mysterio, but then again he doesnt really fulfill rey's niche of being a giant killer. He is somewhere in between a small guy and a normal guy which doesnt work for me. Just watching him against say randy orton would confuse me because it wouldnt look like he could win.

OK at this point you may be thinking erm excuse me.....brian kendrick??,daniel bryan??

Well both of these guys do fulfill niches in that daniel bryan is supposed to be a legendary submission expert that can get anyone into a hold anytime. Kendrick is supposed to be a madman who will break himself in half and aimlessly fling himself at an opponent to win jeff hardy style. The miz's size isnt supposed to be something you notice and thats why it doesnt work because you do notice it and they do nothing to cover it up.

OK ignore most of what I just said, I have a feeling I was being a tad pernickity when I consider people like Y2J, HBK, benoit it makes me wanna kindof shut up. But dont completely ignore it because if you compare him to muscle bound cena, or tall psychopath orton, or especially sheamus, he really does look out of place...anyway...

And to me miz's mic skills the biggest topic of all when it comes to him. To me......hes nothing special. He has a terrible catchphrase, he seems to talk reeaaallllly slowly so everybody can ctch every word he says. His tone of voice is standard (by that I mean if you compare it bass wise to say... erm maybe Ron simmons or even kaval now). This means he has to do all of his mic work by annunciation and cant rest on a cool voice like stone cold or the rock, kindof similar to jericho who frankly doesnt have the most awesome voice, but does a lot with it. I just feel that mic wise he is overated when there are far better guys there than him like edge, Punk, cena, or bryan who destroyed him when he was his mentor in NXT.

I have a theory about his popularity with people. We al know the miz has come a long way since he debuted and people have watched over say five years this guy grow from a reality tv star into a wrestler and they see how highly booked he is now with vince and see him heading to the top so they jump on the band waggon. Miz has improved greatly but that doesnt make him good enough, yet, to be maineventing. Saying Miz is one of the best now is to me like saying (which I saw a thread on not to long ago) does michael cole deserve to be in the HOF. We all know the answer, you cant get into the hall of fame because your a good employee and do everything they say and have improved. Improving doesnt mean that your good, it just means your better than you were. He is also a homegrown talent and I think this is why vince rates him so highly, because honestly he is not all that people crack him up to be.

You people arent going to like this one but.............ediie guerrero. I'm not going to elaborate, I always knew he was good enough in the ring to deserve a spot but I honestly was never really entertained by him. I'm sorry to say but for me that is just the case.

Jeff jarrett. My god watching WCW in 2000 with him heading the company, that was just bull. He was so awful it scares me.

Lex luger. The guy was a zero from where I was sitting. Every time


Samoa joe. I was told about joe before I ever watched TNA, and whilst hes quite good, especially for his size. I dont really think his mic work is particularly good, at all.

Zach ryder right now. Im honestly not convinced that the guy is good enough to succeed through his current gimmick seen as nobody paid attention when he first started doin it, and less people care now. People rate him too highly.

As much as I want too say cena, I do undertsnad why he's there. Kids need hero's to look up to.

Surely there is a whole collection from back in the day. Cowboy bob orton, the genius if ya remember him, I barely do, eartquake basically a lot of competition hogan had back in the day until macho came a long and made hogan look better.
Im sorry, Im still a Miz all the way guy....Id have him as a sig if i knew how..LOL>....

Maybe im just the ultimate mark for the miz, but the guy is destined for greatness. And no, i wasnt being sarcastic. I do think once his ring work gets where its going he will be considered one of (if not THE greatest) all togather put superstar of the WWE.

I do think he will be champion before this year is over. I think just about every single match he ha sput on is top quality. i do believe he brought out the best of Daniel Bryan in thier match, not the other way around. Since Bryan has been in the WWE he hasnt done too much to impress everyone "as much" as everyone is..i dont get it...

Iv been told he can wrestle a killer match, havent seen it yet though. And is his gimmik not having any personality. I know that absolutly NOONE will agree with me but frankley as far as his WWE career goes i cant see why Daniel Bryan is over with the fans...
Iv been told he can wrestle a killer match, havent seen it yet though. And is his gimmik not having any personality. I know that absolutly NOONE will agree with me but frankley as far as his WWE career goes i cant see why Daniel Bryan is over with the fans...

You can thank Michael Cole for that one. Love him or hate him, Cole really put him over by hating on him. People wanted him to win, just to hear Cole squirm. I'm not a huge fan Cole's, but he did Daniel Bryan right, by badmouthing him.

The guy who I never understood who got over is the current version of Randy Orton. It is a clone of Steve Austin, without the big time feud to go with it. He is just, there. He has said as much on the mic as Yoshi Tatsu since becoming champ.
I'll probably draw serious heat for these picks. Hulk Hogan and Brett Hart.
Maybe its cause I never saw 'early Hogan.' But I don't understand how a guy with a big boot and a leg drop was ever taken seriously. Sure, he has a classic look and theme song and he beat up the bad guys, but I just never liked the guy that much. At least not to the point that some people do.
Brett Hart. I just find him boring. I've seen his ironman classic with HBK, and I didn't like it. Well, I like HBK in it, but not Hart. Just seems dry to me. Plus his whole 'Best there was' gimmick makes me laugh. He wasn't, isn't, and never will be the best ever. Plus his whole deal with leaving the WWE in 97 makes me like him less. Wasn't being a good employee, refused to listen to his boss, and then it took him a decade to forgive a remorseful HBK. Just seemed really classless to me. And that won't make me a fan
So are you saying Benoit was a little twerp because he was 1 or 2 inches shorter, and similar weight to these other world champions? Should those 2 inches stop him from being a champion?

Well Benoit was insanely ripped, at least, so I could buy him at 5'9 hanging with Triple H or whoever, especially since he was a submission specialist. The one who I could not buy, and cringed through his recent 2nd world title run, is Mysterio. The guy is a great luchador, but he's 5'4 tops, about 160 lbs, and just shouldn't be beating guys well over 6' and 225 lbs with the freaking 619. He's the most extreme example of how far they have taken it.
Well the "me not liking Bryan" thing didnt have anything to do with Cole. I DO think Cole put Bryan over enough the win the title from the Miz or else he never would have been pushed enough for that. If you didnt follow indy wrestling and just did the judging on his wwe career how in the world could this guy get over?? He has NO personality, doesnt look like a wrestler, sound like a wrestler, and his wrestling in the wwe has not been "the best wrestler ever" worthy....
I'll probably draw serious heat for these picks. Hulk Hogan and Brett Hart.
Maybe its cause I never saw 'early Hogan.' But I don't understand how a guy with a big boot and a leg drop was ever taken seriously. Sure, he has a classic look and theme song and he beat up the bad guys, but I just never liked the guy that much. At least not to the point that some people do.
Brett Hart. I just find him boring. I've seen his ironman classic with HBK, and I didn't like it. Well, I like HBK in it, but not Hart. Just seems dry to me. Plus his whole 'Best there was' gimmick makes me laugh. He wasn't, isn't, and never will be the best ever. Plus his whole deal with leaving the WWE in 97 makes me like him less. Wasn't being a good employee, refused to listen to his boss, and then it took him a decade to forgive a remorseful HBK. Just seemed really classless to me. And that won't make me a fan

These two wrestlers are ones that either you love or hate them. I will agree with you that today both look bloody horrible and shouldn't be anywhere near a wrestling ring, but you should have seen them in their prime.

Of all the wrestlers that have come and gone, Hogan is probably the most famous. Even people that never watched a wrestling match know who and what he is. His match's against Bob Blacklund, Terry Funk, Don Muraco and the famous cage match at Wrestlemania 2 against King Kong Bundy where great. He and Randy Savage were the dominant force in the WWF for a long time. They were called the "Mega Powers" and it was a sight to see. Now he looks like a broken old man, but in his early years, Hogan was wrestling personified.

Bret Hart is another legend. I used to watch him with Jim "The Anvil" Niehart and their manager Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart. As the Hart Foundation they tore through the WWF like no ones business. They used to call themselves "The Pink and Black Attack". When they came out, even back then they could create nuclear heat like no one else. Bret was also one of the two involved in one of the most famous wrestling debacles ever, The Montreal Screwjob. The WWF couldn't go into the province of Quebec for years afterward, that's how much it affected the fans there.

Sorry got on a bit of a rant.

On topic. The wrestler that I don't understand getting over is Santino Marella. Sorry but it was funny the first night when they pulled him out of the audience in Italy, but since then he hasn't really done much. The little vignette with Beth Phoenix was okay, but he's become an embarrassment to watch. Any wrestling credibility that he has is gone with all the goofiness that he brings to the ring.

I would have to give an honourable mention to Hornswoggle. He can piss off my TV at any time and wouldn't bother me a bit. Enough said about him as it just pisses me off to think about the little bastard.

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