Whos better, austin or the rock.

Who was better, the rock or austin.

  • the rock

  • stone cold steve austin

  • both were equally great, or bad

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did you watch tough enough? did you watch Austin recent return doing promo with miz? that's epic unlike Rock same shit all the time...even on tough enough as special guest cutting same old promo.
stone cold had better fueds, matches, a longer career, better in the ring, better on the mic (in my opinion), A BETTER DRAW, and he is more famous. So the rock.

Joke austin.
Stone Cold is better than the Rock. Stone Cold had a gimmick that the fans could relate to, he had the charisma to pull it off, and the fans loved it. Wrestling is about entertainment. At that time, nobody, not even the Rock, was more entertaining than Stone Cold.
The Rock can kiss my candy ass

Steve Austin rules

Rock was worse in the ring , and less entertaining than Steve overall. Rock left to make (Mostly) shitty movies and said he didn't want to be assosciated with wrestling anymore. Then his punk ass came back didn't actually wrestle , claims a mediocre wrestlemania is the greatest one ever because he hosted it , said he'd never leave and then he hasn't been on TV in a couple months. The guy is a sell out and a douche imo

Steve Austin on the other hand is not a sell out , is not a punk ass , and is one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet

There is no contest in my opinion , Steve Austin wins by a country freakin mile and I'm appauled that Rock has more than a few votes
The Rock can kiss my candy ass

Steve Austin rules

Rock was worse in the ring , and less entertaining than Steve overall. Rock left to make (Mostly) shitty movies and said he didn't want to be assosciated with wrestling anymore. Then his punk ass came back didn't actually wrestle , claims a mediocre wrestlemania is the greatest one ever because he hosted it , said he'd never leave and then he hasn't been on TV in a couple months. The guy is a sell out and a douche imo

Steve Austin on the other hand is not a sell out , is not a punk ass , and is one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet

There is no contest in my opinion , Steve Austin wins by a country freakin mile and I'm appauled that Rock has more than a few votes

Austin is better but I'm calling you out on your shit. Rock was as every bit as entertaining as Stone Cold. He was damn underrated and I'm standing by opinion that Rock has had more memorable and great matches than Austin.

Furthermore, Rock didn't sell out. He won 9 world titles in less than four years. Cena or even HHH can't claim that. He did everything he wanted to do and strived to do something better. I am not mad at him at all.
IMO, It's The Rock. Nobody ever dominated the business the way rock did, not hogan, not bret, not hbk, not flair, not even austin. He accomplished so much in a short period of time. He broke records, he won world titles, he created moments, he reached iconic stats in only 6yrs, 6 F'N YEARS!! And till this day I believe that if rock didn't retire early, this comparison wouldn't even exist. At 29yrs old the guy was considered as an icon in this sport. also believe that rock didn't reached his full potential.

And for those who believe that rock was never the top guy while austin was there, LOL Let me put it this way, in vince's eyes austin is the greatest superstar ever(yes even greater than hogan), that just tells how much love he have for the guy who saved his ass during the monday night wars, So if vince says you're gonna be the guy, then you're gonna be the guy(Cena), and that's exactly what happened when he came back in 2000. Vince centered the whole show around austin, he made austin look like...well...super-austin, he tried to convince the audience that the old stone cold is back, but it's clear he's not the same. lol the funny thing is they tried to make austin look strong on the rock's expense with the whole "rikishi did it so rock can be the number one guy" lol they even mentioned that rock's merchandise selling were going down, which is completely BS. from mid 1999 to nov 1999 rock was clearly the bigger draw, even though he was getting involved in some shitty fueds with the likes of al snow and billy gun, but as I said vince is the one who decides who is the guy. Then comes the year 2000, which ended up as the most successful year in the attitude era which is supposed to be austin's era, hell it was arguably the most successful year in wwe history, and guess who was THE GUY at that time..The Rock. 2001-2002 If you actually believe that austin was The Guy then you either a hater or an austin mark,because there is no way austin was the face of the company(he held the title for too long and he barely got in the ring).

@Chris1-16, I completly agree. When it comes to promos, 1999 was rock's best year, He was so good on the mic to a point where he was forced to turn face. Mid 2000-2002, he became some kind of a hyped up kid, he wasn't the same anymore, which eventualy led the fans to turn on him.

IMO, vince always tried to make austin look better than rock. Hey maybe rikishi was right after all. :shrug:
How are people even saying The Rock was better? Did those people even watch wrestling in the early 90's?

It seems like people are only comparing what the two of them did from the Monday Night Wars and beyond.

I was of fan of Austin when he was brought in to World Class, fighting Chris Adams. He was always on top.

Hell, his Hollywood Blondes deal was the ONLY thing worth watching in wrestling back in 1993 - 94.

Yes, The Rock is definitely one of the best of all time, no one is denying that.

But Austin has been doing it for over 20 years. The Rock was only hot for a few years, granted VERY hot, but still not as long as Austin.

Austin will always be the more memorable wrestler.

"so if you do debate please post some facts and not just, austin/rock rules"

Here are some rough points on why Austin is better. The dates might not be exactly correct.

1989: Enters WCCW. Starts feud with Chris Adams, Jeannie Clark and Toni Adams enter into one of the greatest intergender feuds of its time.

1991: Enters WCW. Brings in Lady Blossom. Has great wrestling feuds with people like Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham.

1992: The Dangerous Alliance forms and he is a big part of it. Legendary battles with Ricky Steamboat for the TV title.

Late 92 - Early 94(?): THe Hollywood Blondes are formed and create the hottest team of the era. A time when NO ONE cared about either the WWF or WCW, Austin and Pillman bring back excitement to wrestling.

1995: Enters ECW and pulls out one of the greatest rants in wrestling history on Eric Bischoff.

Tosses Stunning out the window.

Has a great feud with the Sandman and Mikey Whipwreck.

1996: Dumps Ted Dibiase and the Ringmaster, and gave the promo that helped ignite the Attitude Era with his Austin 3:16 speech.

The nWo forms and nearly KILLS the WWF.

Enter Stone Cold.

Enter The Blue Chipper Rocky Maivia.

96 - 2001: Has legendary feuds with Bret Hart, The Hart Foundation, VInce McMahon, The Rock, and everybody in between, almost single handedly carries the WWF on hi's back to weeks before Wrestlemania 17 where Vince buys WCW.

In the 7 years BEFORE the Rock even enters the WWF, Steve Austin does ALL OF THAT! How can you even compare?

Oh and by the way, without Austin and his new Rattlesnake attitude, there would be no The Rock. He would have been booed out of the WWF in 1997.
"Here are some rough points on why Austin is better. The dates might not be exactly correct.

1989: Enters WCCW. Starts feud with Chris Adams, Jeannie Clark and Toni Adams enter into one of the greatest intergender feuds of its time.

1991: Enters WCW. Brings in Lady Blossom. Has great wrestling feuds with people like Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham.

1992: The Dangerous Alliance forms and he is a big part of it. Legendary battles with Ricky Steamboat for the TV title.

Late 92 - Early 94(?): THe Hollywood Blondes are formed and create the hottest team of the era. A time when NO ONE cared about either the WWF or WCW, Austin and Pillman bring back excitement to wrestling.

1995: Enters ECW and pulls out one of the greatest rants in wrestling history on Eric Bischoff.

Tosses Stunning out the window.

Has a great feud with the Sandman and Mikey Whipwreck."

Nobody cares about what he did in wcw and ecw.

"But Austin has been doing it for over 20 years. The Rock was only hot for a few years, granted VERY hot, but still not as long as Austin."

Like I said, nobody dominated the wrestling world the way rock did.

"Austin will always be the more memorable wrestler."

I have to agree with you on this one.

"96 - 2001: Has legendary feuds with Bret Hart, The Hart Foundation, VInce McMahon, The Rock, and everybody in between, almost single handedly carries the WWF on hi's back to weeks before Wrestlemania 17 where Vince buys WCW."

:lmao: by coming down to the ring and delivering some stunners? I mean let's face, at that time austin barely got into the ring. How could you say he carried the company on his back?

"Oh and by the way, without Austin and his new Rattlesnake attitude, there would be no The Rock. He would have been booed out of the WWF in 1997"

Here we go again. If you believe that's true, then I think that if it wasn't for the mr.mcmahon character austin wouldn't be half as big as he is today. Hell if it wasn't for heyman's TV extreme idea there would be no attitude era...your logic. What does austin's attitude have to do with rock's character? Actually, the "rattlesnake attitude" did nothing but hurting the rock or should I say rocky maivia at that time. The fans strated to boo him because of austin's attitude, and that eventually led to a heel turn.
Oh and by the way, without Austin and his new Rattlesnake attitude, there would be no The Rock. He would have been booed out of the WWF in 1997.

You do know the same Rock character that got cheered in 1999 was a heel in 1998 right? Is it Rock's fault that the fans began cheering him?

And I don't recall Undertaker ever being a "nice guy" when he was face either, way before he was the American Bad Ass.
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