The Rock or Steve Austin

I'd also like to point out that during the Austin-Rock feud leading up to WrestleMania X-Seven, The Rock was getting booed by the fans on a regular basis. Almost every time The Rock and Austin would face off, "Austin! Austin!" chants would eclipse the "Rocky! Rocky!" chants.
And in fact, when The Rock hit a rock bottom on Austin, during the build up, "Rocky Sucks" chants started (not sure about this).
And during the feud several "Rocky sucks" and other negative signs concerning The Rock were confiscated.

All this was even though, Austin's character was already teasing a heel turn by being an over protective husband.

What does this have to do with what Austin did in 1999?

What I meant to say was, Rock didn't wrestle Billy Gunn the same night Austin 'apparently' refused to wrestle Billy Gunn and instead wrestled Undertaker.

This was on July 26, 1999 when Austin vetoed it, Austin didn't wrestle that night. Billy Gunn actually main evented Raw that night too, guess against who?

Also, Austin teamed up with The Rock to wrestle Billy Gunn and Road Dogg a few months later.

That was 3 months later. It's not like he had a choice at that point, he couldn't work a full schedule you know? Also wasn't that the match where Austin didn't get even 1 "Austin" chant throughout the entire match?

You do know that not everything written in the dirt sheets are true and almost everything should be taken with a grain of salt. Not one credible source has confirmed this story, and I am not going to believe something just because it makes Rocky marks happy.
Lets assume Austin did refuse to wrestle Billy Gunn.. There could be so many reasons.
1. Austin thought Billy Gunn really wasn't over enough.
2. Austin thought the fans didn't really want to see Austin.
3. Austin thought wrestling Undertaker would make the fans much happier.

1. How much more over was Triple H in mid 1999 compared to Billy Gunn/Jeff Jarrett? Exactly not much.

2. Yeah, Austin was always insecure about staying on top anyways.

3. The Taker/Austin feud was finished after the First Blood Match with Vince McMahon off TV, fans wanted to see something new at that point.

It's also possible that Austin suggested wrestling Undertaker and that is what happened. Or a last minute decision was made, and the blame fell on Austin.

I repeat, not one credible source has confirmed this rumour.

Are you calling the PWTorch liars? This was from the PWTorch magazine from August 7, 1999, you know what and who Wade Keller is right? Like I said the main reason what Austin did in July 1999 is rarely mentioned is because he got injured a few days later and couldn't work a full time schedule for the rest of the year, so it didn't matter in the long run.

Austin fans, all mad that Austin had the superpush in 1999 yet his spot was still being threatened so much for 6 1/2 months of the year that he was on the verge of turning heel. Like how is that possible?!?

Austin fans = Insecure and Jealous ever since mid 1999
I'd also like to point out that during the Austin-Rock feud leading up to WrestleMania X-Seven, The Rock was getting booed by the fans on a regular basis. Almost every time The Rock and Austin would face off, "Austin! Austin!" chants would eclipse the "Rocky! Rocky!" chants.
And in fact, when The Rock hit a rock bottom on Austin, during the build up, "Rocky Sucks" chants started (not sure about this).
And during the feud several "Rocky sucks" and other negative signs concerning The Rock were confiscated.

All this was even though, Austin's character was already teasing a heel turn by being an over protective husband.

Austin was pretty much getting sympathy face heat because he had a career threatening injury, the same sympathy face heat HHH, Hogan, and Undertaker got when they came back. The "who ran him over" storyline made his face character fresh again for a little while.

For all we know Austin could've lost steam as a face again after X7, I mean what he could have done as a face after X7? McMahon-Austin by then was old news and Austin during his run either with or chasing the belt in 1998-mid 1999 always needed Vince McMahon around to make whatever he was doing interesting. Regardless of the reactions he was getting, turning Austin heel was the best move. I thought the backlash was unjustified anyways because it wasn't like he being overpushed or anything, especially compared to Austin, HHH, or Undertaker at the time. I mean he was the only one that made Kurt Angle looked like he belonged in the main event, the other 3 (HHH, Austin, Undertaker) constantly dominated him, especially Undertaker and Austin.
Austin is better in ring and on the mic. Austin was more popular and the face of the attitude era.

I think Rock is probably more over right now with the current WWE crowd than Austin.
Austin is better in ring and on the mic. Austin was more popular and the face of the attitude era.

I think Rock is probably more over right now with the current WWE crowd than Austin.

His character now is nowhere near his '99 character, only a fool would think otherwise. Austin on the other hand hasn't changed much, if at all since then.

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