Stone Cold Steve Austin: Favorite WM Match

Favorite Stone Cold WM Match

  • WM 12- vs. Savio Vega

  • WM 13- vs. Bret Hart ("I Quit" match)

  • WM 14- vs. Shawn Micheals (WWF title)

  • WM15- vs. Rock (WWF title)

  • WM17- vs. Rock (WWF title)

  • WM18- vs. Scott Hall

  • WM19- vs. Rock

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Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Same as the HBK thread just like it, what's your favorite Stone Cold WM Match?

WM 12- Steve Austin (w/Ted DiBiase) defeated Savio Vega (10:00)

* Austin forced Vega to submit to the Million Dollar Dream after striking him repeatedly with the Million Dollar Belt.

WM 13- Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin (w/Ken Shamrock as Special Guest Referee) in a Submission match (22:05)

* Hart rendered Austin unconscious using the Sharpshooter.

WM- 14 Steve Austin defeated Shawn Michaels (w/Mike Tyson as Special Outside Enforcer) to win the WWF Championship (20:02)

* Austin pinned Michaels after countering Sweet Chin Music into a Stone Cold Stunner. With the referee down, Mike Tyson, who was thought to be siding with Michaels, turned on him and counted Austin's pin himself, giving Austin the win.

* After the match Tyson knocked out Michaels, whom he'd been friendly with leading up to the event, with a right hook and accepted an Austin 3:16 t-shirt to drape over his downed body.

WM 15- Steve Austin defeated The Rock (w/Mankind as special guest referee) in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship (16:52)

* Austin pinned The Rock after a Stone Cold Stunner. Afterwards, Austin had a beer bash with Earl Hebner and delivered a final Stunner to Vince.

WM- 17Steve Austin defeated The Rock in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship (28:06)

* Austin pinned Rock after hitting him sixteen times with a steel chair.
* During the match, Vince McMahon came to ringside to Austin's aid.

WM 18- Steve Austin defeated Scott Hall (w/Kevin Nash) (9:51)

* Austin pinned Hall after two Stone Cold Stunners.

WM 19- The Rock defeated Steve Austin (17:53)

* Rock pinned Austin after a Rock Bottom.

For me this comes down to either WM 13 vs. Bret Hart or his WM 19 match vs. the Rock, both matches stand out in his mind as his best matches, when I came up with the idea for this thread the first match that popped into my mind was the WM 13 match with Hart, that match was, IMO, where Austin finally hit it big, that was the match that proved he could be the major player that he would later become, the match has by far the best match on that card and really is the only match that, at least for me, really stands out, as for WM 19 vs. Rock, I thought this match would be his best simply cause of the three matches these two have had with each other all of them were great, and this was the best of those three, it was also Austin's last real match, but in the end I think I'm going to have to pick the WM 13 match, with the WM 19 match coming in at a close second
For its' sheer historical significance, the Submission match wins it for me.

It was absorbing from start to the incredible finish. And the successful double turn makes it a classic in my eyes. It set up so many matches, not the least the 10 man tag at Canadian Stampede and (of course) the ScrewJob @ Montreal.

Austin in this match was the very epitome of what Austin 3:16 was supposed to be without Vince being involved. And the sight of Austin wearing the crimson mask, screaming in pain and trapped in the Sharpshooter is just one of the endearing images of the Nineties' for me.
Austin vs. Hart WM 13, Austin and Hart put on one of the best matches for both of there careers. And, the ending made Austin look great, instead of tapping out, he had to pass out to lose. This match really made Austin look like a future champion.
For me it has to be Wrestlemania 15. this was the first PPV i ever watched and i can remember hiding behind a chair everytime that Rock looked to have won the thing. then going crazy as Mick Foley came down teh ramp to make the three count
The following is my overall take on each match.

Wrestlemania 12: v. Savio Vega: This match was completely underrated and because neither man at the time was considered much of anything, it was more or less a match that to my knowledge was simply thrown onto the card. To be quite honest, in the line of how most Wrestlemania matches are built to a great extent, I'm shocked this match even made it to the card.

As far as the match itself goes, in my opinion, it was one of Austin's best "wrestling" matches he's ever had. Why? I suggest you go watch it to find out. It had like some odd 12 nearfalls, and although it ended stupidly, and they even played the stupid "O.J. Simpson/Goldust promo car chase" video throughout this match.. I think the match lived above and beyond its expectations. Although, it was too long in my opinion.

Wrestlemania 13: v. Bret Hart: I think this was a great brawl at its best. It was exactly what everyone considers it to be. One of the best matches in wrestling history, when a heel turns face, and a face turns heel.

When you look at some of Steve Austin's best moments in his career, this match should definately be one of them. This entire feud should truly be classified as one of his top ones. I think this truly showcased how determined Austin was as a Superstar, to never give up, and to show how strong he is.. heartwise.

Wrestlemania 14: v. Shawn Michaels: Honestly, and I'm sure I've said differently before, but I think this match was highly overrated for Steve Austin and Wrestlemania matches. The first thing you have to look at, is Shawn Michaels was incredibly injured.. so if any amount of thanks or credibility go to anyone, it'd have to be Shawn, NOT Austin.

Secondly, Shawn Michaels has always carried a lot of his opponents, and this is no different. For some reason people seem to think this match was all Steve Austin, but the truth is, it was all Shawn Michael's, allowing it to be Steve Austin. The match was good, perhaps great even.. but it wasn't his best, nor was it close to it.

Wrestlemania 15: v. The Rock: The only thing about Austin/Rock matches, are practically all of them have happened in the Main Event of Wrestlemania, or on the Wrestlemania stage. Therefore, when looking at them.. this one is the forgotten one of the group.

I think this match was really raw for both men, especially because to be honest, it was the first Wrestlemania Main Event (in my mind) that was putting everything on the line, with roughly two guys that the company was still questioning.

Wrestlemania 17: v. The Rock: Two years seperate a world of difference between WM 15 and WM 17. During 15, both men were at the top of their game, but still very unknown and raw (in my opinion) and during 17 both men were the very best in the sport.

This match has got to be one of the top matches of wrestling in general, not just for Wrestlemania, not just for Steve Austin or The Rock, but for the entire world of Professional Wrestling.. simply because this was the modern day era version of Hulk Hogan v. Ultimate Warrior.

Wrestlemania 18: v. Scott Hall: Horrible, quite possibly the worst match he's EVER had at Wrestlemania. First, the match had a tremendous build, yet somehow just fizzled out during the middle and the actual showdown at the Pay Per View just sucked majorly.

I can't even recall most of it, outside of knowing it was all Scott Hall putting Steve Austin over.. and for what reason? To show that the W.W.E. version of the n.W.o. could be easily destroyed and defeated by one man? Pssh, this was a horrible storyline and it ended with a pathetic and shit match.

Wrestlemania 19 v. The Rock: Finally.. in my opinion, the WORST match the two of them have ever had with each other. I've seen so many people run off about how this was their best match, so it was fitting to be each of their last. (more or less) But the fact is, all this match was, was a series of signature moves and finishing counters.

The match itself had nothing filling it. I swear, Rock hit 3 stunners (I believe) and ended up finally overcoming Steve Austin at Wrestlemania which was the whole basis for the feud. All this was, in my opinion, is two big names, filling a mid-card spot on an overly stacked card. Great Pay Per View, but awful match when knowing what they've both done with each other in the past.

Overall Opinion: So, in recapping.. when I think of which match was Steve Austin's best match at Wrestlemania.. I have to go with Wrestlemania 13: v. Bret Hart. Why? Because even though Stone Cold Steve Austin and Austin 3:16 may of been born at King of the Ring in 1996..

Stone Cold Steve Austin became a man, and begun his legacy in my opinion, with the events that unfolded at Wrestlemania 13. The match that changed history. Again, heel turning face, face turning heel. Fans cheering loudly and clearly for the heel, without any question before anything changed. Austin made a name for himself with this feud, and became a household name with this match.
Oviously anyone who votes for Scott Hall or Savio is absolutely a lunatic :-) All three matches with The Rock were classics and obviously the matches with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels are the two matches that launched Stone Cold into a stratosphere seen only by the likes of Hogan, Rock and Flair. But my personal favorite (and one of my all-time favorite matches) is the WM 17 match against The Rock.
This match has a RIDICULOUS amount of false endings and a TON of finishers. It was in Houston in front of an enormous crowd. It had AMAZING build for nearly two months. I remember the RAW where the two of them were in the ring together and the crowd was so split and so electric. This match lived up to all of the hype and the Vince swerve did not bother me in the slightest.
I absolutely love this match ... and the first Rock match, Shawn match and Bret match are obviously classics as well. But I will go with WM 17.
There have been many great WrestleMania matches for Stone Cold, but I think the one that stands out the most is WrestleMania XIII: VS. Bret Hart ("I Quit" match). That match cemented Stone Cold's name in WWE history. It was a great brawl, and a very entertaining match. From start to finish I though that this was a really great match. I also like the way WWE finished the match. It showed Hart winning, but not making anyone look weak. That's why I had to go with WrestleMania XIII.
As much as i watned to go with the hart match, i went with michaels, simply because as JR put it, the austin era has begun. That was one of the few times in wrestling where you knew almost a year in advance what was coming. Granted no one saw the screwjob and bret leaving, but it was somewhat obvious after the submission match and austing turning face that he was getting the belt next year. It was the perfect culmination, and with michaels getting hurt, which no one else knew either how bad it would be, it was the perfect passing of the torch, so it gets my vote.
I realy think that my Favorite Stone Cold WrestleMania Match is WWF WrestleMania X-Seven when Stone Cold faced The Rock, and won at the Astrodome. But since WWF became WWE they have the blur out the WWF Attitude Era Logos on the camra men shirts, the referee's shirt, the turnbuckle pads, the stages. And Out of all of the PPV's/Matches/Shows they had to edit, The edit that they did worst (I mean looked the worse) was WrestleMania X-Seven.
Without a doubt wm13.i watched this match over and over again and em still much hype pumped into this match before the actual thing happened it was incredible.I think it was the best match at wm13 hands down.
WM 13 without a doubt.. Months leading up to the blow off of the feud between Bret, and Austin losing, but in a way where his creditability is not damaged what so ever.. makes this his best match at WM

Sure he had a few other good ones, but the one with Bret is def. higher up on the ladder.
Austin's match at WM 13 is perhaps the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time. Everything about this match worked so well. You've got the greatest in ring performer of all time with Bret, the man who at that time next to Bret was the best there is in Austin, a heated rivalry, fantastic chemistry, a great story told within the match and an unpredictable ending. For those who haven't watched this match I would beg of you to please go check it out immediately as there is truly nothing like it. I miss those days in wrestling.
Wrestlmania 12: vs. Savio Vega
Not Bad. You had two very young guys trying to cut their teeth in the WWF. This laid the ground work for their feud that went throughout the spring, an actual damn good feud in my opinion, especially to come from that time period. A solid under card match from two new guys.

Wrestlemania 13: vs. Bret Hart
My Opinion, possibly the greatest matchup in the history of Wrestlemania, so without a doubt it's Austin's best match. this match has been talked about for years, and justifiably so. It was finally the match that put Austin on the map as a legit super star. His match with Bret at Survivor Series 1996 showed the world that Austin was alegit up and comer, but this match sealed the deal for his main event run.

Wrestlemania 14: vs. Shawn Michaels
I'll get some heat for this, but I didn't enjoy this matchup. Michaels was hurt, and I appreciate the effort he put into it, but he did try to make the matchup about him and not Austin. They had a much better match at KotR 97. This match was just too surrounded and lost to the sideshow that was Mike Tyson. An average match at best.

Wrestlmania 15: vs. the Rock.
One of the worst title matches on a very very under performing card. This was one of the more disapointing wrestlemanias, and the main event certainly lived down to that. One of hte most predictable matches you'll ever see at a Mania. The WWE had no one to play a strong heel to Austin's mega face, so they rushed the belt on the Rock who didn't deserve it at the time, only to feed him to Foley and Austin. It would have made better sense to somehow get the belt on the Big Show and have austin vs. Show in my opinion. The Rock simply wasn't ready at this point.

Wrestlemania X-7: vs. the Rock II
I will prefix this by saying, if you routinely bash ECW and it's unbelievable style of wrestling, yet praise this match, you should look up the definition of the word hypocrite, because this match became nothing but unbelievable within five minutes.

That being said, I enjoyed ECW, so I enjoyed this matchup. This match was the climax of the attitude era, the climax of the monday night wars', and the climax of what was a pretty enjoyable pay per view. I personally despise having the same main event twice at a Wrestlemania, I think it's dull and uncreative. This match does get a bit to ridiculous with the kicking out of a tank falling on them, but hey, what can you do. I understand the whole willing to do anything to win the title, but at some point you kind of have to shake your head.

Wrestlmania X-8: vs. Scott Hall
What a train wreck of a match to fit perfectly into what was a train wreck of a pay per view. All of the momentum the WWE had a year before they had squandered by the next Wrestlemania. The WWE had the N.W.O. and managed to mismanage that gem worse then the InVasion storyline. This match should have been Hogan vs. Austin, but I am led to believe Austin didn't want that match. This match was just a mess.

Wrestlemania XIX: vs. the Rock III.
Personally, their best matchup. It easily is much more enjoyable to watch then the first two Wrestlemania encounters. There was the underlying sadness, because reports and rumors were circulating that this would be Austin's last match, and you can tell. He was simply spent by the middle of this match. The match becomes hard to watch, but you can tell he still tries. Finally, after three Rock Bottoms, the final chapter is written in one helluva career. Solid matchup, although certainly not in Austin's best physical shape.

as a side note, this is how I would rank the Wrestlemania matches.
7. vs. Scott Hall
6. vs. the Rock I
5. vs. Savio Vega
4. vs. Shawn Michaels
3. vs. the Rock II
2. vs. the Rock III
1. vs. Bret Hart.
For me, it was between WM 13 and 17. Both were (and still are) phenomenal matches; the ending of both was fantastic. I personally went for wm17 as it finished off what was the BEST EVER ppv in history, whereas 13 was fairly average. Also, Austin/Rock was the main event, whereas the submission match wasn't; it was Undertaker/Sycho Sid for the WWF title.

Also, who saw Austin turning heel in Texas??
My three all time favorite match ups are Rock and Austin. My first Mania to attend with my dad was 15 and have been to all since then including this year. I've seen ame great matches but those three have always been special to me. My favorite wild have to be Rock/ Austin 2 at 17 it was the best match ever with the blood and close falls every finisher was hit even Vince didn't ruin it.
It's a close one with his I quit match with Bret at Mania 13 & the title match with the Rock at Mania 17. I give the edge to Wrestlemania 17. Such a good build, not taking anything away with Bret. I just remember being in like sophomore in high school when Austin finally turned. It was surreal but awesome. The video package with Limp Bizkit hyping the match was the shit!
Ahhh Shocky. Great minds think alike.

my two favorites are

WM 13, Vs Bret Hart
Personally speaking, one of the best matches ive ever seen. Awesome combination of brawling and technical wrestling, and a crowd that couldnt have been much more passionate, or hot. The first time we have ever seen a face and heel switch roles to such a high degree, in such a high profile enviornment. Amazing amazing match, with an utterly unforgettable ending.

WM 19, Vs The Rock
Another one of my absolute favorite matches. I absolutely loved the hollywood rock character, and the fact that this was austins last match, made it even more emotional and good. I loved all the taunting, the finisher, Rock busting out the stone Cold vest. A very touching ending, as you can see the rock talking to Austin, and thanking him. Another fine mix of Brawling, and showmanship, and a heroic effort, by the exhausted, hurt, and burned out Stone Cold, kicking out of THREE rock bottoms, and in obvious REAL physical pain, the night after suffering a min heart attack. Both Stone Cold, JR, and many others, were afraid Austin would be very badly hurt, or possibly even DIE during this. Great, great match.

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