Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Same as the HBK thread just like it, what's your favorite Stone Cold WM Match?
WM 12- Steve Austin (w/Ted DiBiase) defeated Savio Vega (10:00)
* Austin forced Vega to submit to the Million Dollar Dream after striking him repeatedly with the Million Dollar Belt.
WM 13- Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin (w/Ken Shamrock as Special Guest Referee) in a Submission match (22:05)
* Hart rendered Austin unconscious using the Sharpshooter.
WM- 14 Steve Austin defeated Shawn Michaels (w/Mike Tyson as Special Outside Enforcer) to win the WWF Championship (20:02)
* Austin pinned Michaels after countering Sweet Chin Music into a Stone Cold Stunner. With the referee down, Mike Tyson, who was thought to be siding with Michaels, turned on him and counted Austin's pin himself, giving Austin the win.
* After the match Tyson knocked out Michaels, whom he'd been friendly with leading up to the event, with a right hook and accepted an Austin 3:16 t-shirt to drape over his downed body.
WM 15- Steve Austin defeated The Rock (w/Mankind as special guest referee) in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship (16:52)
* Austin pinned The Rock after a Stone Cold Stunner. Afterwards, Austin had a beer bash with Earl Hebner and delivered a final Stunner to Vince.
WM- 17Steve Austin defeated The Rock in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship (28:06)
* Austin pinned Rock after hitting him sixteen times with a steel chair.
* During the match, Vince McMahon came to ringside to Austin's aid.
WM 18- Steve Austin defeated Scott Hall (w/Kevin Nash) (9:51)
* Austin pinned Hall after two Stone Cold Stunners.
WM 19- The Rock defeated Steve Austin (17:53)
* Rock pinned Austin after a Rock Bottom.
For me this comes down to either WM 13 vs. Bret Hart or his WM 19 match vs. the Rock, both matches stand out in his mind as his best matches, when I came up with the idea for this thread the first match that popped into my mind was the WM 13 match with Hart, that match was, IMO, where Austin finally hit it big, that was the match that proved he could be the major player that he would later become, the match has by far the best match on that card and really is the only match that, at least for me, really stands out, as for WM 19 vs. Rock, I thought this match would be his best simply cause of the three matches these two have had with each other all of them were great, and this was the best of those three, it was also Austin's last real match, but in the end I think I'm going to have to pick the WM 13 match, with the WM 19 match coming in at a close second
WM 12- Steve Austin (w/Ted DiBiase) defeated Savio Vega (10:00)
* Austin forced Vega to submit to the Million Dollar Dream after striking him repeatedly with the Million Dollar Belt.
WM 13- Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin (w/Ken Shamrock as Special Guest Referee) in a Submission match (22:05)
* Hart rendered Austin unconscious using the Sharpshooter.
WM- 14 Steve Austin defeated Shawn Michaels (w/Mike Tyson as Special Outside Enforcer) to win the WWF Championship (20:02)
* Austin pinned Michaels after countering Sweet Chin Music into a Stone Cold Stunner. With the referee down, Mike Tyson, who was thought to be siding with Michaels, turned on him and counted Austin's pin himself, giving Austin the win.
* After the match Tyson knocked out Michaels, whom he'd been friendly with leading up to the event, with a right hook and accepted an Austin 3:16 t-shirt to drape over his downed body.
WM 15- Steve Austin defeated The Rock (w/Mankind as special guest referee) in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship (16:52)
* Austin pinned The Rock after a Stone Cold Stunner. Afterwards, Austin had a beer bash with Earl Hebner and delivered a final Stunner to Vince.
WM- 17Steve Austin defeated The Rock in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship (28:06)
* Austin pinned Rock after hitting him sixteen times with a steel chair.
* During the match, Vince McMahon came to ringside to Austin's aid.
WM 18- Steve Austin defeated Scott Hall (w/Kevin Nash) (9:51)
* Austin pinned Hall after two Stone Cold Stunners.
WM 19- The Rock defeated Steve Austin (17:53)
* Rock pinned Austin after a Rock Bottom.
For me this comes down to either WM 13 vs. Bret Hart or his WM 19 match vs. the Rock, both matches stand out in his mind as his best matches, when I came up with the idea for this thread the first match that popped into my mind was the WM 13 match with Hart, that match was, IMO, where Austin finally hit it big, that was the match that proved he could be the major player that he would later become, the match has by far the best match on that card and really is the only match that, at least for me, really stands out, as for WM 19 vs. Rock, I thought this match would be his best simply cause of the three matches these two have had with each other all of them were great, and this was the best of those three, it was also Austin's last real match, but in the end I think I'm going to have to pick the WM 13 match, with the WM 19 match coming in at a close second