Who Would You Like To Return To WWE?

Shit man, I have a buttload of people I'd love to have come back. But I'll try to keep it short:
Essa Rios- of course during his first stint, he couldn't speak English well. But, he's still relatively young. Imagine feuds with Sin Cara or some of the old NXT guys. Give them something to do.

Rene Dupree- once again, still very young. From what I heard, he was in good shape. If he can kick the roids, it would be great. He could bring back FiFi and play his old heel gimmick. I mean, when was the last time we had a foreign heel that hated the US so well and only cared for his country? Oh yeah, the next guy. . .

Mohammad Hassan- Idk if that's how you spell it, but this guy had "it". He had it all. The look, the skill, and the ability to get a reaction from the crowd. But one angle and bad timing turned all that all down. Damn you, UPN!

The Mexicools- I was always a fan of all of these guys. They were talented. Period. They, along with all the other original cruiserweights, helped make WCW and cruiserweight wrestling huge in the 90's. Of course they're older now, and probably won't be as psycho with their moves as they used to be, but they could be fun, nostalgic to the midcard.

Bobby Lashley- tell me when he debuted in WWE back in '05, you didn't instantly think "world champion". He definitely had the skill. I miss seeing him on Raw dominating.

Shelton Benjamin- WWE dropped the ball on him, plain and simple. I miss him. Super-Duper talented, average on the stick, and NEVER had a boring match.
I think they should bring back al snow and the blue meanie and the rest of the guys who were in the job squad, they need guys to squash who's reputations won't be destroyed.

I read something about bringing back ultimo dragon and I honestly don't think he could come back after tripping over on the stage that wrestlemania a few years ago. Even I felt embarrassed just watching it. A Japanese guy who I always liked but never saw in wwe is Jushin "Thunder" lyger, he's old but I think he deserves one match in wwe before he retires.

After saying all that though the one guy I want to see back in wwe is Brock Lesnar, he's a guy who could come in and straight away be a top heel just on his previous record.
Morrison, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Lita, Victoria, Kendrick, London, JBL, Pope, Monty Brown... and this just of the top of my head. Any of these names would be awesome in the WWE.
Unfortunately the chances of most of them returning are not very good
RVD-all around great wrestler still
Carlito-was a better heel, good mic skills and wrestler, just got lost in the wwwe shuffle
John Morrison- talented, high flyer
Shelton Benjamin-alright mic skills, great wrestler. can hang with anyone in the ring (HBK vs Shelton)
Kurt Angle-all around 1 of the best in the business still
RVD? Reallly? Hmm, well whomever earlier said 'everyone likes him'..I dont!

Definitely up for Lita return, not so much as a Wrestler, maybe a Manager...hell, just someone to look at. Ditto Melina.

Edge, should come back as a GM on Smackdown..time for Teddy Long to move along please!

Kurt Angle would be good...as a Heel....and so we can all chant 'You suck' to his music again. Brilliant. He is also a great in ring performer of course.

Paul Bearer to 'manage' Kane
Here are a few that I have in mind.

Goldberg - I'm surprised no one has mentioned this guy yet. A few months ago, he said he would be coming back to the WWE "by the end of 2011," but obviously that didn't happen. I was kind of hoping the 1/2/12 video was for him, the way a lot of people here were hoping it would be for Brock Lesnar.

Jeff Hardy - A few months ago, I had this idea in my head where Jeff Hardy would come out on RAW one night and just go off on CM Punk. They had arguably the best feud of 2009, and I feel like they could have an even better one in 2012, this time with the tables turned. I would have Punk be the face and Hardy be the messed up heel.

Melina - The diva's division is lacking women who can both wrestle and are easy on the eyes. I know a lot of people don't like Melina but I find her to be attractive and a sweet wrestler as well.

Luke Gallows - I was really into this guy while he was a member of the Straight Edge Society. Put him in a tag team with a smaller guy such as Heath Slater and let them join the growing mix.

Shad Gaspard - This guy was huge bull of a wrestler that I thought had a lot of potential to climb the ladder. I say bring him back and reform Cryme Tyme.

Michael Tarver - One of the more underrated NXT guys. Since the psycho gangsta role has now gone to R-Truth, he should be brought back with a more wholesome gimmick.
In order:

Jeff Hardy - In a World where faces are less over than they once were, bringing Hardy back to the WWE would be magical for business. Before Jeff Hardy left, he was undoubtedly one of the most over faces the WWE had in a long time. Kids wore his merchandise, hardcore fans loved his spots and casuals loved his appeal; Jeff Hardy is a perfect example of WWE letting someone of high value walk right out the door. Honestly, the WWE should have kept him or at least tried to. His personal problems with drugs and whatnot seem to be a thing of the past. It certainly looks like he's straightened himself out as of late. If he allows it, the WWE should rehire him. He's possesses great chemistry with just about everyone in the WWE currently: John Cena, CM Punk, and Randy Orton. Add Jeff Hardy to that line up and you have yourself another top face in the company which the WWE could never get enough of.

Eric Bischoff – lately, he’s been leaving a bad taste in my mouth. But his time in the WWE from 2003-2005 was downright awesome. He played a phenomenal on screen character of the heel boss. With John Laurenitis sucking ass as interim Raw General Manager, it wouldn’t hurt for Bischoff to return to fill his role. Fans will likely remember him, and he’d be perfect for the role Johnny is portraying currently.

MVP- Pure markiness here. I loved MVP. Some saw nothing in him but I did. I saw a unique character and gimmick played by someone who made me believe that he believed what he was doing was legit. He had a couple low points in the WWE but with today's ever so thin midcard, it wouldn't hurt to bring him back. I'm sure most of the fans are still familiar with MVP so it wouldn't necessarily be hard to get him over again. MVP can perform well above average and put over the occasional up and comer. I miss him.
muhamad hassan was someone i forgot. yeah he was definitely articulate, had valid points, had good heat, and he wasn't cartoonish or one demensial like Iron Sheik c. 1990 or Ivan Koloff or Mr. Fuji as a Tojo.. Armando Estrada would make a great addition to the side of del Rio.
Goldberg. To me simple was one of the best and most powerful wrestlers to embrace the ring. Not power as in strength although he's a tank - but as in the impact he always brought. Having goldberg chanting through out the arena as it shows him walking through the backstage to then have the gold blinding fireworks, pure brilliant.
I wouldn't want a wrestler to come back. If the WWE starts investing too much in returning, over the hill wrestlers all the new young talent trying to get over will get lost in the shuffle. I would however love to see Paul Bearer return to escort the Undertaker for his final Wrestlemania.
World's Greatest Tag Team When if ever is the tag team division going to be back? I would love to see them come back and work Air Boom as heels or as two face tag teams with respect for each other. I think they could also elevate The Usos and Epico and Primo as well.

Kazarian I really think WWE missed out on a good thing when they actually had him under contract. Now that Vince has come to the conclusion that he can push guys like Punk and Bryan as legit champions, Kazarian would be very entertaining to watch matched up with guys like Ziggler, Bryan, Sin Cara and some of the other "wrestlers" in the company.

Carlito This is more because I personally liked the guy. I thought that Carlito should have been pushed to the moon after his program with Cena, but for some reason he stayed stuck on the mid-card. Aside from some personal issues, the guy was a great talent and he could walk right back into a storyline that may actually help Hunico now that Sin Cara is out.

Rob Van Dam I think now is the time to bring him in for one last go. I would love to see him work with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan the latter more so. I feel that their personalities would play off of each other well and that the in ring work would be out of this world. Bryan reminds me of Jerry Lynn for some reason and we all know the epics him and RVD had back in ECW.
Rikishi - This guy was just pure gold.
Shelton Benjamin - Was always a fan of his and did think he could of been a World Champion in the WWE if there was to be a gimmick change.
Carlito - Also liked him a lot, and thought he could maybe have a run with the World Heavyweight Championship at some point in his career, and end up being an Upper Mid carder.
Kurt Angle - For obvious reasons this guy was just great, great in the ring, good on the mic, he had everything, I would love to see Kurt one day back inside a WWE ring, future Hall of Famer.
Stone Cold Steve Austin - Just for one more match with Punk at WrestleMania.
Brock Lesnar - I loved him when he was there in 2002/03/04 and have been waiting for any signs of a return ever since, he could really add to Raw as they desperately need a top heel.
Goldberg! - He needs to come back, he was there for like not even a year, he was great in WCW why not have him return to WWE kick the shit out of people like Cena and Punk win the WWE Championship which he has never won and deserves and leave after a couple of years and that be his last run.
Sabu - For this to work you would need the WWE to bring back some blood and hardcore style, but I liked Sabu while he was there, and ECW as a whole for all the Hardcore matches, I love all the weapons and shiz best match types.
Kurt Angle - Losing him was a big loss for the WWE. He'd be an instant main-eventer and possibly the most over guy in the company the 1st day he comes back.

Matt Morgan - This guy has all the talent to be main-eventing WrestleMania's, underrated mic skills, charisma, and an unbelievable look. He's as talented as Sid was, and could get just as big or bigger in the WWE.

Carlito - He had a lot of charisma and is way more interesting than most of the clones on the "talent" roster today.

AJ Styles - A great wrestler, good enough to be a main-eventer in the WWE. He could be a modern version of Bret Hart who got over huge on pure wrestling ability even though some of his peers might have been better on the mic (don't get me wrong, Bret was still pretty good).

Robert Roode - He's got the total package to be a main-eventer in the WWE. I'd love to see him on the big stage instead of wasting his talent where few people get to see him.

Muhammad Hassan - Everyone's already talked about him. What an awesome heel and great mic skills. Everyone hated him and he was also a tremendous wrestler. Too bad PC killed his push. He should have been a 10 year main-eventer. I have no doubt he could have turned face after awhile and gotten to a John Cena level.

Chris Masters - Unbelievable look and I really enjoyed his intial push as "The Masterpiece" even though he wasn't the greatest wrestler back then. The "Masterlock" challenge was way cool, and made him look like a real threat. He'd be a way more credible heel than the clones they have running around today. I guess the drug tests killed him, but I think he should have had another sustained heel push.

Michael Tarver - This guy was so awesome with the original Nexus. A straight thug who looked out of control, crazy, and extremely dangerous with that bandana covering his face during their beatdowns. Really good mic skills too.
For me there are 3 guys that come to mind.

First off i would love to see Kurt Angle back in the WWE, unfortunately this is probably just a pipe dream now. I was always entertained by Angle whether he was Face/Heel and it wasnt until he left the E that people realised what a gaping hole he left.

Secondly would be Batista and thirdly has got to be Brock Lesnar and basically the same reasons as it would be good to have Angle back.

Just my humble opinion
London and Kendrick - I know London has lost his mind but they were still a decent prospect in the Tag & MidCard division. Certainly would give a helping hand to WWE's current state.

Shelton Benjamin (not Charlie Horse)- He was a terriffic talent and he made some great MITB matches also.... he was good to watch but had no idea what a microphone was.

RVD - WWE needs to keep down the path they are going with the youngsters but also need to have some older guys around to get them over.... RVD could be a great transitional champion and would do nothing but benefit the up and comers.

Jeff Hardy - Lets put the differences and the Drugs aside. Jeff was and has always been entertaining.... not only that but the man has MERCH sales streaming out of him constantly. If he were ever to get a..... 9th? chance It would do nothing but good for WWE as long as he remained clean.

Carlito - Could really be a massive storyline boost for the new Epico/Primo/Mendez Stable. Especially if SinCara Negro and Haku2 re-establish their storyline with SinCara Azul upon his return

Chris Masters - I just think he has potential.... I dont know why he never got over. I never liked him but also thought he could do SOMETHING if he just got himself a better Gimmick.

Honourable Mentions without explanations:
The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Batista, Kurt Angle

Bare in mind all these choices are Hypothetical. I understand that The Rock and Lesnar have bigger fish to fry. And that there are Other Mitigating circumstances with other former stars.
I'm a huge Lesnar fan but I don't care if he doesn't come back. The Goldberg/Lesnar match was a great way for him to go out; it was a middle finger to all wrestling fans as the match itself is among my least favorite.

I'm still praying for a tag team revival, so I'd like to see a couple of tag teams. Deuce & Domino I wish would come back and take another crack at it, and while they're at it the World's Greatest Tag Team; they were awesome. I'd definitely bring back David Hart to reform the Dynasty, and I'd pick up Trevor Murdoch again, dang I miss Cade (RIP) & Murdoch.

Finally I'd like to see Masters come back too. I liked this guy from his debut and when HHH railroaded him I was pretty disappointed they wasted him.
Ive seen a lot of great heels, and a ton of marks. Magnus was just f'in awesome. Talk about gettin majorly screwed by the media..

Oh yeah one more thing, if ya bring Brock back ya better try and get Heyman too. "Here comes the pain"
More than ANYTHING I want Mick Foley to become a regular part of WWE programming again. I don't care if it's as a wrestler, ring announcer, commentator, referee or freaking SANTA CLAUSE... I just want him back in a big way. Foley is God, bitches. Recognize.

I want AJ Styles to eventually jump ship from TNA and make waves in WWE. There are so many awesome dream matches he could get into in WWE-land... holy shit. I know this wouldn't really be a "return" so to speak, but he DID wrestle on Metal one time against Shane Helms (volume is really loud in this video so be prepared if you hit "Play"):


Finally, for no good reason whatsoever, I want Chyna to come back. Just to watch the glorious trainwreck it would most certainly be. :sweat:
Muhammed Hassen he was great and had really great gimmick he had major potential

also love to see London and Kendrick return watch they were a fun team to watch they reminded me of modern day Rockers

I don't know what it was but I really liked Rob Conway. I thought he had a great look and could have done a lot for the company if used right. I really like his solo gimmick

Oh yeah how could I forget bring back The Highlanders too that was a team that I really enjoyed to watch to......... I"M RORY
JBL is a true wrestling god, i'd personally love to see him return and maybe take the WHC away from daniel bryan.

but... if i had to think of one person it would be CARLITO!!! he was one of the greatest high flyers of this century. But he'd have to be heel. I never really like him face. The WWE is missing a covinceing heel on smackdown and i possibly think he could fill this gap.

I would also like to see Carlito return! I always was more of a fan of him than I am of primo.

I'm not sure why WWE released him but I would love to see Harry "DH" Smith come back. He was a great performer and very smooth in the ring. I'm not sure what they see in Tyson Kidd that they didn't see in smith

Finally, it would be awesome if the lethal weapon Steve Blackman would return. He could have a good feud with Sheamus or help a young talent like Tyler Reks. Just a thought.
I can't believe someone said Rikishi. Dude, he's dead.

I'm not gonna bother mentioning any that I don't think are possible, no matter how much I want to see it. For example Kurt Angle, he's not coming back. Here's mine:

Ric Flair - I'd love to see him manage Dolph Ziggler. I think they'd be a perfect fit.

Dudleyz - Bully Ray is great on the mic and and I think they've both done all they're going to do in TNA. The WWE's tag division needs so much help.

Mr. Kennedy - Is he injured or just taking time off? What's the deal? I haven't seen him on TNA Impact in a while. He was so much better in WWE.

David Hart Smith - Hopefully they'll realize they screwed up letting him go. I really liked The Hart Dynasty.

John Morrison - Same reason. This would be the perfect guy for Rhodes to drop the IC Title to sometime after Mania so he can be pushed into the World Title picture.

The Hardy Boyz - Would like to see Jeff feud with Punk again at first, then see them team up for one last run.

Edge - Smackdown is way overdue for a new GM, and I think he'd be the best option to fit that role.

Brock Lesnar - Even if it was for just a few shows a year like The Rock, I'd like to see what I was missing out on. I wasn't watching the WWE at all during his era, but have seen some matches. The guy's a beast, I could see him feuding with Orton, Sheamus, or Cena (if they kept him face).

Batista - I think if he comes back, he'll fill that void of a monster face (unless you count Big Show, I personally can't take him seriously). He's not getting any younger though. A feud with Kane could be interesting.

Layla, Lita, Trish Stratus, Mickie James, Melina, Maryse - Simply as eye candy unless they're going to put some effort into the divas division finally.
I don't want RVD, Kurt Angle or any of those guys because they don't really add anything to the show. Angle is broken down and freaking nuts to boot.

I agree, Kurt Angle is old now any way - but an old wrestler I'd give my soul to see again is Steve Blackman - he was fantastic.

I'd forgotten all about Kaval before I read this thread - love to see him again too, also the Dominos.

Love Brian Kendrick - but I think if wrestlers have gone to TNA they should stay there, be loyal to your brand.

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