Who would you fire next?

Did that guy just say that black people don't belong in WWE?
Anyway, I'd fire Umaga, I never saw the potential in these big somoans, his gimmick is awful, I haven't seen him in anything but a few squash matches and his special move is a thumb, at least Rikishi's non-special was a bit amusing. It's a thumb!
Bad Ass said:
John Cena, Umanga, The Spirit Squad, Lita, Michelle McCool, Chris Masters, and Jillian Hall.

Jillian hall hell no I have seen her do a 450 splash and yes she had her big boobs. put her on raw.

Put MCCOOL With Matt Striker over on smackdown.

Masters ok he is not even a lex luger wantan be any more

Umaga- Are you crazy, Ok his finisher dose suck but for a big guy he can move and he can wrestle, so what is so worng with him.

The S,S- just split them up and it will be ok.

John Cena - hate him or love he's has been the nex big thingjust turn him heel and every one will love him.

I would Fire Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Mike Knox, Edge and his ho Bag girl friend,
Y 2 Jake said:
Candice, Snitzky, Jim Duggan, John Cena, Trevor Murdock, Umaga, Viscera, Torrie Wilson, Maria, Batista, Boogeyman, Ashley, Funaki, Mark Henry, The Miz, The Great Khali, Vito, Sylvan, Hardcore Holly, Big Show, Mike Knox, Test, Kelly Kelly and Matt Striker.

Why do you want to get rid of all the fit girls?
Because they can't wrestle is most likely, i'd release Umaga the most, he's just so horrible, why in holy hell did he get a contract.
i would fire mickie james, test, mike knox, paul heyman.
yes i said paul heyman you idiots!:shit: :shit: :shit: :shit:
Former_Foley_Fan said:
wuts wrong with Mickie James when Lita and Trish are gone shell be one of the few divas left that can wrestle

shes a washed up piece of crap. yeahhh!!
Mickie james is only 26 how on earth is she washed up.

People are stating who they want to get fired but not giving any valid reasons for why.

I have only one that i see as deadweight in the wwe and that is...............

The Boogyman. Yep this guy is the only guy that needs to go, when you mix no mic skills with no wrestling skills with no acting skills you get this guy. He proved at wrestlemania he was not ready for the big time and at 40 years old should not really be getting any type of a push, he has not done one thing to better smackdown or wrestling as a whole and seeing as he actually does not have that much wrestling talent should be let go of ASAP.
almost all off what you just said describes Umaga,with Smackdown switched with Raw etc etc. . . He too is a useless no skilled waste of a contract.
^^^ Agreed Umaga imo also needs the chopping block, him going to the ring and screaming jiberish is annoying as shit not to mention his 3 moves of doom (Thanks Eternal) he is horrid.

But he aint 40 lol so he will prolly be sticking around.
why would you get rid of umaga and the boogyeman?
they are both great wrestlers.
get rid of matt striker, edge, lita, funaki.
yea theres more! but i cant type them right now im eating.:wtf:
DxFreak said:
why would you get rid of umaga and the boogyeman?
they are both great wrestlers.
get rid of matt striker, edge, lita, funaki.
yea theres more! but i cant type them right now im eating.:wtf:
Cause they suck ass and cant wrestle. Matt Striker is good they just misusing him,Edge is a great heel and can put on a good match, Lita is starting to wrestle again and anyway she a better wrestler that Umaga, And Funaki not bad he just never got a gimmick or persona so he's never really used
DxFreak said:
why would you get rid of umaga and the boogyeman?
they are both great wrestlers.
get rid of matt striker, edge, lita, funaki.
yea theres more! but i cant type them right now im eating.:wtf:

If your gonna sit here and say Umaga and Boogeyman are good wrestlers... And you'd fire Edge and Striker... Wow... Is all I have to say.... But they should fire Mike Knox... That man simply cannot wrestle... You could even here the fans chant that at him...
I'd fire Miz! what a waste he's boring and he can't wrestle! JBL I'm sick of hearing him talk about himself! Torrie Wilson, She sucks as a wrestler and an actress! Big boobs should not be the reason you would get someone over. She's outlived her usefulness. At least Maria is entertaining!
PauLwaLL50 said:
If your gonna sit here and say Umaga and Boogeyman are good wrestlers... And you'd fire Edge and Striker... Wow... Is all I have to say.... But they should fire Mike Knox... That man simply cannot wrestle... You could even here the fans chant that at him...

shut up now!
ok umaga and boogeyman are great wrestlers you idiot.
Lone_Star said:
Finlay, he could NEVER get over as a face & is boring to watch as a heel.
why finlay because hes a great star

anyway i would release(SPL) vito because i hate hes gimmick
Luther_Hull said:
How would you know about great wrestlers? You're a cena fan

Uhh shut up, okay?
Cena is a phenominal wrestler.
So is Boogeyman and Umaga.
If you think you know good wrestles go ahead name some..

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