Hire One, Fire One....

Hire: Sting for a match against The Undertaker. One of the few dream matches left and Sting would be a great asset for the WWE too.

Fire: Rey Mysterio. Booyaka booyaka sur-ge-ry hey, booyaka booyaka in my left knee says it all.

Hire: Jeff Hardy and Robert Roode. Might be controversial for the first but For Roode, one of the best young talent in the world and For Jeff, one of the most popular faces in WWE at one point. WWE needs Jeff's star power and Jeff is much better off in WWE where they have a strict drug policy.

Fire: Jack Swagger, Jinder Mahal and Ted Dibiase. For Swagger, a huge disappointment after his world title reign who no one remembers. Good in the ring but terrible in the mic which usually means his future is bleak. For Dibiase, another disappointment after Legacy where people predicted a bright future for him. Still trying to leech off his father's legacy while others like Cody is trying to be his own man. For Jinder Mahal, he just plain suck.
I would Hire Jimmy Jacobs and bring him in with Tyler Black (NOT Seth Rollins) as the Age of the Fall. they are talking about rebuilding the Tag Team division and this would be a great way to build two new stars. Plus I feel that Jimmy is one of the best promos in the business when he is portraying his Deranged, Psychotic, Nihilistic "Social Revolutionary" character, and he isn't too bad in the ring. maybe bring in a valet for the two, preferably Lacy, but the more likely choice would be Allison Wonderland. They are both hot as hell, but not in the blonde bikini model "Diva" way, and they both can WRESTLE.

And I would Fire Ted "No, I'm not the Million Dollar Man, I'm just his kid" Dibiase . I don't see much for him and after this feud with Rhodes I think he could go and no one would miss him. and to even out the addition of Lacy or Wonderland they can fire any one of the blonde bikini models that they have down in Florida.
I would fire Jack Swagger, and hire Kurt Angle back... I would also collectively fire half the roster to get Chris Jericho back as well.

But in the spectrum of possibility, I'd probably let go of John Morrison and hire Bobby Roode. It's nothing personal against JoMo, I actually think he's one of the few guys that would do BETTER in TNA. They'd fit him with a mouthpiece and let him do what he does best, spots and gimmick matches. I like his style and he's proven good in the ring, but he's not going anywhere in the WWE. I would love to say "hire AJ Styles" but I just have no faith that they'd use him in a main event capacity. He's certainly become good on the mic after working angles with Flair, but he doesn't have "that look". Sigh... Bobby Roode would have already had a World title run if he had started in WWE all those years ago. He's got everything it takes to make it...
Hire Chris Hero, fire JTG. Hero is a great wrestler, and they signed Claudio, so.... Plus many rumors say that HHH wants to rebuild the tag division.
JTG just bores me. I never really liked Cryme Tyme, and he's awful alone.
Unless John Morrison changes his gimmick then I would also choose him as my "fire one" pick. Rey Mysterio would also be on my release list simply because he has become stale and a shadow of his former self which is understandable due to age, injury. I was never a huge fan of his in the first place though so now I have no interest in his matches at all. Zack Ryder is another who I have no interest in so I wouldn't mind letting him go.

I would bring in Magnus from TNA and form a Tag-team with Wade Barrett. Hate to go along with a crowd or belive the hype but after watching quite a bit of TNA as of late I would bring in Bobby Rhoode... he looks good, decent in the ring and is huge right now in terms of being over.

I would love to release Vickie and hire Paul Heyman.
Hire: AJ Styles - WWE needs main event faces in the worst way. What a better way to fill that void than to sign the phenominal(sp?) one. Great all around and puts on great matches.

Fire: Drew McIntyre - Has done nothing of interest. They gave him a shot and he blew it. Good riddens to bad rubbish.
I would hire AJ Styles from TNA because he still has plenty of time left to see a lot of success in WWE. He would be a major asset to the midcard of either brand and could main event some day. He should be TNA's Cena by now but they have been too busy pushing people past their prime and he would be better off in WWE. Then I would fire Tyler Reks due to him having absolutely nothing to offer. He sucks on the mic and is boring in the ring. Bigger guys can get by when they suck but reks is one to future endeavour.
I would fire the following three superstars. Firstly FCW Development character Eli Cottonwood. Personally I don't see why he is still up there when he's been inactive since the beginning of the year, he isn't worth the wait for god's sake. WWE would only hold onto long-term injuries if they were worth something, i.e. Skip Sheffield. I don't see where WWE are going with him, but I'd rather him fired before WWE can make him somebody's bodyguard.

Secondly, is another FCW/WWE roster talent and that is none other than Andy Leavine. Another one who appeared on WWE, and went down to FCW because they have high hopes for them. Personally, I find him dry and boring and his most recent match on FCW against Mack Hetfield just tells everyone why. His finisher is generic, and is like a common move for Kevin Nash or Matt Morgan.

Finally, you guessed it. Jinder Mahal. He'll only make it as a heel, and he's hopeless as that. It's bad when you have to rely on your language to stay in WWE and yes it's his language which has kept him in the WWE as he admitted so himself. His ring presence is poor, and his gimmick of being some kind of big shot Indian is just asking for cheap heat. Sorry, no dice for this young man.

Hiring number one would be Kota Ibushi. You know when you see a special wrestler, when you see somebody being in an actual match with a doll and getting the fans behind it. I doubt he can speak English, but neither could Mistico and you could easily get somebody like Yoshi Tatsu and his Hokuri mumbo jumbo to translate for you.

Second one would be Scorpio Sky, he has some 'edge' to his image and pretty much has everything. Michael Tarver may have been a major flop in WWE but he filled a gap in the business which was left there since a while and that was a wrestler who had the MMA style/look. Speed, Style and a different background and he has that. Not to mention SS is a Mixed Martial Artist with a mixed moveset.

Finally I'd say Scott D'Amore, he has many friends in the industry and could make the booking in the business a whole lot interesting.
I'd hire somebody nobody here has mentioned yet. I'd hire Jushin Thunder Liger. I know he's nearing retirement but I'd give him a good solid 3 year run in the WWE before he was set to return to Japan for his sendoff. Liger is one of the best cruiserweights there ever has been. He's absolutely exciting to watch and I wish I could get the opportunity to watch him wrestle more often. Liger would do well working the midcard in WWE.
:worship::worship::worship: Don't get me wrong, I fully and I mean FULLY agree with you. If it wasn't for the WWE thing of not hiring new (as in not former WWE) guys over 30 for WWE I'd definitely agree with you. Liger is probably in the top 3 cruiserweights/jr.heavyweights of all time with Ultimo Dragon... And no, Rey-Rey is NOT in the top 3 of all time. Very talented but nowhere near Liger's level. Also, WWE DID offer Liger a roster spot a long time ago and he refused. The man is a living legend (Sorry for the line-steal Larry and Bruno!). I saw Kota Ibushi as a desired hire. Most interesting, especially after my call for Prince Devitt. Those two would go together perfectly!

I'd hire Lex Luger and fire Randy Orton. I'd Buff Bagwell and fire John Cena.

Help me out folks: Troll or just stupid?...Go ahead I'll wait. I'm hoping it's the former as surely no one's quite THAT stupid.

Now then: What is the obsession with hiring IW(TNA) guys? Er never mind I'll cover that in a different thread.
Now then: What is the obsession with hiring IW(TNA) guys? Er never mind I'll cover that in a different thread.

I think alot of people on this forum dont really know too much outside of TNA and WWE. When i started this thread i was hoping to find some new guys i have never heard of that i could check out and only a few posters have branched outside TNA wrestlers.

One guy mentioned Prince Devitt, Id never heard of him before this and checked some of his stuff. Safe to say i was impressed.
I would fire John Laurinitis as he has less charisma than katie vick. To replace him i would hire Jim Cornette a man who can get heat at a moments notice and a man who has a brilliant mind for the business.
I'd hire CM Punk - just imagine: Punk vs Hardy, AJ, Joe, Angle, Roode, Storm, A Double, Daniels, Kaz, Kash, Pope, Bully Ray, Andreson... and the list goes on! He's the perfect size for IW as he can be just as credible in the XDivision as in the World Title scene.

The karma firing? Jeff Jarrett, unlike a good proportion of the IWC, I really like the King of the Mountain and feel that he has unfairly received too much criticism for the Russo led WCW - what was he to do? Turn down being World Champion? Having said that, what is there left for him to do in the company he co-created?
I'd fire Khali, because I don't even consider him to be a wrestler. He has one move, which is an open hand chop to the head. He doesn't have the "look", he has ZERO mic skills, and he just looks awkward as all hell.

Now, once getting rid of him, I'd hire Matt Morgan (only doing this to replace a big man). He is green, but young and has a lot of raw potential to turn in to skill.

Second, I'd fire Ezekiel Jackson. All he has going for him is his size. No charisma, no move set and no talent.

To replace a "beast" type character, I would hire Samoa Joe. I'm sure a lot you guys are familiar with his ROH & TNA work. Guy can GO in the ring.

And last, I'd dump Heath Slater. Every time he comes out to wrestle, I just want to see him trip up and break an ankle or something to put him on the shelf.

To replace Slater, I'd go with Jesse Sorensen. He's young, he has the look, and he can get around the squared circle. He's a great addition to the X Division, but he could shine in WWE by putting on matches with Bryan, Kofi, Cody, etc.. the list could go on.
Why have the mods moved this to General Disscussion?

It was a thread based on WWE.
Which wrestlers would people like in and out.

Thank you mods for completely changing the whole nature of my thread.
Why have the mods moved this to General Disscussion?

It was a thread based on WWE.
Which wrestlers would people like in and out.

Thank you mods for completely changing the whole nature of my thread.

This was in the GWD section when I made my response so I thought I'd make a pick from the IW side as there was nothing in the Thread name or conditions to do otherwise.

My guess would be that the Mods liked the idea and thought it would be a good one to open up beyond the WWe slant. Does it really make that much of a difference, the vast majority of people have used WWe examples anyway and it does give it a wider demographic?
Re-hire: Cliff Compton AKA Domino from Deuce and Domino

I was a huge fan of the greaser gimmick and think WWE missed the boat with these guys. Domino is quite a bit younger though. His promo skills are pretty damn good and he's a fairly good worker. He also has quite a bit of charisma. Hell, if Vince McMahon really is listening to CM Punk, he probably has a decent chance of getting re-hired. (The two are obviously friends.)

Fire: John Morrison. Not that I don't like the guy, but it seems WWE has given up on the guy as ever being a main-eventer. He's been with the company since at least 2003 and it looks like he'll be the next "stepping stone guy" for future main-eventers from now on. Maybe TNA would snatch him up. (Not that they really need more additions to their already loaded roster.)
Let me rephrase myself on firing Michael Cole:

Heel commentating is the worst idea in history. Instead of getting you to cheer for the ood guy that this guy hates you're too busy screaming for the commentator to shut up and totally forget that there IS a match. Don't get me wrong, Cole is actually pretty good. But his whole meaning on commentary is pointless. The reason I say this is because I got bad rep for apparemntly not knowing what heel commentating is.

I know and I think it's stupid. Since when is forcing the audience to listen to some jerl go on and on about the Miz and other jerks a good idea anyway?
if i could hire one wrestler from anywhere in the world, i would hire back mvp. since he's been in japan his work has greatly increased. hell, he wasnt that bad to begin with.

if i coud FIRE anyone. definatley khali. my grandma has been dead for 8 years now, and she would have been a better heavyweight champion than he was. you can see how he walks to the ring now that his knees are on borrowed time, so just take him behind the barn and shoot him.

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