If you could hire 5 wrestle past and present who would you hire?

1. Raven: I know he is getting older, but I think that he could come back for a one time feud with the Undertaker, or someone, and really display his skill with mind games and promos. He could really put this other person over, so maybe not the Undertaker, but someone like Kofi Kingston
2. Chris Daniels: I think he was really underused in TNA in the most recent time spent there. He jobbed to Val Venis......think about it. Could you imagine a Daniels vs Morrison feud. I would buy a pay per view just for that match.
3. Manu: Really liked him when he was in WWE. Don't know why he left. Could join his samoan brothers the Usos, and form a Samoan Group of some sort.
4. Tajiri: Really bummed he never held the world title. Even though he is 40, he can still put on a great match. Him versus Yoshi Tatsu would not only be a great match, but he could be in a rivalry with Tatsu, and really bring out the charasmatic side of Tatsu that we have not yet seen. Good for Tatsu, and would be a Japanese dream match.
5. Paul Burchill: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO PAUL BURCHILL???? Shocked that no one said Burchill already.This guy could do moves that guys his size could only dream of doing. He was great on the mic. He could put on great matches. He could do some good things with John Cena. Maybe Burchill could push Cena in the ring so Cena can expand his set of moves from 5 to however many.
Just thoughts.
5: Chris Kanyon (WCW version not WWE/F version) - Who Betta Than Kanyon?! NOBODY. Chris Kanyon was, in my opinion, an amazing in ring talent. Underused, and under appreciated. He knew how to work a mic, some of his moves came out of no where.

4: Vampiro - I just loved his stint in WCW until the ICP got involved in it. He is an amazing in ring talent. His mic work is so/so but, no one is perfect.

3: "Mr Perfect" Curt Henning - Probably one of the best in ring performers in my opinion. His mic work, IMO, was always consistent and amazing. I just think he would be an all around top notch person to have in any fed.

2: Justin Credible (ECW) - Justin was the top in ECW. His mic work was the best there, again IMO. His in ring work, top notch for an "extremist" and, its always good to have a good hardcore guy on your roster

1: "Macho Man" Randy Savage - He was so far ahead of his time. I was watching my Macho Madness DVD the other day, and just marveled at him. Always consistent, best mic work, a huge recognizable face to bring viewers in.

There you go, my off the wall, slightly zany 5 picks to bring in.

Honorable Mention:
"The Ripper" Paul Burchill - Of all the modern wrestlers, this guy is my favorite. A big guy, he can move. his mic work is pretty good, and he has a great knowledge of the ring.
Stone Cold Steve Austin - I could see a few programs with Austin right now, would've loved to have seen S.C.S.A and Rey Mysterio feud, and Austin and Orton.

Mr Perfect - Tremendous talent, excellent in the ring and on the mic, The Mr Perfect gimmick was destined for Curt Hennig.

Masked Kane - Was brilliant with the mask, loved everything about him, absolute monster that didn't back down from anyone or anything, not so good without his mask.

Razor Ramon - The original bad guy, excellent wrestler, brilliant character, had it all in my opinion.

Tazz - If he didn't have his injury that forced his retirement, I know the WWE doesn't favour ''small guys'' but this guy had attitude and raw talent, the Human suplex machine.
The funniest part of this entire thing is that people are choosing guys who are already on the roster.

If I'm in Vince's shoes, I'm getting five guys who can turn this company around and make it amazing again. My first two are one-night-only choices.

5. Shawn Michaels: best guy to ever lace'em up. I'm bringing him in for a dream match, one that would rake in tons of money in the upcoming Mania 27 (given the possible absence of Undertaker). I'll also put him into the Hall of Fame.

4. STING: This sets me up for the ultimate Icon VS. Icon match at Mania 27 in lieu of the absence of an Undertaker match. This one has some serious drawing power, and I'll also put STING into the Hall of Fame as well.

3. Because it's a package deal - The Dudley Boyz/Team 3D: I'll bring them in to revamp and rebuild my tag team division. If anybody can accomplish this task, its them. Then, a year from now, they OFFICIALLY retire in a farewell match on the grandest stage of them all.

2. This one's a tie (Sorry OP LOL) Jim Cornette & Paul Heyman: While not technically wrestlers persay, they are part of the industry. They are my right hand guys and the driving force behind pulling the WWE out of the shitter. They are two of the most brilliant minds in the industry and can come up with some seriously awesome concepts to say the least.

1. Dusty Rhodes: Again, one of the most brilliant minds and one of the greatest wrestlers in the business yesterday and today. These five together could make the WWE something truly incredible again.
1) John Morrison- He is exceptional on the Mic and in the Ring.

2) Bill Goldberg and Nikita Koloff as a Tag Team-They would be an awesome team

3) AJ Styles- Because he is very good on the mic and probably has the best in-ring ability more then anyone in wrestling today.

4) Beer Money- They are great on the mic together or seperate and they have good in-ring ability as a team and are hilarious .

5) Christian-Great mic skills and good in ring perfermoer, but never gets used right in WWE, was used right while in TNA in my opinion.

Honorable Mention-Hogan, Rock, Flair, Cena, Austin, Undertaker, etc...
1. Bill Goldberg. I'd like to see how he is used this go around. Also, he always keeps the boards interesting. Nonetheless, because he was so quickly dismissed in WWE, the feuds are all new. Nothing dated or old. Cena, Orton, The Miz. Who ever. It's all new, and that keeps it fresh and at least has a chance to be interesting.

2. Sting. It'd be fun to have him get a nice little run with the title at the end of his career. I'd fear they'd bury him, like he fears, but I think that if used correctly for a year or so, he'd have a solid last hoorah.

3. Matt Morgan. Hopefully, he can be used correctly with TNA as he is now for the most part. Nonetheless, if he ever gets the urge to make more money, it'd be interesting to see how he'd be able to take it to the next level.

4. Kurt Angle. As much as he has helped TNA and as much as he got done in WWE, I still think he should finish his career in WWE. It makes the most financial sense, he'd have the best chance of capping off his successful in the best way.

5. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. A nice little run to cap off his career in a big-bang time way. I'd like that.

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