If the you could re-hire any susperstar, who would it be (WWE)

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I think the only reason I would re-hire Jeff Hardy is so I can embarrass him every week by making him lose in less than 30 seconds.

I think I would re-hire... Rob Van Dam
I loved him. He was always my favourite guy. However, learning his drug history, I don't know what to do. But, it could work. He was a draw in Ladder Matches and Hardcore Matches and I personally think he deserves another WWE Championship run. I would also like to see a proper Kane and Rob Van Dam reunion, something that can restart the Tag Team division.

If I wasn't aloud to hire RVD because of the drug abuse, I would have to re-hire... Ultimate Warrior
Again, a guy I loved. Thought his gimmick wasn't too over the top and he wasn't a guy who was under-used, even though he came in, went out all of the time but, I'd give him another chance. The mid-card division could use a guy like him, even if he didn't wrestle every week, but, to know Kofi Kingston or Dolph Ziggler or Drew McIntyre beat him could boost their career.

The only other guy I would hire would be... "Macho Man" Randy Savage
I KNOW, he died, but, if he hadn't I would certainly pick him, not as a wrestler, maybe as a commentator or a manager, because I felt he would be able to draw numbers, no matter the position he was in. RIP Randy Savage 1952 - 2011 Macho Man RIP.
well here is my top 5 rehires if they would

5: jake the snake roberts { to help the new guys work the mic - the drugs] non inring preformer
4: kirt angle : [ to bring back wresling to the wwe}

3: the rock : [ do I need to say }

2: goldust { he was injured but no i guessing they let him go }
team him with cody to make a super tag team

1: brett hart as the real gm of raw

other than that

brock lesner : bobby lashly

never rehire
jeff or matt hardy drugs mean more to those guys than there jobs and after making fun of amy hunter aka lita there just losers to me anyway


even though he is 44, would like to see him vs Sin cara at say wm28 or wm29

well wm28 rey vs sin cara
wm29 sin cara vs ultimo dragon

with sin cara winning both times

Mickie James.

I read she was a real pain in the ass to management in the latter part of her WWE tenure, but she was one of the few women who was interesting for traits other than looks. Mickie's early pairing with Trish Stratus was one of the best programs I've seen in WWE. She has her own personality, which is rare in the diva division.

Plus, Mickie is a wrestler. Most of the women on the roster can be considered "athletic models" but Mickie can truly work a match, rather than just hit choreographed spots.

For most of the above reasons, I'd also love to see Molly Holly return.
How has no one mentioned CHRIS JERICHO!!!

Y2J can be the most over face or most hated heel. The guy can handle himself with technical wrestlers, brawlers and high-flyers.

Enough with the dancing and the singing, get back in the squared circle Chris!!
My list would be:

Y2J-he's truly missed
Muhammad Hassan-his tenure was cut way too short
Mr. Anderson-WWE didn't know how to use him; maybe they've learned by TNA
JBL-great talker, better heel
and I'm surprised no one mentioned until now, Batista-he left in his prime
I would re-hire Mickie James.
lets face it, since she was fired the Diva's division has sucked. She was the last Diva that got a reaction from the fans. It would have been perfect Kharma runs roughshod over the Divas beating all comers. Then about 2 months before Wrestlemania, Kharma talks about how she has no competion. She has defeated everyone. the Mickie's music hits and she hits the ring forcing Kharma out.

Too bad that can't happen now.
I would rehire as a active wrestler Matt Morgan and make him as a monster heel I think he works better as a heel IMO or A - Train minus the George The Animal Steele look younger fans may not know who he is but older fans would and for a producer I would rehire Terry Taylor or Jimmy '' Mouth Of The South '' Hart as a producer.
My top pick would be BATISTA.

I would have him go to Smackdown because I would like him to fued with Randy Orton. I would like to see a program between these two that actually last longer than a month or two. Every time they face each other someone ends up getting injured or drafted to the other brand. First it was Randy Orton in 2005 that got injured and Batista was drafted to Smackdown. Then in 2009 Batista they faced each in a cage match on pay per view and Batista was injured. Then when he returned he went to Smackdown. I know they faced each other before on pay per view but like I said I want there program to last longer than a month or two. Plus there are great matches he could have with Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffeild.

My other picks would be Kurt Angle and MVP.

Kurt Angle could face anybody but would be good with Jack Swagger and Daniel Bryan. And as mentioned before he should finish his career in WWE.

MVP is or was one of my favorites. He's credible and in my opinion could transition into the main event smoothly.
Penguin and Jenkins are absolutely correct. Sean O'Haire would be my pick, he had the look the athleticisim and the promo skills he is so much better than Batista, hell he was supposed to be in Evolution instead of Batista. A much better Evolution: HHH-WHC, Orton-IC, O'Haire and Jindrak (also was supposed to be in it)-Tag Team and Flair as manager.
1. Paul Burchill- Was really agile for his size.
2. Colt Cabana- I like his gimmick, he's really entertaining, plus it's like WWE just called it quits for him after like three months.
3. Kizarny- Okay I watched this guys promos in another company (WWC) and they were great i just don't understand why WWE didn't have him as a heel. And he has a great look.
4. Mike Knox- Previously mentioned.
5. Kaval- Could have been heel.
6. D'Angelo Dinero/Elijah Burke- Just watch his TNA promos......most of them
I would have to say Elijah Burke. I think he has matured enough as a performer to come back in with a new gimmick and really get over. Mick Foley would be pretty good as the GM. Just think of him with the Rock and John Cena. Getting in there and mixing it up with the two of them. Can't really say the Rock,as he is kinda already back with them, kinda sorta. Trying to think here. hrmmm.... maybe DDP. He seems to have some interest lately, maybe they could bring him in to do some announcing or something. I think I would rather have him on there than Booker T, who I can barely hear when he talks on Smackdown....
Hulk Hogan he still has a few more good years.. No Just kidding sorry about that. Kennedy, Brooke Lessner, Angel, Jim Ross

Hogan - His back is fucked, he doesn't have any good years left.
Kennedy - He was released because he's careless in the ring, injured Cena by posting wrong on a hiptoss, nearly dropped Orton on his head on a backdrop suplex
Lesnar - Right now, he's having health issues that are keeping him from the Octogon, severe ones that might actually force him to retire
Angle - Guy's 42 years old, beat to hell, has slowed considerably in the ring, and has become a nut job
JR - Kinda hard to rehire someone who already works for you
i suppose if honest one wouldnt be enough so id pick the following Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Batista , Chris Jericho and Goldberg - the wwe needs 4 /5 top stars this would mix it up a bit
I will probably be the only one to say this, but I'd bring back Viscera/Big Daddy V in a heartbeat. He is a very underappreciated big man in wrestling history, and for a man his size, he is extremely versatile. Ok, he wasn't going to come off the top rope, but he would run the ropes, do wheel kicks, and had a helluva good military press. Not only that, but he possessed one characteristic that made him more useful than the Big Show as a heel: he could lose. You see, he was booked strong and dominating, but he would trade wins with losses so that it never made him look weak to lose. V's gimmick wasn't just that he was unstoppable, it was that he was large.

I think he could really provide some main event level heel cushion to Smackdown right now and really give people like Orton a good feud.
uhhh, the rock. unlike hogan and austin who cant wrestle now because their bodies have become too banged up, the rock can still go and he is in great shape. he would easily take over as the top face, and probably send ratings way up. obviously its not gunna happen, but it would be the best possible person for the wwe to bring back in. no competition.
Paul Burchill - The man was a great wrestler, great on the mic with his Ripper gimmick. Very agile for his size. He is one of my favorites, and still don't know the WWE didn't use him to his potential.

Mohammad Hassan - Of all the "anti-american" people, i loved Hassan. I thought he was great in the ring, personal opinion of course.

Davari - I've actually read some where that he had spoke with WWE recently. Not sure if thats true, but if it is, I'm all about it. WWE never gave him a chance, and I loved him in TNA. I think teaming Davari and Hassan back up, as a team this time, instead of Manager/Wrestler, would make for a legit addition to the tag division.

Kennedy.... Kennedy - The man so good his name bears repeating. Hah. Actually, in my opinion, the best, BEST mic worker in the business today. His ring work, while not great, and sloppy at times, is passable. If he cleaned that up a bit, he could be the biggest thing in wrestling.
I would say Jericho but it's just a matter of time before he returns. He has said that he has a contract waiting on him when he's ready. With that said I would definitely go with Shelton Benjamin. He's never been great on the mic, but his in ring ability speaks for it's self. At one point many thought he would be a future world champion.

I've heard he wasn't too upset when he was released because he was getting a college degree and the door is always open if he wants to return. I'm sure we'll see him in a WWE ring again soon. Hopefully the next time around he'll live up to his potential.
Most of the people mentioned, like Angle, Hardy, or RVD, their better days are behind them, and they already accomplished super stardom with WWE. I would go more for guys would never quite got what they deserved...

Mike Knox - GREAT old school heel, was like a modern day Meng or Barbarian. Could you imagine him and TYLER REKS as a Tag Team?! Would be great,

Kizarny - But heel as SINN BODHI!! Don't diss this choice until you look up some of his other work, he's great and so unique.

The Heart Throbs - I didn't care for them at the beginning, but when they went face they were so fun to watch and decent in the ring as well!!

Kenny Dykstra - SO much untapped potential.

Kaval. I was really upset when news of his release hit the Internet as I was a big fan of his during his short WWE stint (I've never seen his TNA work). I thought he had a lot of potential and could've easily been given the push that Sin Cara is currently receiving. I also noticed that he made something of an evolution during his time on NXT as he established a genuine connection with the audience during his time on the show. I thought and still think that Kaval would make a great addition to the Smackdown midcard and could be a great IC champion. I'd love to see him come back.
I would re-hire either Paul Burchill, Snitsky, or Mike Knox.

I like all three of them a lot. Paul and Knox were very talented. Snitsky was just funny and was very likeable.
Easily my choice would be Muhammad Hassan.
A great character with a "controversial" gimmick if you can say that.
I personally wasn't offended by his gimmick, but I guess that's how the business works.
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