If You Could Hire Anyone To Join The WWE...

Also forgot to say that WWE needs to hire Colt Cabana not only will he do great things in the ring he would be great for WWE new network and You Tube channel. I have no idea what they are thinking. I hope Punk is at least trying to get them to bring him back
Also forgot to say that WWE needs to hire Colt Cabana not only will he do great things in the ring he would be great for WWE new network and You Tube channel. I have no idea what they are thinking. I hope Punk is at least trying to get them to bring him back

Not trying to be a dick but, 'Rehire' Colt Cabana. He worked for them already as 'Scotty Goldman' or w/e. But I totally agree they need to bring him back, but as himself.
I would either say Samoa Joe as he is can move for a "healthy" wrestler and have some great feuds for the US Championship or IC.

Matt Morgan! Matt would be great in the WWE also and can put some of the non-athletic big men to shame in the WWE.
i would like to see Samoa Joe in WWE. there he could start out as a midcarder like Punk did and if he gets better, he can get in main event feuds and if that happened then he could have another classic match with Punk or even have a great match with Bryan.
I would have to go with AJ Styles. I know others go with some big names, but in my opinion the WWE has a number of guys on the cusp of (or already are) being ME level guys in Cena, Orton, Punk, Sheamus, Barrett, Rhodes, Ziggler, Jerhico, Miz, etc. For me, where they are missing the talent is the mid-card guys that would battle for the US and IC. They need people to replace the Zigglers and Rhodes' or the world. as the current mid-card guys transition up the ladder you don't really have a lot in that mid-level. AJ would be a great fit.
Why not try out some mma fighters wrestlers leave to try thier hands at mma lets give some failed mma guys like Kimbo Slice,Bob Sapp etc most have some amateur wrestling backrounds I personally would hire Kimbo hes big hes internationally recognized and he showed hes trainable and has intimadation and charisma would be better than previous crossovers dan severn ,steve blackman and the great tank beer belly abbot. lol

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