If You Could Renew Any Feud

In a fantasy context I would reignite a few fueds:

Triple H/Austin - This was a great feud, not on the same level as Austin/Rock but good. I remember when Austin was on Raw as sheriff years back and he had a face to face with Triple H when he was with Evolution and Hunter saying something along the lines of "You want one last moment of glory with Triple H?" to Stone Cold. The possibility of a final Hunter/Austin feud excited me but wouldnt happen. These two had good matches and could have continued if not setback from injuries.

Austin/Undertaker- The build for these two for Summerslam 1998 was great and one of my favorite feuds of all time. A year later and they had the Ministry vs Austin feud. I dont recall the American Badass feuding with Austin and that could have been interesting but regardless they were great in the ring and would be fun to see one last confrontation.

Austin/Eddie - this feud was teased in 2002, I think it was, when Eddie returned to the company, but there wasnt' really much that came of it. I remember Austin saying in an interview that he wanted to work with Eddie because he felt he was the best worker on the roster and I think they really could have had a great feud but it never took off.
This feud isn't really a renewal but more of a continuation. This thread says any so how about John Cena vs Batista. This feud was really picking up and starting to get real personal and interesting and then Batista left. This feud breathed fresh air back into Batista and made him important and interesting again, just ask him for yourself. This feud if Batista returned is something i would like to see.

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