CM Punk: Want to pay me more for doing nothing? Sure!!!

Vince can't "do this" because the reality will be that Punk had time built into his deal to take off... same as Taker, Kane etc... because he had that long title run he never got to take his 2-3 months off for those 2 years. So when he walked (which he did) he was on a 100% legal and justified postion of "taking my accrued time" before the contract and time was expired/lost.

Your employer will tell you the same thing at the end of each holiday year... "use it or lose it"... Punk elected to use it, knowing they were gonna focus on anyone but Punk at that time, that Mania would shake out as it did and about now Vince would be getting nervous.

I still think Punk will be back soon, I still think this is a great "worked shoot" and I still think that Punk will ultimately fuck WWE over for real down the line. As it stands they have a rested talent, technically under contract who has recently married a member of the active roster. Logic says he will come back but with conditons like Nash and Hall got back then, no one can be paid more, creative control to a reasonable extent and guaranteed employment for his wife, if he's inclined he might ask for booking power in some form but that would over egg it. Vince would probably give 3 out of those 4 and let him sit in the meetings as Hunter once did etc... if for no other reason than he knows every indy guy out there will listen to Punk before him... so he's a useful guy to have "on your team", however difficult or outspoken.

Now IF Vince could activate this clause, it would be a VERY bad move, because it would end up in the courts and Vince would lose. As evidenced by the Raven case a while back, Vince REALLY doesn't want his contracts and way he manages talents out in the public domain or legal arenas... because it will let SAG in. There is a massive argument that WWE wrestlers are actors and should be registered under SAG. They have to be to make a movie or be on Game of Thrones but not to appear on RAW... it's a massive loophole Vince doesn't want exposed... Punk is just the guy to open the sore up if any kind of leverage is put on him...not cos he'd want to, but cos he'd be "hey you see what we have to put up with...and they call me the bad guy..."

As we get nearer to the contract expiry, more effort will be put in and he will be "gotten back on the team" even if it's on the bench till Mania.
I hope the WWE just let him go. It's not if he joined another promotion, he'd have any impact close to the likes of Hogan when he left for WCW.

It's not like fans would stop watching the WWE anyways, Stone Cold walked out, The Rock left for Hollywood, others step up the cycle continues
If this ends up being the case then its crazy. Vince is so worried Punk may\may not wrestle a few indy shows that he would be willing to pay him to sit at home? The amount does not matter because Punk is content on staying out of the ring, so any money is a bonus for him. Any show Punk would wrestle for would make good money, but really wouldnt impact WWE & their numbers enough to warrant such an expense.

The real issue is this. If I just got fired as a 'cost cutting' measure & find out they are throwing money at someone who walked away- I would be furious. You show up for work, try to put on a good show if you are utilized & then get the ax regardless. In the meantime, someone who is just hanging out at home is still getting a paycheck? Wow.

Good for Punk, bad for the new F.E. club & a stupid move for Vince.

I would have thought with the money WWE is losing, the last thing they need to do is to pay someone who isn't there. He is already getting paid for doing nothing, by having his contract be paid out while he sits at home.

The next cost-cutting measure should be when they renew Brock Lesnar's contract, and either he works a full schedule, or only gets paid per appearance. Paying people who aren't there needs to stop.
Vince can't "do this" because the reality will be that Punk had time built into his deal to take off... same as Taker, Kane etc... because he had that long title run he never got to take his 2-3 months off for those 2 years. So when he walked (which he did) he was on a 100% legal and justified postion of "taking my accrued time" before the contract and time was expired/lost.

Your employer will tell you the same thing at the end of each holiday year... "use it or lose it"... Punk elected to use it, knowing they were gonna focus on anyone but Punk at that time, that Mania would shake out as it did and about now Vince would be getting nervous.

I still think Punk will be back soon, I still think this is a great "worked shoot" and I still think that Punk will ultimately fuck WWE over for real down the line. As it stands they have a rested talent, technically under contract who has recently married a member of the active roster. Logic says he will come back but with conditons like Nash and Hall got back then, no one can be paid more, creative control to a reasonable extent and guaranteed employment for his wife, if he's inclined he might ask for booking power in some form but that would over egg it. Vince would probably give 3 out of those 4 and let him sit in the meetings as Hunter once did etc... if for no other reason than he knows every indy guy out there will listen to Punk before him... so he's a useful guy to have "on your team", however difficult or outspoken.

Now IF Vince could activate this clause, it would be a VERY bad move, because it would end up in the courts and Vince would lose. As evidenced by the Raven case a while back, Vince REALLY doesn't want his contracts and way he manages talents out in the public domain or legal arenas... because it will let SAG in. There is a massive argument that WWE wrestlers are actors and should be registered under SAG. They have to be to make a movie or be on Game of Thrones but not to appear on RAW... it's a massive loophole Vince doesn't want exposed... Punk is just the guy to open the sore up if any kind of leverage is put on him...not cos he'd want to, but cos he'd be "hey you see what we have to put up with...and they call me the bad guy..."

As we get nearer to the contract expiry, more effort will be put in and he will be "gotten back on the team" even if it's on the bench till Mania.

1) Punk didn't get time off, so it is built into his roster? Who gets time off? The WWE superstars seem to 52 weeks a year, every year. Punk should join the long line of people in the company who get weeks off. Boo hoo!

2) Why the hell would Punk get any of what you say he will? He is an ungrateful turd, and he would be nothing without WWE and Vince McMahon.

Because of Vince, Punk became a household name, has enough money to not have to work again, and has numerous title reigns, including a 14-month title reign (the sixth longest ever), and what thanks does he give?

Without Vince, Punk would be in ROH, not well known outside of wrestling circles, and without the prestige and name value he has now. Would he sell as much merchandise in ROH? No, don't think so. Punk was where he was because WWE took him and made him a superstar.

The problem is, Punk got into his head that he is bigger than the company. He thinks that he doesn't need WWE. Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior and others were bitter and left too, blaming Vince for everything. What happened? They came crawling back, with their tail between their legs, begging Vince to take them back.

Bret though he was bigger than WWE, Ultimate Warrior did too. But they soon realised what everyone knows and what Punk needs to know. They are nothing without Vince McMahon and WWE. NOTHING! They swore they would never return, but they did.

Punk thinks that he can piss in Vince's pond and get away with it? He thinks that he doesn't need WWE? When the money runs out, when he wants a Legends contract, when he wants to be inducted into the HoF, he will come crawling back. Punk left after MITB 2011, and then came back. He will do it again. He needs WWE more than they need him.

Also, if Punk wants to hurt WWE's ratings, he failed. With Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Title at WMXXX, and the pushing of new stars such as the Shield, the Wyatts, Paige, Cesaro, and the re-push of Bad News Barrett, WWE is doing well in ratings WITHOUT C.M. Punk, thank you very much.

If Cena left, it would hurt WWE, because of all the merchandise sales lost. If Bryan left the night after WMXXX, it would hurt ratings (DB not being on, because of his injury may already be impacting ratings). But Punk leaving hasn't hurt ratings. Hell, when Austin left, it was a bigger deal and hurt WWE more, because he was the main guy. Punk leaving has caused hardly a ripple, What a blow to Punk's massive EGO! :lmao:

I didn't hear people chanting for C.M. Punk at the Royal Rumble, or angry that he didn't win. I didn't notice people angry that Batista won the Rumble, because it would keep Punk out of the WM main event. It isn't Batista who kept Punk out of the main-event, it is Daniel Bryan and the WWE Universe.
Punk didn't want to fight Triple H at WM, he wanted the main event. Well, D-Bry got BOTH, so pays to stick around, Punk, it could have been you.

Phil Brooks is a fool. He thinks that people care he is gone. He had it all- titles, main event programs, etc. If he wants to know what hardship is, go talk to the ten people who lost their job, and will probably not get a job in the industry elsewhere. He should go talk to Dolph Ziggler about what it is like to suffer hardship, being up and then dropped down. He should talk to Damien Sandow, who has gone from MITB winner to figurative dancing and dressing as Davy Crockett. Punk doesn't realise how lucky he was by comparison.

The only people who miss Punk are idiotic sycophants like you, who think that Punk is all-important. WWE don't miss Punk. He is an important cog in their machine, but not a vital one. They can survive without him.

I bet you like Punk because he represents a lot of people in today's society, who have a massive sense of entitlement. If they aren't catered to their every whim, they cry, moan and walk away. Punk was one of the first indy guys to make it to the top, but instead of realising the gravity of that, he felt that he was owed more.

In the end, the only loser out of this is C.M. Punk, not Vince, Triple H or WWE. WWE has moved on without him. He is dead to them. In fact, if I was Vince, and Punk came crawling back, it would be on MY terms. He lost his negotiating power the moment he walked out the door. They all come back, and Vince doesn't chase them, they chase the WWE to come back.

Enjoy retirement Punk, without the WWE spotlight, without any future monies from merchandise, video games, DVDs or Legends contracts. Enjoy not being in the HoF. Then, one day, Phil Brooks will wake up from his delusion and realise that he made the biggest mistake walking out, and come back, humiliated, and again Vince can prove that he made Punk what he is today, Phil Brooks didn't.
Steve Austin was on the record saying that after walking away, WWE reserved the right to not pay him his downside guarantee. He didn't receive any paycheck despite technically still being under contract with the company. They didn't even give him his merchandise percentage of every article sold after the day he left.

It was reported that WWE changed their stance on the issue when it comes to merchandise. CM Punk could still very well be receiving checks for all the CM Punk memorabilia being sold. But I really doubt he is getting anything else other than that.

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