CM Punk wants to keep the rights to his name.

Why should punk hand over the rights to his name so Vince can cash in on the name he came into the company with? It's vince's own greed here IMO, he likes to do that to people think if punk went to TNA with the same name he would lose out on the money. I have no problem with it at all. Yes others have got to keep their names, but this might just be a pivotal point with CM Punk, if he does he has gone to the dark side.
Whatever happens, CM Punk must stay! CM is one of the best wrestlers the WWE has today, but he is also a smart buisinessman. He knows that he needs to fight for this, however the WWE is also right in trying to get his name as well because they did make him a star. Honestly Punk has a bright future with the company and in most situations I would tell him to fight for it but after this contract his career will be secure, WWE is a safe buisiness move and they can take care of him. So if him signing his name over is what it takes to score this contract and make him a world champ again then I say go for it Punk, because I sure as hell do not want to see him leave.
Yeh, not sure why people are bashing WWE for this and praising Punk for standing his ground. Sure, Punk created his name but WWE established it. They gave him a platform to become a global commodity.

I am going to pose a hypothetical for you here, rge2010. Say you spent almost a decade on the independent WRESTLING (yeah I said it wrestling, so sue me) scene making a name for yourself. One that you created at that. And say you make it to WWE and granted they made said name so much more famous and you're now raking in what will amount to millions of dollars but then you get the proverbial ultimatum handed your way. They tell you that in order to sign a new contract you have to hand over the rights to your ring name, the one you worked so hard to create. You're telling me there's no need to see things from Punk's point of view? Seriously?

No one is bashing WWE here, the fans that actually don't have their heads up WWE's collective asses are merely stating how they would see things IF these rumors are true. I've got a good feeling they are and if so, there's no siding with WWE here, if you're a real wrestling fan you just can't. End of story. Call me condescending and dismissive like a previous poster did but I'll GLADLY take that title.

Majority of Wrestling fans hadnt even heard of CM Punk before he joined WWE. His name mean't nothing. Now it does and that is in the main down to WWE. Yes Punk has worked his ass off but I understand WWE protecting their business.

Despite that, this guy still had to do work hard at getting over in the wrestling business, and to say his name meant nothing on the way to elevating himself to stardom in the WWE, well it's ignorant to say that his name meant nothing. What are you trying to imply? WWE isn't protecting their business if this story is true, not at all. They are extorting one of their performers and trying to dangle the carrot at them but they are not doing it without a catch. After all Chris Jericho when he became an even bigger star in WWF/E should he have sold his ring name to Vince? Or better yet should ECW or WCW have bought his ring name? I don't think so.

Punk needs WWE alot more than WWE needs Punk.

That's real funny, whether you know it or not there are still other promotions out there to wrestle for and if what Punk says in real life is true, then he would be just fine wrestling elsewhere, after all he's a WRESTLER as he's said in the past. There are overseas ventures that I am sure would be in his future if he left WWE and i am sure they would pay him rather well. The Japanese for instance still appreciate fine wrestlers and not just mere sports entertainers (sorry WWE marks but the truth hurts doesn't it?) but something would definitely be missing if this guy was forced to use his birth name or a new ring name instead of the CM Punk name. It's not to say he could not be employable but his value and ability to have a livelihood outside of WWE would be hurt tremendously if he could not keep a ring name HE CREATED.

So to spew that garbage you just did is ridiculous. Now as I've said I don't know how true these rumors are about CM Punk and WWE having this tiff over his ring name. But I don't doubt it and I'm not so much bashing WWE as I am merely defending those who create their own personas and names to be allowed to keep them. It's not fair to think otherwise and if you do I stand by my things I've said in the past about wrestling marks. Put yourselves in the shoes of the performer in question and then see how willing you'd be to just fall into the whole "I need them more than they need me" mentality.
I said it once and i'll say it again. If it was a WWE created name like Undertaker, Kane, Big-Show, HHH etc. Punk would be screwed. Since this isn't the case because Punk created his name before joining them (WWE), then WWE are the ones who are screwed there is no ifs and buts about it. WWE should have thought about this when they signed him in the first place and they didn't so like James Storm would say :"Sorry about your damn luck"
Mark Image
Word Mark CM PUNK
Goods and Services IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Entertainment services, namely, wrestling exhibitions and performances by a professional wrestler and entertainer; providing wrestling news and information via a global computer network. FIRST USE: 20060624. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20060624
Standard Characters Claimed
Trademark Search Facility Classification Code LETS-2 CM Two letters or combinations of multiples of two letters
Serial Number 77142597
Filing Date March 28, 2007
Current Filing Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1B
Published for Opposition September 9, 2008
Registration Number 3667156
Registration Date August 11, 2009
Owner (REGISTRANT) World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. CORPORATION DELAWARE 1241 East Main Street Stamford CONNECTICUT 06902
Attorney of Record Lauren A. Dienes-Middlen
Other Data The name "CM Punk" identifies Phillip Jack Brooks, a living individual whose consent is of record.
Live/Dead Indicator LIVE >>>>> look under trademark, the middle column >>>> #2 is search marks

Select your search option, in this case basic search will do. Search term CM Punk.

trust that that the website is right, and the report is false.

For instance, I search Rob Van Dam, and under his name it say's (CANCELLED) with a expiration date at February 2010, a month after he joined TNA.

That's why I never believe these report's, they never have any source or relevance, just some person trying to stir up s*** for his own benefit. Same thing goes for the initial report of Punk "no being happy with his spot in the company." He's face all the top guy's in the company, who does he was to face, God?

Give me a break.
I do not see why WWE even wants to change his name, i guess maybe fans of his want to know what the CM stands for maybe. I support CM Punk for not wanting to change his name could you imagine Christopher Malcolm Punk coming down the ramp instead of CM Punk? The names are not bad that was just what i think WWE may do to his initials.

Did you even read any of these posts or the original post in the topic? WWE doesn't WANT to change CM Punks name, they want to OWN it. They want him to stay with WWE but want to have the CM Punk name under their trademark.
Other Data The name "CM Punk" identifies Phillip Jack Brooks, a living individual whose consent is of record.

Interesting, but this particular line intrigues me - if you look up someone like JTG, it doesn't mention Jayson Anthony Paul. I'm not really up on my US laws but this implies to me that Mr Brooks 'consent' is a factor in this trademark or to put it another way, if he decides it not to be the case then WWe are SOL.

Back to an earlier post of mine where I disputed WWe making CM Punk, instead claiming he made his name despite WWe. I stand over this for every 'push' he has received he has been as roundly buried. For sharing the spotlight with DX at the Survivor Series he got to lose to Hardcore Holly and Matt Striker. For winning the MITB at WM the first time and getting to one up the 'Ultimate Opportunist' Edge in winning the World Title he lost it in a match he didn't even get to feature in. For sending Hardy out with a Straight Edge message, he got to look a distant second to Taker, Rey (losing his hair in the process) and the Big Show (losing the mask he was getting over AND the SES in a 3 on 1 match). A move to RAW and we thought he may have a chance against Cena (HA!). Then we have Mr Orton, first he is powerless to prevent Randy taking out the New Nexus and then he can't even beat the one legged 'Legend Killer' in an ass kicking competition. Which brings us to last Monday when he was reduced to faceless faction member in a Mason Ryan push.

Even with this checkered WWe tenure, both IWC and casual fans regard him as a legitimate contender every time. I'm sorry but 'WWe put him on TV and pushed him and that's why the name CM Punk is worth something' is BS to me. How he has managed to remain over with the obstacles placed before him by creative and backstage politics amazes me.

Phillip Jack Brooks spent the guts of a decade building the CM Punk persona to the degree that WWe wanted to sign him and the gimmick. Despite some, very dodgy, booking that gimmick is so strong that apparently they want to remove the possibility of him ever wanting to take that to any other venture. Personally, I hope he sticks to his guns and follows the path that his former RoH alumni Low-Ki walked by not letting them steal that which he worked so hard to establish.
FitFinlay4Life, agreed. If i was punk i would say stick it to Vince and WWE. There is no ifs and buts about it, he created his own wrestling name, made it somewhat famous through his hard work around the world so its his right to keep his wrestling name and do whatever he wants to do with it not Vince's. This is something nobody thought about, did Punk ever trademark his name before going to WWE? Because if so, WWE is really screwed if not well i still think Punk has a right to his wrestling name that by the way HE CREATED.
It appears, from that website up there, that WWE uses CM Punk with the consent of Philip Jack Brooks in this current contract. Meaning WWE employment was BASED on the Identity of the CM Punk persona, created by Brooks, and WWE is allowed to use that gimmick and creation of Brooks with and only with his consent under the contract.
In effect and actual fact, WWE acknowledges the creation as an entity CREATED by Brooks. WWE promotes this entity with exposure and it succeeds, not due to anything on the part of WWE but by the craft and creation of Brooks himself.
Punk is no fool. If he were to sign off on a total abandonment of this creation, there is no doubt that he could create another but that's not the issue at all.
Signing over the rights to his creation never was conditional to WWE employment, and if it was he wouldn't have signed the contract. WWE uses his creation with his consent, and if that creation had no value they would never have approached him and allowed him employment to begin with.
It appears, from that website up there, that WWE uses CM Punk with the consent of Philip Jack Brooks in this current contract. Meaning WWE employment was BASED on the Identity of the CM Punk persona, created by Brooks, and WWE is allowed to use that gimmick and creation of Brooks with and only with his consent under the contract.
In effect and actual fact, WWE acknowledges the creation as an entity CREATED by Brooks. WWE promotes this entity with exposure and it succeeds, not due to anything on the part of WWE but by the craft and creation of Brooks himself.
Punk is no fool. If he were to sign off on a total abandonment of this creation, there is no doubt that he could create another but that's not the issue at all.
Signing over the rights to his creation never was conditional to WWE employment, and if it was he wouldn't have signed the contract. WWE uses his creation with his consent, and if that creation had no value they would never have approached him and allowed him employment to begin with.

Well from what you have written, if true WWE is screwed because they acknowledge that its Punk's gimmick and that they are using it with his consent. So i guess the issue is money then. Anyways, from what you just posted, Punk could/should win the right to use his wrestling name if/when he leaves WWE for another company.
Punk has every right to the name 'CM Punk'. He was using it in the indies, built a name for himself with it, now WWE want rights to it. Obviously WWE doesnt want him calling himself CM Punk in another company because he'll roll off the momentem he has now but if CM Punk claimed that name before he came to WWE surely he's able to keep it.

I would understand if WWE completely built that name from scratch, but the fact is he was already a respectable, well known performer beforehand and he built that name for himself.
Punk has every right to the name 'CM Punk'. He was using it in the indies, built a name for himself with it, now WWE want rights to it. Obviously WWE doesnt want him calling himself CM Punk in another company because he'll roll off the momentem he has now but if CM Punk claimed that name before he came to WWE surely he's able to keep it.

I would understand if WWE completely built that name from scratch, but the fact is he was already a respectable, well known performer beforehand and he built that name for himself.

Agreed. The thing that is so funny about this situation, is that when Brian Danielson (Daniel Brian) and Awesome Kong (Kharma) signed with WWE they (WWE) made sure to change their name. Why they didn't do the same thing with punk when they signed him in the first place?

"Sorry about your damn luck!!!"- James Storm

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