If You Could Have Any TNA Superstar Jump To WWE, Who Would It Be (And Why)?

If you could have any TNA star in the WWE right now, who would it be?

  • Kurt Angle

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Bobby Roode

  • AJ Styles

  • Mr Anderson

  • James Storm

  • Other

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I can't believe that not many of you have said this; in fact, i think only 1 or 2 did...I'd bring in Austin Aries!

Now, I know this would be a very controversial decision, because he's 5-9 210 and 33 years old, but he could feud well with practically anyone. He's exciting, great on the mic, great in the ring, and draws polarizing reactions. To be honest, he's the whole reason I watch TNA. He could easily feud with anyone in the WWE. He's very versatile. Austin Aries would be the best addition to the WWE.
I would love to see styles in the WWE. He has that fast-paced style that I always love to see(the main reason that i watch TNA is cuz of the X division.)

BUT the people that I think the WWE NEEDS is the Motor City Machine Guns. Just look at their tag team division. There are really just 4 teams(3 currently cuz one is injured). They are Justin Gabriel+Kidd(gabriel is injured tho.), Epico+Primo, Usos, and Ziggler+Swagger. Here are just a few flaws with each team.

Justin+Kidd- These two have NO chemistry at all. If you watched the Pre-Mania match then you know what i'm talking about here.

Epico+Primo- Boring to me. I change the channel when they come on.

Usos- Need a tiny bit more chemistry to be a great team, but the WORST part about this team is that the WWE doesnt want to push them!

Vickies Boys- Just no..

So the MCMG could Revamp the division in a huge way!
I voted James Storm because I feel on WWE's bigger stage he can be the reincarnation of Stone Cold.

However, a name I haven't seen mentioned at all, Matt Morgan.
WWE has been struggling with star power because quite simply, aside from Cena and Orton, nobody on the roster looks like a champ. Morgan is a guy who can come in and immediately be thrust into the main event on Smackdown. He can be the main guy of that brand. Guys like Punk, Miz, etc need to go over big guys with the look, like Morgan, Cena, Lesnar, etc so they look tougher. I might be the only one, but I love Morgan. He is underused in TNA, and I think he can come in and be a Batista/Goldberg type baby face.
Surely it would have to be Jeff Hardy. I mean, if any of the other superstars in the poll were to come back, no-one would know who they where. (Other than Angle) If Jeff returned he would be MASSIVELY over as he was right before he left and in his whole career. I mean, he brings originality to the table. Face paint, crazy stunts and his unique move set. He would surely be the 'draw' that SmackDown needs in this terrible time for ratings. He'd bring in the money as he has different items of clothing that kids think are cool, the whole armbands thing. Jeff would surely be the number 1 choice; even though he has problems, he looks to be sorted now.
I gotta say Samoa Joe. I have heard the rumor mills a blazin, but I want to see this. Joe could be used to his full potential in WWE. But, then again he could be lost in the shuffle.

If Joe was in WWE, a few great feuds could be brought up. Ones like Joe v. Punk, Joe v. Daniels, and others like Joe v. Cena or Joe v. Orton.

I think Samoa Joe has a whole lot of potential and it needs to be let out.
I went with Other and my pick is Austin Aries. Aries is still a pretty young guy overall and brings an overall package with him that puts me in mind of Chris Jericho or CM Punk. He can bring it inside the ring, his promos are well done and he has the personality to keep people interested in what he's doing. Along with guys like Jericho, Punk & Bryan, Aries definitely paid his dues out on the indy circuit and has a lot of potential. He's the only factor whatsoever that's kept the X Division even remotely interesting or relevant for the past 6 months. However, if it's going to happen, I'd say that it needs to happen within the next few years.

Kurt Angle - It wouldn't bother me to see Angle back. However, he's not what he used to be. It's starting to look as if Angle is having the same issues with injuries as The Undertaker in which the wear & tear has started to catch up with him. Not that Angle isn't capable of still putting on great matches but, like Taker, the times in which we see him in the ring in relevant matches are becoming farther apart. Angle himself has said that he intends to retire in TNA and I think he's burned a few bridges with WWE, though I'm sure Vince would bring him back when push came to shove.

Jeff Hardy - If anyone has burned his bridges with WWE, it's Jeff Hardy. Professionally & personally, Hardy has gone downhill since leaving WWE. He seems to have his head on straight now and that's good, hopefully he can keep it that way. However, at the same time, Hardy is a guy that strikes me as damaged goods in some ways. Even though he's doing well, I don't think a lot of fans will look at him the same way again. Hardy walked out of WWE when his popularity was at its peak and in the middle of the biggest push & most interesting feud of his entire career. Given Hardy's history with drugs and the fact that WWE really dodged a bullet with Hardy's arrest coming only days after his contract with the company was officially up, I don't know if Vince is willing to take the chance on Hardy. And, let's be totally honest, it would be something of a risk given his problems & eratic behavior.

Bobby Roode - I'd very much like to see Bobby Roode in WWE. He has a great look, he can go inside the ring, his promo work is among the best in TNA right now and he just brings something of a good overall package. I thought about putting him as my first choice but at 35 years of age, Roode is someone who would have to really leave TNA soon I think in order for WWE to really want to invest in him. While 35 is still young overall, compare him to other guys in WWE that are in the same ballpark when it comes to age. Randy Orton is almost 32 and has been a singles star since he was in his mid 20s with 9 World Championships to his name. John Cena is in his mid 30s I think and has been the biggest star in WWE for the better part of a decade. CM Punk is a 5 time World Champion and one of the hottest guys on the roster right now. Up until about 6 months ago, Bobby Roode was firmly entrenched as a tag team wrestler. I think Roode could make it in WWE but, as with Aries, it'll probably have to happen relatively soon if it's going to happen.

AJ Styles - As far as in-ring ability goes, Styles is one of the top guys in wrestling. Again, like most of these other guys, I'd be happy to see Styles in WWE. I don't believe it will happen, however. Styles has said time and time again that he's a TNA guy and he still has, if I'm not mistaken, somewhere around 5 years left on his current TNA deal. Styles shines in the ring but he does have shortcomings. I enjoy him overall, but he's not much to speak of on the mic and he doesn't have a lot of charisma in my eyes. Styles is still a pretty young guy and, personally, I think WWE would be able to utilize him in a way in which he could ascend to another level. He's long since already done everything he can do in TNA.

Mr. Anderson - Personally, I think this guy is pretty overrated. To hear a lot of Anderson marks, you'd think he was a revolutionary force that changed the game. He is good on the mic, I give him that. But, he's not nearly as good as he's sometimes made out to be. Inside the ring, the guy's a little above average. I like hearing him talk, not as much as I used to but still, much more than seeing him wrestle. Anderson is someone that's also burned a lot of bridges in WWE. Of all the guys listed, I'd say that Anderson is definitely one of the least likely to make it back to WWE. Personally, I don't think he's all that good overall.

James Storm - Take almost everything I said about Roode and put it here. He has almost all of the same strengths as Roode and the same disadvantages.

TheExpectant2000: BUT the people that I think the WWE NEEDS is the Motor City Machine Guns. Just look at their tag team division. There are really just 4 teams(3 currently cuz one is injured). They are Justin Gabriel+Kidd(gabriel is injured tho.), Epico+Primo, Usos, and Ziggler+Swagger.

I agree that WWE's tag team scene isn't great but, in all honesty, it's definitely no worse off than TNA at this point. Aside from the Guns, all TNA has are Samoa Joe & Magnus and Mexican America. While it's nice to see Samoa Joe involved in something somewhat relevant after wallowing in irrelevance the past few years and it's nice seeing something done with Magnus, this team just hasn't struck me as anything particularly special. Right now, they just feel like a couple of guys thrown together to hold the belts because there hasn't been anyone else. As for Mexican America, they're just flat out awful in my view. Neither guy can talk nor can either guy wrestle all that well. Without the Guns, TNA has pretty much nothing as far as tag teams go.
No love for Matt Morgan?
He's big enough and has the skills to hold his own with the likes of Brock Lessnar and the other big men in WWE.
Morgan could easily be a good mid card wrestler in WWE
There are alot of Name I would bring in but my main point has everyone forgotten RVD man he was awsome and had some great feuds and like kurt Angle retire where he started ?

Anyway thats my first one

Shannon Moore: As a North Carolina boy I would like to see him back maybe in the Cruiserweight division if there ever going to bring that back hes the guy to make it happen

Jeff Hardy: As above staying loyal to my North Carolina boys plus I reckon he could continue his fued with Punk and Give it a while and Punk will turn heel they need him.

Kurt Angle: Legend they need him back

Motor City Machine Guns: Tag team division needs to be better

Matt Morgan: To replace the Big Show and Crimson too.

And Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnedddddddddddddy Kennnnedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
If I could pick someone, I'd go with Alex Shelley? Why? Because with any luck at all, he'd bring Chris Sabin and his girlfriend with him, to bring instant credibility to the WWE tag team situation, with a smoking hot valet who could later transition into the divas division as well. WWE has a few tag teams which show some promise, but they need a bonafide top tier tag team to revitalize the division. MCMG would be just the guys to do it. And I'd love to see Velvet Sky in the WWE as well. Someone with her particular "talents" deserves a greater stage and a larger audience.

Personally, I have little to no interest in seeing Angle or Hardy back in WWE. And I absolutely don't want to see Anderson return either.

Of course, a little AJ Styles wouldn't be a bad thing either. As a face, of course, no need for a heel turn here.
TNA to me at the moment has 4 major assets that if I was vince id want in my company. Roode, Storm, AJ and Flair

Roode has it. He has that swagger and a roode vs HHH with HHH as COO fued is something that i would LOVE to see. He is great inside and out of a ring. He has the look and the charisma to back it up, just the perfect heel champ for me.

Storm has that brash toughness and natural charisma to back up what he has in the ring which is pretty damn good. This also brings beer money as a team if they wish to reform, as they are a great tag team. Storm vs Miz, city vs country boy is a fued id love to see, the promos would be golden for sure.

AJ Styles has proven himself time and time again to be phenomenal. Inside the ring there are few better and hell if he were to go to the WWE, id put him in with taker at WM to give him the rub, not beat taker ofc but to cement him as it did RKO. In ring ability for sure... I would get him a manager though as his promo skills can wander at times.

Why do I say flair? Well if the WWE is missing one thing right now is legend experience. We have all this young talent, that with the right manager, as Flair has proven himself to be, could be great. Flair comes back, takes maybe Daniel Bryan Dean Ambrose and the KoW and makes them a force that the WWE can use time and time again.
Bobby Roode by a mile, he's the best heel in wrestling right now for me, he is the complete package and would offer WWE the ideal corporate WWE champion for Big Johnny.
I picked Kurt Angle because well it's Kurt Angle. Imagine the matches he could have with Ziggler, Punk, and DB. I think him and DB specifically would make magic. I always hoped Kurt would have his final run in WWE before he retires. A very close second would be Bully Ray with the exact gimmick he has now. I see a great feud with him and Punk. Even still Kurt is my pick.
The motor city machine guns to help the tag team division out, but I don't think the wwe are bothered about it so itd be a waste of a pick. Kurt Angle could come back and if used selectively perform just as good as he used too,RVD was always a favourite of mine too but Mister Kennedy would ALWAYS be my first choice to come back to wwe.
I would say Garret Bischoff in the WWE and why I say that is because Garret is a 2nd generation star, the son of perhaps one of the greatest influential people of wrestling of the 1990s during the Monday Night Wars, the son of Eric Bischoff former RAW GM, and with Garret with his dad's name he can actually go a long way in WWE provided if Legacy was still a stable today, Garret would have been the perfect fit to join their stable but Garret in WWE he would make a great mid-carder, that's for sure
Velvet Sky.

Only reason I watch TNA anyway. It'd be one less thing I would have to DVR on Thursdays.

I'd also like to see Angle back. I think an Angle/Punk program would be excellent. Milk vs. Pepsi.
AJ Styles because he has been in TNA for far too long, AJ needs a bigger stage to showcase his talents and not only that but he has been the Face of TNA but lately the way he has been treated in TNA, being misused and what not when AJ should be in the main event or at least competing for the TNA World Title but in WWE he can start off as a great upper mid-carder
Storm. I think WWE needs another face. His beer drinking gimmick would go over great, look at Austin. He could easily celebrate with a beer after a big win. Or he could even be heel and spit the beer in his opponents face during a match. But I think that Cowboy James Storm would be a good fit with the WWE, hopefully he fairs better than his former partner Braden Walker...err i mean Chris Harris.

Also Roode would be good. His heel character is great, he reminds me of HHH in his 2002-2007 time. WWE could always use a main event heel since they continue to bury all the guys they build up.

As for Angle. I would have chose him but he only has so much time left. I would love to see him back but I don't want all these guys to be around for only a year cuz it seems like they can't lose matches and have to feud with the very top guy which is really just Cena and maybe Orton/Punk. Same argument for Sting.

And idk why anyone would want Jeff back. He's way past his prime, yeah he's over with the crowd but he is sloppy in the ring. Even when he's sober! He rarely hits the Twist of Fate right, his Whisper In the wind looks awful and I always think he's gonna trip and fall but instead he just lands on the matt and his opponent has to dive down. The guy is over the hill, his last run with WWE was it for him here. He has never been anything more than a spot monkey.
Kurt Angle due to his starpower. And maybe Jeff Hardy. If Jeff returned he would be MASSIVELY over as he was right before he left and in his whole career. I mean, he brings originality to the table. Face paint, crazy stunts and his unique move set. He would surely be the 'draw' that SmackDown needs in this terrible time for ratings. He'd bring in the money as he has different items of clothing that kids think are cool, the whole armbands thing. Jeff would surely be the number 1 choice; even though he has problems, he looks to be sorted now. True
Roode for the same reasons that everyone has explained, because his heel character is so entertaining and not to mention he has the best mic skills in TNA at the moment, the best character and he too also reminds me a lot like Triple H 2003 heel version of Triple H, and in the WWE he can be just the type of main event heel that the WWE needs, and in WWE he can even form his own stable like how HHH formed Evolution
The thing about Robert Roode is if he was in WWE even interaction between him and HHH to me would be interesting. I also think he would be the best Heel in the WWE cause when he goes Heel he really makes me hate him. I mean I loathe the guy!!!!! Problem with WWE is they have to many heels and not enough faces. Even the heels they have none of them right now are on Roodes level. He would be an interesting addition to the WWE and probably the overall best. Then there is Matt Morgan who is def the future in terms of Giants in Pro Wrestling he is just so atheltic for a guy his size and his ability to move just makes him an instant Big time player if he went back to WWE.

I really dont wanna see Kurt Angle or any of the other former WWE guys return to the WWE. I have no interest in seeing Bubba Ray or Devon,Jeff Hardy to me is the most overrated man in Pro Wrestling. Anderson just stinks the WWE released him and for good reason he can't draw for Sh*t!!! Bring Samoa Joe over to the WWE with the same name but a repackaged look and attitude. Joe could be a very good face if done right.
Motor City Machine Guns (Shelley & Sabin) to revitalize the WWE Tag Team division and as well bring back tag team wrestling to the forefront making it exciting again and actually legitimizing it because they are hands down one of the best tag teams in the business today and on a bigger stage of WWE they would be able to showcase their talent
I picked AJ styles. I love Kurt Angle, and think he is great in the ring but he has already had a go in the WWE and I would like to see something different. Jeff Hardy has already been there and blew his chance so I would see no point going there. There is not much more either could achieve whereas AJ Styles has so much to offer.

He can have so many matches with the likes of Punk, Ziggler and Jericho. It would be exciting to see someone like AJ styles in the WWE although i doubt he would get the backing into the main event.
Samoa Joe would be a good one. Very talented wrestler who could likely come in, and find himself into the main event picture .. along with other former ROH guys like Punk and Bryan

**haven't seen a whole lot of Joe but he's put on some quality matches in TNA

plus he's got a pretty cool looking finisher, the Muscle Buster.
Jeff Hardy and if he were to come back to WWE, he would still be as over as hell, and if he were to come back to WWE, you bring him back as a main eventer and put him on Smackdown and if Hardy were to come back on Smackdown, he can feud with the likes of Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Kane, Mark Henry, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, etc.
AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. Both are probably past the point of being considered main eventers in TNA, and a move to WWE would be a great refresher to their careers. That and I would love to see a couple of my TNA favourites get a shot in the big leagues

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