If You Could Swap 3 Wrestlers In Tna To Wwe And Vice Versa . Who Would You Pick ?


Dark Match Winner
Hello .

I Would Like To See Which Wrestles Would Do Better In Tna Than Wwe .
And Vice Versa.

You Have 3 Wrestles To Swap .

Mine Would Be:

1: Evan Bourne . He Is High Flying , Crusieweight Wrestler . And Would Compete More In Tna . He Would Be Top Star In The X Divison And Even In Genral . Just What Tna Need . !!

2: Nick Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) . Not Everyones Cup Of Tea But With A Heel Turn In Tna . He Could Become An Aj Styles Or Most Likely Kurt Angle . The Lads Got A Lot Of Potenial . And Would May Do Very Well In Tna.

3:Mark Henry . Havent Heard Much Of Him Part From Nxt . Would He Be Like The Big Show In Tna . He Could Become The One That Everyones Scared Of. He Would Make A Great Storyline With Wolfe .

The Other Way .

1: Kurt Angle . Why Did They Get Rid Of Him The First Place The Mans A Legend . They Need A Person Like Him At The Moment Cause Quite Frankly Wwe Is Getting A Bit Boring ! I Carnt Even Watch Smackdown ! Its That Bad . Someone Needs To Spice It Up . YOU SUCK !

2:Aj Styles . A Quite Hosently Great Wrestler . Would Work Well In The Company . Vs Rey Meysterio . Or Even John Cena . The Angle Would Of Work Better If Batista Was There . After Slaging Each Other Off . :)

3:Hernandez:He Would Fit In A Angle And With Someone Of Sheamus Algity . Or Even RKO .

So Whats Yours .

Please Dont Slag My Descions Off .
As to why they got rid of Angle i heard some time back that he was having issues with the wellness policy and was taking pain killers on a regular basis. Apparently WWE wanted him to go to rehab and he didn't agree so they offered him his release. Not sure if their is any truth to that, i just recall coming across that a few times.

as for 3 i would switch for each company they are as followed.

go to WWE -

Samoa Joe - Many possibility's here, he could be the credible big man WWE has lacked for years. Lets face it, Bigshow, Kane, Mark Henry are all pretty stale. Plus it gives those guys i just named someone they can have a decent match with.

Sting - This would be my personal want to see more then any other switch. The amount of high caliber matches that could come from this switch alone would make it worth while. Sting vs. Taker and if HBK was still active have always been two matches i have wanted to see.

AJ Styles - I am not the biggest Styles fan in the world but their is a lot of good he could do for the WWE and it could do fore himself. Dream matches a plenty and he would more then likely be an instant star upon arrival.
Opps forgot to switch 3 to TNA lol, Anyway here we go.

Edge - Would boost the popularity of TNA and provide a ratings boost and would also kill off a few of the TNA critics is they were able to secure such a current day big name.

John Cena - This would be their ultimate steal if ever were possible. I understand many do not like John Cena at all and i am in that crowd. But facts are facts and he brings in money and fans, it would open up a whole new target audiance for TNA therefor boost them up the ladder even more.

MVP - This is one of the guys WWE has let me down on, he came in and they pushed him so hard as a heel and it worked so well. They they went to turn him face and just gave up somewhere along the line. I believe TNA would give him the shot he deserves just as they did with the pope when he made the jump.

Beer Money - I don't know whether this counts as 1 or 2, but the reason I think they should go to WWE is because WWE's tag team division has gone down alot in the past few years and Beer Money could really spice it up and then we would have 3 good tag teams in WWE.

Matt Morgan - I would love to see him feud with Kane in a monster vs monster feud.

Sting - As some people have already said Sting Vs Undertaker is a dream match and would be epic for a wrestlemania match, also I would like to see him feud with Cena aswell.

To Tna:

Yoshi Tatsu - He isn't doing much with WWE at the moment and he would be good in the x division.

Evan Bourne - He would also spice up the x division, just imagine Amazing Red Vs Evan Bourne or them two in a tag team.

Cm Punk - I know he's doing good in WWE with the S.E.S but he could have a great feud with RVD I thik they're are very similar in the ring and could have awesome matches. He could also have another awesome feud with Jeff Hardy aswell.
I would send A. J. Styles, Kurt Angle, and Samoa Joe to the WWE and send John Cena, Triple H and the Undertaker to TNA. With the “Big 3” from each company switching sides, it will create the freshest match-ups, well with the exception of Angle to a certain extent. Ironically, Angle is the only actual possible switch out of my 6, and that switch is slim to none.
I would send AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Abyss to the WWE and to the Smackdown Roster. I think this would be great because I would personally love to see AJ Styles vs. CM Punk, Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk, and Abyss vs. CM Punk.

I would also want the WWE to reach out to Christopher Daniels too. Then we can see Christopher Daniels vs. CM Punk.

TO TNA: Chris Jericho-He could help elevate the roster and bring name value to TNA.
The Big Show-Might have more for him in TNA. Work with the bigger guys like Matt Morgan and Hernandez obiviously.
Kane-Same as Big Show.
Ok this is easy and tough at the same time....


MCMG's: They are the best tag team between the two companies. and since wwe needs tag teams.

Beer Money: Second best tag team between the two companies. I Would rather see wwe start to build up their tag team division. w/ beer money, mcmg's, the usos, hart dynasty, wwe could have great tag teams again.

Sting: Same as what everyone else said, I just think he needs to give in and go to wwe. We all would love it. I'd love to see him kick the crap out of Cena.

........now i realize that, that is technically 5 guys so i'll try to think of 5 from wwe to send to tna.................


Big Show: I agree w/ Attitude ^^, Show would do alot better in tna, there is really no one else in wwe that he can feud w/ that would be interesting.

Evan Bourne: Would be great to see him start out in the X-Division and then climb up and fight for the heavy weight title. him and AJ would be great to watch.

Rey Mysterio: Pretty much the same thing as Show, he's getting kinda old in the wwe, he could have some fresh new feuds in TNA; RVD, Nash, Abyss, AJ, all those would be great.

kk now i'm struggling...

guys like mvp and ziggler i feel would just be lost in tna too... so not them...

Matt Hardy: I would send him to TNA mainly because of the off chance he and jeff will get together on and off again, hopefully do a feud w/ Team 3D, that way tna's tag division wouldn't crumble since i am taking the two best teams away from them (mcmg's & beer money). But when he's not teaming w/ jeff he could be a pretty good tv champion or maybe xdivision. so i think matt would do okay in TNA.

Batista: Idk if he's technically w/ WWE right now, but i think if he showed up at the impact zone it would be huge! and he could fight Angle, Joe, Jarrett, AJ, RVD, Anderson, all those guys would be great.

sooo i know you said three, but since i did two tag teams from tna, i had to do 5 guys from wwe. But those are the guys i would choose.
To the wwe
Team 3-D...they've awlays seemed to fit in with the wwe more than tna. Could really improve the tag division
Kurt angle...imo not getting used as he should in tna. He's fucking kurt angle, not jeff jarrett.
Samoa joe....could destroy john cena. That alone would be nice. Also imagine how nice he'd look with that wwe championship.

To tna.
Evan bourne. Fita right in with the x division
Dude busters. Would probably get the spotlight needed.
Christain...hate to say it but he was worth more in tna.

Gail Kim-
She was getting WAY more push and respect in TNA than she is now in WWE. She's being relegated to a mid-card wasteland now to having the Bella twins help her? C'mon now, this woman was a Women's Champ and a TNA Women's Champ.

Evan Bourne-
Yeah, high flying, and acrobatic skills would probably be far more appreciated by the X Division. As much as he seems to get over with the crowds on tv, I think he'd have a brighter future with TNA since there seems to be a better field for the smaller guys climbing the success ladder.

Shelton Benjamin (granted he's no longer with WWE--but wishing)
But i think this guy would just DOMINATE in TNA with his athletic prowess. He's shown his ability to hold his own with big main event carders in the past like HHH, HBK, Flair, and so on. I think if given the right circumstances, and if there was a truly good angle to work with, and since Kurt is on the show, there would be some amazing chemistry to go on.

Now to the to WWE side..

Jay Lethal-
This guy has charisma just oozing from him, and that natural ability to fit in with anything handed to him. The two times I've seen him live, he just adapts to anything. This guy is a chameleon, and has that innate ability to connect with people, dare I say, he reminds me a little bit of a very young HBK? Please don't hate, this is just an observation, the way he can throw down in a ring, and his personality, I just adore him and anytime he comes thru live, I enjoy getting to meet him. I think he'd be a PERFECT fit with that personability.

Rob Terry-
Some people may not understand me on this. But I see something there with him. Its a strong, silent thing. Then again, people said that at first about Batista during his early days. RT has that big, muscley, and fierce agression thing going where he will take out anyone. I think that is something that I find refreshing, harkening back to the days of Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Batista.

Robert Roode-
Okay, some people may ask 'Why break up Beer Money?' I'll tell you. You look back at the days of Team Canada, and you see Mr. Roode. I'm not discounting James Storm's ability. But Roode's ability through his different group personas has been pretty damn consistent, and I can see him taking that finely washed curled mullet of his to WWE where his chiseled physique, and the Pay-Off suplex, reminiscent of Mr. Perfect, VKM would have a WHOLE new gaggle of teen girls screaming for someone.

Beer Money : The WWE are in desperate need of good tag teams and these guys are one of the best in the world

MCMG : See Beer Money

Kurt Angle: One of the best wrestlers in the world would love to see him fued with the likes of John Morrison and Jack Swagger


Evan Bourne: The guy is more suited to TNA and the X- Division, there are more people that are his size that he could believably beat.

Christian - As much as I hate it he would be more sucessful in TNA than he will be in the WWE

The Great Kahli - I just want him of my tv full stop but if that isnt possible send him to TNA where they will see he is S*it and hopefully keep him of TV.

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