If You Could Have Any TNA Superstar Jump To WWE, Who Would It Be (And Why)?

If you could have any TNA star in the WWE right now, who would it be?

  • Kurt Angle

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Bobby Roode

  • AJ Styles

  • Mr Anderson

  • James Storm

  • Other

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I just looked at the date of this thread and am shocked and appalled that the is NO option for Austin Aeries, who is by far the best thing about TNA & I think he'd be an awesome opponent for CM Punk if built up properly

Great in the ring
Fantastic Mic Work
Brilliant at playing his character
Has tones of charisma
Can wrestle multiple styles
Can be serious and comedic

He is probably the most versatile and valuable commodity TNA have right now

Bully Ray & Samoa Joe would be okay as would ROOOOOOOOO
Bobby Roode would probably be the best fit for WWE right now. He could be a great heel for WWE – they need a good heel that has a few years left.
If were going to put aside the chance of AJ Styles being buried in the midcard in WWE then it's Styles by a mile. But if from a pure "Superstar" perspective than I'd say Kurt Angle due to the fact that I'd love for Kurt's last hurrah to be on a main stage not sayin WM just in primetime spotlight not at Bound for Glory or Victory Road in front of people who got their seats for free.
I would have Beer Money and the Motor City Machine guns jump over. They are the most promising young guys TNA has right now. This would mean a shot in the arm that WWEs Tag Team Division would. They could use the Kings of Wrestling to feud with them and create epic moments reminding us of the lengendary feud between Dudleys, Hardys and E&C.

Even though i would like to see AJ Styles on the big stage i don't know if a guy with his stature would make a big run in the WWE.
Kazarian in a WWE ring, he could be an upper mid-card guy on either RAW or Smackdown and could get an IC or US Title reign and could be either a face or a heel, blend well in the ring with anybody
Reform BEER MONEY and bring in Roode and Storm and revitalize the Tag division
this is perfect, i would love for the tag team division to be re-vamped by some good tag teams, we only really have "primo and epico" (only mentioned as they are the champs) and the Uso's, so could really do with some strong tag teams to work with that could help the tag team division.
Yeah, I know the OP listed "OTHER" as an option, but how could you not have Austin Aries as an option on here? And I think that question answers who I would have jump from TNA to WWE.


- Michael Cole was only ever a decent commentator when he was calling Smackdown with the human suplexing machine..

Taz is arguably the worst commentator of all time. Just thinking about him and Booker commenting together makes me want to kill myself.
AJ Styles would be my choice by far. He isn't incredibly undersized and brings a fresh new style (no pun intended) of wrestling into the WWE that could be injected into the current product. If a guy like Kofi Kingston can get over in the WWE I think AJ would have little to no trouble doing the same.

Think of the kind of feuds that he could have with the current talent.

1. Kofi Kingston
2.Dolph Ziggler
3.Rey Mysterio
4.Sin Cara
5.Chris Hero (After his Call up as Kassius Ohno)
6.CM Punk
7.Cladio Castagnoli
8.Tyson Kidd
9. YES YES YES!!!! D.B

Im only using this list as an example of all the great talent under the WWE umbrella that Styles could have incredible matches with. Im not just stating that he could work with smaller wrestlers because that isn't the case...He's worked well with larger talents while in TNA and done fairly well (Kurt,Morgan,Crimson,ect.) but the entire point I'm trying to make is that AJ has already accomplished everything there is to accomplish in TNA, its time for him to step up to the big stage and see if he has what it takes on the biggest stage there is. AJ really has no one left in TNA to have a worthwhile program with.

If anyone has any debatable concerns with my points please let me know and I would love to chat about it.
I would bring in The Motor City Machine Guns and Kazarian and Christopher Daniels to (somewhat) improve the Tag-Team division. The Motor City Machine Guns vs Primo and Epico would just be a high-flying riot that I would actually like to see.

I'd also bring in Austin Aries. WWE had him play Jacob Cass in WWE '12. I think he could feud with Bryan or Punk since all 3 were in Ring of Honor before going to where they are today.
So here's why I would NOT bring over any of the following...

Kurt Angle: The man is a legend, and has been damn good in every company he's ever been a part of. No doubt he could one hell of a final run with the "team" that made him a Superstar. Another feud with Brock Lesnar would be instant money in Vince's pocket, and awesome to behold for all the fans. And who wouldn't love to see the Olympic medalist go up against new blood like CM Punk or Daniel Bryan - the wrestling matches alone would be worth bringing him back over. But here's the thing: Angle is a pain in the ass nowadays. Every word that comes out of his mouth to press and media is either a lie or a "hack". He hasn't got that much left in the tank, and as good as he COULD be back in the WWE, I just don't think it's worth the pain and/or risk. Plus, what main event candidate would have to be benched to make a return of his caliber possible?

Bully Ray: For whatever reason, Bully (or Bubba) waited until NOW to come out of his shell as a main event singles star. He's good - really good. If he doesn't receive a World Title run in TNA before RVD does (again), I'll be pretty disappointing in the creative team. But the question isn't "who is really good in TNA", it's who I would bring over to the WWE today. Why bring a guy with only a few good years (tops) back into a company that would make him work twice as hard, probably 3x as many days during the week. It'll shorten his lifespan in wrestling, plus the same apprehension about Angle applies to Bully Ray. He's an even bigger pain in the ass to work with, with even less to give back. That doesn't mean I don't like him exactly where he is though.

Bobby Roode: I like Roode. I think he's got the look and skills to get over huge in WWE. But one thing you can learn from the collapse of WCW and ECW is that Vince McMahon really doesn't like talent that gets over without his approval. I'm worried that Bobby is almost "too" good in TNA right now, and as a result he'd have to start all over in WWE. How long did it take Christian to get back on top? Booker never did. Brock did it, but he also didn't leave for another wrestling company - he left and got over in another industry, whose exposure is valuable to Vince McMahon. Roode is a great champion and talent for TNA. It's likely he'd show up in WWE and start from the very bottom. I'd rather he stay right where he is, keep getting better and help further elevate TNA.

D'Angelo Dinero: First he was a big deal in WWE - the next big thing. Then he was a nobody. Kind of like, no pretty much exactly like Drew McIntyre today. He jumped ship to TNA, and almost the exact same thing happened again. He's a very charistmatic guy, but creative teams just can't seem to figure out what to do with him in the long run. I don't really have any faith that WWE will figure it out this time.

Jeff Hardy: In TNA Jeff Hardy's risk is minimal. Even if he gets busted for drugs again, TNA doesn't have enough mainstream influence to really matter in the grand scheme. Why do you think he's still with the company after what happened last year against Sting? Bring him back to WWE, make him work the full-time schedule again and put him in front of 15,000 screaming fans every single night...he's pretty much a time bomb for WWE's corporate image, all over again. I'm also just not a big Jeff Hardy fan.

AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels: There's no way WWE uses AJ Styles correctly. It's taken him a long time to get passable on the mic, and in the ring he's great...against certain wrestlers. Honestly, as good as AJ is, who wants to watch him re-trained, wrestling a WWE-style match? Same goes for Christopher Daniels, except that he's also 41-years-old. The biggest thing they have going for them is their in-ring ability - take that away and make them "tone down" their style until it matches WWE's cookie-cutter approach to pro wrestling just sounds like a terrible idea.

So here's my choice...

Austin Aries. I know, I literaly just said I wouldn't send over AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels because I have no interest watching them work a WWE style. But Aries is much more like CM Punk than he is AJ or Daniels. He can work the mic better than most, and he plays that cocky, tweener-esk heel that Vince LOVES (Jericho, Punk, Bryan, etc.). Austin Aries could work a WWE style and still be entertaining - I'm not sure I can say the same about Styles. He can work with all kinds of people, big and small. He can work a promo about nearly anything you want him to. As a smaller guy, Aries really is the definition of a total package. Five years ago, if the WWE was interested in bringing over somebody like Aries, I would have thought they were crazy. But with CM Punk as a completely over WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan as "Mr. Yes" and other former ROH stars making a debut in the WWE, there's hope. Hope that somebody like Aries could reach the very top of the WWE. Even if he didn't, he'd be one hell of a mid-card wrestling.
Austin Aries is someone I've wanted to make the jump for a long time but sadly he would be stuck in midcard status. I could see him spicing up the IC/US belt competition but thats pretty much it.

My pick would be AJ Styles though. AJ is a huge reason why TNA is even what it is, and thanks to Hogan and Bischoff slowly killing it I wonder how long AJ will stay. If AJ does make the jump though I'm not sure what the WWE would do with him. Hes not so young so it would be hard to slowly build him into a main eventer and if he was thrown into main eventer status from the get go some WWE fans may not appreciate it. If anything you could throw him on smackdown and give him feuds with Orton, Kane and Dbry and maybe even Sheamus. Give him the title a couple times before he would ultimately run back to TNA assuming its still alive.
Now with Brock back, imagine how awesome it would be if Brock were running wild and looks like a sure thing to win the rumble. He's there in the end with the last 3-5 guys and out of nowhere Angle comes out and gets him eliminated. Then you have a post Rumble to Mania build with these guys 10 years after their epic Mania match. No title necessary here. Just a great fued that sees these two fight another classic Mania match.
One of the WWE superstars who made the jump to TNA. TNA has become unbearable since a load of former WWE talent were released and joined TNA. I personally would say Rob Van Dam who was always in the Fav 5 for me until he left. One of the best high flyers in wrestling history and a feud between him and CM Punk would be great!!
I would like to see Austin Aries move to WWE too, if and only if, he gets adequate ring-time. His in-ring accumen is impressive. He's constantly changing his offense. His missle drop kick from the top rope is the best I've ever seen. Plus, he's good on the mic and he's starting to get over with more mainstream fans. However, since WWE doesn't have the cruiserweight division any more, I think he would just be buried in the mid-card since there's already a lot of talent there.

Also, for the people who would like to see AJ in the WWE, the same thing would happen to him. He would be repackaged and most likely buried.

Both guys are awesome, though.
As much as I would to see Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle back in the WWE, Bobby Roode make the jump and Samoa Joe jump sides, there is only one answer for me here.

AJ Styles

Mr TNA himself, a man who has been putting on great matches in TNA for over a decade. He has done everything there is to do in TNA, several times over and now doesn't seem to be the focus of the company. It is a great injustice that a man with the talent and heart of AJ Styles has never wrestled on a stage like WWE. It needs to happen while he is young enough to have an impact.

WWE are pushing smaller guys like Rhodes, Punk and Ziggler so size wouldn't be an issue. If the WWE audience still orgasms over a slow, shadow-of-his-old-self Rey Mysterio's "high flying" moves, then imagine the kids reactions to an AJ Styles Spiral Tap or a springboard forearm smash...they would blow the roof off the arena.

Styles is phenomenal, and that talent deserves to be seen on the biggest stage. AJ Styles could be WWE Champion, easily. Punk v Styles would be a showstealer.
Matt Morgan.

He was in a shitty character spot in WWE in 2003-2004 where he literally had no character. He returned in 2005 after a small absence where he became a huge stuttering powerhouse. Morgan took the f-5 and pulled the finisher out on Big Show through an announce table. He was released July 5th, 2005.

Once he hit TNA, he became "The Blueprint". His mic skills have gotten so much better, so has his in-ring ability. I personally feel he still has untapped potential and does have a spot in WWE and always will. He could be a power heel or face, but he still seems beatable. He's just a big guy but his talent could make him more than that in WWE, but I feel that he will never get that chance, for TNA gave him so much opportunity and Morgan continues to be one of the only reasons I actually watch TNA.

Everyone has stated endlessly that Angle would be good, as would Styles and Hardy. Styles did work with WWE for a few dark matches, but they saw nothing in him. I don't see him in the ME with WWE, but holding a mid-card title. The issue is, Styles' mic work is not good, but his ring work is amazing. Hardy was just addressed in another thread that I posted in, and Angle is the same story over and over again (Old, Injury Prone, Drugs/Alcohol, WWE has too crazy of a schedule, exc.).
AJ Styles, by far. for some reason, Mr. TNA is on the undercard. WWE can use him in literally any way they want. He CAN wrestle. He can fly. He is decent on the mic. He definitely has a huge fan base, I mean, what isn't to like here??? He's phenomenal, and he could feud with anyone the WWE has.
If WWE are serious about the new Cruiserweight division they are planning to have on the new WWE Network then one man in TNA would be perfect for them.

Austin Aries

Give this man the Title and watch him flourish with adequate workers of a similar size. Aries is a gem in the ring and on the mic and could be the star of this show. If/When the time comes have him drop the title to a rising star and move him on up to bigger and better things. ie

- Aries vs Punk
- Aries vs Christian
- Aries vs Bryan
- Aries vs Rhodes
- Aries vs Ziggler
- Aries vs Jericho

and down the line

- Aries vs Rollins
- Aries vs Ambrose

Drool over any one of those match ups
He's just a big guy but his talent could make him more than that in WWE, but I feel that he will never get that chance, for TNA gave him so much opportunity and Morgan continues to be one of the only reasons I actually watch TNA.

You watch TNA for MATT MORGAN of all guys? Morgan's been the same for years! Although I must say his work improved when he first arrived in TNA, compared to his WWE stuff.

I think James Storm would fit the WWE mold very well. So would Roode.
Crimson would fit in nice rite about now just look at his size and i think he would be a great person 2 pit up aganist brock atm and down the line could wrestle cm punk,and cena.
Has to be Sting. He is ancient but a 12 month run in WWE would be a great way to finish his career in the business. He is the one that got away...A fued with Taker would be a must, I think Sting and Triple H could do something good together as well.

For a longer term appeal it would be Bobby Roode. I like his in ring work and think he is great on the stick. Too many generic heels in WWE right now...Rhodes, Ziggler, Miz all have the same cocky gimmick. I suppose Bryan and Lesnar are a breath of freshair.

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