Would you like to see Samoa Joe in the WWE?

No way in hell would Samoa Joe fair well in WWE. The guy has shown to have anger issues and in a tight environment like WWE's would be like putting a match next to a gas tank. WWE had to fire Daniel Bryan for choking Justin Roberts with a neck tie. How long before Samoa Joe goes apeshit on someone and goes too far? Remember when he threw a fit over the catering over a year ago? Yeah, not to mention the difference in styles.

Samoa Joe does not need WWE and WWE does not need Samoa Joe. Let's keep it at that and avoid hiring a guy to release him in 4 months so he ends up back in square one.

If TNA was smart they would write Samoa Joe into an "injury" and give him some time off so they could write him back for a big return..But they are miss using Joe right now..I dont really want to see Joe go to WWE because everyone that jumped from TNA to WWE got shafted..WWE would give him a dumb gimmick as well.

Good thing TNA's never tried that with him before.
Joe's too fat. Vince hates fat people. He will get buried. He's boring. Blah blah blah blah blah. Joe brings something different to the table. I think his body type makes him stand out and his style is different from most workers in the WWE. I consider this a good thing. It may not be the ideal "WWE style" but thats also a good thing. The WWE needs to start bringing in some different styles of wrestlers. I'm tired of these same clones the WWE has been producing in their farm systems for years now. Sounds like that may be happening with the potential signings of the Kings of Wrestling. Also, I give the WWE credit for giving Sin Cara a try, although that looks like a failed project. Having wrestlers from different paths, will help keep the product fresh IMO.
I could see Joe getting a huge push. He could pull off an Umaga-like gimmick really well. A monster heel, destroying everyone in his path.
Well I think he could do well there. Stone Cold obviously fully supports him and, if he's willing to do so, Stone Cold could watch out for him! With a legend like Steve Austin helping him he could succeed, but he isn't going to do it on his own unfortunately.
I would love to see Samoa Joe in the WWE.

Fact is, he would get buried or his character would be damaged. Since he isn't a WWE creation, I think he wouldn't get the push he deserves. Plus, he's too much of a wrestler and not the typical "Superstar."

As a fan of his, I'd like to see it but I don't see it working. Sorry if that sounds strange.
I'd like to bite the bullet and say that he should go to WWE and that they would make something of him. Although the Umaga character was cartoonish, it certianly had high profile matches, some quality exchanges with Jeff Hardy. Plus Joe can actually talk. He comes across like a legit tough guy.

His in ring stuff has deteriorated over the years but he's still leagues ahead of most of the WWE roster.
For me, my answer would be the same as if you asked "Would you like to see <insert name here> in the WWE?" Whether it's samoa joe, or john douchebag from the independent circuit of 6 wrestlers located in wankerville montana or some dude in between, if the guy can put on great matches, is good on the mic, and overall a good entertainer, then sure, why not? If not, then no. Doesn't matter who you are talking about, the answer is the same for me.
Actually I'd say Joe would have been misused in wwe before Daniel Bryan and Cm Punk signed with the company. I think wwe is embarking on a new era and a guy like Joe gives you that big fight feel. I'd like to see him get there just to see what him and Punk could do in their 30's. My opinion is biased obviously but I believe that Joe still has it all TNA has toned him down from the killer that he used to be. He could be that overpowering guy in wwe and the best part is he would be different.
im a huge fan of samoa joe and ever since hulk and bishoff came in they have neutered all the orginal tna stuff an wrestlers off the greatness they used to have.

i would love to see s joe in wwe but to get past midcard he needs to lose about 30 lbs and put on more muscle. im not saying he is out of shape but look at husky harris he has weight issues but great talent but we havent seen him on tv since 2 months before wmania.
Yes I would like to see Joe in a WWE ring some day. I would like to see him come in with a brutal samoan gimmick, similar to Umaga, although not savage as I believe that wouldnt fit him in the slightest.

I would like to see him debut and make an impact (pardon the pun) and run rough shot over the roster. Give him the push that Vladimir Koslov had in his debut, maybe not to the level of him gunning for the World title.

I would also like to see Armando Estrada or such manage him and cut promos etc, hype him up and what not.
I would like to see Joe in WWE, but I am really unsure as to whether his look would appeal with Vince McMahon, especially as Joe looks alot worse than he used to. He was never "in shape" but has gotten alot fatter lately.

I certainly think he is a good enough wrestler in the WWE, and wrestling guys like Punk, Bryan etc would go down well with the audience, and as people have mentioned he is good friends with Cena so I think that would help him for sure.

When his TNA contract ends I would expect him to seek out a WWE deal but I perosnally think he will end up in ROH. He isnt the best on the mic either which is another thing WWE look for, so I can'tr eally see him being high on their list of priorities, sadly
Generally speaking, I don't think it'd matter to me much either way. I've never been a huge fan of Joe overall. I've enjoyed a lot of his matches and he does have some real ability inside the ring. As far as his character goes, the guy is as bland as bland possibly gets. He's a one dimensional "tough guy" and that's all he's ever been. And as far as his tough guy persona goes, I've never bought into it. Why? Because he doesn't look like a tough guy. I don't find Joe the least bit intimidating. He doesn't have that sort of physical presence that works with that role. He just looks like a chubby guy that'd do well working as a bouncer in a titty bar or something.

Vince McMahon is something of a control freak, we all know it. I have little doubt that Vince would want Joe to lose weight or at least get himself into shape. Supposedly, TNA has asked Joe to do the same thing several times over the years. If Joe didn't toe the line in WWE, he'd be gone lickity split.
Uhm just a question you guys forget about the Usos? sure they not huge right now but they getting over. and they sure arnt exactly built like Greek Gods. Theres another way to bring em in. The Usos go through a slump and joe comes in and fires them up. and all of a sudden you have a monster heel stable. Joe can go after the Big title while the twins go after the tag or mid card belts. hell bring tamia back and have her win the divas (pukes in mouth a bit) title. Boom you have a money making formula. Can you imagine how intimidating it would be if the three of them come down stand in front of the ring and perform the Haka. omg i would mark out. if you dont know how intense the haka can be go on Youtube and search for "NZ All Blacks Haka". so should Joe come to WWE YES. will WWE use him correctly maybe. should he give it a shot.. HELL YES.
Vince McMahon is something of a control freak, we all know it. I have little doubt that Vince would want Joe to lose weight or at least get himself into shape.

Vince McMahon? Isn't he that guy that used to run WWE?:blush:

Seriously, though, I wonder what Samoa Joe thinks of the possibilities we're discussing. Could it be that negotiations with Vince McMahon did take place before he signed his last TNA contract? It hasn't been that many years since Joe was complaining he was making only $700 per match while TNA was signing guys like Kurt Angle for tons more. Perhaps Joe talked to WWE back then, but they insisted he would be hired only if he got himself in shape......and maybe he told them to take a flying leap at the moon.

It could be WWE would turn him into a cartoon character (like Umaga), which would be fitting since he already looks like one. He's been taken seriously because he can wrestle rather than simply brawl, but his look is so bloated and comical that I've always found it hard to get on his bandwagon.

Let him come to WWE.....or let him not come. Doesn't really matter.
I have already stated that I am unsure whether WWE would even be interested in Joe, but from a fans perspective I would like to see him there, simply to see how he would do.

Samoa Joe in WWE would be totally different than any other wrestler on the roster. He has a different style, is very athletic for a man of his size and looks completely different from any one else. For those reasons I would enjoy seeing what he could do against some of the WWE superstars, and not just the ex-ROH guys.

I think Joe against guys like Orton, Kingston, Big Zeke and others would all be pretty interesting to see. Perhaps even John Cena, as we already know that the two get on well, so a match between Joe and Cena could be good to see, as I reckon Joe would be able to get in quite alot of offense.

Just a thought, but it would make a chance from him repeatedly fighting the same guys over and over in TNA. Also, did Christian face Joe while he was in TNA, I am pretty sure he did but drawing a mental blank over here....
i wouldnt mind seeing Samoa Joe in WWE. Some people think that WWE will mis-use him, but TNA is currently doing the same thing with Joe. If he did go to WWE he could also eventually have a match with CM Punk and those two could have another great match on a bigger stage, but honestly, i dont see Joe going to WWE.
I would love to see Joe in wwe. I think that's one of the things we are missing in wrestling today are wrestlers jumping ship. That's what made the monday night wars so interesting; you never knew who was going to show up. My only issue with that would be the rumors that Joe is lazy. Of course that could be because he's tired of the hogan/bichoff era. I think Joe would fit perfectly with the Crop of wwe talent nowadays. Joe vs Punk. Joe vs Orton. Joe vs Cena! WWE Bring HIM IN!
I like Joe and would like to see him in WWE but would be skeptical for two reasons. The first is that they might want him to lose a bunch of weight. Second, he might get buried immediately due to being a former TNA World Champion. Vince does not like when people win their first world title outside of his federation. Those potential problems aside, I think he would fit in great as a character similar to Umaga. They should let him TALK though. That was always my biggest issue with the Umaga character. Then he got released the day after he talked ironically. Joe would do well in that role if he joined WWE.
i think a couple of years ago he had something to offer wwe now hes mid card tna tops - what would he do in wwe as many have pointed out be another umaga - aj styles is who wwe could do with that would mix it up
I love how people say WWE would misuse Joe, what do you think TNA is doing with him? Plus, people are forgetting he's friends with Johnny Ace AND John Cena so if Joe was to sign there, he already has a political foot in the door. Also, people mentioned how WWE wanted him to be a Umaga character with face paint and that is why Joe chose to sign with TNA instead. Lest we forget that TNA had Joe in face paint, waving a machete around...or are we supposed to forget about that?

You do realize, TNA is doing a ANGLE or STORYLINE with Joe's losing streak right? He's hardly being misused.

Joe signed with TNA because, he wanted to be there. Umaga wasn't even around when he was a free agent....Way to get your information.

Yeah, they gave him a gimmick trying to get him to actually be a mean motherfucker again like he was in 05. Didn't work. Because he pretty much sucks now and it's his own fault.

I would love to see Joe in WWE. Would he become world champion? Who knows. There is no saying, none of us can say how far he will go. I remember when Punk went to WWE and everyone was saying how they will bury him, how he won't get anywhere, etc. Same thing when Bryan Danielson signed with WWE, now look at him!!


Bryan Danielson is supposed to be given credit for winning MITB? That doesn't mean shit until his reign isn't forgotten like Jack Swagger. PLEASE do NOT brag about him until he actually is given a legit push and actually looks like a superstar and not some IWC champion WWE pushes to please the Internet marks.

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