Rumor: Samoa Joe to WWE?

Really? You want to go there with me?

No. WWE is not going to jump over a guy who has turned into a problem child in a company where everyone is pretty much layed back and treated fairly. How the fuck would they look in WWE? He's not going to make it there if he carries the same attitude he has right now.

First off, where are you getting this belief of yours that the atmosphere backstage at TNA is laid back and everyone is treated fairly? All I've heard is the exact opposite from literally dozens of wrestlers who've worked at TNA and who have all said the locker room atmosphere and morale is terrible. I think I'll take the word of the people who've actually been backstage over yours. Secondly, how has he been a problem child? By speaking his mind? When has Joe EVER no-showed a TNA show? When has he EVER screwed TNA out of an appearance or done anything wrong to that company?

Are you sleeping with CM Punk?

Pfft, I wish. This conversation isn't about me though, it's about Vince McMahon's relationship with CM Punk, and how that relationship would make it extraordinarily easy for Joe to come to the WWE right now if he were a free agent. I'm guessing that relationship will remain the same when his current TNA contract does expire.

He's one dimensional. He has zero desire to better himself. He has not put on a good match in 2 years despite being booked with guys who he should put on classics with.

All of what you've just said is absolute bullshit. One dimensional? Bullshit. Joe utilizes several different styles in the ring and has for years, it's what made him so popular in part. He mixes in submission style, a bit of strong/shoot style, and even comedy (his signature spot where he'll just calmly walk out of the way of a charging opponent like he's a fruit fly). Joe is anything but one dimensional, he just has never been able to show anything in TNA besides "ARRR I'm Joe I'm big and mean and I'm mad!"

And Joe has had several great matches over the last 2 years, don't even be silly. He had a slew of awesome PPV matches in the fall of 2009 to early 2010 with guys like Styles and Daniels, fuck the guy even got a good match out of BOBBY LASHLEY at Bound For Glory '09. He's had solid matches with RVD and even Crimson on Impact over the last few months too. Joe is a great worker and when he's actually given more than 5 or 10 minutes to work with someone, the results are usually always a good match.

He can't properly play a face anymore. His heel antics are old. He's not being misused, he sucks on his own. Get over it.

I'm not going to "get over" your silly little opinion. How the fuck can you assess his ability as a face or heel when he's turning sides every few months? How can you argue that Joe hasn't been misused? Did you see that fucking kidnapping angle last year? You're telling me that's the best shit they can come up with for a guy with as much history and support in their company as Joe has? That's some pretty low standards you're setting for TNA there.

Who's fault is that? Lol Your out of your damn mind.

It's TNA's I just said. Every great wrestler will eventually start dogging it if they're booked like total shit for years on end. Same thing happened to Sting in WCW, but that obviously doesn't mean that Sting should have just been discarded after they folded.

He looked great? It's about putting on great matches. Not who looked good.

Saying someone "looked great" in a match IS saying they worked a good match. Do you not understand the concept of an implication or something?

His contract was signed in 2009. To a a long term deal....3 years is not long term. The report was wrong.

I never said I knew when Joe's contract expires, and I doubt you do either. All I said was that if/when it does expire sometime soon (as it implies in this report you based the entire thread on) that he would jump at the chance to try his hand in the WWE, and they'd be glad to have him because of his affiliation with CM Punk.

Who cares? You and the IWC can jack off to their face each week if you want.

Who cares? Uh, you do dipshit. Did you not just complain about Joe being shit because he hasn't put on a "good match" in 2 years? Those were your exact words. So yeah, I think "putting on great matches" would be a pretty fuckin' relevant discussion here.

There is no guarantee he would be used greatly there either. Husky Harris was the second coming of Joe right?

Who the hell ever said anything about Husky Harris? I certainly didn't.

You are incredibly misguided and/or naive if you seriously think that the WWE wouldn't sign Joe up in a heartbeat. They've gone out and signed one ROH star after another from Punk to Danielson to Tyler Black and now apparently the Kings of Wrestling. You're telling me they wouldn't want to sign Samoa Joe, the man who helped build that entire company and whose career will forever be associated with the series of matches he had with CM Punk in 2004? Because if that's your position here, you're flat out stupid, sorry.
All I've heard is the exact opposite from literally dozens of wrestlers who've worked at TNA and who have all said the locker room atmosphere and morale is terrible.


You believe your dirtsheets huh?
I think I'll take the word of the people who've actually been backstage over yours.
So, I shouldn't believe the 7 wrestlers I've asked during the TNA house shows in Brooklyn? I've asked them that question both visits to NY and the answer from various has been "don't believe that bullshit" I'd believe them over what you "heard"
Secondly, how has he been a problem child? By speaking his mind? When has Joe EVER no-showed a TNA show? When has he EVER screwed TNA out of an appearance or done anything wrong to that company?
Speaking his mind by cursing out backstage officials. That's certainly not a problem.

Pfft, I wish.

Your a bigger comedian then I thought.

This conversation isn't about me though, it's about Vince McMahon's relationship with CM Punk, and how that relationship would make it extraordinarily easy for Joe to come to the WWE right now if he were a free agent. I'm guessing that relationship will remain the same when his current TNA contract does expire.

All of what you've just said is absolute bullshit. One dimensional? Bullshit. Joe utilizes several different styles in the ring and has for years, it's what made him so popular in part. He mixes in submission style, a bit of strong/shoot style, and even comedy (his signature spot where he'll just calmly walk out of the way of a charging opponent like he's a fruit fly). Joe is anything but one dimensional, he just has never been able to show anything in TNA besides "ARRR I'm Joe I'm big and mean and I'm mad!"

Don't get your panties in a knot. You should be honestly ashamed. You defend Joe more than his own wife would. HE IS one dimensional as a CHARACTER and his personality.
He had a slew of awesome PPV matches in the fall of 2009
Wow. 2 years ago lol.
fuck the guy even got a good match out of BOBBY LASHLEY at Bound For Glory '09.
Anything in 2011? Lol
He's had solid matches with RVD and even Crimson on Impact over the last few months too. Joe is a great worker and when he's actually given more than 5 or 10 minutes to work with someone, the results are usually always a good match.
Ummm No. None of those matches were good whatsoever. Your just sucking his dick for no reason. I'm starting to wonder if you were the guy who kidnapped him randomly. Explains why he came back with a dick on his face.

I'm not going to "get over" your silly little opinion. How the fuck can you assess his ability as a face or heel when he's turning sides every few months?
Because, he's turning heel and face every few months because he can't play none of them well.

He didn't do well as a World Champion "face" and he damn sure is played out as a heel. Now, they are attempting to get him back to the 2005 guy that I LOVED. Not this piece of shit in 2011 that got outworked by Devon.

How can you argue that Joe hasn't been misused? Did you see that fucking kidnapping angle last year? You're telling me that's the best shit they can come up with for a guy with as much history and support in their company as Joe has? That's some pretty low standards you're setting for TNA there.
Kidnapping angle...That debuted Taz? Okay.

It's TNA's I just said. Every great wrestler will eventually start dogging it if they're booked like total shit for years on end. Same thing happened to Sting in WCW, but that obviously doesn't mean that Sting should have just been discarded after they folded.
Lol It's TNA's fault. Okay. Sure. Let's blame them for him not wanting to drop weight too right?

Saying someone "looked great" in a match IS saying they worked a good match. Do you not understand the concept of an implication or something?
No. He threw some nice kicks and punches and that's it. He looked great compared to the shit he does now.

I never said I knew when Joe's contract expires, and I doubt you do either. All I said was that if/when it does expire sometime soon (as it implies in this report you based the entire thread on) that he would jump at the chance to try his hand in the WWE, and they'd be glad to have him because of his affiliation with CM Punk.
Good. Him and Punk can do all sorts of sexual shit to you. FYI, Joe signed an extension in 2009, It's a fact.

You are incredibly misguided and/or naive if you seriously think that the WWE wouldn't sign Joe up in a heartbeat. They've gone out and signed one ROH star after another from Punk to Danielson to Tyler Black and now apparently the Kings of Wrestling. You're telling me they wouldn't want to sign Samoa Joe, the man who helped build that entire company and whose career will forever be associated with the series of matches he had with CM Punk in 2004? Because if that's your position here, you're flat out stupid, sorry.
I could careless who they sign. I never said WWE doesn't want Joe. I said they probably won't want him if he is the guy that is in TNA and not bettering himself.

Please, get off your bullshit ROH high horse. All It does is prove how shitty ROH really is.
ROH must be doing something right, if WWE keeps gutting there roster, do you see WWE going after people in TNA, nooo casue they fired them all, hahahahaa.

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