Rumor: Samoa Joe to WWE?

The idea that Joe has been horribly misused in TNA is a joke IMO. A one dimensional character ran its course and then they were never able to get anything else to stick and the guy was being a malcontent way before they started moving his spot back down the card. I like Joe but his lack of promo versatility is the main reason his character could not maintain main event status over the years. He is still talented in the ring but his look really hampers the appearance of everything he does now. His attitude doesn't really inspire either.
There are so many things just blatantly wrong about this post that I nearly choked on my drink reading it.

Lol This should be good.

If you actually think that the WWE wouldn't jump all over Samoa Joe and give him a big push upon his entrance to the company, you are either flat out dumb or just naive.
Really? You want to go there with me?

No. WWE is not going to jump over a guy who has turned into a problem child in a company where everyone is pretty much layed back and treated fairly. How the fuck would they look in WWE? He's not going to make it there if he carries the same attitude he has right now.
For fuck's sake Vince went out and bought the rights to a 20 year old rock song just to give to CM Punk to help him in this angle, something he's never done before in his life. He's given Punk everything he's wanted, and is catering to him big time right now. You think they wouldn't jump on the chance to bring in one of Punk's best friends and greatest rivals? Are you huffing gasoline?
Are you sleeping with CM Punk?
I'd love love love to see this. Joe has been criminally misused in TNA for years now,

He's one dimensional. He has zero desire to better himself. He has not put on a good match in 2 years despite being booked with guys who he should put on classics with.

He can't properly play a face anymore. His heel antics are old. He's not being misused, he sucks on his own. Get over it.

and it's clearly broken him down completely as you can just tell the guy doesn't put anywhere near the amount of effort he used to into his work these days.
Who's fault is that? Lol Your out of your damn mind.
That said, he's still amazing when motivated (he looked great in that match against Crimson a few months back) [/QUOTE
He looked great? It's about putting on great matches. Not who looked good.

I would bet hard money that if the WWE actually does want to bring him in that Joe will let his TNA contract expire and jump ship as soon as he possibly can. And he should, because he's going nowhere in TNA.
His contract was signed in 2009. To a a long term deal....3 years is not long term. The report was wrong.

Can you imagine how awesome it would be to see Joe in the WWE? Or Punk vs. Joe in a WWE ring? Talk about epic.
Who cares? You and the IWC can jack off to their face each week if you want.

There is no guarantee he would be used greatly there either. Husky Harris was the second coming of Joe right?
Lol at Joe.

1. He will be asked to lose weight.

He never does.

2. He will be asked to actually put effort into matches.

He hardly does anymore.

3. He will be asked to be less sloppy in the ring.

He won't listen.

I don't believe this at all because it's trying to make people believe he's being buried when it's all an angle. This smells like Team 3D to WWE or Angelina Love rumors to WWE that never would die and turned out to be another dirtsheet fail.

If he does go to WWE, I wouldn't be upset or care. Because, he's not the guy we all loved and TNA needs to cut some fat (no pun intended). It's clear, TNA is looking at guys to add and build going forward. He's not obviously one of them.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe a change of scenery will help him? No of course you didn't. You just decided to throw him under the bus.
Joe as nothing to lose, I said it before, he needs to go for it and trying and get in the WWE. Do it Joe, you got nothing to lose, come on, you didn't want to join WWE, cause they was going to make you a Wild Samoan and look what TNA did to you. They made you wear paint and carry a fucking Knife around, LOL. Really Joe needs to leave TNA, WWE can't do any worst then TNA, as already done to him >.<.
Joe as nothing to lose, I said it before, he needs to go for it and trying and get in the WWE. Do it Joe, you got nothing to lose, come on, you didn't want to join WWE, cause they was going to make you a Wild Samoan and look what TNA did to you. They made you wear paint and carry a fucking Knife around, LOL. Really Joe needs to leave TNA, WWE can't do any worst then TNA, as already done to him >.<.
Hey, a lot of it was his own damn fault. He chose to have Okada as his sidekick. And he hasn't given TNA one single reason why they should push him to the moon like everyone wants. As a matter of fact, go ahead and tell me exactly WHY he should be pushed to the moon.
Don't sell this short: Joe and Cena are really close, they met coming up and apparently still talk. I think if he were to go straight to Cena for his filler feud until Rocky's up there constantly, that he'd really put effort into getting back to 2008 weight and being the beast he used to be. However, I doubt he'll end up leaving TNA; he's most likely going to blow up very soon if they do the whole "Joe Comeback," but don't expect him to win at No Surrender. I'd love another Joe/Angle feud, but they're shooting for a new guy to go over, and then lose if they're not named Bobby Roode.
For guys who think Joe isn't what he was when he first arrived in TNA I think it has to do more with Motivation. He hasn't been used properly or consistently ever since the surge of former WWE guys started coming in. I guess its more of a morale issue, if I worked my a$$ of for a company trying to establish itself but gets pushed aside once Booker T, Hogan, Sting, RVD etc start coming in you would feel pretty down too.

It's like what Benoit said in his DVD there was a time that he didn't like Wrestling anymore in WCW. So what he did after was jump to the WWE and found a new home and eventually made it too the top.

It's not hard to imagine that Samoa Joe in the WWE could help him find his spark for Wrestling again (now that guys like CM Punk are bringing back that "true wrestling" audience).

He's only 32 so he still has the youth factor the WWE needs and proabably give 5 to 8 years of his career in the big leagues. And I am sure he will get a good push since Austin and Foley do speak highly of him and he has the size and skill to go over as a monster type wrestling machine.
There isn't a reason to push him anymore, TNA blew it with his booking, getting kidnapped, walking around with a Knife. Did I say push him, I want him to leave to WWE. I think thats what everyone wants.
I'm pretty much with Dizzy & IDR.

First of all, there are a lot of issues with Samoa Joe at this point and the simple fact of the matter is that Vince McMahon won't put up with them. Joe has mostly been phoning his matches in for quite a while and he's reportedly been asked to drop some weight several times by the TNA brass. That just won't fly with Vince, especially the weight deal. If he doesn't do what's asked like a professional should, he'd have a very short career. Or, he'd wind up being buried and made to look like an absolute chump before being fired. However, there's always the possibility that a change of scenery could be beneficial to Joe. It's clear that he simply isn't motivated in TNA these days, so maybe going to the WWE could do a lot for him.

If Joe did leave, it'd be a blow to TNA. Joe is one of those guys that's been in TNA for so long that he's become part of the TNA consciousness. While he's certainly not what he used to be, he's still one of the signature guys on the roster.

I doubt Joe is going anywhere, however. Based on his mini "shoot" promo last Thursday, TNA might be going for a CM Punk type of role with Joe. I don't think it'll work because he doesn't have the charisma or personality to pull it off. Or, if he has, then it's something that has hasn't shown the entire time he's been in TNA.
Pretty sure i read someone on twitter(think it was SCSA) tell joe to go to wwe. Joes probs took this as a complement which he should and said why not.
Heres what he said &#8220;WWE should sign @SamoaJoe as soon as his TNA contract is up,&#8221;and &#8220;One of my favorite workers in today&#8217;s game. Needs a full green light push.&#8221; And all you guys hating on Joe i think i would take Austins judgement over you guys any day :)
Joe would be fed to Taker... that would be the only possible use for him... or if they are serious about Zeke then they could have him be the guy to take Joe on... but in reality Joe needed to be in WWE 5 years ago to ever have made it there... I think he would have done then, but now... WWE would be wasting money.

Who they could do with though? Roode for sure could be a WWE singles guy and the one people don't really talk much about coming back is RVD... it WILL happen, sometime in the next 18 months... he looks bored to tears in TNA and a move back would give WWE a nice upper mid veteran they could use to build up guys like Kingston, Gabriel et al.
Not sure what you mean. But what does Wade Barrett have that Joe doesn't besides mic skills. Every WWE wrestler gets buried besides the top 4-5 so i can't figure out what your point is. He will fit in just fine.

Wade Barrett. Really. Really. You couldn't have picked someone else LESS TALENTED! Barrett's ring skills are great, along with his mic skills. Could he be better, yeah. But so could everyone else in wrestling.

Yeah...Joe will fit in fine just like every other TNA wrestler WWE picked up in the past. Chris Harris was buried till he quit, Christian was buried for awhile, what has Gail Kim done since WWE picked her back up? The ONLY TNA wrestler that was going to actually do something was Awesome Kong. Hell, from the reports, it doesn't even seem like WWE wants to put Mick Foley back in front of the crowds.
I certainly wouldn't be against Samoa Joe leaving TNA, in fact I'd be all for it. Joe will never be anything more than a mid carder and TBH TNA have plenty of mid carders with more ability and charisma than Joe.

Ill admit his promo the other week was pretty good and I did take a slight interest in Joe. But its taken nearly 3 years for Joe to do something interesting. And that's far to long IMO. People can point to Joe being good 6 years ago (when I didn't watch TNA) but isn't that the problem the internet has with the veterans? They're not as good as they once were in some peoples opinions. What's the difference with Joe I ask?

And the booking is not a viable cop out. If Bully Ray was shit he wouldn't be booked as the top heel. He's booked as the top heel because his performances have demanded he be booked like that. If Joe could wake up and put some effort in perhaps he could be good? But if Joe continues to perform how he has since I started watching TNA, him leaving could be a blessing in disguise for TNA. Gets some dead weight off the roster.
I think Joe will be a better fit than AJ Styles. Joe has the size, speed, and look for wwe. AJ would get the push he would be looking for. He'd be another "christian"

Joe has certainly not got the look for WWE.

He would be told to lose weight, or at least get into some kind of shape. Joe has let himself go alot over the last couple of years. Before he was a big guy who was a bit fat but still looked like a good wrestler. Now, he just looks fat and has been asked to lose weight in TNA before now and never done it.

Vince would not stand for that. If Joe didnt do what he wanted he would be out on his ass very quickly, or just buried.

As JackHammer said, Joe doesnt seem motivated in TNA and hasnt done for a while, which isnt surprising considering how badly he has been wasted over the last few years. I would be very surprised if we ever see the Joe from a few years ago ever again, you know...the one who actually put effort in and was having great matches regularly
Joe's weight may be an issue at first, but look at the number of samoas they have employed over the many had a dramatic weight loss? The correct answer is none. Hell, Yokozuna worked until he was too fat to walk. So, I'm not seeing his weight being the underlying problem with Joe.

Will Joe be able to connect with the WWE audience is going to be the main concern. If they give him the Kharma push, it could work (unless Joe gets pregnant, of course). His best bet is to be a silent killer. Any attempt at "gimmicking" up Joe is going to kill his chances of success. However, it's also going to be up to Joe to be more inspired than his last two years in TNA.

Don't forget that Joe does have some friends in high places (most notably, the two current WWE champions, Cena and Punk), so a signing is at least likely. His level of success is going to be completely dependent on his gimmick and how he works it.
I know a lot of people point out that guys like Rickishi and Umaga had decent runs and they were big guys. But if you look at them and Joe, they were fat, but they were BIG period. Joe is flab. He seems like the type that simply doesn't care about his weight.

If he goes with the WWE, he'll be buried fast.
I know a lot of people point out that guys like Rickishi and Umaga had decent runs and they were big guys. But if you look at them and Joe, they were fat, but they were BIG period. Joe is flab. He seems like the type that simply doesn't care about his weight.

If he goes with the WWE, he'll be buried fast.

Rikishi and Umaga were samoan...they are known to be bigger so thats why they worked good.

Joe was (I dont even know if he still is) called the samoan submission machine...but he isn't samoan, he is just fat.

If he were to take some time off and condition his body and lose some weight, he MIGHT fit with WWE.
It's a pretty interesting thought. Joe's not your typical WWE Superstar, but they've really been going outside the box lately, so I don't see why it wouldn't work. Joe's a good worker who has a really interesting look, the fans would be interested in seeing what he can do, and he'd probably win them over with his in-ring ability. I REALLY disagree with the people saying he'll need to lose weight. If he lost a significant amount of weight not only would it take a long time, but it would take away from his character. Sure, a 5 pound trim wouldn't kill him, but he's good without it. Joe's a big guy who moves like a cruiserweight, you don't want to take that away from him.

I'm skeptical of all this though, as it could just be a work. TNA might just be trying to try something new in the storyline department, or maybe Joe's trying to inject some life into his career by starting the rumor himself, you never know.
I think that TNA is working the internet fans. In his current storyline, Joe is obviously at loggerheads with the higher ups in the company and I guess TNA is furthering that illusion. Joe looks set for a huge push and it seems unlikely that TNA would do so if Joe was walking out of the company.

That being said nothing is absolutely certain in the world of pro wrestling. It is known that Steve Austin rates Joe very highly and his thinking might have influenced WWE. WWE is also trying out a few new things these days and Joe might be a part of their plan. It would be interesting to see how WWE pushes Joe. Handled correctly, Joe could be a decent enough figure in the WWE line-up. I do not see him become a permanent main eventer but he could very easily become a permanent upper midcarder who gets pushed to the main event in the time of need ala a Rey Mysterio.

And like Crock said, I do not think that Joe will be asked to get a toned body in the WWE. Maybe they will ask him to lose a few pounds but I think that even they realize that changing his size would result in changing his character. Joe's USP is that he can fly around like a cruiserweight despite being built heavily and I sure as hell would not like to mess that up.
I love how TNA marks openly bash Joe when rumors come up he might be leaving. They call this pre-emptive damage control. Joe should leave for the principal of being treated like crap after being loyal to the company. When Melina, Kozlov and Masters show up AJ, Joe and the rest of the TNA originals will all be forgotten again. Joe leave the Titanic while you still have a career, the TNA marks bashing you prove you are on the right course...
Sure Samoa Joe leaving TNA for the E would hurt TNA alot!! Not as much as AJ leaving but it would sting alot. The thing with JOE is it seems to me he has lost a little passion for his craft. If he could lose about 40 pounds and find that fire Joe could be a steal for the WWE!! I still believe he has that fire but is lost in TNA!!!
The aura is gone from Joe. Joe was a built on being the legit guy who kept on winning, the problem is the WWE will neve build someone up like that and now you're stuck with a fat guy and not Vader, Bundy, Yokozuna fat but Buddy Rose, Adrian Adonis fat. One type of fat is intimidating the other one is this guy is gonna get his ass kicked fat. the guy is Husky Harris without Black Jack Mulligan as a grandpa, Mike Rotunda as a dad, and Barry and Kendall Windham as uncles. If Joe leaves TNA he should go to Japan where they will push fat guys that aren't huge and where his style fits better with the major promotions.
I can see him as a sort of Umaga, but nothing more than that if he goes to WWE. He has the right size for it. Hell, he could even join in with this Sheamus v Mark Henry feud. But I don't think it would be a good run. As mentioned above he is too fat and lazy.
I remember when Joe had his winning streak in TNA and was the hottest thing they had going. To me, that was one of my most memorable angles that TNA had prior to Hogan and Bischoff coming in and changing the landscape of the product. For this reason, I KNOW Joe still has plenty of gas in his tank and can be made to do right for a wrestling promotion.

Granted, he has slowed down quite a bit over the past few years but I think I know why. I hate to say it but I think Joe realized that TNA is not the "big leagues" that he thought it would be. He worked in ROH and dominated the indies so he could be given a chance to prove himself on a larger stage. He thought TNA would give him the answer he was looking for. At first, TNA was exactly what he wanted it to be; a rival promotion to the WWE that could showcase him as one of the members of top-level talent in the promotion. However, once TNA made their major changes a few years ago, he was lost in the shuffle. Meanwhile, TNA's product has gradually gotten worse than it's ever been. Joe no longer has any motivation to sacrifice anything for the sake of TNA.

If the WWE brought Joe in, he would finally get the challenge he's been craving. He would be in the top promotion in the world and would finally have a glass ceiling to break though again. Only this time, this road would lead him to the promise land. With that much motivation, I'm sure he'd be willing to take any and every direction that the WWE would require of him.
I dont know what you guys are talking about. Usually there are some great ideas opinions on these threads but i think anyone anyone who doesn't think Joe fits WWE is way off because he would be a perfect fit. TNA has some great young talent that they were once pushing and these guys were making the company an amazing product, and Joe was the best of the best there. Then in comes bishoff and he does the same shit that drug wcw into the ground by bringing in dinosaurs to run the show. Joe needs to split as soon as he can and head into WCW. He has that intensity that goes a long way in the wwe. The whole fat thing is just kind of stupid, its part of his whole package and by the way the guys samoan. Whens the last time you've seen a slim samoan in the ring, or in your daily life for that matter. Yeah the Usos are in pretty good shape but other then that nearly all other samoan wrestlers have been over weight. Joe needs to leave TNA and go to WWE. Although WWE doesn't need him as much as he needs them they could still benefit greatly from him. He's better in the ring then most of the wwe's rising talent and when it comes to getting the audience behind him he can do it as good as any headliner. Not only does Joe fit WWE, but he would make a solid champ as well.

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