Samoa Joe To WWE?

SAMOA JOE Is not heading to WWE just because someone doesn't sign a contract does not mean he is heading to WWE wheelchair wrestling entertainment! OK? You all did the same rumors about ROn Killings guess what he is in TNA now? TNA will not lose him they created him and he draws fans
besides Matt Bentley,Jerry Lynn and Lance Hoyt are all WWE bound along with basham bros they were not impressed with the tag team
I say bring Back Naturals and send basham bros back to WWE !

hey pee-wee, last I checked it was Samoa Joe who mentioned going to the WWE first....not the fans....half the people you claim are returning to the WWE were originally from the WWE and they were fired once...thats how TNA got them...why would they be wanted back?
SAMOA JOE Is not heading to WWE just because someone doesn't sign a contract does not mean he is heading to WWE wheelchair wrestling entertainment! OK? You all did the same rumors about ROn Killings guess what he is in TNA now? TNA will not lose him they created him and he draws fans
besides Matt Bentley,Jerry Lynn and Lance Hoyt are all WWE bound along with basham bros they were not impressed with the tag team
I say bring Back Naturals and send basham bros back to WWE !

wheelchair wrestling entertainment? *cough* yeah, very creative :smashfreakB:

As far as Ron Killings go, he actually quit TNA but they did not meet Killings' expectations at the time. A good raise talked Killings into returning. Let's see if TNA's money can talk for Samoa Joe or not.

The way I see it, if you want to have fun and do whatever you please, you would work in the indy side. If you want to make a name for yourself or try to go as far as you can with your career, you would go to the WWE which I wouldn't doubt Joe acknowledges this at. It really seems as if TNA is just a backup promotion for the WWE superstars.
Sorry, but I can't take it any longer. The amount of people who have said that Joe would end up with a Samoan gimmick in WWE. Let's look at a few facts:

1. During big matches (the KOTM match for instance) Joe comes in with Samoan music, Samoan dancers, and fire throwers in grass skirts.

2. The man's name is SAMOA joe.

Now, excuse me, but it would seem that the man already has a samoan gimmick. Or am I wrong? Because if I am, someone please correct me, I'm a fair guy, if I am wrong here, I'll admit it :)
Sorry, but I can't take it any longer. The amount of people who have said that Joe would end up with a Samoan gimmick in WWE. Let's look at a few facts:

1. During big matches (the KOTM match for instance) Joe comes in with Samoan music, Samoan dancers, and fire throwers in grass skirts.

2. The man's name is SAMOA joe.

Now, excuse me, but it would seem that the man already has a samoan gimmick. Or am I wrong? Because if I am, someone please correct me, I'm a fair guy, if I am wrong here, I'll admit it :)

Your pretty much right! I just hope they don't give him a Umaga type gimmick. C`mon I never seen a primitive samoan have you?
Sorry, but I can't take it any longer. The amount of people who have said that Joe would end up with a Samoan gimmick in WWE. Let's look at a few facts:

1. During big matches (the KOTM match for instance) Joe comes in with Samoan music, Samoan dancers, and fire throwers in grass skirts.

2. The man's name is SAMOA joe.

Now, excuse me, but it would seem that the man already has a samoan gimmick. Or am I wrong? Because if I am, someone please correct me, I'm a fair guy, if I am wrong here, I'll admit it :)

No, you're right. But the thing is, it's not gimmick as opposed of Joe being proud of his Samoan heritage. The WWE does a bad job playing into different cultures/minorities. Look at Cryme Tyme and Umaga. They could give Joe a terrible, Samoan savage type gimmick and place him in a feud with Umaga. That's not what people really want to see and its not really respectful to Joe or is culture either.
Samoa Joe without a Samoan gimmick in WWE?? Then what is WWE going to do with him? Let me tell you something people if there is no such gimmick for Joe then he will just be put into ECW or some sh*t like that; Joe has to be a Main Eventer something that might not be impossible without that Gimmick.
Samoa Joe without a Samoan gimmick in WWE?? Then what is WWE going to do with him? Let me tell you something people if there is no such gimmick for Joe then he will just be put into ECW or some sh*t like that; Joe has to be a Main Eventer something that might not be impossible without that Gimmick.

What would be wrong with putting Samoa Joe in ECW? The man fits bill for the promotion perfectly, and he can wrestle CM Punk, a man who has put on multiple 5-star matches with Samoa Joe. He would be an ECW main-Eventer, and hopefully get John Morrison outta our faces. Apparently, sir, you don't consider ECW worthy of having it's superstars considered Main-Eventers. And why do people assume that WWE will bury or repackage him. Don't you realize that if he went to WWE, he would have the support of one of THE top guys in the business? Get ready to gasp, folks, cuz Ima gonna drop a bombshell on ya... Samoa Joe is close personal friends with a man he trained with at Ultimate pro wrestling... A man he used to travel on the road with... a man he RAPPED with for fun... That's right everyone, Samoa Joe is friends with WWE Champion John Cena!! * GASP!* 'Nuff said. Rant Over. I'm outta here.
If samoa joe wants to stay with TNA than so be it.If he wants to go to WWE then let him go to the E.If he wants to go to ROH then let him.The man has his own choice to make.the way i see it is TNA fans has their thoughts him being a sell-out for vince? and WWE fans see it as a big grab since kurt left. the way i see it let him make his own choice. u never know what might happen. he might do really well in the E!
What would be wrong with putting Samoa Joe in ECW? The man fits bill for the promotion perfectly, and he can wrestle CM Punk, a man who has put on multiple 5-star matches with Samoa Joe. He would be an ECW main-Eventer, and hopefully get John Morrison outta our faces. Apparently, sir, you don't consider ECW worthy of having it's superstars considered Main-Eventers. And why do people assume that WWE will bury or repackage him. Don't you realize that if he went to WWE, he would have the support of one of THE top guys in the business? Get ready to gasp, folks, cuz Ima gonna drop a bombshell on ya... Samoa Joe is close personal friends with a man he trained with at Ultimate pro wrestling... A man he used to travel on the road with... a man he RAPPED with for fun... That's right everyone, Samoa Joe is friends with WWE Champion John Cena!! * GASP!* 'Nuff said. Rant Over. I'm outta here.

yea i always wonder how they trained in the same school yet cena and him are on completely different levels. but other than that i agree, cena is vinces little boy toy and if joes still tight with cena then he'll at the least be a upper mid carder, most likely a main eventer, but does tna own the joe name/gimmick? if so then vince will do the same stupid thing they did to brown, name him something stupid, get rid of the only thing that got him over, and just make him a mid carder. but i think that vince will almost definatley make him umagas partner if that happens, or make him lose that fat because vince wont push a chubby (non 6'8-7ft or umaga like) wrestler.
Joe will tank if he oges to the WWE simply because of his look. Vince only pushes pretty boys and monsters, Joe is not a pretty boy and is too small to be a monster. If he goes to WWE, Samoa Joe will be a mid-carder for the rest of his life, despite the fact that he is one of, if not the best wrestler in the world today.
I agree Zuess. He will be a mid carder, his only chance of getting a push would be if a big core of his TNA fans got him over in WWE. I think he would get buried and forgotten like always happens. But it is a better choice for him financially to accept mid card status than to stay in TNA.

And also, what are the chances of him still being Samoa Joe in WWE? Wouldn't WWE give him a new name so that they could be sure they owned it, because I think he has a right to the name since he has been using it all along.
Alot of fans always seem to state that if guys like Joe and Styles went to the WWE, they would be misused. I honestly dont believe that would be the case in Joe's case, AJ maybe arguable. You look at Joe and how phenominal he is in the ring. Combine that with the fact that he brings alot of intensity to the table and has decent mic skills, I dont think WWE would misused. I'm not saying he will be pushed straight into the main event scene but I would bet a hell of a lot of money that he would have an effictive mid card role to help establish him with the WWE audience as a whole. Besides, could he be any more misused as he is now in TNA anyway? I wouldnt care if he was brought to the WWE and put on ECW. It would show that they have the desire for ECW to suceed and I could see him make an instant impact on there. Imagine, Punk/Joe WM 24. Mark out moment.
He would fit great in either mid card spot and would be a benefit. I think an Umaga/Joe mid card feud could be quite good. There is a place on either brand for a unique athlete like Joe in the WWE. Plus, they could develop his character and he undoubtibly could become a top star among the WWE audience.

The fact is that in TNA, he is being misused. The guy is the most popular wrestler the company has among its audience and looking at the build up heading into BFG, he wont even get he well deserved TNA World title. It wouldnt surprise me one bit if they stuck the X-Division title on Joe again and had him involved in that title scene heading into BFG. I honestly wouldnt blame Joe if he left, I would blame the creative for failing to build on Joe being the most popular star they have. I think its a cheek for people to come and say he would be misused in WWE looking at his current TNA career.

I am not going to believe the rumour. Fair enough, he is unhappy, his contract is expiring in a few months but once a rumour sites here this, they make up random BS. Not saying it wont happen but I believe that is the case. Being a fan that wants a company to push the WWE in terms of competiton, I would like it if Joe stayed. He is arguably TNA's biggest draw and has many appeals for a national audience. TNA could build there company around a guy like him but they are too stuck up the WWE's alumini's a$$, signing any former WWE star they can get there hands on instead of pushing there talents further. I think TNA fans have waited long enoough for Joe to reach the top and win the TNA title, I think this years BFG would be the best time to give it to him. However, Jarrett's coming back, he will hog the spot light and will more than likely win the TNA title, even if Joe is added as a third man to make it a triple threat.

On a side note, this time last year, it was TNA who were the future compared to these rumor sutes. They were going to get WWE guys like Benoit, Carlito, Shelton, Big Show, Rey Rey, Matt Hardy, RVD even Edge. I think Johnny Nitro was in there too. They were going to rip the heart out of the WWE by signing these stars. Oh Yeah, they have been getting Jericho for the past two years as well. Fair enough, they got Angle but none of the others. I find it ironic how the younger TNA stars are rumoured to be expressing there unhappiness in the company one year later. Just something I find rather strange.

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