i love WWE and have since a young age but i look more forward to watching TNA as of late because its not shit, at this point in time WWE is. Angle asked to be released by the way also i never once brought up schedual in the first place you did and so far everything ive stated is based upon facts and not rumor or things said by heart break kid jr, micheal shane, matt bentley, martyr or whoever that hopeless wrestler is called claims because he's bitter.
TNA booking is much better at this point in time than WWE smackdown and raw are jokes with two decent wrestlers per brand. stop living in the past TNA's champ has more credibillity than smackdown's, ecw and raw's champ combined and im not even a big angle fan. WWE is boring and predictable you can tell whos going to win 99% of the time now days. TNA fits more in 1 hour than WWE does in 2.
Pain meds don't amount to performance enhancing drugs lets face it WWE is at this point is nothing more than a modern day freakshow
As for your rumors many wrestlers have stated believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
Christian was a huge loss for WWE he was a veteran who jobbed to no talent assholes like Cena. im guessing angles not a big loss either. you only said he wasnt a big loss because you dont want to praise a member of the TNA roster.
please stop insulting people with the word ******ed its more or less flaming stop desperately defending WWE because youre not allowing people to state their opinion.
WWE only brought in a serious drug test after Eddie died if this happene before and would be taken properly Eddie and others would still be alive today TNA is bringing in a drug policy at the end of the year after being around for only 5+ years how long has WWE been around for Vince should be ashmed of himself.
You can rag on the wwe booking all you want and praise TNA booking...they pretty much have taken any credability away from that title with the way that it changes hands on a monthly basis. You cannot ignore the fact that the WWE's "c show" (ecw) pulls in better numbers on sci-fi then TNA Impact does.....so you slam a company with a drug policy in place making excuses for one that doesnt...lol..alright jr...makes sense...i'm not stoping anyone from stating their opinion....I'm simply pointing out the facts and points that they are failing to aknowledge. You make dumbass comments like i dont want to praise TNA talent yet I've said multiple times what talents I think Samoa Joe and A.J. Syles are...Its a shame taht Vince Russo puts people like Tomko over on the fresh talent TNA had....Vince Russo is one of the sh!tyest bookers I've ever seen.....take a look at the ratings, Kurt Angle departure has done nothing to hurt WWE and has done very little to help TNA. THe same with Christian. Christian departure was hardly noticed. If you are going to talk about no talent @$$holes then please include Tomko, Scott Stiener, and Sting in that conversation. Its also funny that the biggest roided out freak in wrestling history is Stiener and last I checked he was on TNA. I never said TNA was shit, I'm sorry if my comments were too difficult for you to understand. I was pointing out that the product and charecter development suffers because they only have 1 hour of air time.