Joe Turns Down Extension

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They could have Joe go to ROH and that would make TNA crap themselves beg for Joe back, Joe could take things on his terms this way disadvantages are TNA might not want Joe back. Or he could stay in TNA wait it out and see what happens. Lastly he could go to WWE this makes sense, WWE could capitalise on Joes technical ability as a selling point, and take comment on the belts hes won. Hes a former ROH Champ and it takes skill to do that. He could go to ECW and they could capitalise on the past between CM Punk and Joe, and have a Joe CM Punk ECW title rivalry, hed also make a good Tag partner. The originals would like him and he could become a big player in WWE after a year or so. Joe could get the money he wants in WWE and WWE would get new fans from Joe and the respectability it needs due to his technical ability and submission style wrestling. ECW would skyrocket in ratings or even have him on Smackdown although this is less of a good idea because he dosnt quite fit the Smackdown feel. ECW is about new talent and WWE could be the one to take Joe to main event i hope WWE reads these forums and makes the right choice contacts Joe and makes use of him.
Joes best friends with John Cena they trained together back then and use the same catch phrase. This has got to count for Joe more that any TNA friends he has!

TNA favorite Samoa Joe is telling people close to him that he'd rather sign an entry level WWE contract, around $50,000 a year than re-sign with TNA with his current contract.

No doubt if he did go to WWE they'd either stick him in the lower ranks, totally repackage him or both.

Wow it really looks like its down to Money for Joe now. Though i guess his is willing to go to the WWE and get a complete remake over as you know Vince would as he has to make his own characters and not use those that others have given them. But Hey if thats what Joe wants to do then be it.
I truly believe TNA will not let Samoa Joe leave just like they solved the problem with Ron The Truth Killings they will have no choice but do the same and give him what he wants!
ALready Dudleys are almost out and they suck as a tag team no draws whatsoever so I truly believe they need to do that!

Sting gets 500,000$ a year and when Chris Jericho asked for the same they didn t reply to him yet but we ll see afterall Jericho did pose in front of TNA sign!
Im not seeing Joe and Punk feud in WWE, their ROH rivilary was much too special and WWE would just ruin another great thing. I'm mostly looking forward to Joe to go back to ROH, I would imagine because he was/is so loyal to Gabe and everyone else that he should at least have a few more matches before heading to the E.
Guys guys guys! Whats with the ECW ? have you seen it lately its crap!
ECW Stands for empty crappy wrestling! Look what happened to Marcus Cor Van
(Monty Brown) he took a long leave of absence I truly believe he quit wrestling alltogether! Every TNA wrestler gets punished like this by shoving him in ECW come on lol! just kill ECW it has low ratings and noone is watching it anymore!
Samoa Joe will not leave TNA and TNA knows that coz he draws lots of fans he is a drawer especially the Jurt Angle feud they had and so on !
Guys guys guys! Whats with the ECW ? have you seen it lately its crap!
ECW Stands for empty crappy wrestling! Look what happened to Marcus Cor Van
(Monty Brown) he took a long leave of absence I truly believe he quit wrestling alltogether! Every TNA wrestler gets punished like this by shoving him in ECW come on lol! just kill ECW it has low ratings and noone is watching it anymore!
Samoa Joe will not leave TNA and TNA knows that coz he draws lots of fans he is a drawer especially the Jurt Angle feud they had and so on !

Dumbest post I have seen in a while. Obviously, Joe feels he is being misused, he jobs to Angle at every PPV. ECW is actually starting to get good, Cor Von had a family problem. Also Old ECW is better than WWE(WWE Idol, and the stupid basketball segments ect.) and ROH is better than both. I hope Joe goes to Ring of Honor, where they actually appreciate good wrestling. Go watch Joe vs Kobashi or Joe/Punk II, and tell me a WWE match that is close to that.
You go, Joe... go back to ROH where they'll treat you with some respect.
I agree. Because, clearly, 3 X-Division title reigns, a Tag Team title reign, an 18 month Undefeated streak, numerous PPV main-events, completely burying the X-Division, beating the likes of Scott Steiner, Jarrett twice, Angle once, and tag-teaming with Sting is completely unfair and under-utilizing Samoa Joe.

What a joke. Joe gets pissed because he has to have the same booking that everyone else gets. The only thing Joe is tripping over these days is his own enormous ego.
I would not mind watching Joe leave tna and going to wwe. tna has changed a lot and not for the best. joe could leave tna and sign with roh or wwe. it's about time samoa joe leaves tna anyway. i would think joe is getting really bored and tired with tna by now.

TNA favorite Samoa Joe is telling people close to him that he'd rather sign an entry level WWE contract, around $50,000 a year than re-sign with TNA with his current contract.

No doubt if he did go to WWE they'd either stick him in the lower ranks, totally repackage him or both.

People are making more of a big deal of this than i think is necessary, joe has everything he could possibly want in TNA, and i think the way wrestling news sites have worded it is all wrong, i can honestly see this is as Joe wanting more money and feeling for the amount of work he is doing eh should be on the same whack as christian/angle/jarrett.

It reads above that he would rather go to WWE than re-sign his "current"!! TNA contract. Alot of wrestlers that have been in TNA from an earlier time all had similar contracts, so where guys like Senshi/Aj/Lynn/Joe/Daniels/Killings/Storm/Harris the more widely used heavyweights of the bunch were all the same, now Joe has outgrown that field of wrestlers bar AJ, he has the right to ask for more cash.

Mark my words, this is all an attempt by wrestling sites to "get some news" Because wrestling news has been slow as of late.
TNA has given him every title they can possibly give him to shut him up he was getting paid very well in TNA before signing 3 years ago now he wants more money he has been winning over Kurt Angle for awhile now he has the tag team titles he won the X division title over Black Machismo what the hell does he want now he is no main eventer if he leaves he ll realize it when he is in WWE circus suffering in ECW !
TNA will not let him go like they did to Ron Truth Killings so his demand will be met and Samoa Joe will be staying now since Rikishi is close to signing with TNA they ll either pair them together or have them feud against each other
and where the hell is Sean Waltman? lol
I also believe TNA should get Vampiro in so he can feud with Sting that would boost ratings and Bring In Brock Lesner to TNA but what is so funny Brock actually wants to fight Randy Couture which is beyond imagination since UFC will not go on that route so I don t see him in UFC!
ok any1 who thinks joe is being misused in TNA really needs to actually watch TNA, hes like the undertaker there, every1 is afraid of him, hes done almost eveything there is to do excetp a long TNA title reign, wich he will get..

if this was because he was being misused why in the hell would he want to go to WWE? think about it ppl, if theres one company that wouldnt use joe well its WWE, if he wanted to be treated better he would go to ROH or japan, NOT WWE

this is obviously because of MONEY, if TNA offers him a good amount he wont leave.....
I dont think samoa joe wants to stay in tna forever. joe wont be signing to stay yet 3 more years in tna. i think joe wants a change and wants to sign with wwe. it's joe's choice anyway and you ppl cant be making his choice for him. if he wants to leave then he should.
I think this is a power move by Samoa Joe. If joe goes to WWE, it would be a huge mistake in my opinion, but if he wants the money, let him go. I think it's shitty on his part to think that he should be given the world title. I'm not saying he's not a good worker, and whose to say he's not in line to get the title.

I think Joe, like most of his fans, are too damn impatient. So what if he hasn't won the world title yet. I put up with Rob Van Dam not smelling a world championship for almost a decade, and your going to tell me taht Joe, 1 1/2 years in TNA, thinks he should be champion, bullshit.

I can see Joe probably going to Japan, or ROH. If he wants to do the Steve Corino thing and be the big fish in the small ponds, let him go. If he thinks he'll be a success in WWE, I'll be laughing when he comes out with Face Paint and "Samoa" written on his stomach.

TNA is the best fit for Joe, and he should just sit on his ass, and shut the fuck up. He's going to get the world title, it may not be as soon as he thinks he deserves it, but he'll get it. If he doesn't want to stay, then TNA should let him walk.

it depends on how they use him i suppose. If he moves to ECW (which is the WWE's "C Show" and still gets better ratings then TNA) then I like it. Joe to ECW and becomes the champ. It brings some ligitimacy to the orgainization (ECW) and the title. No reason for him not to jump ship. You say he needs to be patient...what the he!! makes you think things will change...they continue to persue high priced talent to try and compete with the WWE. If he stays in TNA he will not get a lot of air time and main event matches with the likes of Christian Cage, Sting, Angle, and now potentially Brock Lesnar.....what the hell is wrong with wanting more money and wanting a damn belt that seems to be passed around like a hot potato in TNA. How is TNA the best fit for Joe...TNA has shown NO INDICATION AT ALL that it can pull a rating higher then 1.1 or 1.2 and it continues to sign over rated high priced talent from the outside to throw in the main event....People were saying about a year ago that TNA has better "wrestlers" and the action is better....yeah ok...thats before guys like A.J. Styles and Joe got put behind guys like Tomko, Cage, Angle, Sting, etc. He knows TNA is not going anywhere and he has been given no indication that he will get the strap so I dont blame him for wanting to work for the WWE. Like I said, he can be a champ on the WWE's "C Show" and still pull in better ratings then TNA.

Shut the F*ck up and quit bitching.....TNA is a cr@p hole that tries (and fails) to cram 2 hours of tv in a 1 hour slot leaving the product and storylines weak and underdeveloped. Give me a break.

TNA has given him every title they can possibly give him to shut him up he was getting paid very well in TNA before signing 3 years ago now he wants more money he has been winning over Kurt Angle for awhile now he has the tag team titles he won the X division title over Black Machismo what the hell does he want now he is no main eventer if he leaves he ll realize it when he is in WWE circus suffering in ECW !
TNA will not let him go like they did to Ron Truth Killings so his demand will be met and Samoa Joe will be staying now since Rikishi is close to signing with TNA they ll either pair them together or have them feud against each other
and where the hell is Sean Waltman? lol
I also believe TNA should get Vampiro in so he can feud with Sting that would boost ratings and Bring In Brock Lesner to TNA but what is so funny Brock actually wants to fight Randy Couture which is beyond imagination since UFC will not go on that route so I don t see him in UFC!

just curious why you think bringing in Lesnar and Vampiro will help ratings....Angle, and Cage didnt help the ratings...nor did Scott Stiener. This is a big reason why talent in TNA is getting fed up and wants out...I dont blame them and I dont blame Joe...Why TNA thinks spending lots of money on former WWE talent to stack the main event scene is comical.....
He wants more money it's obvious he just got married i highly doubt his wife would want him on such a harsh schedual in WWE. I love both WWE and TNA but i think Joe will suck in WWE they'll water down his style a similar situation is Jeff Hardy he's concidered a high flyer but the only high flying move he does in WWE is whisper in the wind... wow Jeff sucks in WWE. People would think watering down the style is good to prevent injury but how much more injuries occur in WWE compaired to TNA loads more!. It's rather funny to see people who don't even watch TNA post here and act like they know what theyre talking about. ROH fans are also making me laugh ROH is an indy promotion why would someone who takes wrestling seriously and want to make it a living demote themselves.
He wants more money it's obvious he just got married i highly doubt his wife would want him on such a harsh schedual in WWE. I love both WWE and TNA but i think Joe will suck in WWE they'll water down his style a similar situation is Jeff Hardy he's concidered a high flyer but the only high flying move he does in WWE is whisper in the wind... wow Jeff sucks in WWE. People would think watering down the style is good to prevent injury but how much more injuries occur in WWE compaired to TNA loads more!. It's rather funny to see people who don't even watch TNA post here and act like they know what theyre talking about. ROH fans are also making me laugh ROH is an indy promotion why would someone who takes wrestling seriously and want to make it a living demote themselves.

whats also funny is that you say the WWE"waters down the action" and you dont seem to understand why the WWE has more injuries....did it ever occur to you that they are on the road over 3/4 of the year and they perform in AT LEAST 200 more matches a year then TNA superstars. Im sure if the WWE taped RAW like TNA does and they only had to work two weekends a month then you would see more "high-flying" action. It doesnt make sense to have superstars like Jeff Hardy perform extremly high risk moves night after night after night. Did you forget that TNA is taped and the superstars there are only asked to work a few days a month and rarely have to travel to do house shows? The WWE schedule is more tedious and is a hell of a lot harder on the body then TNA's schedule.
He wants more money it's obvious he just got married i highly doubt his wife would want him on such a harsh schedual in WWE. I love both WWE and TNA but i think Joe will suck in WWE they'll water down his style a similar situation is Jeff Hardy he's concidered a high flyer but the only high flying move he does in WWE is whisper in the wind... wow Jeff sucks in WWE. People would think watering down the style is good to prevent injury but how much more injuries occur in WWE compaired to TNA loads more!. It's rather funny to see people who don't even watch TNA post here and act like they know what theyre talking about. ROH fans are also making me laugh ROH is an indy promotion why would someone who takes wrestling seriously and want to make it a living demote themselves.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Joe was pulled from ROH this year because of his deal with TNA. This was long before TNA pulled the rest of their roster from ROH due to the PPV deal. Joe is a piece of the company that they want to protect from injury because he is an integral part of the show every week, whether he has a belt or not. I don't know what his yearly salary is, but going back to ROH at this point would be a major pay cut. That makes no sense. And, just because he MAY HAVE SAID that he would go to WWE under a $50,000 developmental deal doesn't mean that WWE has put that on the table. Joe's not going anywhere.
whats also funny is that you say the WWE"waters down the action" and you dont seem to understand why the WWE has more injuries....did it ever occur to you that they are on the road over 3/4 of the year and they perform in AT LEAST 200 more matches a year then TNA superstars. Im sure if the WWE taped RAW like TNA does and they only had to work two weekends a month then you would see more "high-flying" action. It doesnt make sense to have superstars like Jeff Hardy perform extremly high risk moves night after night after night. Did you forget that TNA is taped and the superstars there are only asked to work a few days a month and rarely have to travel to do house shows? The WWE schedule is more tedious and is a hell of a lot harder on the body then TNA's schedule.

Does it occur to you that a huge number of TNA wrestlers work a majority of other shows ontop of the TNA schedual so the statement you made was entirely without backup. i highly doubt a WWE fanboy knows anything about TNA or there roster after youve already gave your biast opinion. you hate TNA yet you obviously like Samoa Joe... If the WWE scheduals so mind wreckingly terrible no wonder WWE's talents either leaving or jumping ship, you may want to look into it but steriods also tend to be involved with injuries *cough* HHH*LASHLEY*BATISTA*
a lot of TNA superstars do matches in japan but thats not often, some do small matches with the small industries but other than that, they work maybe 5 times a month
Does it occur to you that a huge number of TNA wrestlers work a majority of other shows ontop of the TNA schedual so the statement you made was entirely without backup. i highly doubt a WWE fanboy knows anything about TNA or there roster after youve already gave your biast opinion. you hate TNA yet you obviously like Samoa Joe... If the WWE scheduals so mind wreckingly terrible no wonder WWE's talents either leaving or jumping ship, you may want to look into it but steriods also tend to be involved with injuries *cough* HHH*LASHLEY*BATISTA*

i dont hate TNA....I hate the way its being ran. It was a solid fresh product a year+ ago that has taken a turn in the wrong direction....why guys like LAX and A.J. Styles are being passed over is beyond me. Same with say my comments about the schedule are without back-up. They are based on the facts...and that is the schedules DONT COMPARE...You however are stating that a "huge number" of TNA wrestlers are working independent shows....what are you basing that on. I know its true but if you want to argue the fact of which schedule is "tougher" or more tedious then back up your own statements. If you base me being a fan boy on my comments regarding the TNA schedule then thats pretty ******ed on your part. Its a well known fact that TNA has a very light schedule and they are not on the road nearly as often as WWE is.

as far as your comment about WWE talent jumping ship...who are you refering too? Christian? Yeah, what. was that really that big of a loss for the WWE? Angle? WWE pulled that plug first. From reports it seems like morale in TNA is at a low and teams like VKM and the Dudley Boys want out and back in with WWE. Then there was Monty Brown and now the Joe rumors...that must kill you, you talk about me being a fan boy...look whos talking.

funny you bring up steriods/drugs...If I remember correctly Kurt Angle had quite a little problem with pain meds didnt he? From the reports on the main page it appears as though there is a drug problem in TNA right now as we speek. Its a well known fact that there isnt a drug testing policy established and the drug usage in TNA has been compared to the old ECW days (though not quite that bad). Before bring up something to put down one organization perhaps you should educate yourself.

You can twist my words all you want to make it seem that I am anti TNA...I am in fact not...your logic on some issues is ******ed IMO.
if WWE is looking into some of the TNA talent besides joe(pending if he does go to wwe) i would love to see LAX shake up the tag team division, start on SD and win some matches, hold the belts for a few months and be switched over to Raw to take those belts and hold on to them.
just curious why you think bringing in Lesnar and Vampiro will help ratings....Angle, and Cage didnt help the ratings...nor did Scott Stiener. This is a big reason why talent in TNA is getting fed up and wants out...I dont blame them and I dont blame Joe...Why TNA thinks spending lots of money on former WWE talent to stack the main event scene is comical.....

Well lets see would you ratrer have TNA put better shows or WWE taking TNA wrestlers liek Jerky Boy Hardy and Monty Brown and are useless now in WWE what do you say? This is why wrestling fans want an alternative wrestling promotion advert and convert to TNA we are all fed up of WWE Circus garbage and WWE wrestlers are all old now back then all you wrestling fans mocked WCW calling it Wheelchair Wrestling so who is Wheelchair Wrestling Entertainment now eh? LOL

if WWE is looking into some of the TNA talent besides joe(pending if he does go to wwe) i would love to see LAX shake up the tag team division, start on SD and win some matches, hold the belts for a few months and be switched over to Raw to take those belts and hold on to them.

Ok guys WWE is and always will be a WHEELCHAIR WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT having guys like Underfaker,Mark Henry,Edge,Batista ,HBK Shawn Michaels,Ron Simmons(Damn) thats all he can say wow he learnt a word! He looks ******ed half the time lets see,HHH,Steve Austin and RIC Flair
hmmmm so all WWE ever did was steal other wrestlers like they did back then for AWA and WCW and they misuse them look at Shawn Waltman and Kevin Nash.Scott Hall and Lex Luger and so on lets not forgot Giant Gonzales!
honestly WWE is desperate in putting TNA out and they won't go down and I would love to see Ted Turner buy TNA and kick McMorons ass one more time and hell bring in Eric Bischoff and you got a 2 hour show!
I see Jerry Lynn,Lance Hoyt ,Matt Bentley all in WWE lol I hope not Matt Bentley he is better off in TNA!

whats also funny is that you say the WWE"waters down the action" and you dont seem to understand why the WWE has more injuries....did it ever occur to you that they are on the road over 3/4 of the year and they perform in AT LEAST 200 more matches a year then TNA superstars. Im sure if the WWE taped RAW like TNA does and they only had to work two weekends a month then you would see more "high-flying" action. It doesnt make sense to have superstars like Jeff Hardy perform extremly high risk moves night after night after night. Did you forget that TNA is taped and the superstars there are only asked to work a few days a month and rarely have to travel to do house shows? The WWE schedule is more tedious and is a hell of a lot harder on the body then TNA's schedule.

Well soon all the wrestlers will realize it and take a break on their prone bodies who get injured day in and day out like I said when WWE is Wheelchair Wrestling ENtertainment I mean it HHH,RIc Flair,SCSA,Ron Simmons,Undertaker,Batista,Edge and more why the gruelling schedule to perform 350 days a year excluding holidays than you wonder why all his wrestlers are injured when you look at TNA their wrestlers are far more amazing then WWE wrestlers with more moves and they don 't limit thier moves unlike WWE he is right with Jeff Hardy he is lousy and whats more he was caught possesion of drugs again!
WWE has the highest rate of injuries now name me how many wrestlers of TNA are injured so far? lol except Konnan he is no longer there
If WWE was like TNA it would be hell of a lot better and think of it thier bodies take a poll too much they ll retire earlier like SCSA THE ROCK and Ron Simmons( farooq) it sg ood what TNA is doing and thats why wrestlers like it and its beneficial for the health of the wrestlers and to further prevent injuries as well!
Well lets see would you ratrer have TNA put better shows or WWE taking TNA wrestlers liek Jerky Boy Hardy and Monty Brown and are useless now in WWE what do you say? This is why wrestling fans want an alternative wrestling promotion advert and convert to TNA we are all fed up of WWE Circus garbage and WWE wrestlers are all old now back then all you wrestling fans mocked WCW calling it Wheelchair Wrestling so who is Wheelchair Wrestling Entertainment now eh? LOL

Ok guys WWE is and always will be a WHEELCHAIR WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT having guys like Underfaker,Mark Henry,Edge,Batista ,HBK Shawn Michaels,Ron Simmons(Damn) thats all he can say wow he learnt a word! He looks ******ed half the time lets see,HHH,Steve Austin and RIC Flair
hmmmm so all WWE ever did was steal other wrestlers like they did back then for AWA and WCW and they misuse them look at Shawn Waltman and Kevin Nash.Scott Hall and Lex Luger and so on lets not forgot Giant Gonzales!
honestly WWE is desperate in putting TNA out and they won't go down and I would love to see Ted Turner buy TNA and kick McMorons ass one more time and hell bring in Eric Bischoff and you got a 2 hour show!
I see Jerry Lynn,Lance Hoyt ,Matt Bentley all in WWE lol I hope not Matt Bentley he is better off in TNA!

Well soon all the wrestlers will realize it and take a break on their prone bodies who get injured day in and day out like I said when WWE is Wheelchair Wrestling ENtertainment I mean it HHH,RIc Flair,SCSA,Ron Simmons,Undertaker,Batista,Edge and more why the gruelling schedule to perform 350 days a year excluding holidays than you wonder why all his wrestlers are injured when you look at TNA their wrestlers are far more amazing then WWE wrestlers with more moves and they don 't limit thier moves unlike WWE he is right with Jeff Hardy he is lousy and whats more he was caught possesion of drugs again!
WWE has the highest rate of injuries now name me how many wrestlers of TNA are injured so far? lol except Konnan he is no longer there
If WWE was like TNA it would be hell of a lot better and think of it thier bodies take a poll too much they ll retire earlier like SCSA THE ROCK and Ron Simmons( farooq) it sg ood what TNA is doing and thats why wrestlers like it and its beneficial for the health of the wrestlers and to further prevent injuries as well!

you bring up Jeff Hardy...the only reason he went to TNA in the first place was because WWE let him. They fired act as though TNA made the guy. What great accomplishments did Jeff have in TNA? Just say he is useless now but he has won tag team gold and IC gold since his return...what are you basing your ******ed "useless" statement on. Again, what did Monty Brown accomplish in TNA? Yeah, he was really put to good use before he decided to leave the company...his treatment in WWE is no better then his treatment in TNA....You bring up drugs....once again I will post to you what I posted to another...TNA has a huge drug problem right you read the main message board. They have NO DRUG TESTING POLICY IN PLACE. They compare the drug problem in TNA to the ECW early that was bad....Yes WWE has more injuries....IT ALSO HAS MORE WRESTLERS. They have 3 brands to staff as opposed to TNA's 1 hour they put on weekly. You say if WWE were like TNA it would be do you mean...Do you mean if WWE tapes their shows up to three weeks in advance instead of LIVE RAW broadcasts they would be better? Or if they quit doing arena shows and instead lease a sound stage at universal....that would make them better? I'm not even entirely sure what point you are trying to make in your post. WWE has more injuries because it has more wrestlers and they are on the road 250-300 days out of the year...its more taxing..i'm not sure if you are arguing that point or agreeing with that point.
i love WWE and have since a young age but i look more forward to watching TNA as of late because its not shit, at this point in time WWE is. Angle asked to be released by the way also i never once brought up schedual in the first place you did and so far everything ive stated is based upon facts and not rumor or things said by heart break kid jr, micheal shane, matt bentley, martyr or whoever that hopeless wrestler is called claims because he's bitter.

TNA booking is much better at this point in time than WWE smackdown and raw are jokes with two decent wrestlers per brand. stop living in the past TNA's champ has more credibillity than smackdown's, ecw and raw's champ combined and im not even a big angle fan. WWE is boring and predictable you can tell whos going to win 99% of the time now days. TNA fits more in 1 hour than WWE does in 2.

Pain meds don't amount to performance enhancing drugs lets face it WWE is at this point is nothing more than a modern day freakshow

As for your rumors many wrestlers have stated believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

Christian was a huge loss for WWE he was a veteran who jobbed to no talent assholes like Cena. im guessing angles not a big loss either. you only said he wasnt a big loss because you dont want to praise a member of the TNA roster.

please stop insulting people with the word ******ed its more or less flaming stop desperately defending WWE because youre not allowing people to state their opinion.

WWE only brought in a serious drug test after Eddie died if this happene before and would be taken properly Eddie and others would still be alive today TNA is bringing in a drug policy at the end of the year after being around for only 5+ years how long has WWE been around for Vince should be ashmed of himself.
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