i just think joe would be buried in the WWE because putting a top TNA star as a top guy in the WWE isnt smart buisness, look at cor von, the guy is loaded with talent but they dont want to make him a face of ECW because he was former TNA, now that hes been gone a while who knows
cm punk was with many promotions, but all small, including ROH, so many wrestling fans didnt even know where he came from, thats why they didnt mind pushing him
i really doubt WWE would get a top TNA star and send him to be ECW champ, then go to SD! or Raw and start dominating the mid card, vince hates to push ppl he didnt make, though it does happen, its usually not big pushes, ill agree there have been some major pushes from some ppl he didnt make, but its rare, most of them were WCW but since WWE bought them its okay to push a WCW guy, ECW the only one who got a decent push, if i remember right was RVD...
joe would be a mid carder for most of his career, sure he has talent but WWE overlooks real talent many times, especially when the guys arent huge, and they already have an athletci fat samoan, umaga, obviously hes no joe, but WWE prefers monsters, i just feel joe wouldnt have a good future at all in WWE, im not gonna say he wont cuz im not 100% sure, but my opinion is that he would be buried
and all these young stars gotta calm down man, a lot of the x divison want to leave TNA because they arent that much in the spotlight anymore, geez its a buisness, theres many phases, in the beginning it was a x division phase, now its a heavyweight phase cuz thats where the ratings are like it or not, in the future it will be both, but these young guys have to learn to be patient
joe is a dominate guy in TNA, i dont understand how hes unhappy there (if he is) without a doubt he will be TNA champ very soon

... might even beat angle and get all the gold...