Joe Turns Down Extension

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The casual wrestling fan will NEVER get behind Samoa Joke, simply because ROH won't be able to market him right (the WWE are the market masters, and he doesn't fit in with what they prefer).

Oh, I'm sure that he is "passionate" about the business, but I simply can't stand looking at him. I'm sure most people would agree with me.
Joe's probably didn't wanna sign a long-term deal just yet because you never know what will happen in the future whether he will get screwed over or not. He's probably just waiting.
i think tna is playing this the wrong way, hows it gonna look if joe leaves the promotion after the put every belt the have on him they would be smarter to give him a slow build to a single more important title. I think their send the worng message to their tallent, i can just see dixi carter now: "Please dont leave we will put all the belts on you we need a new flavor of the month untill we sign another flavor of the month celb or wrestler."
The casual wrestling fan will NEVER get behind Samoa Joke, simply because ROH won't be able to market him right (the WWE are the market masters, and he doesn't fit in with what they prefer).

Oh, I'm sure that he is "passionate" about the business, but I simply can't stand looking at him. I'm sure most people would agree with me.

Ah yes, you're right there. The WWE has given us characters such as Umaga, The Great Khali and Scotty 2 Hotty. They are the master marketers. But let's not forget that they also stole credibility from former legends like Taz and RVD.
well i think the smart thing would be to stay on TNA, TNA is on the verge of a 2 hour deal (maybe 4 with fox) its gonna start getting big, this could be Joes chance to really be known for his talent, TNA doesnt hold him back in terms of moves, hes free to go all out and showcase what hes got, wich is awsome

+ how can u guys say TNA is holding him back??? the guy is the x division and tag team champ without a partner lol, the guy is huge in TNA right now, just behind kurt angle, and though joe is incredible, it wouldnt be wrong to put him behind kurt angle for now, kurt angle is also amazing in ring, hes not just a big name, and they did have some great fuckin matches, cant wait for this next one, is being the 2nd biggest guy in TNA so bad? geez it seems like the young stars today just wanna be in the spotlight, they think they deserve it all and dont have patience to wait and get there big break, im sure in the near future samoa joe would be the face of TNA

and even if he does go back to ROH, it will take him MUCH longer to start getting more money or be better known in the wrestling world, ROH still has a long way to go to get to where TNA is...they have the talent but its still gonna take some years to get where TNA is right now, joe would just fuck up his career more if he went there, japan could be a good option but i doubt he will go there

if money truly is the problem, then i really think thats just pathetic, TNA isnt big enough right now to pay all the guys a huge amount of money, and the guys who bring in ratings is who gets more money, though joe is probably one of the best talents in TNA he doesnt bring them the ratings yet, hes not THAT big name, when he gets to that level he can start earning more

and if he goes to WWE he would just get buried after a couple of months...

best choice for him is stay in TNA, or he could go to WWE and get buried, or he can take a step back in his career and go back to ROH, his choice...
People are saying him going to WWE would do harm & he would get buried. My question is HOW DO YOU KNOW that will happen? Because he is out of shape? LOL. What about Hornswoggle as Cruiserweight champion? What about Big Daddy V and Umaga getting good pushes? There's also been MANY legendary wrestlers in WWE history that has been successful that weren't your typical ultra-model bodybuilder type. Also, keep in mind majority of ex-ROH stars became successful in the WWE. CM Punk is the top star in his brand. Mickie James is a multi-time Womens champion. Brian Kendrick & Paul London made history with the tag titles. Jamie Noble got a promotion & a good position in the WWE currently. So why can't Joe be successful?

The WWE signed someone like CM Punk & pushed him because they knew among the smart wrestling fans he is very popular which eventually got passed down to the general WWE audience. They could do the same with Joe easily. To say WWE doesn't care about talent is ironic.... okay I admit, maybe not completely. You either must know the basics as a body builder or you must be a very damn impressive performer to make it in the WWE, which Joe applies to one of those requirements.

If TNA wants to live forever and follow the WWE's path, they need to do what the Double Double E does.... discover & build fresh talent to represent their promotion which in the past year or so they been doing the complete opposite. Too focussed on attracting WWE fans/old school fans instead of trying to make a new generation of fans with newer superstars.
People that feel TNA is holding Joe back are people that think they know what the company should be doing. It's the same people that feel the X-Division should be the focus of the show, instead of just being a part of the show.

Samoa Joe has a rabid fan base, which I get, I think the guy is great in the ring. But people piss and moan so much about him not being the World Champion, it takes away from everything else he does. I've said before, no one could have been a fan ten years ago with Rob Van Dam. I hate to wait damn near 8 years for him to be a World Champion, but when it happened it was worth it.

People are in such a hurry to slap a world title on to a guy, because they feel that justifies him in the sport, true, and not true. Most of the time, people will then end up bitching that the Title wasn't won properly, or the man was thrust into the position to quickly and wasn't prepared for it. Samoa Joe will be a world champion, if it doesn't happen this month, so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it. The man is holding 3 title belts, but still people will complain he is under utilized.
i just think joe would be buried in the WWE because putting a top TNA star as a top guy in the WWE isnt smart buisness, look at cor von, the guy is loaded with talent but they dont want to make him a face of ECW because he was former TNA, now that hes been gone a while who knows

cm punk was with many promotions, but all small, including ROH, so many wrestling fans didnt even know where he came from, thats why they didnt mind pushing him

i really doubt WWE would get a top TNA star and send him to be ECW champ, then go to SD! or Raw and start dominating the mid card, vince hates to push ppl he didnt make, though it does happen, its usually not big pushes, ill agree there have been some major pushes from some ppl he didnt make, but its rare, most of them were WCW but since WWE bought them its okay to push a WCW guy, ECW the only one who got a decent push, if i remember right was RVD...

joe would be a mid carder for most of his career, sure he has talent but WWE overlooks real talent many times, especially when the guys arent huge, and they already have an athletci fat samoan, umaga, obviously hes no joe, but WWE prefers monsters, i just feel joe wouldnt have a good future at all in WWE, im not gonna say he wont cuz im not 100% sure, but my opinion is that he would be buried

and all these young stars gotta calm down man, a lot of the x divison want to leave TNA because they arent that much in the spotlight anymore, geez its a buisness, theres many phases, in the beginning it was a x division phase, now its a heavyweight phase cuz thats where the ratings are like it or not, in the future it will be both, but these young guys have to learn to be patient

joe is a dominate guy in TNA, i dont understand how hes unhappy there (if he is) without a doubt he will be TNA champ very soon O.o... might even beat angle and get all the gold...
i just think joe would be buried in the WWE because putting a top TNA star as a top guy in the WWE isnt smart buisness, look at cor von, the guy is loaded with talent but they dont want to make him a face of ECW because he was former TNA, now that hes been gone a while who knows

The WWE isn't TNA. In the WWE, you work your way up to the big picture. You don't get a title for just jumping ships the next day, unlike in TNA. The WWE spends time to have their talent developed and you have to earn your spotlight throughout time which IMHO is SMART BUSINESS, unlike in TNA where you get an easy title win the first day for being a former WWE employee. Look what they did when they pushed Brock Lesnar the second he came in and look what happened later on... the WWE spoiled Lesnar w/out earning a damn thing. How is that fair to other wrestlers that spent years busting their asses for a title win?
The WWE isn't TNA. In the WWE, you work your way up to the big picture. You don't get a title for just jumping ships the next day, unlike in TNA. The WWE spends time to have their talent developed and you have to earn your spotlight throughout time which IMHO is SMART BUSINESS, unlike in TNA where you get an easy title win the first day for being a former WWE employee. Look what they did when they pushed Brock Lesnar the second he came in and look what happened later on... the WWE spoiled Lesnar w/out earning a damn thing. How is that fair to other wrestlers that spent years busting their asses for a title win?

Who exactly came to TNA and won the belt the first night?

Kurt Angle took him nearly 9 months to climb to the top of the company, and Christian Cage it took several months as well. I understand what your trying to say, but you can't over exagerate that much. Cage and Angle are draws in TNA, simple enough. Hell, Sting even took at least a half a year to win the NWA world title.

TNA may put these guys in big storylines, but they aren't neccessarily throwing belts on them the first chance they get. TNA makes sure that they can draw still before they do that.
If Joe goes to WWE it would be the stupidest thing in the world .. They'd probly make him job to Jon Morrison(Nitro). WWE would slap some gay gimmic on him just like what they did to Monty Brown. The first spot he would go to ECW and they'd but him in matches wit Stevie Richards and matt striker

then some time down the road he will lose to the *** cena

I'm hoping Joe goes back to ROH, but the most likely scenario would be re-signing. With the ROH PPV deal, and ROH actually at a rise right now, you never know. TNA is way more highly recognized, but Joe was amazing in ROH. As long as he doesn't go to WWE, I will be happy, unless they have him feud with Punk:)
lol like shock said, the ex WWE guys didnt get the belt over night, also im not saying to give joe a push as soon as he gets in the WWE

what im saying is he would have no future there, at MOST he would be ECW champ, be transfered, and 4gotten, even if it took him years he should at one time at least be feuding for the WHC belt, but i doubt that will every happen

anyway, joe is gonna re-sign, he just wants more money, no way hes goin to WWE and i doubt he will go back to ROH
TNA does spoil some of the top ex-WWE guys too much, case being Christian i read where when he signed his contract extension he had it put in that he gets 2 more reigns as Heavyweight Champ now how's that fair? i'm not saying he doesn't deserve it but to have it put in your contract is bs, that there might make other people not sign unless a title reign's in their contract think Angle & Sting had it in theirs. i bet Angle did & it's probable making original TNA talent a little bitchy about resigning.
Considering everything that Joe has done for TNA, to keep dangling the title carrot in front of him and then snatching it away at the last second just to give it to the latest WWE reject is completely disrespectful. I don't blame Joe for not re-signing. I wouldn't either. At least if he goes back to ROH he'll get the respect he deserves.
People that feel TNA is holding Joe back are people that think they know what the company should be doing. It's the same people that feel the X-Division should be the focus of the show, instead of just being a part of the show.

Samoa Joe has a rabid fan base, which I get, I think the guy is great in the ring. But people piss and moan so much about him not being the World Champion, it takes away from everything else he does. I've said before, no one could have been a fan ten years ago with Rob Van Dam. I hate to wait damn near 8 years for him to be a World Champion, but when it happened it was worth it.

People are in such a hurry to slap a world title on to a guy, because they feel that justifies him in the sport, true, and not true. Most of the time, people will then end up bitching that the Title wasn't won properly, or the man was thrust into the position to quickly and wasn't prepared for it. Samoa Joe will be a world champion, if it doesn't happen this month, so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it. The man is holding 3 title belts, but still people will complain he is under utilized.

He's not under-utilized. He's over-utilized- as Kurt Angle's jobber. And the part that sickens me is- it's never going to change. Not with the Dixie/Mantel/Jarrett/Russo brainfart running things. The guys who built this company up wil forever be swept under the rug so that the ex-WWE guys can be kept happy.

You go, Joe... go back to ROH where they'll treat you with some respect.
Joe is holding out for more money. ROH isn't making the kind of money Joe will command.
Joe is holding out for more money. ROH isn't making the kind of money Joe will command.

How do you know what Joe is holding out for?, maybe he's holding out for more time off, or the ability to make his own independent bookings, or possibly a longer amount of time on the contract, or maybe he just doesn't want to work with TNA anymore cause he's sick of wrestling Angle, nobody knows why Joe didn't sign the contract except for Joe himself

btw nice spammy post, you might want to add more to your post in the future, that is if you expect to stick around, just a helpful suggestion:thumbsup:

Putting title clauses is what they are suppose to do! Jerico did it when he went to WWE.. He was entitled to 1 title run AND a wrestlemainia headline.

Beniot/ Eddie both had them in there contracts that they would get a world title...
This is not unusual, infact I would not sign a contract unless Iknow they are going to put a belt on me if I was a big name star.

Putting title clauses is what they are suppose to do! Jerico did it when he went to WWE.. He was entitled to 1 title run AND a wrestlemainia headline.

Beniot/ Eddie both had them in there contracts that they would get a world title...
This is not unusual, infact I would not sign a contract unless Iknow they are going to put a belt on me if I was a big name star.

Your probably right, when Angle came to TNA he had one in his contract that stated that in the first year he was entitled to one title run, So I'm sure Joe knows that, and wants that put into his extension, seeing as how that seems to be the only way he will get a Heayweight title run with TNA, them signing all these other heavyweights and all, it would be a smart move
I think that Joe will eventually resign with TNA and if he does resign he'll probably have a short reign in the next few years as their world champion. However, it would be interesting to see if Joe signs with WWE because his talents could be utilized well on either Smackdown or ECW. On Smackdown he could be a top face with Batista and on ECW he could create great feuds with either Morrison, Punk, Burke or Cor Von. Whether Joe signs with TNA or WWE, he'll definitely get what he wants and deserves.
I think he'll resign with TNA eventually, or perhaps go to Japan. I'd be surprised if he went back to ROH.

I hope he doesn't go to WWE for his sake. I know this won't be popular on a board where everybody loves him, but it's true...Samoa Joe might not be main event material in the big league. Maybe he is, maybe he'd surprise me...but I don't see him being more than one of those guys that max out with a good Intercontinental/United States title run, perhaps one little meaningless world title reign. I don't see him being a guy that can carry the WWE with mainstream wrestling fans. But maybe he'd surprise me, I'd be happy if he did.
I think this is a power move by Samoa Joe. If joe goes to WWE, it would be a huge mistake in my opinion, but if he wants the money, let him go. I think it's shitty on his part to think that he should be given the world title. I'm not saying he's not a good worker, and whose to say he's not in line to get the title.

I think Joe, like most of his fans, are too damn impatient. So what if he hasn't won the world title yet. I put up with Rob Van Dam not smelling a world championship for almost a decade, and your going to tell me taht Joe, 1 1/2 years in TNA, thinks he should be champion, bullshit.

I can see Joe probably going to Japan, or ROH. If he wants to do the Steve Corino thing and be the big fish in the small ponds, let him go. If he thinks he'll be a success in WWE, I'll be laughing when he comes out with Face Paint and "Samoa" written on his stomach.

TNA is the best fit for Joe, and he should just sit on his ass, and shut the fuck up. He's going to get the world title, it may not be as soon as he thinks he deserves it, but he'll get it. If he doesn't want to stay, then TNA should let him walk.

aaaaahhh, as much as i hate to admit it, youre probably right.
im a slobbering joe fan, and want the belt on him ASAP. but your arguement makes sense.
really, im about to head to basic training in october. i just wanna see him win the belt (or at least a feud) before i go to the land of no PPV's.
I think he's been one of the biggest names in TNA for this past year and they should have given him the title months ago. i think if he does leave he'll be contacted by WWE straight away because he's too big a name to go back to ROH and i doubt that they could give him the money he'd get in WWEso i think next year we could see Samoa Joe in ECW, Then Smackdown!, Then Raw. it'd be the perfect message to TNA if Vince made Joe a bigger star in WWE than he was in TNA.
I think that they will build up the anticipation with Joe a lil more before putting the title on him. I think that they are possibly waiting for the second hour to kick in, that way a named guy like Angle is helping with the ratings until they can add the second hour and put the focus on Joe. He has come along fine and it is good that they keep him in high profiled fueds so that he can still be in the world title picture. He will get the title soon enough, everybody just needs to be patient.
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