Samoa Joe To WWE?

well, agree to disagree i suppose. Joe does not have a WWE champion "look" and beause of that I find it hard to believe that Vince would put anything more then the ECW/IC/US title around his waist......If you are telling me that Joe has a better chance of main eventing with the likes of HHH, Cena, Orton, Batista, Khali, and the Undertaker then Tazz did with the WWE roster back in the day then I want what you are on. Dont forget he will also have to contend with returning stars like HBK, Edge, and Bobby Lashley too. Joe, Like Tazz was is a big fish in a small pond...when you come to the WWE your past accomplishments dont mean anything. Look at the Sandman, Mike Awsome, Tajiri...all big players in ECW but we all know what their roles were in WWE. One thing that people need to understand is that a portion of WWE fans know who he is NOT the majority. His charecter is not known to most WWE fans.Please, you cant compare a Joe/Punk feud with Austin/Rock. The smart fan will love and look foreward to the Joe/Punk feud but in the WWE world that isnt a big draw.....the problem is that a lot of the people on the board are wanting the TNA Joe Charecter to come to WWE and feud with our guys....he wont come over as Samoa Joe and he wont be thrown into any type of storyline right off the bat, he will be repackaged and he will be built up...

I agree with what you are saying about the current roster main event performers. But, performers like Taker, HBK, Triple H are getting old and their match quality and quantity is decreasing year by year. The WWE is also losing faith in Batista to carry a championship. They're also down on Khali, even though he is a brand champion. The future of main events are based on Cena, Orton, Lashley, Edge, maybe the Hardys, Punk and Morrison. In comparison to 2000, which included Y2J, Rock, Triple H, Angle, Taker and Austin, the roster is filled with unproven performers which the WWE can't even put on TV to wrestler (ie Khali). Joe can carry a match with a mediocre performer. However, IF Joe lands on WWE tv, it won't be for a long time. They will send if to developmental, just like they did with Punk. The thing about Tazz was that he was an active wrestler for one year and a half. He wasn't even involved in that terrible InVasion storyline because he was injured. Joe does not have any terrible injuries that will end his career in a short amount of time. Yeah, maybe a Umaga vs. Joe feud might not be that great. But Umaga has been one the top performers this year and has greatly improved in the ring. Although his gimmick is really stale, people still respond to him and they MIGHT do the same to Joe. I think we are all getting ahead of ourselves though, TNA might do the SMART thing and offer him more money. But look at it this way, TNA has let go of some great workers the last month or so. They are in a cost cutting mode and they are losing cash fast. They're paying individuals like Pacman Jones so much money, that they can't even afford real wrestlers. Now that they might have Brock in their sights to feud with Angle and the fact that they may close down the X division, Joe's move to WWE might be smart one and could be a career changer.
They're paying individuals like Pacman Jones so much money, that they can't even afford real wrestlers. Now that they might have Brock in their sights to feud with Angle and the fact that they may close down the X division, Joe's move to WWE might be smart one and could be a career changer.

yes but joe is a major star for them and they probably have big plans for him in the future, or they wouldnt be putting him against kurt angle, i think TNA wont let him go and pay him more money, and since they need to cut back i think they would rather get rid of their useless talent than joe...
I agree with what you are saying about the current roster main event performers. But, performers like Taker, HBK, Triple H are getting old and their match quality and quantity is decreasing year by year. The WWE is also losing faith in Batista to carry a championship. They're also down on Khali, even though he is a brand champion. The future of main events are based on Cena, Orton, Lashley, Edge, maybe the Hardys, Punk and Morrison. In comparison to 2000, which included Y2J, Rock, Triple H, Angle, Taker and Austin, the roster is filled with unproven performers which the WWE can't even put on TV to wrestler (ie Khali). Joe can carry a match with a mediocre performer. However, IF Joe lands on WWE tv, it won't be for a long time. They will send if to developmental, just like they did with Punk. The thing about Tazz was that he was an active wrestler for one year and a half. He wasn't even involved in that terrible InVasion storyline because he was injured. Joe does not have any terrible injuries that will end his career in a short amount of time. Yeah, maybe a Umaga vs. Joe feud might not be that great. But Umaga has been one the top performers this year and has greatly improved in the ring. Although his gimmick is really stale, people still respond to him and they MIGHT do the same to Joe. I think we are all getting ahead of ourselves though, TNA might do the SMART thing and offer him more money. But look at it this way, TNA has let go of some great workers the last month or so. They are in a cost cutting mode and they are losing cash fast. They're paying individuals like Pacman Jones so much money, that they can't even afford real wrestlers. Now that they might have Brock in their sights to feud with Angle and the fact that they may close down the X division, Joe's move to WWE might be smart one and could be a career changer.

if you are talking about TNA blowing money then the contracts of Sting, Scott Stiener, and even Angle need to be mentioned...TNA has lost its only edge it had over WWE a year+ ago...that edge was the fresh faces and the the action/wrestleing....the faces have been put behind WWE rejects and the product has suffered.

If Joe is smart he will either leave for Japan or the WWE. TNA is trying to compete with the WWE with established faces that dont have a place any longer in WWE and because of that we will not see a title around the wastes of Styles or Joe for quite a while....if least IMO.

as for Joe being able to carry a good match in WWE, I dont argue that...I'm simply saying that the odds of him being able to do that on the main event level are slim because he wont have the oppertunity. Taker, HBK, and HHH are aging but I would expect them to be on top for another 2-3 years. Batista will still be there (regardless of what actual wrestleing fans think of him he still gets big pops from the casual fan) along with Cena, Edge, Orton, Punk, Lashley, Kennedy, Morrision, and Ray Mysterio Jr. Y2J is always rumored to be returning as well. You act as though the WWE is heading for a drought of talent. IF, and thats a really big IF, Joe comes to WWE it will be a move Vince makes to hurt TNA instead of making WWE better.....
I think a move to WWE would be the pinnacle of Joe's carer. Think about it: He was one of the biggest stars in ROH, then he was one of the biggest in TNA. A move to WWE would just be another step to the top for Joe. Although I don't think he'll ever win the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship, but he'd be a good fit for the ECW title.

I'm not so sure that if Joe has a long WWE career he couldn't win a WHC or even WWE title. True, he doesn't have "the look" but then again, neither did Mick Foley or Rey Mysterio and they both managed to win major championships. In addition, Joe has proven to have a kind of in-ring versatility that I think will be very helpful to him in the WWE. I don't watch much ROH or TNA, but if he has been successful in promotions that have different styles, I don't see any reason why he would not be able to make a smooth transition to ECW, then Smackdown, then Raw. Also, Joe is pretty young (28 according to Wikipedia) so if he does have a long WWE run, a lot of the older, established guys will be gone leaving plenty of space at the top if Joe is over with the WWE fans.
In my personal opinion, I don't think Samoa Joe would be a good fit in W.W.E. He may have the wrestling skill & the size.. but he's got NO personality, NO gimmick.. & size or not, if you don't have great mic. skills or a gimmick that the crowd would die for.. you'll drop in their rankings faster than Santino after discovering the people hated him.

T.N.A. is the best fit for Joe, because they have several guys that work well with him. If Joe went to W.W.E. he'd be considered similar to Umaga in his size & ability. The only way he'd make it, to me, is if (like someone else mentioned) they teamed Joe & Umaga up as some type of revised version of the Wild Samoans.

Joe's too heavy for the cruiserweight division, & he's too plain for any other division. He'd become a huge thing at first, because he's been T.N.A.'s face for like 2 years.. but once the fan-fair dies away, so will his ability to be anything worth watching in W.W.E.
In my personal opinion, I don't think Samoa Joe would be a good fit in W.W.E. He may have the wrestling skill & the size.. but he's got NO personality, NO gimmick.. & size or not, if you don't have great mic. skills or a gimmick that the crowd would die for.. you'll drop in their rankings faster than Santino after discovering the people hated him.

T.N.A. is the best fit for Joe, because they have several guys that work well with him. If Joe went to W.W.E. he'd be considered similar to Umaga in his size & ability. The only way he'd make it, to me, is if (like someone else mentioned) they teamed Joe & Umaga up as some type of revised version of the Wild Samoans.

Joe's too heavy for the cruiserweight division, & he's too plain for any other division. He'd become a huge thing at first, because he's been T.N.A.'s face for like 2 years.. but once the fan-fair dies away, so will his ability to be anything worth watching in W.W.E.

Batista is not that great in the ring and even worse on the mic...same with khali. Lashley, other then being huge has no gimmick....and is the worst out of them all on the mic yet the fans like him. Joe doesnt fit the mold of a wwe superstar but he would have a sucessful place in ECW at least IMO.
batista is terrible in the ring, its the same thing over and over. he gets beat up for 5 mins then "snaps" does a batista bomb and wins over and over. joe would be better than that, he would atleast win the ecw belt and then go to SD and compete for the US belt
In my personal opinion, I don't think Samoa Joe would be a good fit in W.W.E. He may have the wrestling skill & the size.. but he's got NO personality, NO gimmick.. & size or not, if you don't have great mic. skills or a gimmick that the crowd would die for.. you'll drop in their rankings faster than Santino after discovering the people hated him.

T.N.A. is the best fit for Joe, because they have several guys that work well with him. If Joe went to W.W.E. he'd be considered similar to Umaga in his size & ability. The only way he'd make it, to me, is if (like someone else mentioned) they teamed Joe & Umaga up as some type of revised version of the Wild Samoans.

Joe's too heavy for the cruiserweight division, & he's too plain for any other division. He'd become a huge thing at first, because he's been T.N.A.'s face for like 2 years.. but once the fan-fair dies away, so will his ability to be anything worth watching in W.W.E.

I don't agree.. Look no further than Batista...he's got zero mic skills and what is his gimmick exactly? It is certainly has no depth to it. And yet he is still one of the most over guys in WWE because of his association with Evolution. Another example of a "plain" guy that is over big time would be Matt Hardy. Again, nothing special in terms of mic skills or character depth, but he is over due to both hard, solid in-ring work and his association with the Hardy Boyz.

I also don't understand why people are saying that he would need to be associated with Umaga in order to make it. First of all, with Umaga on Raw and the most logical place for Joe to start being ECW, the two would have no reason to interact. Second, just because Joe is Samoan doesn't mean that HAS to be his gimmick. While there are plenty of stereotype gimmicks in WWE right now, there are also ones like the King Bookah gimmick that defy stereotypes but still work.

Lastly, this is my idea for how Joe could be introduced to any brand in a somewhat fresh way.. There should be a new big man, not superheavy-weight sized, but something along the lines of a Chuck Palumbo or Drew Hankinson size, and have him start squashing jobbers left and right.. The only difference would be that this guy should always be introduced first, and then have the jobber come out looking all scared and whatnot. Finally, after about a month or so, maybe even on a PPV, have the same scenario play itself out, except instead of a jobber, its Joe who comes out with absolutely no pre-hype or anything and completely destroys this big man...I'm thinking all the big moves, throws across the ring, etc etc. Basically a squash match that lasts about 7 or 8 minutes and showcases all of Joe's moves. Afterwards, he just shakes his head and walks out of the celebration, never even cracks a smile... I think it works great because all the smarks will hate whatever big man by this time and love the fact that WWE is smart enough to recognize the talent Joe has and all the regular fans will just see an "unstoppable" big man get totally dominated by this new guy.. in both cases, Joe is over in pretty much one match before going on to do whatever future feuds...thoughts?
I think joe is realizing what is happening to TNA, its self imploading right now and has no direction. I would enjoy joe on wwe tv and i think the right fit for him would be ECW he could either feude with or team with punk if they ever introduce the tag belts. I also think things could get even better if the took colt cabana out of OVW and sent him up to ECW, i think it would be great to see those guys feuding over the title untill they get moved up to either raw or smackdown.
he should go to RoH, he would be happy there, but it would be cool to see Joe vs. Punk IV for the ECW Title, but Vince would never acknowledge there past history or go with this feud since he did not create it himself. shame. but he should go to RoH to start a stiff feud with Takeshi Morishima, and there maybe Joe could get his rematch with Kenta Kobashi when he makes his long awaited return to wrestling. (Get Well Sooner!)
I have mixed feelings on this topic. I feel that Joe is being slighted in TNA. I can understand his frustration with his current situation and can also understand why he might want to explore other options, such as the WWE. Joe is the total package in wrestling so maybe he will have a chance to break through in the WWE and be successful. I would much rather see Joe return to ROH or work in Japan so that he can utilize his skills to the fullest.
from reading other posts, he started on RoH didnt he? and he had a 21 month championship reign?

yeah he did staart there and yes he did have a 21 month title reign.

i think it would be pointless for him to go back he would make way less money and i think hes done all he can do for that promotion.
I think it would be a good move for Joe's career. Joe has made a name for himsellf and will be making more money. He will get a fresh run in WWE and there are alot of potential feuds. What is there left for Joe in TNA.

There is still the TNA world title and letting Joe at long last win that one. The only problem is that guys like Joe are getting buried in TNA by all the guys that the WWE let go or guys that quit the WWE. But with the way Joe is getting buried, I don't blame him for not re-signing with TNA but I can't help but fear that the WWE would do worse to Joe than TNA has done over the last seveal months. not to mention I can almos gurantee that there is no way in hell the WWE will let Joe do some of his moves like the muscle buster.
if you are talking about TNA blowing money then the contracts of Sting, Scott Stiener, and even Angle need to be mentioned...TNA has lost its only edge it had over WWE a year+ ago...that edge was the fresh faces and the the action/wrestleing....the faces have been put behind WWE rejects and the product has suffered.

If Joe is smart he will either leave for Japan or the WWE. TNA is trying to compete with the WWE with established faces that dont have a place any longer in WWE and because of that we will not see a title around the wastes of Styles or Joe for quite a while....if least IMO.

as for Joe being able to carry a good match in WWE, I dont argue that...I'm simply saying that the odds of him being able to do that on the main event level are slim because he wont have the oppertunity. Taker, HBK, and HHH are aging but I would expect them to be on top for another 2-3 years. Batista will still be there (regardless of what actual wrestleing fans think of him he still gets big pops from the casual fan) along with Cena, Edge, Orton, Punk, Lashley, Kennedy, Morrision, and Ray Mysterio Jr. Y2J is always rumored to be returning as well. You act as though the WWE is heading for a drought of talent. IF, and thats a really big IF, Joe comes to WWE it will be a move Vince makes to hurt TNA instead of making WWE better.....

I agree that I failed to mention the huge contracts that you have listed, but that doesn't mean that my point of TNA still trying to gather talent from the attitude era isn't correct. To pay stars that much money to come in even when they aren't at their peak of popularity or ability is just foolish. They are trying to recreate something that can't be recreated again. I don't believe that the WWE is headed for a drought in talent. I maintain the fact that the WWE needs more talent in order to produce the quality of programming and entertainment back to it once was, but it will still be different. It never hurts to add a established performer, even thought it is the WWE. The problem I have with the current WWE roster is that most are still young and green when it comes to ability in-ring and on the mic and some are aging down to the golden years. Not everyone can be Ric Flair and perform into their 60's. Although Batista may bring a huge crowd reaction, he also brings age and inability in the ring. Vince has seen this before in a former performer, The Ultimate Warrior. Though Warrior's main problem was his attitude, he still could not carry the stigma of being a champion and carry the company as the fans did not buy into him and I think thats what happens to Batista as well. They tried the Mysterio experiment and they could not get him to be a creditable champion so I think his time may have passed. Vince could not care less about TNA. He will approach TNA the same way he approach WCW, lets not hurt the competition but make ourselves better. Joe's has the potential to be a star in the WWE, but thats what it is, potential. I just feel it is time for him to move on from TNA because they really have been mismanaging him the last 8 months in the company.
Seriously, what's with some of the WWE hating here? ''WWE would give Joe a samoan gimmick'' Puh-lease. This is barely a rumor, and some of you are already getting on how WWE would ruin Joe. I call bull on that because Umaga got over quite well and I've always wanted to see a Joe-Umaga not because they're both samoan, but because they're both incredibly athletic for their sizes.

I don't think going to ROH would help Joe at all to be perfectly honest. Right now every ROH fan is chomping at the bit to get Joe, claiming TNA and WWE both don't know how to use them, although this is utter crap, because he's only worked for WWE once, and that was on Jakked.

I'd love to see Joe in WWECW. I think that if they put him there, no matter how much the old-school ECW marks hate the new ECW, they'd tune into watch it. I think WWE has used Punk fairly well so far, and Joe is not only a big guy (which WWE loves) but he has a lot of charisma and great mic skills. So I honestly don't see why not.

Shock, you have a point when you say that RVD waited 8 years, but FFS, it took John Cena only three. Joe is incredibly over with the crowd and if released would easily be one of the most coveted free agents in a LONG time.

Again, Ring of Honor wouldn't be a great choice, soley for the fact that not only would he take a paycut, but he'd be pushed to death again. How is someone going to top a 21 month reign? Seriously. Been there, done that. Joe should be done with Ring of Honor.

To be honest, Joe has all the right in the World to be pissed. They originally told him he was winning the Belt, only to be overshadowed by Angle, and have to put him over like 3 times. Totally ruined Joe's credibility soley because Angle wanted to relive his glory days instead of doing what anybody who's 37-45 does, and put over the younger talent. Joe is considered a younger talent and has done virtually everything in TNA except win the fuckin' World Title. Now he's being placed in a feud with Christian Cage? or AJ Styles?

Samoa Joe should go to WWE. I've made up my mind. It'd be best for him, because he's still young and can take their schedule, and he can win A LOT more money in WWE. It doesn't look like Joe is getting a World Title push anytime soon with Jarrett coming back and Angle using more politics than ever before.

Sad. Anyone who thinks WWE would mistreat him has a made a terrible mistake. You all said the same thing would happen to CM Punk, and he's been alright so far.

Punk-Joe would be Match of the Year, even if WWE gave them crappy gimmicks. Give Joe and Punk 20 minutes and I guarentee they will steal the show. But meh. I think WWE realizes that Joe is a big part of TNA and taking him would hurt them hugely. Quite frankly, it'd be the beginning of the end for TNA, because if Joe leaves, Daniels might think the same thing. He's 34 and not getting younger. He hasn't won the Title either. If not them, think Styles. Sure he's getting some charisma being Christian's bitch, and it could lead to a Main Event push, but Styles hasn't won the World Title in 3 years.

Way to show respect for your originals TNA. Anyway, Joe SHOULD be tempted to go to WWE. I think we should at least give it a chance before jumping and saying that Joe wouldn't fit because they have Umaga already.
Seriously, what's with some of the WWE hating here? ''WWE would give Joe a samoan gimmick'' Puh-lease. This is barely a rumor, and some of you are already getting on how WWE would ruin Joe. I call bull on that because Umaga got over quite well and I've always wanted to see a Joe-Umaga not because they're both samoan, but because they're both incredibly athletic for their sizes.

I don't think going to ROH would help Joe at all to be perfectly honest. Right now every ROH fan is chomping at the bit to get Joe, claiming TNA and WWE both don't know how to use them, although this is utter crap, because he's only worked for WWE once, and that was on Jakked.

I'd love to see Joe in WWECW. I think that if they put him there, no matter how much the old-school ECW marks hate the new ECW, they'd tune into watch it. I think WWE has used Punk fairly well so far, and Joe is not only a big guy (which WWE loves) but he has a lot of charisma and great mic skills. So I honestly don't see why not.

Shock, you have a point when you say that RVD waited 8 years, but FFS, it took John Cena only three. Joe is incredibly over with the crowd and if released would easily be one of the most coveted free agents in a LONG time.

Again, Ring of Honor wouldn't be a great choice, soley for the fact that not only would he take a paycut, but he'd be pushed to death again. How is someone going to top a 21 month reign? Seriously. Been there, done that. Joe should be done with Ring of Honor.

To be honest, Joe has all the right in the World to be pissed. They originally told him he was winning the Belt, only to be overshadowed by Angle, and have to put him over like 3 times. Totally ruined Joe's credibility soley because Angle wanted to relive his glory days instead of doing what anybody who's 37-45 does, and put over the younger talent. Joe is considered a younger talent and has done virtually everything in TNA except win the fuckin' World Title. Now he's being placed in a feud with Christian Cage? or AJ Styles?

Samoa Joe should go to WWE. I've made up my mind. It'd be best for him, because he's still young and can take their schedule, and he can win A LOT more money in WWE. It doesn't look like Joe is getting a World Title push anytime soon with Jarrett coming back and Angle using more politics than ever before.

Sad. Anyone who thinks WWE would mistreat him has a made a terrible mistake. You all said the same thing would happen to CM Punk, and he's been alright so far.

Punk-Joe would be Match of the Year, even if WWE gave them crappy gimmicks. Give Joe and Punk 20 minutes and I guarentee they will steal the show. But meh. I think WWE realizes that Joe is a big part of TNA and taking him would hurt them hugely. Quite frankly, it'd be the beginning of the end for TNA, because if Joe leaves, Daniels might think the same thing. He's 34 and not getting younger. He hasn't won the Title either. If not them, think Styles. Sure he's getting some charisma being Christian's bitch, and it could lead to a Main Event push, but Styles hasn't won the World Title in 3 years.

Way to show respect for your originals TNA. Anyway, Joe SHOULD be tempted to go to WWE. I think we should at least give it a chance before jumping and saying that Joe wouldn't fit because they have Umaga already.

Joe and Umaga are different in aspects to character. Umaga is more of a savage type that hasn't even cut a promo on television. Yeah, Umaga is over NOW, but remember it took some time. His feuds with Cena and Lashley helped him get over. Also, he did have McMahon and Estrada as mouthpieces which also helped him get over. It didn't take Cena 3 years of getting huge, it also did take some time as well. He was in OVW for a couple of years and also had that initial run in 2002 as a "rookie wrestler." His gimmick helped him get over, but it was much later. Also, don't take away the fact that Cena was always a hard worker and had the support of Stephanie McMahon early on in his Smackdown days. Why certain individuals, such as myself, say that Joe may get stuck with a terrible gimmick is because Vince might get the idea of turning Joe into another Umaga gimmick based on his look and style. I also understand that he is over with the fans, but those fans are TNA viewers and ROH viewers. You have to understand that the "average" WWE casual fan does not watch TNA or ROH. The average WWE fan would not even know who he is if they don't watch Spike TV on Thursday nights. I agree with you so much on TNA. They had the chance to turn the corner and make a splash with something different and new to watch, but instead, they wanted to recreate something from 7 to 8 years ago that can't be again. Backstage politics have made TNA another WCW. Angle, along with Jarret, has really hurt the product and younger, fresh faces will not get a chance unless something changes drastically.
well just for the record im no ''bashing WWE'' or anything like that, ive watched WWE all mi life and still watch it and like it more than TNA, but ive learned something very important, WWE nowadays does not know how to use TALENT, they dont know how to book GOOD WRESTLING matches, sure joe COULD be ECW champ or US champ (wich would be the biggest he would get probably) with or without a gimmick, but his matches would be stale fast, most guys in WWE would not know how to work with joe, joe could carry them but it wouldnt be much of an exciting match, WWE has a whole different style and dont have a clue of what to do with indy guys, cm punk is something rare, look at all the wrestlers WWE has had and just didnt do anything with them, think of all the WCW and ECW guys they could have cashed in like 8 years ago or something like that

WWE cant put on entertaining matches anymore, the only actually entertaining matches WWE has right now is with the likes of punk, nitro, burke, MVP, and Matt.... they have more talented guys but dont use them well, carlito, shelton, kennedy, and may other mid carders could be much better in ring than they are

so my point is, could joe make a decent us title career in WWE? yes, but he would be average in ring, probably have a stupid gimmick for being a fat samoan, and just be ruined, that is the truth, when WWE learns how to book decent matches with talented wrestlers and indy guys, then i can say ''sure joe should go to WWE''

also TNA has not treated joe badly, wtf is wrong with everybody, the guy has been there like what, 2 years?? and since then hes always been a top dog until his las feud with kurt, now hes gone down a little, but hell that happens in wrestling, one day a guy is huge the next he goes down to being a high mid card, that happens in WWE ALL THE TIME, doesnt mean they arent being used right, joe is still gonna get his title shot

ive said it b4 and ill say it again, if this is because joe was being treated bad, he WOULD NOT GO TO WWE, WWE would treat him worse, it would take joe MUCH longer to get to the point hes at in TNA or bigger, and we dont even know if he would still keep his gimmick and wouldnt be limited

this is about MONEY, so stop saying its because ''TNA doesnt treat him well'' damn other guys in TNA also deserve to be champ, not only joe, if he wanted to be treated better he would go to japan, of if he wanted to be a god he would go to ROH, WWE is only in his mind for the paychecks...
The one thing that I don't get about this is that Joe said he would go to WWE for only $50,000 a year, but McMahon said that Joe would be in the lower ranks or would be completely repackaged or both.So what is TNA doing to make there top talent want to leave for less money and to be in a much lower ranking?
They will probably just bring in a bigger, better superstar. With name recognition. Possibly The Warlord and The Barbarian. 'Cus everybodys asking for a Powers Of Pain reformation. They could wheel Mr. Fuji down to the ring in his wheelchair. I shouldn't joke because there actually going to do this.
Don't forget, Joe was in WWE before, and he lost to Essa Rios. So if wwe didn't use him than, What do you think they will use him now? Oh I know, cause he is a TNA Guy? Sure he might have a small Push but after wwe decides about it, Joes life in wwe will be over and he will be a Jobber like The worlds greatest tag team is as well as other teams.
I think TNA is basically the retirement wrestling industry for ex-wwe wrestlers.Now i'm not hating on TNA,it's just that they rather give the former wwe wrestlers the spotlight.Samoa Joe has proven himself to be a top man in the industry.Wildcat Chris Harris is a talented performer.Cowboy James Storm is talented as well.I watch wwe and tna and i'll admit when tna first started out i had high hopes of decent programming.But with the over populated whiny ass ex-wwe "stars" they ruined it.
look im not going to write a chapter book like most of u, i'll leave it like this.

shelton benjamin should be pushed as a main event heel, but hes not. they ruined muhammad hassan. they should bring in samoa joe as a monster heel to beef with cena, but they'll probably screw it up because joe isnt 6 foot 7 400 lbs of muscle.
No, Samoa Joe to WWE is not a good thing. Let me ask Samoa Joe a question that how can WWE handle him? There is no more room for Main Event Superstars hell, there is no room for Mid-Carders as well. So? what are they going to do with Samoa Joe? It's not a good decision by Joe. Atleast there is something he is doing in TNA. But if he is after the Money then he can also expect Steroids and the Heavy worktime. He can make his way to the WWE and I don't mind that; if he gets in a Samoan Tag Team with Umaga or something like that. But honestly, this is not a good Decision by Samoa Joe. He needs to re-think about this and get up with something more sensible.
SAMOA JOE Is not heading to WWE just because someone doesn't sign a contract does not mean he is heading to WWE wheelchair wrestling entertainment! OK? You all did the same rumors about ROn Killings guess what he is in TNA now? TNA will not lose him they created him and he draws fans
besides Matt Bentley,Jerry Lynn and Lance Hoyt are all WWE bound along with basham bros they were not impressed with the tag team
I say bring Back Naturals and send basham bros back to WWE !

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