Should/Will WWE go after Samoa Joe?

Should/Will WWE sign Samoa Joe

  • YES! But it won't happen.

  • NO! And it will happen.

  • YES! And it will happen.

  • NO! But it will happen.

  • I don't care about this sooo. . .CM PUNK! CM PUNK! CM PUNK!

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Yes they should but as Joe has been wrestling for so long I don't think he should go to nxt he should come straight to the main roster chasing the ic title think about the classic matches against bad news barret and ziggler and even bray Wyatt they would be awesome
I can see him going to NJPW to be honest. Although I would prefer him to go to NXT. With the current roster which is there already: man there could be some amazing stuff there. Joe has a loyal fanbase: if he were to go from NXT to WWE: fans would pop huge for him. WHere he would go from there: God knows.
I say yes he will on the fact that HHH is very interested in Joe. And for people saying he's too old (35), this isn't the NFL, MLB, NBA or MMA. This is Pro-wrestling, and as long as someone can go and put of good matches, i dont how old they are. I say, 55 should be the time when a pro-wrestler should start considering retiring. So in my book, joe has another 20 years left IF his body holds up.

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