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Who is the Most misused Talent on the WWE Roster

Kasey said:
It pisses me off to no end that Benoit, a guy who is capable of wrestling 30 minute (non-Iron man) matches on TV is relegated to the midcard wrestling a hick schlep like Layfield? Give me a break. Wrestlemania 20 was saved by Benoit. He doesn't need gimmicks. He just needs to go out there and kick ass. He's been over for well over a decade and has never had to have a character shift at any time because he commands respect from wrestlers and fans alike because HE is "that damn good." Not even the "King of Kings" can say that.

With Angle now gone, Benoit is just about the best wrestler WWE has to offer right now (along with Michaels). When he makes his return I really do hope he doesn't get stuck in more pointless feuds against the likes of MVP, Terkay and Miz. He doesn't deserve to be so misused like that.
I can only hope Vince retires soon, and lets Shane take over. Shane seems (or is that just his character) to prefer the high-flying and technical wrestling styles to the Undertaker/Kane/Batista/etc. beat-'em-down styles...

As for Shelton, yes, he is one of the most technically sounds wrestlers on any of the three rosters right now, but his mic skills are, to put it politely, weak. Perhaps that's what they're trying to do with the militant angle they seem to be pushing him toward; giving him a role he can play with a bit of passion, real or made up, because that's the only way he'll ever get any kind of reaction out of the viewers who can't tell a wristlock from a wristwatch...

I would say MOST of WWE's wrestlers are being misused; wrestlers in tag teams who should be in singles and vice versa, wrestlers who should be main eventing who are midcarders and vice versa, people who should be in the cruiserweight division wrestling in the heavyweights and vice versa... and if they don';t straighten it out soon, they WILL start losing wrestlers, whether to TNA, to ROH, or overseas...
definitely shelton and kane hands down, but i think regal needs a big push. he isnt the most entertaining but during wrestlemania 18 he had a good thing going...ic title etc especially his brass knuckle storylines they were good
Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Benoit, Kane...same names every time. Its sad such quality has been wasted by the wwe.
if its true that Harry Smith has been released or will be released (i know he was taken off the road) then he can join the list. Supposedly WWE creative has nothing for him, i mean really who cares let the man do his thing in the ring and wrestle like he can. whats the big deal, you dont have to make him a bulldog, or a member of the hard foundation even though does would be obvious directions to go in; just let the man make his debut and im sure fans will fall in love with him. technically he is on the roster, he just hasnt been used yet.
realblackhart said:
if its true that Harry Smith has been released or will be released (i know he was taken off the road) then he can join the list. Supposedly WWE creative has nothing for him, i mean really who cares let the man do his thing in the ring and wrestle like he can. whats the big deal, you dont have to make him a bulldog, or a member of the hard foundation even though does would be obvious directions to go in; just let the man make his debut and im sure fans will fall in love with him. technically he is on the roster, he just hasnt been used yet.
If it's true than that sucks. I've seen a couple of his New Japan matches. I loved his match against Tanahashi and I think Harry hasn't even begun to blossom yet. The kid is loaded with talent and could be something special. Much like his dad was.
shayx said:
With Angle now gone, Benoit is just about the best wrestler WWE has to offer right now (along with Michaels). When he makes his return I really do hope he doesn't get stuck in more pointless feuds against the likes of MVP, Terkay and Miz. He doesn't deserve to be so misused like that.
I can see where the front office comes from sometimes because they want to use the more established guys to try and put over the younger talent, but at what cost to the overall product? If I was in charge of booking WWE main events for the last five years I would've been riding match after match with all of the guys who could really work. Booker, Benoit, Triple H, Angle, Jericho, Edge, Orton, Christian, Rhyno. They could've built the next dynasty instead of pissing away talent that either got too old to do what they used to (Booker), became tired with the aimless direction of the company (Jericho), or went south to actually be used (Christian, Rhyno). Benoit, Triple H, and Orton could still do some great things. Even though I think Levesque is a swine in some cases, he draws and can keep heat in a feud (even with a stiff like Batista). The problem is that no amount of mic work can save a bad wrestling match. Look at the difference in the workrate of the title matches between WM 20 and 21 and it's easy to see that those who were given the top spots in recent years shouldn't have been relegated to anything more than bona fide curtain jerkers. I noticed that Benoit is not as lean as he was when he left last, but he still moves good. I hope they don't waste his last few solid years in the ring. No, scratch that...I pray. For the sake of good wrestling everywhere.
i think shelton is the best pure athlete on RAW and cud have a great match feud with jeff hardy and the push he deserves
Kasey said:
For my money the most misused talents of the last two years in WWE are easily Benoit and Angle. Looks like they finished the job with Angle and that ship has sailed. Benoit, upon his return, sure as hell doesn't need to be festering on the Smackdown midcard of all places. I mean, at WM20 he beat HHH and Michaels' collective asses for the World strap. Now if anyone who is halfway sane realizes this fact, it doesn't take a masters degree to see that Benoit is by far the most misused on the roster at present. He should be fighting tooth and nail for the top spot in the heavyweight division constantly. Anything else for him at this point is an insult to good wrestling, period.

definitly. I really loved this guy when he was in the WCW as the crippler. he was great feuding with Raven dating back to his ECW days. Benoit would put on a show everynight. hes a guy who would always give you 100%. I was thrilled when he did the tribute match to Owen with Bret. all through his career i really i dont think he has ever been used right. Hes so talented and so entertaning i would love to see him used more in the main event situations night in and night out

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