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the verdict on shelton benjamin

im sure people said the same thing about the rock back when he was some no name loser

everyone starts on the bottom i remember when john cena debuted i said this guy will be wrestling on heat forever but now he is champ

thats how shit works shelton will get his chance
Everyone Has Noticed How Shelton Has Been On The Down Fall...less Air Time, Would It Be Possible If He Aligned Himself Wir Umaga And Estrada As His Manager....??? Sice Estrada Is A Good Heel Manager, It Would A Great Idea If He Add A Whole Stable Where He Could Manahe And Expose Him Self And Those Wreslter To Add Increadible Rivaries...????
All I'll say is that he was much better when he was a face. Bring him back to the way he was. If you noticed, the beginning of his downfall was when he turned heel (when Momma was there).
Its all because of the timing of push. Look at recent times how many times they have not pushed a guy properly when he is getting over, for example:

-Matt Hardy, when he returned
-Muhammad Hassan, there was controversy but they could have kept him in some form
-Christian, enough said
-Kane, countless times and over his career
-Chavo Guerrero, worst timed turn
-Paul Burchill, speaking of?
-Rob Conway, what was with the burying of him
-Tatanka, he was getting decent reaction, until they make him lose to likes of Miz, at least it looks like he is going to get a heel push, but we know what happened last time he was heel

How can Shelton get over with not even being on the lower card or in any storylines? The only time recent I can remember when they ran with fan reaction recent is Batista. Why do the even bother pushing some guys like Umaga with no build up? Sure he is a good powerhouse, but so boring, Estrada is more interesting even. Why not just bring back the WGTT, wth is Hass doing with Viscera anyways?
I think a reunion of the World's Greatest Tag Team is the best Shelton can hope for, sadly. If you just watch the MITB Ladder Matches there's every reason there why Shelton should have a much bigger place in WWE. Personally, I think if he went to TNA he'd be much more over (a la Christian).
It is not all about in ring talent. If they ever stop with storylines and backstage segments and just show wrestling matches then he would shine. You need the total package. Also something to consider is the attitude and behavior of talent behind the scences. A lot of times if you dont carry yourself in a professional way behind the scenes are you are not going to get pushed. Not to say Shelton is unprofessional but there maybe more to his push or lack thereof that we dont know about and are not suppose to know.

I think he would get an initial push if he were to ever switch to TNA. But the show is not on enough to let all of there talent get their shine on.
I think that Shelton will get his chance, he is just paying dues thats all. Look how long it took HHH to get to the top. He had to pay his dues. Ofcourse there is always going to be exceptions to the rule, Ex: Brock Lesnar. But he is too talented for them to let him go. I think in about 1-2 yrs he will get his chance to main event. He just has to tough it out thats all
wow i cant believe people are saying wwe isnt about gimmicks. wwe is show first wrestling second. I love some of the gimmicks like cryme tyme and mvp but if it was pure wrestling skill you would see benoit as a multiple champion always at main event status, lance storm would still be around and shelton would be in the world title picture.

People keep saying HHH but HHH has always been a good wrestler and he didnt really get a push until the dx gimmick where he showed alot of charsima. WWE focuses on that stuff more than pure wrestling, I mean look at the guys they try and push who are horrible in the ring like a Great Khali or the Boogeyman.
When I watched RAW today and saw Shelton Benjamin approach Carlito backstage, I almost changed the channel but then decided against it. I then saw Shelton in what I believe was his best promo ever. He didn't look really nervous, very relaxed and laid back and I was happy. He might have taken some acting classes or something but hopefully the WWE will see this and push him. But then again I guess backstage segaments and in-ring segments are totally different.

If anybody else noticed this lemme no.
I have noticed that his mic skills have been improveing, and his matches have always been great, I'm really interested to see where this thing with him and Cryme Tyme goes, I'd like to see him reunite with Haas and face them in some great tag team matches
did anyone else get excited when they saw Shelton and Cryme Tyme slap hands and be all down with each other!!!? (with all the talk on here about Shelton joining Cryme Tyme)

but then Cryme Tyme stole his stuff hah...so I guess they ain't gonna be friends for now.

and yes I'd like to see Haas re-unite with Benjamin, because Haas/Viscera is going absolutely no where.
Put Shelton back with Charlie Hass and reform the World's Greatest Tag Team. Have Hass turn agianst Vesscara. Send Vesscara to ECW.
I agree that they should put the world's greatest tag team together for one more run. After that though I would really like to see Shelton in the world title picture, he is my favorite wrestler in WWE right now.
Shelton is downright terrible on the mic. He constantly forgets and flubs what he's saying. I heard that he has trouble memorizing a few lines of written script given to him. He'll never be a top guy until he can improve his mic skills. Wrestling is all about gimmicks, and a good character/mic skills = money. If he can't draw or sell merchandise, Vince will never put the belt on him.
Then he should go to TNA eventually because if the WWE doesn't give him the proper push that he deserves then he is going to leave.
Shelton needs on of 2 things:
1. Vince puts in a stable with Edge and 2 more guys so that he can learn something from Edge's promos. I think this would really help him, and is probably the only solution
2. He gets a manager that does the talking for him. In this case i think that it would only delay the problem.
Shelton needs a manager, that's the problem. He is not that talented on the mic. They should let Ron Simmonds manage him for awhile. The whole "momma" thing was actually funny, and I felt she helped make Shelton a little more noticeable.
For those who are curious as to why Shelton is not being pushed the answer is right here:


He is ruining his chance to be a great performer in the WWE b/c he is not committed to go that extra step and that he is satisfied with the paychecks he receives for doing practically nothing anymore only a match every couple weeks.

It is sad to know that he has so much talent but don't really care about becoming recognized as a top superstar in professional wrestling, hopefully he wakes up and realizes he can become more than what he is today.

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