So when David Arquette was the World Championship that made him the best wrestler..... yea good stuff man. Im sure RIGHT NOW Stone Cold can sell out more places that John Cena can.. But he isnt a better wrestler than Cena right now. Stop trying to give smart answers. you know the question was in ring wrestling.
You're really dumb. David didn't sellout any arenas and wasn't over at all. I never said "whoever has the belt booked to them" i said whoever is the most over.
Yea, Austin is probably more over because he's a novelty at this point. However, NOBODY on a consistent basis outdraws Cena because he's current. Did you not read the other part of my "great wrestler" equation being that they're safe in the ring? Austin wouldn't be safe because his body can't take much. You have a learning disability don't you? I mean, some fucking how you jumped to David Arquette when I said "the most over guy", which David never was, he was booked the belt in a shitty company, then you think that Austin would qualify for the "safe in the ring" part. I have a friend who is going to school to teach kids with reading comprehension problems, I can help you out if you want.
As far as "the question was in ring wrestling" well...who the fuck gets the loudest reactions? Cena. Every night 100% of the audience cares about his matches. Don't feed me the "he gets teh booz" bullshit because he's obviously working that. It's not who does the most moves, it's not who never botches (although kinda, with the safe part), it's who gets the loudest reaction and draws the most. Cena tells more of a story with 5 moves than most guys do with 50. You just can't see it because you can't seperate yourself from "ooo movez and teknicalz". Pro wrestling is about storytelling. No one has better ring psychology or in ring storytelling ability than John Cena. It's why he's so over.
In my opinion Christain is the best wrestler in Wwe right now, he is very versatile in the ring and he has been consistently putting on good matches all year with the likes of Randy Orton ,Sin Cara, and John Morrison. If you add that to his great mic skills, then that makes Christain a great all-arounder.
I also think Rey Mysterio is really good in the ring,all though he lacks in certain areas like technical wrestling, he shows a lot of energy in his matches, he is very inovative,and his high flying/acrobatic moves are all top notch.
How the fuck does Rey lack technical skills? Because he doesn't do basic chain wrestling you learn within the first 2 months? You don't actually know how to do the moves, so how can you say he's not technically sound? "technically sound" just means you do all your moves right.
I know how to answer the question in IWC speak. If the thread is "who is the best wrestler according to the IWC formula" then look at the alst 6 months. Watch every match, and count every move. Make a chart for each "type" of move. "Technical" being simple ass chain wrestling any rookie can do, "high flying" being stuff where people leave their feet, "submission" being any submission that's not percieved as a "rest hold" (never heard a real wrestler use that term because they don't exist, it's called working a fucking hold), subtract 2 moves for any percieved "rest hold", count "cool" moves also. Give each a value like 1 point for a regular move, 2 points for everything else, and 3 points for a "cool move". Then find out who gets the most points per minute. O, and if he's athletically built, shorter than 6'2", isn't over, isn't getting a push, or wears shiny boy short trunks and kickpads, you use a multiplier. x2 for one of those, x3 for two of those, etc.
Basically find out who does the most variety of moves and most moves per minute in each match. Fuck in ring storytelling, fuck selling, fuck emotion, fuck carrying a character, fuck all of that. That's how you figure out who the IWC thinks is the best in ring wrestler. Or as you guys like to put "REALZ WRESTLER"