Best overall/best pure wrestler in the WWE.

I have to agree with Vintage, regal is the best pure wrestler in the WWE. He is very technically sound, and does excellent suplexes, a lost art I may say.

Best overall, Is C M Punk, I'm loving his promos right now, and he sells like Naitch back in the day.
cm punk is excellent Jericho hurts people in the ring so he is bottom rung. Christian is way better ring and mic skills than edge. HHH, Orton, Mysterio, Cena need to go bye bye they SUCK bad.
The Undertaker and John Cena, on both. And I say that because I'm not sure what a "pure wrestler" is defined as, but to me being a wrestler compasses captivating audiences through every aspect of your character, in the ring and outside of it. Both Taker and Cena can put on a classic inside the ring with just about anyone, even if it seems they don't do that much. It's the little things like storytelling ability and knowing exactly how and when to get the audience involved that make their performances spectacular. I guess if you're including moveset as part of what a "pure wrestler" is, then maybe you wouldn't include either guy, but to me that's not what good wrestling skills are all about at their core, even if it is nice to see a good 450 splash every now and then. And these two are certainly the best overall because the former made a character best served for a Sci-Fi show work and become one of the most memorable characters of all time, and the latter is a great face of the company and has excelled whether as the rapper or as the clean cut hero.
i would have to say jericho, always been a big fan of his, he has aerial and submission game and he could go the distance with anybody. heel or face, he still wows the crowd with his moves.

but my fave overall has always been kurt angle, that man is a wrestling machine
i would have to say jericho, always been a big fan of his, he has aerial and submission game and he could go the distance with anybody. heel or face, he still wows the crowd with his moves.

but my fave overall has always been kurt angle, that man is a wrestling machine
Best overall - Chris Jericho. The man is incredible. He's versatile in whichever division he is in. He looks comfortable with a world championship, a tag title or even a secondary title. He's excellent in the ring with a versatile moveset, like most Canadians. He can work the mic, garnering huge amounts of heat or very good pops. He is convincing as a heel or a face and he is also not afraid of putting over talent. Not only is he the perfect wrestler, but I imagine he is the perfect employee.

Best pure wrestler - If this was two weeks ago, I would have said Bryan Danielson. I wouldn't have even had to think about it. Now, I would say Kaval. He knows so many kicks it's unreal. The main reason I love wrestling is for the storylines (one of the reasons I don't watch Superstars), however, I would happily watch a Kaval match without a storyline because he is that good to see. His matches are like poetry in motion. I'm really excited to see him on the main shows.
past- The Rock
Present- Chris Jericho
Future- Daniel Bryan

Picked Jericho and the Rock because as well being great in ring guys there is no one in the business who is as money as these guys are on the mic.

Bryan is just awesome and the sooner they get him back in a WWE ring the better.
Ive said it before and i will say it again john morrison is the best wwe has had in a long time.sure he isnt great right now because hes a face hes a whole lot better heel.i mean he is great in the ring and cuts a promo rlly welll.hes very creative.who thinks of guru of greatness?shawman of sexy?monday night delight?strarship pain?moonlight drive?

the best pure wrestler is probably john morrison too
Ive said it before and i will say it again john morrison is the best wwe has had in a long time.sure he isnt great right now because hes a face hes a whole lot better heel.i mean he is great in the ring and cuts a promo rlly welll.hes very creative.who thinks of guru of greatness?shawman of sexy?monday night delight?strarship pain?moonlight drive?

the best pure wrestler is probably john morrison too

Anyone who can't pull off being a face can't be considered the best. A top star has to be able to get fans to cheer and at other times despise them. Morrison might be good in the ring an a decent heel, but one dimensional doesn't cut it.
If you're talking about all time, I would have to say best overall technical wrestler goes to both Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko. Their matches in WCW were flawless, and they would consistantly put people through clinics. There WWF/E matches weren't much different. The only problem with the WWF/E is they didn't know how to properly use Malenko, and the Benoit tragedy.

Best gimmic would go to either Jake "The Snake" Roberts or Golddust (pre-electrocution angle), purely for their ring physcology and the fact that they could sell anything.

If you're talking current stars, then I would say best overall wrestler is Randy Orton. I'm not a huge fan of his "Viper" persona, but he's a tremendous wrestler.

Greatest gimmic wrestler is the Undertaker. He was awesome when he debuted, and not much has changed.

Honorable mentions go to "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Shawn Michaels. Piper is/was the greatest talker in the business, and his matches were highly entertaining. All of his fueds were 100 percent believeable. Shawn never dissapointed in any of his matches/promos/vignettes, and he set the bar for guys the likes of Jericho, Morrison and others.
It's Chris Jericho, and it's not even close. Chris can do anything, with anybody, and it will look good and draw money. Best of all, he gets it....he knows exactly what is right for business and will do business every single time. He brings instant credibility to everything that he does. If WWE is really pissed about him doing a game show, it's only because they don't want to lose him. What are they going to do, fire him? He's not going to be hurting if they do, but they will be. They need him to help get over the new wave.

Look, there will never be another Taker. Cenas only come by once a generation. Anybody with a good gimmick will be able to draw because of the gimmick, but anybody who wants to get over completely on their own (assuming they have personality, cause without it they're Matt Hardy) would be wise to read the playbook of guys like Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho.
Best amateur-style wrestler in WWE is Jack Swagger, with no close second. He's a two-time All-American collegiate wrestler. Kaval has a great striking style but he's no amateur-style (what you're calling 'pure') wrestler compared to Swagger.
Tyson Kidd and Kaval are two really great pure wrestlers, as are Jack Swagger and even Chris Jericho to an extent. If you're going for pure mat wrestling ability you have to give it to Swagger. He's the best pure athlete since Benjamin and Kurt Angle, and even though he doesn't get to show it that often, we know the ability is there. It's too bad whiny Mysterio got the title at Fatal 4-Way, I was really enjoying his push...

As for the best overall wrestler in WWE today...that's a harder question to answer. Rey Mysterio has great ability and is over with a certain demographic, but has no mic ability and is losing star power. CM Punk can be really good, but he's just not the best. I really want to say Chris Jericho, because he's got the total package of ability, mic work, star power, and...he's just damn entertaining to watch. If it were still 2008 I would definitely give this one to Jericho, hands down. But since it's now 2010, I'm going to say Randy Orton. He's got great skill, he can pull awesome promos, and his character is flawless. He has that psychotic "viper" persona down to a science, and it's so great to watch.

Now, to settle that whole John Cena thing... He's the company's golden goose. As far as star power, he's the best right now. As far as promos go, he's still probably the best we've got. But Orton and Jericho...and pretty much all of the main eventers beat him in ability (or at least what he's allowed to show). I do like John Cena, but he's not the best overall wrestler in the WWE today. Which is a shame, because if he really let loose and rocked the in-ring talent, he'd be the total package.
Best overall wrestler in terms of fighting moves, finishers, gimmick, storytelling and star-status put together would be Undertaker. In terms of only technical ability, would be perhaps Kurt Angle (slightly better than Bret Hart due to more variety).

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