Who Is The Best WRESTLER In The WWE

This post was bothering the fuck out of me.
Daniel Bryan doesn't come out to "complete silence" every week, he gets really big pops you fucking moron.
Dude, chill out. There's no need to name call and shit. Daniel Bryan gets moderate pops. he's no where near the level it takes to be a World Champion.
Yes more moves make you a better a wrestler than I'm a simp in your book whatever the fuck that means.
No it doesn't. Selling a move, storytelling, and charisma make you a great in ring wrestler. If moves where so important, then a ballerina could come in and win the World title. It takes years of practice to sell correctly.
You're splitting hairs.
YOU ARE NOT A WRESTLING FAN. Have YOU sat through 20-60 minute puro matches? have you ever watched an independent scene match? I dare you motherfucking WWE Mark to do just that.
You ever wonder why Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair are considered such great workers? They only do a few moves in a match. They are considered greats not only because they tell stories in the ring but they sell like a motherfucker.
FUCK YOU, "entertainment" fan. I'm a pro wrestling fan,
Chill yourself. Be nice to Nate. He's one hell of a poster.
I watch for matches, sure I enjoy a good promo but I don't panties in a bunch about it.
Irrelevant but whatever.
It makes me sick you people here know jack-shit about pro wrestling when all you ever watch is WWE and TNA, I watch WWE,
Full of in ring storytellers. Great wrestlers with exception of a few.
Same as WWE with the exception of a few.
ROH, Dragon Gate USA, CHikara and AAA,
Why the fuck do you think these companies aren't as big as the WWE? Or even TNA? Bunch of flips and moves don't make a great wrestler.
I have over 120 favorite wrestlers.
Completely irrelevant but I bet this list will be hilarious.
Your opinion is BULLSHIT because you haven't seen anything outside of WWE.
This is so stupid. I'm pretty sure you don't know Nate.
This post was bothering the fuck out of me.

Dude, chill out. There's no need to name call and shit. Daniel Bryan gets moderate pops. he's no where near the level it takes to be a World Champion.

No it doesn't. Selling a move, storytelling, and charisma make you a great in ring wrestler. If moves where so important, then a ballerina could come in and win the World title. It takes years of practice to sell correctly.

You're splitting hairs.

You ever wonder why Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair are considered such great workers? They only do a few moves in a match. They are considered greats not only because they tell stories in the ring but they sell like a motherfucker.

Chill yourself. Be nice to Nate. He's one hell of a poster.

Irrelevant but whatever.

Full of in ring storytellers. Great wrestlers with exception of a few.

Same as WWE with the exception of a few.

Why the fuck do you think these companies aren't as big as the WWE? Or even TNA? Bunch of flips and moves don't make a great wrestler.

Completely irrelevant but I bet this list will be hilarious.

This is so stupid. I'm pretty sure you don't know Nate.

I freaked out, I'm a wrestling fan, I'm passionate about it. I'm a wrestling fan, I do NOT watch for storylines. I watch for the matches, the spectacles and art of the business. I'm not a big high-spot monkey fan but I do enjoy mat wrestling, chain wrestling, facial expressions, amazing selling in matches. I'm a wrestling fan. You're right I don't know "Nate" but I do know he's somewhat of a douchebag/shmuck and he watches WWE and only wrestling in America. Mic skills, drawing skills etc are "irrelevant" to who the best wrestler is. You should really expand your horizans in watching wrestling before you judge "Oh they're a small company, they don't have pyro and blah blah blah, all their wrestlers are spot monkeys and boring technical wrestlers". He offended me I stood up for WHY I and MANY OTHER PEOPLE love pro wrestling. So call me simp, call me a smark, I don't give a motherfucking shit, I'm a wrestling fan and you can kiss my ass.
Randy Orton is the best in ring WWE Talent when it comes to straight forward wrestling.

John Cena is 2nd to Orton, only because Orton has managed to add several new moves to his arsenal over the past few months to breath new life into his in ring character. Don't get me wrong, Cena can go with the best of them, but Orton is better.

CM Punk would be the 3rd best wrestler in the WWE. Again I know a lot of you have a major hard on for him, but he's not as good as Cena, who isn't as good as Orton. So get over it, and work that hard on out.

Dolph Ziggler why you say? Because he's fucking talented, give him time and the proper push and you soon see that he's an amazing in ring talent.

Cody Rhodes has all the in ring tools needed to continue his rise to the top. He's got a great move set, and can work a match with just about anyone.

Triple H he's not active, but lets be serious Triple H is a fucking ring master. Unless its typical bullshit Triple H power play when it comes to his match with Punk we should see a quality match between these two stars at NOC.

Daniel Bryan I know many people have a super hard on for , but hes fucking boring. They keep saying how he knows a ton of submissions and different moves, but all we ever see is that LeBell Lock. That is if he isn't getting his ass handed to him like he has the past few weeks.

The Miz and Sheamus both great on the mic, both decent in the ring, great wrestler? meeeeh, great talkers Fuck yes. They both have enough talent on the mic, to make up what they lacks in ring.

John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Sin Cara spot monkey garbage pale trash can wrestlers. All four of them.

If it didn't mention them its because they don't matter, yeah I'm talking about you Drew McIntyre.

this sums it up right if you ask me... and i think people and the IWC marks need to chill on the whole "CM PUNK is the best" just because he's the best in the mic, doesnt mean hes best in the ring, it seems like you guys think that whoever is the most entertaining on the mic or who can make the most controversial wise crack remarks on the mic, translate to them being the best in the biz and in the ring

Orton by far is the best in the ring, and i felt he didnt have to even add moves to his arsenal, but he did anyway... for those of you that call him boring, its jaded.. just because he's pure natural and makes things look effortless and so damn easy, doesnt mean he's boring and bland... just means he executes well and just means that he's that damn good

bonus fact- Dolph Ziggler to me, might have the most in ring talent next to Orton, personally, he would be 2nd on my list.. i think hes the most underrated in the biz, Zig is beast
Okay so WWE is not Wrestling nor is it Pro Wrestling if it was it would be in the olympics Greco Roman Wrestling is Pro Wrestling so don't insult what Olympic Level Althetes do by comparing the WWE to them WWE superstars are not Pro Wrestlers they are Pro Entertainers Pro Means professional and honestly long before WWE there was Greco Roman Wrestling. So the Best Entertainer in the WWE is John Cena
Okay so WWE is not Wrestling nor is it Pro Wrestling if it was it would be in the olympics Greco Roman Wrestling is Pro Wrestling so don't insult what Olympic Level Althetes do by comparing the WWE to them WWE superstars are not Pro Wrestlers they are Pro Entertainers Pro Means professional and honestly long before WWE there was Greco Roman Wrestling. So the Best Entertainer in the WWE is John Cena

WWE is a Wrestling Company/Entertainment Company.What did CM Punk,Daniel Bryan,Edge,Big Show,Chrstian,Randy Orton and all the other guys want to be when they was growing up?....WRESTLERS! What do the superstars do in the ring?.....WRESTLE.It is a wrestling company,it aint like they just talk on the mic for 2 hours,and if your going with Entertainment then In my eyes John cena aint the best entertainer.CM Punk is the best entertainer at the moment.And this thread is who is the best "Wrestler" not entertainer.Therefore Daniel Bryan is the best wrestler.
Randy Orton has come a long way the last few years, and I think he is the best overall wrestler in the business. Look at the way he hopped up on top of the cage on Smackdown this week with such ease and confidence. I've never seen that in any cage match i've ever watched. The guy is MONEY. When he flipped out on Christian at MITB after he was DQ'd, that was also pure gold. Sometimes all it takes is some facial expressions to make your moves look THAT much better.
You aren't entertained by Cena, that is an opinion. John Cena is the top draw in Pro Wrestling today, that is a fact. "Who Is The Best WRESTLER In The WWE" is the name of this topic, not "Who is the most entertaining superstar in the WWE". Cena gets booed, yes. Guess what, though. If Cena is in a feud with somebody, the people booing him will see the guy he's feuding with as better because of it; right there, Cena elevated whoever the guy was that he was feuding with.

Undertaker isn't an active wrestler. When he is, though, I will give you that he is without a doubt one of the best.

CM Punk isn't perfect in the ring. I'll give you that over the last 2 months, he is without a doubt one of the best wrestlers in the WWE. He can sell tickets without stepping foot into the ring because he is just that damn good on the mic. On the other hand, he botches, just like almost everyone else, obviously including guys like Cena and Taker. Watch MitB, he had a few botches in his amazing match with...oh, that's right, John Cena.

You seem to have a misunderstanding of what "carrying an opponent" means. It doesn't mean "using the most moves to keep the crowd entertained despite the opponent sucking". Carrying an opponent means telling a meaningful story regardless of who is on the other side of the ring, and that is exactly what John Cena does.

Stop acting like Pro Wrestling is some kind of athletic competition where the best athletes and the guys who use the most diverse movesets are the best. They aren't. They're the most athletic, sure. But they aren't the best wrestlers.

The best wrestlers are the wrestlers who DRAW THE MOST MONEY. THAT is the only fact that exists in the wrestling world regarding this topic. Cena IS the best wrestler. Stop confusing wrestling for movesets. Just because Daniel Bryan has a suicide dive spot in his arsenal doesn't make him a better wrestler than Cena. Just because Daniel Bryan uses a few different submission holds doesn't make him a better wrestler than Cena. The fact that John Cena's name being on a card will make you more money than Daniel Bryan's name being on a card makes Cena a better wrestler than Bryan. It isn't the fucking olympics, it's a business.

Unless you work for wwe, then who the fuck cares about draws and who makes the most money. vince mcmahon is a fucking billionaire and has more money than anyone on here would know what to do with. so how about you shutting the fuck up. you change your mind like a prostitute opens her legs. about every 8 minutes. you say cena is the best. then you say bryan cause of his lots of moves. then you tell me this and that about movesets, entertainment and what not. go swallow some kids you moron.

Best entertainer(based on crowd reaction) cm punk probably.
best wrestler(terms of skills and movesets) daniel bryan, randy orton, christian, dolph ziggler. IMO
BEST AT GETTING BOO'D?? Your homeboy John Cena. I bet you're the main link on his chain gang. He's so stupid and cheesy. He used to rap and wear jerseys backwards. Now he's wears a ball cap, bright ass shirts, and sweatbands. yeah, he's definitely the man. he does that salute shit. just because he was in the marine movie doesn't actually make his ass a marine. who's he saluting? the fans that boo him.

then he talks about there not being heels and faces in the company. that's ridiculous. I seriously wish he'd go somewhere else. tna, roh, HOME. get his ass off of tv. he sucks. top draw? for who? kids? there parents buy the tickets so they can wear their sweatbands and screech when they hear his music. REAL WRESTLING FANS(grown men, who watch for the action in the ring, and depth of character) hate john cena. it's so obvious it's like right on everybody's tv every week. but you people still take up for the guy. why? cause he hustles? has loyalty? has respect? i'm sure alot of the other talent has the same qualities. people say the attitue era is dead. that's so far from the truth. it never wanted to leave, but was slowly swayed to the pg shit.

CM PUNK IS SAVING WRESTLING. it needs to be saved. we need characters like punk. people get tired of the cena shit. been tired of it. Hence the massive boos he gets.

Seriously, the face of your company gets his ass bood and like 7 straight manias. THAT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL. GET THE HINT WWE. GET THE HINT WZ.

I have always been a huge advocate of Christians ring ability. On the basic technical ground game, Christian excels. His matches with Orton can be a perfect testament with how smooth he can move in the ring. I would even go as far as to say he was slithering around better than Randy was. The guy works hard every week to craft his art and it shows in the believable counters and transitions in moves. Many people escaped Orton's Hanging DDT, but how many of them made it look so god damn slick?

In his High-flying ability, Christian can hold his own. But his age is slowing him down, back in his WWEECW days he was throwing himself in and out of the ring. But no one can sell like Christian came from falling from the top of ladders. And by sell, I mean fucking kick and scream after falling off a fucking ladder! Not many wrestlers took or take the risks Christian has in his day.

Speaking of Hardcore wrestling, Christian was one of the pioneers of the TLC match. And also the Money in the Bank match. Another great example would again be his matches with Randy Orton. The dude went through 3 tables, took a bump onto the steel steps. And still got up for more. No one does it better than Christian.
Time to rip another foolish post apart.
Unless you work for wwe, then who the fuck cares about draws and who makes the most money. vince mcmahon is a fucking billionaire and has more money than anyone on here would know what to do with. so how about you shutting the fuck up. you change your mind like a prostitute opens her legs. about every 8 minutes. you say cena is the best. then you say bryan cause of his lots of moves. then you tell me this and that about movesets, entertainment and what not. go swallow some kids you moron.
Take all of this, highlight it, and hit the delete button. Totally unnecessary.
Best entertainer(based on crowd reaction) cm punk probably.
Based on crowd reaction? CM Punk gets just as much (if not way less) cheers then Cena does. Punk is not the most over Superstar in the WWE.
best wrestler(terms of skills and movesets) daniel bryan, randy orton, christian, dolph ziggler. IMO
Ok, I'll give you that. You mentioned a good choice with Randy Orton. By the way, best wrestler does not equal more moves. So movesets have little to do with best wrestler.
BEST AT GETTING BOO'D?? Your homeboy John Cena.
True he gets a mixed crowd reaction most of the time but like I said earlier, he gets the same amount of cheers Punk does on a regular basis.
I bet you're the main link on his chain gang. He's so stupid and cheesy.
How so? I find him funny. The crowd finds him funny.
He used to rap and wear jerseys backwards.
This Cena got way further in the business then old rap Cena did.
Now he's wears a ball cap, bright ass shirts, and sweatbands. yeah, he's definitely the man.
He is.
he does that salute shit. just because he was in the marine movie doesn't actually make his ass a marine.
How about he's showing some respect to the men and women serving our fine Country?
who's he saluting? the fans that boo him.
Already covered that. How many times has Cena said he doesn't give a flying fuck about the people who hate him? He doesn't do what he does for you but rather his fans. You know, the ones that light up the stands with their bright ass Cena shirts?
then he talks about there not being heels and faces in the company. that's ridiculous. I seriously wish he'd go somewhere else. tna, roh, HOME.
You don't agree with something Cena said? If Punk would've said it your ass would've been spamming the forum with that shit. Cena is carrying the WWE on his back. Why the fuck would he leave?
get his ass off of tv. he sucks. top draw? for who? kids? there parents buy the tickets so they can wear their sweatbands and screech when they hear his music. REAL WRESTLING FANS(grown men, who watch for the action in the ring, and depth of character) hate john cena.
I don't hate Cena. I like Cena. A lot of the older guys on this site like Cena. I'm not some little kid. I grew up during the attitude era. Care to explain why I like Cena?
it's so obvious it's like right on everybody's tv every week. but you people still take up for the guy. why? cause he hustles? has loyalty? has respect? i'm sure alot of the other talent has the same qualities. people say the attitue era is dead. that's so far from the truth. it never wanted to leave, but was slowly swayed to the pg shit.
Attitude era = sex, violence and cursing; a teenage boys dream. That ended in 2001. A Tv programs rating has shit to do with quality.
CM PUNK IS SAVING WRESTLING. it needs to be saved. we need characters like punk. people get tired of the cena shit. been tired of it. Hence the massive boos he gets.
Punk is bitch slapping all the wrestling fans who liked the WWE before he came along. Does that mean changes aren't needed? Of course changes are needed but don't forget people liked the WWE before all of this started.
Seriously, the face of your company gets his ass bood and like 7 straight manias. THAT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL. GET THE HINT WWE. GET THE HINT WZ.
Youtube it or GTFO.

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