Is Rey Mysterio The Most Consistent, Good Wrestler In WWE?

In the end it all boils down to the fact that regardless of gimmick Rey Mysterio is an outstanding wrestler, one of the best, selfless and has given up his body in dedication to this business.

True that he got his second whc reign because he was unhappy with his position on the card and complained but honestly can u really blame him ?? A wrestler who did as much as he did deserved some sort of credit. Even out of that we got an excellent match with kane, jack swagger and an epic fatal four way.

Despite his injuries (which I didnt want to include but since everyone else did I will as well) he has put on five star matches including the most recent one ADR which he did with a busted knee.

Over the years mysterio has been a stepping stone for several wrestlers, more than any other superstar of the era that I can think of. With his career prior to WWE in WCW and AAA and ECW. What he did for luchadores in the North American scene I strongly believe he deserves the title of Hall of Famer as soon as he retires.
I honestly don't see Rey doing anything special that 1000 other guys aren't doing in the minor leagues right now. I'm sure there are at least a few wrestlers that are technically better than Rey in FCW alone right now. I know that you want us all to not mention the injuries but the fact is there are many people who can do everything Rey can do but they are in their prime right now and can DO it consistently without being sidelined for half the year. I know Vince wants to set a record of most mask worn at an event at wrestlemania (WOW what a business goal to focus multiple angles around, Vince is still at the top of his game) but it would honestly make the most sense to wish Rey the best in his future endeavors afterwards. They are really just throwing full time wrestler money away on a part timer. Don't mean to be harsh here but I just don't see how any positives on keeping Rey outweigh the negatives.
I honestly don't see Rey doing anything special that 1000 other guys aren't doing in the minor leagues right now. I'm sure there are at least a few wrestlers that are technically better than Rey in FCW alone right now. I know that you want us all to not mention the injuries but the fact is there are many people who can do everything Rey can do but they are in their prime right now and can DO it consistently without being sidelined for half the year. I know Vince wants to set a record of most mask worn at an event at wrestlemania (WOW what a business goal to focus multiple angles around, Vince is still at the top of his game) but it would honestly make the most sense to wish Rey the best in his future endeavors afterwards. They are really just throwing full time wrestler money away on a part timer. Don't mean to be harsh here but I just don't see how any positives on keeping Rey outweigh the negatives.

He's an icon to a people that Vince apparently cares about. Probably not much more than Mil Mascaras or El Santo, but still very very over. But I'd agree that if he weren't a veteran with a history as star-studded as his resume is, he'd be retired. That, and probably the fact that Rey has been so willing to put his body on the line for so long despite the injuries; Vince, after all, is human.
To the person who said they can't stand rey and also to the guy who said he gets beat down and then does 5 moves of doom, the OP said its nothing to do with anything else apart from his in-ring performances. Now, Rey Mysterio yes is probly the most consistent superstar in the WWE match wise. He can put on good matches with /ft 5+ guys. His matches with Big Show were actually more than I expected and his short time fued with undertaker in early 2010/later 2009 had some amazing matches. I will give him a lot of credit because for the amount of injures he had had and for him to adapt and slighty change his move-set to suit the WWE style, and still put on good matches time after time proves how good he is in the ring. It don't matter if his move-set is the most fake in the WWE and might do the same couple of moves in his matches but the fact is, 80-95% of his matches are entertaining. I'll say straight I hate his character but give the man his credit and I think he gets a lot more hate for his in-ring work than what he should.
Mysterio is incredibly smart. He's better now than he was in 1996. Most consistent good wrestler is subjective. Punk has been pretty damn good as with Cena. If someone were to say that Mysterio is the most consistently good wrestler, I wouldn't be surprised, it's not a completely ******ed idea like saying Alex shelley or some other million moves 0 selling guy. Mysterio sells and has a flow and a pace and also tells a story. He's the complete package. always in character etc.

Pro wrestling isn't about not botching or not being predictable (BTW, there is NOTHING more predictable than someone kicking out of an Angle slam or Japan wrestler number 57's finish), it's about getting the fans to care about your match and telling a story. Predictability is a good thing to an extent. If they think your finish is the finish, and it's not, there's a pop. If you have a "five moves of doom" they know the end is near so a roll up as a counter from your oppenent could get a pop. Some of you guys need to stop reading ****** fatasses on the net and maybe listen to some shoots where they talk about ring psychology. The same guys who think a large moveset is good would hate Al Snow. he says there's no such thing as a rest hold. He trained guys at OVW for a while. I trust his opinion more than yours.
Vince has future endeavored many people for alot less reasons than them being sidelined half the time.
Very rarely is the reason ever compounded with "but he draws". If a guy draws, you can get away with a lot more. If you don't (see Kennedy), then getting injured a lot doesn't really do anything for the company. Mysterio is a draw, he's an asset. It's a business, if you look at it like that then everything they do will make a lot more sense to you.
Not a fan myself. Not because I think rmj has done anything wrong, but Im not a luche fan in general. Just not my thing. If I was going to criticise him for one thing it would be the most awful tpp rope splash ever seen that he uses now, looks more like a stunned trout flop than a frog splash
I really, really dislike his finisher. The 619 gets repetitive very quickly, he should use it only once in a long while, not on every single match.

That said, I think he's a perfect stepping stone for heels that want to enter the Main Event. I like him, and the kids love him. It brings a smile to my face seeing that. His ring-work is solid and quite consistent, yes.
I really, really dislike his finisher. The 619 gets repetitive very quickly, he should use it only once in a long while, not on every single match.

That said, I think he's a perfect stepping stone for heels that want to enter the Main Event. I like him, and the kids love him. It brings a smile to my face seeing that. His ring-work is solid and quite consistent, yes.
I think "athletic competition" style feeling out processes are repetitive. I think quick exchanges of kip ups and wrist locks followed by a courtesy applaus gets repetitive. I think multiple pin attempts gets repetitive. Doesn't mean that if I were a wrestler in ROH I wouldn't do them every single match and wear both baggy pants and kick pads. It's what's over.

Mysterio does the 619, teases it, and gets a pop damn near every time because it's over and he knows how to milk it. What a lot of people on here don't seem to get is that wrestling really isn't as subjective as you think. If something is getting pops and is over, it's good.
When I was a young brooding seedling, my brother's older friends, him and I used to huddle round and watch SmackDown on Friday nights. One particular day, back when Eddie was feuding with Rey, I remember a particular cage match where Rey tried a frog splash from the top of the cage and splattered down to the matt. Yes, there was a splat. My brother's friends burst out laughing at Rey Mysterio's foolishness. Why, brother's friends, why? Turns out my brother's friends were Rey-haters. It makes me wonder why I was friends with such inbred troglodytes in the first place. Needless to say I got offended. ''Rey Mysterio is the best highflier in the business!'' ''He's trying to save his son!!'' I remember screaming from the rooftops. Well, what does this story have to with anything you rambling coot? Well, not much, just a story really.

Anyway, yes, Rey Mysterio is the most consistent wrestling business. His matches are ***1/2 minimum and some even reach **** 67/89. His feuds are never really much. His mic work is shabby, but he makes up for all this with his in-ring skills. He adapts so well to all gimmick match types and wrestling styles. Proof of this are his matches with Kane or Mark Henry, for example when he made them all look like gold. Yes, he may appeal more to the kiddies, but, that doesn't take away from the fact that every time he gets in the ring he mesmerizes. The 619 is silly, but, the amount of fun finishers Rey can do are limited. He is a huge asset to the WWE so, I really don't see them shipping him back to Mexico any time soon.

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