Rey Mysterio Was Robbed!

Mike "The Kid" Killam;3294117 said:
I had a feeling there was no way Mysterio was leaving Raw as WWE Champion last night. It's no secret that I'm not a huge (current day) Rey Mysterio fan. People talk about Rey like he's this great in-ring acrobat who does the most incredibly, never-before-seen feats every single week. Let's be honest, that hasn't been true for almost 10 years. Rey Mysterio used to be one of the top athletes in the business, but he's been tamed by the WWE machine. It's unfortunate that Mysterio may still be one of the best in-ring workers, but that's only because he's the least FCW'd out of most of the current WWE talent. Mysterio is talented, but he's a shell of what he USED to be in that ring. Give him talent like Benoit, Melenko, Guerrero (either one), Juve, or Jericho and the guy can tear the house down.

Now, I will admit that both of his title matches on Raw were fantastic, especially the bout with John Cena to close the show. I was not excited to see Mysterio win the belt, but he really put on more of a fight than I've seen from him in years! I'm not happy that they used a transitional champion, but Rey makes a lot more sense than sacrificing the Miz. Mysterio has been on top several times, and it's not likely they're going to keep him as the face of Raw while Cena is still around. It's even more unlikely now that CM Punk appears to be back...

If it makes you feel any better, his title win probably won't even count in a few days. I have a feeling CM Punk will reveal that he cut some sort of deal with Triple H before the PPV that not even Vince himself knew about. Or maybe he cut a deal with another McMahon... But if technically never left the WWE, than the title was never vacated, and still belongs to him. This will set up the Undisputed title match, and whether they keep Mysterio's win the record books or not, it technically doesn't even count.

Like I said, I'll give him credit for showing up to work tonight. But I've lost most of my excitement and a lot of my respect for Mysterio in the last few years. Especially after the rumors went around that he used his contract expiring to force the WWE into giving him his last World title run.
Come on dude don't be one of those. WWE didn't tame him. Having his knees broken to shit and being older and pudgier did. The funny thing is, cool moves don't make you a better wrestler. If there's anything Rey did in 1997 that he doesn't come close to now is selling. He doesn't sell as ass kicking as well as he used to so I don't feel as much sympathy for him. I'd say Rey's absolute peak was probably mid to late 00s. He wasn't as acrobatic as late 90s Rey, but he could still sell like a mofo and could tell better stories in the ring.

If a guy isn't as good of a wrestler simply because he can't do (or if you want isn't "allowed" to) then he sucks. A pro wrestler reads an audience and makes them make noise. A WWE or any mainstream american audience will not pop for highspots if they don't give a shit about the wrestler.
There were a few things I was wondering about following RAW. First off, what was the point in the tournament if John Cena was always planned to win the title back? Why not just have Cena win the tournament. Just seemed kinda odd they threw the belt on Rey there. Do you think this could be leading to something bigger for Rey? Not a heel turn obviously, but something. And why didn't they just have Miz win since there is history between him & cena and he could cry about losing unfairly? Also, I think they should of held off Punk's return until Summerslam. Have him end the show. Like someone else said, Cena gets "fired" and punk "quits," yet both are back within a month. I think they should of stretched it out longer. It just seems to me all of the steam from this cena/punk feud just got really deflated IMO.
There were a few things I was wondering about following RAW. First off, what was the point in the tournament if John Cena was always planned to win the title back? Why not just have Cena win the tournament. Just seemed kinda odd they threw the belt on Rey there. Do you think this could be leading to something bigger for Rey? Not a heel turn obviously, but something. And why didn't they just have Miz win since there is history between him & cena and he could cry about losing unfairly? Also, I think they should of held off Punk's return until Summerslam. Have him end the show. Like someone else said, Cena gets "fired" and punk "quits," yet both are back within a month. I think they should of stretched it out longer. It just seems to me all of the steam from this cena/punk feud just got really deflated IMO.
They didn't have Cena in the tournament because when the tournament was made he was "fired". They kept interest through this whole thing by having twists and turns. First there's a tournament because the champ and former champ are gone. Then Cena comes back, so you wonder what they'll do with him, plus Rey/Miz for the title. Rey wins, but Cena should logically get another shot because he was screwed. Just because you have a certain desired end result doesn't mean you have to get there as quick as possible. The great thing about a story is the journey, not the destination.

They didn't have Miz win because they probably have something else planned and Rey's character won't complain. If Miz is in the match with Cena then he complains and is kinda in the CM Punk/Cena feud by default, which is a bad idea.

I don't think CM Punk/Cena got deflated because the IWC was mostly the people super interested in it. Punk's pop wasn't all that great tonight and it's because unless you're in a super smarky market, it's gonna be more mainstream guys. Keeping Punk relevant, especially through SummerSlam and especially since the NFL season is about to start along with the MLB final stretch and playoffs is a smart move.
We sat through such Bull shit champions like Cena, Orton, JBL, HBK, The Miz, Edge.....

One of the biggest problems in producing a professional wrestling show is making the ring action look believable. Everyone over 10-years-old knows that the fighting is staged, but WWE tries to get the fans to suspend belief long enough to make it look as if it's all real. Yes, we know the ending of the match is scripted, but we can still get excited because we don't know who's going to win.

There are obstacles to this; not the least being the fans at ringside who are laughing and happily enjoying the sight of two men beating the hell out of each other. We're even treated to fans trying to touch the wrestlers as the match is in progress. It takes a hell of a lot to achieve and sustain the fans' faith in the product when the fans are reacting as if they're at a comedy revue.

The "bullshit" champions mentioned above at least have the size and perceived toughness to compete against the best their sport has to offer.

Rey Mysterio doesn't.

I enjoy watching what he does, but in my opinion, he should be doing it only against low and mid-card wrestlers. He's too damn small to be anywhere near the world championship and watching him beat the hell out of larger men makes the whole spectacle of wrestling less believable, which flies in the face of what WWE is trying to do. Yet, the company has been indulging Rey for years now.

I still say that watching Rey pin the shoulders of Batista was the most visually ridiculous sight I've seen in wrestling. Yes, wrestling is phony, but it's not supposed to look that way. With Rey, it does.

I was dismayed when Rey won the title last night.....and elated when we only had to wait an hour to see the situation rectified. As I said, I have nothing against him and usually enjoy watching him bounce around the ring, forcing his opponents to rush into position to take the full impact of Rey's cartoonish flying maneuvers.

But as world champion? Forget it! Okay, now WWE can announce him as a former world champion. That's more than enough.
I know that the OP says he "tells it like it is", but he hasn't in this particular case.

It's time to wake up and see wrestling for what it is and that happens to be a business. There's almost never any such thing as "deserving" to be a World Champion or anything else in wrestling for that matter. Vince has a sort of catchphrase in which he says "it's all about the money" and that is EXACTLY how pro wrestling has always been run whether it's WWE, TNA, WCW, WCCW, AWA or whoever. A promoter is going to book the matches, put wrestlers in certain spots and build a card around what he believes/hopes is going to put the most money in his pocket.

Rey Mysterio is a great in-ring wrestler, there's no doubt about that. Everytime he gets in the ring, the man delivers. There's no arguing that. However, the simple truth is that Rey Mysterio was a means to an end. It's not the first time a wrestler was put in such a position and it won't be the last time. The big money feud on Raw at this point is John Cena vs. CM Punk. It's far more intriguing at this point than anything Rey Mysterio could be involved in. CM Punk has been the single most talked about person in wrestling for about 6 weeks now and he's arguably the best overall pro wrestler in the world at this point in time. Cena & Punk just had what was, also arguably, the best wrestling match of 2011 at MITB and it looks like Cena vs. Punk II is in the works for SummerSlam, which is one of the WWE's Big 4 ppvs of the year. You think Vince is going to push aside a big money feud with a big money match at a big money ppv just to give Rey Mysterio marks a feel good moment? Must be nice living in Never Neverland.
End of the day the reason Rey won the belt was because Cena WASN'T in the tournament, and that Punk returned and it's probably Punk/Cena II @ Summer Slam champion vs champion, so in fairness no Rey wasn't screwed he was giving the title and it was put back on Cena (where it needed to be in fairness)
I am far from being a Rey fan, but I totally agree. Why the fuck did John Cena need his rematch that night? He claims to be a good guy, yet he litterly strips the new champions from their dreams!

Why not have the match at SummerSlam? Hell, why not next week? But, no. Cena is now an 11x World Champion. Yay. Is it just to build him up before The Rock faces him at WrestleMania, then loses? That just completly takes away the point of being champion.

So sorry Rey. You'll get it back again.
After awaiting 16 yrs to see the unbelievable Rey Mysterio as WWE champion;just like that he would be robbed of his chance to carry the company!!! Rey has busted his ass for a long time in this business to recognized as the best wrestler in the world!!!!

Rey Mysterio is not the best wrestler in the world.

He may be only 5'7 175 pounds but he is the most amazing athlete in the entire WWE.

Not any more, in his prime yes, but that is long gone. He is a shadow of his former self.

Rey Mysterio is the reason why so many kids watch WWE he is the reason why Cena even has fans because I am 100 percent sure all his fans were Mysterio fans first. I thought HHH was suppose to bring the WWE to new heights but instead He is just like Vince feeding us crap and keeping us from the obvious. You lousy humanoids can bad mouth Rey all you want but he is the best wrestler in the WWE and has been that since his arrival in 2003.

He has never been the best wrestler in the WWE. Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Triple H etc are better and always have been.

You lousy humanoids call him the worse world champion ever but he is not, because the man that holds the WWE title is and that's Cena. I have heard you guys complain Rey is too small and HBK wasn't or Chris Beniot wasn't!!!!

John Cena is not a bad champion. And can you really compare Benoit and HBK to Mysterio's size, they are/were far taller heavier and built.

He has the same amount plus more fans then Cena

How can he have the same amount and also more?

Rey is so underrated and tonight its proven once again when he only held the WWE championship for maybe 45 mins.

He is not underrated. He is a tiny man who is pushed far more than he should be as a credible heavyweight challenger. He is very talented, but completely unbelievable as a heavyweight champion.

so what was the point for letting Rey last as WWE champion for 45 mins just to say oh he is a former WWE champion when he comes out when his reign wasn't even longer than 45 mins!!!!

Saying Rey is a former World Heavyweight champion has just as much effect as saying he is a former WWE Champion.

We sat through such Bull shit champions like Cena, Orton, JBL, HBK, The Miz, Edge, their hasn't been a notable WWE champion since Eddie Guerrero!!!!

Do you have a hard on for Mexicans or something? HBK last held the best in the early 2000s and Edge Cena and Orton are all more deserving champions than Mysterio.

Rey Mysterio deserves the championship why because he is the best wrestler in the world, the people are behind, he sells tickets, merchandise, and PPVs. He has the entire package just because he is not tall and not all sterioded out he doesn't get a chance. Rey in my eyes you are still WWE champion it took 2 men to take the title away from you!!!!

He isnt the best in the world. He does sell alot of merchandise, but he is not a major draw as a main eventer, perhaps in Mexico but most people do not buy PPV's to see Mysterio.

And if he isnt built like, or look like a champion, then how is he the whole package. Rey was a phenomenal cruiserweight, arguably the best of all time. But he should not be a heavyweight title contender, especially not in his broken down, slowed down condition today. Rey is awful compared to how he was back in 2003, injuries have caught up with him.

I hope you honestly do not believe that bullshit post you just made, I cannot tell if it was just a joke but if you think those things, you really have no idea.
I am far from being a Rey fan, but I totally agree. Why the fuck did John Cena need his rematch that night? He claims to be a good guy, yet he litterly strips the new champions from their dreams!

Why not have the match at SummerSlam? Hell, why not next week? But, no. Cena is now an 11x World Champion. Yay. Is it just to build him up before The Rock faces him at WrestleMania, then loses? That just completly takes away the point of being champion.

So sorry Rey. You'll get it back again.

You’re missing the point, as I alluded to in my previous post the belt NEEDED to be on Cena when Punk returned, remember last week Vince’s announcement Rey was in the ring and looked pissed when Vince told him run along, no one is bigger than the company? Because Rey was meant to win the belt last week and do the job this week and as it turned out to keep within timing schedule the belt had to be dropped back to Cena last night in time for Punk’s return last night, Harsh as it is, shit happens and I like Rey but storyline wise Cena needed the belt back.
I have to agree with the overall sentiment of the OP. Rey is a better wrestler than Jeff Hardy and he was eventually awarded the championship for a little bit.

It seems unnecessarily disrespectful to award the title to someone like Rey for less than 1 episode lol
I knew Rey wasn't going to have the belt for very long, but I didn't think he would lose it in the same night.

Rey's body is breaking down badly. He's had how many injuries and surgeries in the last 5 years?

He simply can't be counted on as a champion anymore because it always seems once he gets another push, he injures something.

Rey is one of the good ones, but he's past his prime in terms of relevance.
he wasnt robbed he got the title in an extra title for his amazing career new i bet the op didnt cry when christian lost his title to orton 2days later when that was christian 1st major title anyway back on topic at least now we have cena vs punk at ss for the unification of the belts and not rey nysterio in the me
I don't think it was supposed to happen the way it ended up happening. By that, I mean that I think the original intention was to have the WWE Championship tournament conclude last week which would have allowed Rey to at least have a week with the title. Then, John Cena would have got his rematch this week to set up for CM Punk's return, and no one would be complaining...well that's still probably not true :disappointed: Anyways, due to time constraints, the Championship match was moved to the beginning of Raw this week and Rey ended up only having about an hour long title reign which is too bad. I was getting kinda excited for his reign with all the backstage stuff they were showing, but I'll take Punk v. Cena again any day! :)
Fair few posts in this thread. Many of them long, more of them indecipherable. Just some points that I saw brought up while skimming:

  1. Rey Mysterio is too small to be a believable world champion.

    If Rey Mysterio is too small to ever have a prolonged reign as world champion, then the inverse must also be true - Big Show, Mark Henry and The Great Khali should just sit on their opponents and have the belts all but glued to their waists. After all, John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H are all tiny in comparison to those giants - who'd ever believe they would win in a real fight?

  2. Rey losing the title was booked badly.

    I don't want to jump the gun - they could still rectify this - but it kind of was. Rey wants to take on all comers and was willing to take on the man who he saw as the true number one contender as soon as possible, I get that. Does Cena not have a similarly honourable attitude, though? Is defeating Rey after he's already fought The Miz and Alberto Del Rio not a tainted victory?

    Yeah, Cena had to have the belt, but could his match have not waited until next week? Hopefully this point will be proven redundant by two weeks of amazing build. We'll see.

  3. Rey Mysterio is not the best wrestler in the world.

    Maybe not, but he's not so far down the ladder as to laugh at the idea. Rey puts on perhaps the most consistently good matches in the entire WWE and is a very underrated promo guy. I presume English isn't even his first language. Merchandise sales? Ratings? Like I give a fuck. He is the man I would trust above anyone else to go out there and put on a good match.

    People criticise him because his knees are shot and he's tubby (which is rich when I picture the people it's coming from) but, even without the incredible agility he had in his youth, he remains likely the most exciting and dynamic high-flyer in the world. There are people that can jump higher and do more flips, sure, but they always seem more like gymnasts than wrestlers. I'm looking at you, Sin Cara.

    I've been guilty of as much misguided Rey-Rey bashing as anyone else, but I've grown tired of it and I'm confused where this is coming from. Are people still upset because he didn't want to give Dolph Ziggler some pointless trinket?

I hope this isn't the last we see of Rey Mysterio and the WWE Championship. A Mysterio/Punk/Cena match down the line is something I would drown puppies for.
I have to agree with the overall sentiment of the OP. Rey is a better wrestler than Jeff Hardy and he was eventually awarded the championship for a little bit.

It seems unnecessarily disrespectful to award the title to someone like Rey for less than 1 episode lol

What the hell has Jeff Hardy got to do with the argument, although yes, Rey is better than Hardy....

How is it disrespectful. I wish Vince McMahon put the title on me for 3/4 of a Raw show!

Rey knows its not real, and that his short reign was simply for storylines purposes, as Cena needed to have the title for when Punk returned. It makes sense for that to be the case, so what the fuck would Rey be pissed about? Just giving him the belt for that amount of time is just another example of Vince showing that he believes Rey can be a WWE champion.
Rey was just someone to push the storyline along so Cena could get the belt back and I'm sorry if someone else stated this but, is it just me or is this Punk Cena deal a much more excelerated version of HBK vs Razor with 2 IC champs....

wonder if both belts will be suspended above the ring in a ladder match at SS
as well.
Fair few posts in this thread. Many of them long, more of them indecipherable. Just some points that I saw brought up while skimming:

  1. Rey Mysterio is too small to be a believable world champion.

    If Rey Mysterio is too small to ever have a prolonged reign as world champion, then the inverse must also be true - Big Show, Mark Henry and The Great Khali should just sit on their opponents and have the belts all but glued to their waists. After all, John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H are all tiny in comparison to those giants - who'd ever believe they would win in a real fight?

  1. I agree and disagree with Sam, but we need to view this on multiple levels.

    Sure, anyone could win a fight on any given day. Or, someone more experienced than another can win a fight on any given day. For instance, Fedor Emelianenko has made a career out of beating larger fighters in the MMZ heavyweight divisions.

    But rarely would you see a 175lb man fighting and defeating a 500lb behemoth. This is why Rey isn't a fitting world champion and why he can't be viewed as believable. That is why this storyline is written perfectly... Rey, with his veteran skill, won the title. But he is unable to hold onto it and go on a winning streak because, in a sense, he isn't large enough to believably compete in that division.
Certainly you agree that viewers take professional wrestling with a pinch more salt than they do mixed martial arts, D-Man? If Georges St. Pierre and Anderson Silva had a forty minute match that was only decided when Dana White ran down to the octagon and attempted to interfere, there might be a few raised eyebrows, no?

People can make allowances for stuff like that but suddenly balk when Mark Henry sells a dropkick? Well, I'm the guy that balks when those people balk.
Rey is most certainly believable to compete in the division. Look at who we got now. Miz, Truth, Punk, Cena, and Del Rio if you want to add him. Rey has had good matches with all of them and that's all I ask out of a champion. So what's the minimum height and weight to be a heavyweight champion? Big Show loses more than anybody and realistically should be as dominant as anybody but we are talking about wrestling.
I'm a Rey Rey fan but a WWE Championship reign for him isn't the best thing at this moment. Maybe after this Punk/Cena feud concludes, but he should be doing what he was already doing and was pretty damn good at and that's elevating talent. Punk, Rhodes, Ziggler, Del Rio can all thank Mysterio for where they are now. Other than Cena, there's not a guy in locker room that can make you look good quite like Rey. He may be the smallest but that shouldn't hold him down b/c he's one of the most over faces on the roster and puts on some of the best matches. I hope for a Mysterio/Cena feud in the future soon but as of right now Rey can feud with the Miz as Punk and Cena continue their epic confrontation.
Overall, I did feel that Rey's title loss was somewhat badly booked but it is pretty obvious why it was done. The idea was to get Punk back on Raw and to have that face off with Cena to end the show. Mysterio did not matter much in the overall scheme of things. And really, this thread does look like some smark nitpicking over trivial matters. The overall result of Mysterio's title loss was pretty good and that is what should matter at the end of the day.

The other allegations against Mysterio are obviously false. He has been built up to such a point that he is easily a believable champion and even more so at a time when the guys wrestling in the main event are not exactly superheavyweights. And also, this is pro wrestling, as Sam just pointed out. A superstar's charisma is a more powerful weapon than his actual size in this world and that is something that Rey personifies.

In the end, Rey lost not because of any of his deficencies because he has very few of them, but because something bigger and better had been planned.
I understand why Rey lost. What I don't understand is:
(a) why Rey, and
(b) why so soon?

If they wanted to put the belt back on Cena so quickly, why not have Miz win the first title match? Or, why not have Del Rio cash in his MITB like they teased?

At the very least, have the Rey-Cena match interrupted right before it starts, so they can have Triple H announce that it would be held the following week - that way, you get a one-week buildup and Rey doesn't have "two-hour champion" hanging around his neck. Rey's title ranks up there with those "hardcore titles" that used to change hands multiple times in the middle of a battle royal.

(Also, the fact that the Cena match was Triple H's idea makes me think they're considering some sort of Cena heel turn / "corporate champion" storyline, possibly to give Punk more of a face image, but you would think the last thing Vince wants to do is to give the kids a reason to stop buying Cena stuff.)
Its funny too me how so many of you were quick too throw Rey under the bus and call him old and crappy and past his prime what a bunch of monkey crap!!!!! And once again just like I said you lousy humanoids would bash Rey and put him and his career down. Now I said their were no good WWE champions since Eddie Guerrero so I will first go personally threw the list of WWE champions since Eddie Guerrero first is JBL who had no wrestling ability but called himself a wrestling GOD!!!! But the only reason he was champion because his gimmick was a rich texas oil tycoon just like are bitch ass president at the time. Cena was given the title next and was only 2 yrs into his WWE career and had done nothing to prove that he deserved that spot he didn't win the royal rumble and everyone was forced to put him over.

His reign was mediocre and everyone was forced to put this nobody at the time over. Edge finally ended the reign of Cena and did he deserve it no he stole all of Kanyon's moves and finishers when he first came. Then he stole Goldberg s spear and still can't do it right then he was on the mid card and everyone was forced to put him over so he can get to World title status that he still didn't deserve. Cena won it back and then the Golden child Randy Orton got the title he never deserved to be the World Heavyweight Champion but he was. Then he came in got to be WWE champion and only got their because of him being HHH's lacky for so long and his legend killer gimmick which again was forcing people too put him over. His reign was lousy and he won all your hearts when he won WM XXIV. But he still sucks then we have Jeff Hardy the drug addict champion who was given the title yeah he was a real winner a true star. Then Sheamus comes in the picture here is a nobody who hasn't proven anything and he gets to be the champion!!!!!!!Then finally a champion I can be proud of comes along Batista who should of been WWE champion since 2005 finally gets it and only holds it for one month. Then some how Miz becomes champion a reality tv star who kisses ass straight too the top who is a crappy wrestler he gets it.

Now when a hard working performer who has entertained crowds of fans in 3 different promotions and is finally recognized as the best in the world and he only gets it for 45 mins. While for the last 6 yrs we have sat through a circus of worthless non deserving champions who haven't proved or paid any dues. So too people like average ******* and triple waste who think they pulled apart this thread and have a valid case that Rey is only just a tiny guy who is passed his prime and sucks in the ring just like Hollywood Hogan said @ Bash @ the Beach 96 "you guys can stick"!!!!

Because its non traditional fans like you who have been spoon feed whatever the WWE offers you and not the PRO-WRESTLING world has to offer you that's why you will never be able to comprehend what it takes to be a real champion and what it takes to be a real wrestler and what it means to put on the best show for the fans and get respected and earn moments and reign with the WWE title you rightfully earned!!!!!
HHH said in his speech, and I quote, "THAT BOTH MEN AGREED TO THIS"

Rey was not robbed

He agreed to defend his new title against John and lost

Sure, on Rey's behalf, I'm bummed about it

But hey, at least he'll still always be remembered as the first title holder under THE GAME's reigime
alright really guys i understand rey is a hard worker but it is obvious why he lost the title. rey only got it so he could win the tournament (cena wasnt in it because he was supposed to be fired) they knew he would probaly be the best bet of losing but still not messing up his legacy as opposed to if they had miz win then lose he would look extremely weak and if adr cashed in then lost later on then he would have looked like one of the biggest jackasses in wwe. so dont get your panties in a bunch everyone still loves and respects rey and hes still one of the most important superstars on the roster today

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