Would you like Rey Mysterio to take HIS title back?

No, I don't think he should. I have been a fan of Mysterio for years, and I thought he was incredible in his early days in the WWE, but I never liked him being around the World Title scene, I just never bought into him beating guys so much bigger than him.

I could perfectly see why he got the belt though, he has always been super-over with the majority of fans and his merchandise is a massive seller- it's all about making money after all- why do you think Cena and Jeff Hardy are permenant main eventers? Plus, capitalising on the goodwill towards Rey after Eddie Guerrero's death made the fans get behind him and they were delighted to see him win the belt.

However, Rey is older now and he has knee made of biscuits, so he WILL be injured agian in the near future. I don't think WWE would want to rely on him to carry a brand for an extended period of time, plus he has had welness policy issues also. I think Rey has had an amazing career, won it all and is a definite HOF'er after he retires. I think Rey should be happy with his 2 titles, for a man his size he has achieved so much, but I think its time to go with some other talents, and have Rey put them over.
If you really think John Cena is the only person who draws money, you're as delusional as Vince. WWE has probably a dozen stars who draw more money than Mysterio.

I really doubt there are a dozen wrestlers who makes more money for the company than Mysterio- especially if you are talking about merchandise sales.

Cena, Punk, Triple H, Rock, Lesnar, Undertaker, Orton....is there anyone else I am missing? I'd say Rey would be in with that group of money-making machines
If you really think John Cena is the only person who draws money, you're as delusional as Vince. WWE has probably a dozen stars who draw more money than Mysterio.

Probably a dozen, you say? Let's go on and list some names, shall we? If you can't count to twelve, then we're in some serious trouble.

Let's start with Dwayne. Of course everyone loves him, but how much are we going to see of him due to his acting gigs? Not much, but the Dwayniacs will flock to him and listen to his every word. I'll count that as one.

Mark is getting older and older and it's possible he may not compete at this year's Wrestlemania. I wouldn't miss him if he decided to not appear next year. Everyone says that the legendary Streak is a draw but what about the rest of the year? I'm sorry, but Mark is out.

Mr. Sable was quite the specimen back in his day. Dominated the WWE until he ran into that mean, nasty giant. After that, the luster wore off just a bit as he was never a huge draw to begin with. Mr. Sable came back, bloodied up Cena, lost to Cena, and feuded with HHH. The man is just gearing up to come back to the WWE in a major way- to probably feud with HHH again. Yawn. I'll count that as 0.5 of a draw if his contract can be rearranged in terms of appearances.

Now that I'm done accessing the part-timers, let's going to the working joes.

Orton - Child, please.

Punk- Dude's been champion for a year. Have I noticed anything different? Not really.

I'm not even going to bother listing any more wrestlers because I wouldn't want to shame my name like that.

So we have one Dwayne and 1/2 Mr. Sable. Brock giving HBK an F-5 was the highlight of my year so I'll bump him up to 3/4. He deserves it for that alone.
... I just never bought into him beating guys so much bigger than him.

You & me both. Even given Rey's popularity and ability to sell merchandise, how "real" do you want pro wrestling to be? Do you really want to see his opponents knocked down and kneeling over the middle rope in the exact manner needed for Rey to apply the 619? Do you want to see it every time he performs in the ring? Do you want to see his opponent stand straight up in front of Rey, waiting for him to set up so he can deliver his assortment of flying moves that sends the guy somersaulting across the ring, sometimes when Rey's legs barely touch him? Do you really want to see little Rey pin Batista's shoulders to the mat, something that was so absurd to watch as to be almost embarrassing?

It gets me that many folks on this forum who complain that WWE offers nothing new are still enthralled with Rey Mysterio. The same stuff. The same unlikely moves week after week.

I'll say one thing: since he's returned from his latest injuries and drug suspensions, management has kept him away from title contention. That's good, because it simply isn't believable that he can brutalize and defeat men who outweigh him by over 100 pounds. If they want to let him entertain the kiddies and have them buy the masks.....fine. Just keep him on the mid-card and away from the championships. It just doesn't look real....and above all else, management wants it to look real.
I've taken the liberty of pulling out some older posts of mine, blowing the dust off and putting them on display in here.

Re: Rey Mysterio's size, suspension of disbelief

I think those that take issue with Mysterio winning the world championship and/or defeating much larger opponents might take issue with a few other things which have occurred over the years. I took the liberty of digging them out so that we might guffaw and mock them together. They are truly ludicrous!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

Lookit that! Total bollocks.

There's a reason Rey Mysterio is booked like an underdog, why he wrestles like an underdog - because he is an underdog. He's a five foot six Mexican in a land of giants, and he behaves like it. Fact is, massive size differences being overcome and underdogs coming out ontop are timeless staples of professional wrestling. Small guys not being believable world champions is a myth which was obliterated about two decades ago. Until recently, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were world champions simultaneously.

Small men can be successful, even when they wrestle large men. Swallow it. God knows there's bigger, less digestible loads of bollocks that you need to save room for.

Saying "Oh, Rey Mysterio shouldn't have been heavyweight champion when he's not even a heavyweight!" is, at best, a lame joke - I'd give you a pity laugh and soon forget it. That someone would invoke it as a serious argument is nothing short of astonishing. This is a business where the managers decide the best way to decide the champion is to suspend the belt above a fucking ladder. Shit, this is a business where they do the same thing with the custody of children. "Hey, isn't that guy a bit small to be wearing a heavyweight championship belt, hmm?" is where you hit a wall? Give me a break.

And, because it's somewhat relevant:

Mm, yeah. I think back to the feuds that Rey's had in recent years - the muscle bound monster that is CM Punk; the leviathan that is Chris Jericho; the man mountain that is Cody Rhodes; the intimidating hulk that is Alberto Del Rio; and who could forget the true successor to Andre the Giant, Dolph Ziggler? Jeez, Rey! Get a new shtick!

Essentially, if Rey Mysterio defeating larger men upsets you, I can only imagine that the amount of harder to swallow bullshit weekly WWE television gives you straight up aneurysms.
Would I like to see it? Of course.

Do I think that it will happen? No.

At this point of his career, putting Rey in a major singles run would not be a good idea, especially considering his injuries. This may be a one of the reasons that WWE stuck him in a team with Sin Cara. There is no point in investing in a title run for him if he gets injured mid-way. At this point, let him help in getting Sin Cara over, because (unfortunately), Cara is the best that WWE has got to replace Rey.
I dont see him getting back into the WWE title picture, but he is being underused right now. I mean the guy is feuding with the ptp. They could be doing a lot more with him on Smackdown.

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