Who Was The Best WWE Wrestler Ever?

I got to make another post to try to make my case for Bret Hart. I just feel that no man accomplished more than him by doing less outside of what he did in matches. I do think his mic skills are underrated but they are not on par with many of the greats. He wasnt blessed being 6'4 and 300lbs of muscle like alot of guys either. He didnt have some gimmick like The Undertaker does either to help him out. He wasnt blessed with having the mic skills or charisma of Hogan or The Rock yet he was a 5 time WWF champion and the only man to be the triple crown winner in both major companies and was one of the most popular wrestlers in the 90s.

The biggest reason why was the story he told in the ring and his ring skills. As good as Hogan, Austin and The Rock were they had skills outside of the ring to help get them over. Obviously that's not a knock against them because ultimately getting fans to like you and drawing is the ultimate goal but Im just saying that they had an advantage away from the ring which is why I think Bret was so good in it and he is my answer to this question. Would Austin or The Rock be as big as they are without their charisma or mic skills? I doubt it, look at how The Rock was while he was Rocky Maivia, if he was so good in the ring he would have gotten over with that gimmick. He needed the mic to end up how he ended up. Same thing with Austin he wasnt really over until he started his Stone Cold gimmick and cutting his amazing promos and doing the things he did with McMahon away from an actual match. He didnt get over because of his skills during the match. So when you put it all together and factor in his execution of the moves I think Bret is the answer.
Everypne mentioned as the best here were all tremendous. although, a couple of names come to mind when i think of really great in ring performers. Bob Backlund was truly magnificent. The other was Verne Gagne. I also cant help but consider Benoit even after his despicable demise.
I've been reading through all of these thread replies and I'm about ready to rip my hair out of my head and tear out my fingernails to distract me from the pain that I'm going through. I was almost tempted to stay out of this "argument" but how could someone that is passionate about the subject of the thread possibly resist?

In order to mediate this disagreement between Slyfox and PlaytheGame, I have to look at both of their arguments. To keep it short, simple and sweet, these guys definitely know what they're talking about and are passionate about the subject. This is what motivated me to put my 2 cents in. But, in order to answer PlayTheGame's original question correctly, I have to ask you guys... Have either of you ever been trained in professional wrestling?

I'm not trying to sit here, blow myself up, and advertise my resume, but I have formal experience in the industry. I've trained at two wrestling schools and wrestled in numerous matches over the years. I've learned from wrestlers like Jay Lethal, the Honky Tonk Man, and Tito Santana.

Now, knowing all of this, hopefully you won't all crucify me for my view on this subject, but SlyFox is only correct to an extent. There is a FINE difference between the sport of professional wrestling as a whole versus in-ring ability and what some may call "pure wrestling". The sport itself includes everything that SlyFox is talking about... ring psychology, mic work, charisma, story-telling, and in-ring work. But PlayTheGame clearly stated that we're judging ONLY in-ring physical wrestling and we have to look at that seperately.

So, my answer to this would have to be Kurt Angle. His intensity is second-to-none, his wrestling moves are flawless and smooth as silk, his opponents completely trust him in the ring, he has endless stamina and conditioning. Also, if you look back on his career, you probably won't see a time when he EVER had a bad match. I had the luxury of seeing him in 2 dark matches and he was flawless even back then.

I hope I didn't piss anyone off... :)
If were talking about pure wrestling here and not just showmanship. Thats a hard one. But I do have a few in mind.
Curt Henning: Anybody remember him? New fans thats Mr.Perfect!
Bret Hart: Nuff said.
Chris Benoit: Sure miss that guy.
Ric Flair: How many match of the years did he have?
Kurt Angle: Wrestling Machine. Aint wacthed ECW since.
Ricky Steamboat:Could carry a match with anybody.
Harley Race: Look him up new peolpe.

Sorry I couldnt pick just one. There was just something about these guys whatever one didnt have the other did I dont think anyone could be a total package. Sorry Lex.
Aright i seen shawn michaels name a few times but im upset that i havnt seen it more he has had by far the most exciting matches no one can top his Wrestlemania matches granted Brett was one of the best but in my eyes shawn was the most exciting. My runners up are:

*Eddie Gurrero: his in ring work was off the chain, with a mixed arson of highflying, technical abilitity, and submission type wrestling made him a pleasure to watch.

*Brett Hart: Even though im not a huge fan of bret in person(cause hes a big baby) i cant take anything away from his "excellent" ring work, he was always a pleasure to watch in the ring.

*Mr.Perfect "Curt Hennig": made anyone who stepped in the ring with him look like a star even if they were horrible, his arson of submission moves and "perfect" technical type wrestling ability deffinitly makes him one of the best
In terms of pure catch as catch can wrestling ability i would have to say Kurt Angle is #1.

Not to far behind Kurt Angle would be Chris Benoit, Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero.

Others who could be considered to be good pure catch as catch can wrestlers are Dynamite Kid, Davey Boy Smith (British Bulldog), Owen Hart, Ricky Steamboat, Brock Lesnar, Curt Henning.

Dynamite kid would probably be #2 if this was based on outside of WWE.

Curt Henning was very good in his younger years.

Brithis Bulldog is extremley underrated condsidering all the amazing matches he had.

SHELTON BENJAMIN.....SHELTON BENJAMIN!!!!!!!!!! Why is Shelton Benjamin even getting mentioned? He has had one good very good match in his career against HBK in 2005 & thats it. when is the last good WRESTLING match that Shelton Benjamin has had?

Randy Savage! YES i would choose him ahead of everyone ive listed above in terms of all round ability.
I'm gonna go with a different name, just to bring up a debate, because my real choice is Bret, but i've seen and can agree with Bret, Henning, Benoit, Malenko, Race, etc...but I don't think anyone has mentioned Ken Shamrock...he did it in WWE and MMA, he wrestled for real, and he did it very well
I don't think anyone has mentioned Ken Shamrock...he did it in WWE and MMA, he wrestled for real, and he did it very well

Ken Shamrock? KEN SHAMROCK?!?!?!? Be still, my heart...

In the world of MMA, the man is a God... a legend... dare I say... a pioneer. But in the world of professional wrestling, we call Ken Shamrock a "FLASH IN THE PAN". Even though he had natural ability for fighting, grappling and martials arts, in no way, shape, or form did he have anything that can possibly be called skill in the world of professional wrestling. That guy's had more botched moves than a YouTube compliation on Candice Michelle!!!
Well you need to break this down into five diffrent catergories because its unfair to measure some against others do to their roles.
Best cruserweight- This honor has to go to Eddie Guerro (excuse the spelling), he had this talent that made it where he can be utalized any where on the card, he also was one of the mst respected wrestlers of all time. What seperates him from other cruserweight greats like Maleko and Beniot is the fact that he was concidered great in while in the WWE, while in WCW, and while in ECW.
Best jobber- This honor has to go to Steve Lombardi, you might ask who was this, well he was the brooklyn brawler, Abe Knuckelball Schawtzs, and even filled in as Doink the Clown. He filled in where ever needed and was used to put over soe of the biggest stars in the industry like the rock. He even had champion shots while he jobbed since e was resected as much as he was.
Best midcarder- Xpac is by far the best midcarder. You might ask why well, he could be put in a fued with anyone, he was a top midcard talent immedently anywhere he went. He fueded in the main event stage yet he remained someone who was the top midcard and was one of the most memorable members of two of the biggest stables or all time DX and NWO.
Best promo worker- well this has to go to The Rock. What made him was his promos and pesonality and his ledgend is based soely on this great skill of his.
Best Main Even tallent- Stone Cold Steve Austin was the best mai eventer ever to step foot in a wwe ring. He had in ring tallent and his personality made him the biggest PPV seller of his time and he truely was one of the only 2 people to define WWF/WWE durring his tim in the ring, the other was Hogan who lacks in comparision to Austin
That's why I said it was a debate answer, if he had actually wrestled anyone in the WWF at the time, he would have whipped there asses, but he didnt have what it took to be an entertainment wrestler, but the question was, who the best wrestler in the WWE has ever been, and I think that's his debate because he was/is a real wrestler
Best midcarder- Xpac

No...he is a skinny martial arts kinda expert sorta...he knew nothing about wrestling, I personally was a huge fan, but you can't really say that, the only reason he even got a shot was because he was already friends with Scott Hall when Razor Ramon decided to put him over as the 123 Kid...but you went another direction with the post, I like that
It amazes me how ignorant people are on this subject. Wrestler, performer, entertainer, showman, etc, are all the exact same thing. It is only when people come to understand this simple fact, that they can start making logical opinions on who is a good wrestler. The idea that being a technical wrestler makes you a better wrestler than a power wrestler or a brawler is beyond ridiculous. They are all simply different styles of professional wrestling. One is not better than another.

The best WWE wrestler ever, or best professional wrestler period for that matter, is obviously Hulk Hogan. Anyone with half an iota of a brain cell would know that. However, the nature of the thread seems to imply who the best technical wrestler ever is. And the answer to that is Bret Hart. Out of all the technical wrestlers I have seen, who predominantly wrestle a technical style (such as Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, Lesnar, Jericho, Malenko, Perfect, etc), Bret Hart is the one who has been able to tell a story in the ring like no one else. Hart made more of a connection with the fans than all of the other technical style wrestlers. Even today, almost a whole decade after Bret Hart last wrestled, he is still loved by millions of fans all over the world. That right there shows how much the fans care about him, and is proof that he was a great wrestler. You don’t see many people still caring about Dean Malenko, except for a few diehard fans on the internet. No one even cared about him while he was wrestling. That’s because he sucked. He was a shit wrestler, and made no impact on the business.

Taking into account the very important parts of what truly makes a great wrestler (charisma, mic skills, storytelling, drawing ability, selling, etc), one must come to the conclusion that Randy Savage is the best all-around wrestler the business has ever seen. He could do it all, he could wrestle any style (technical, high-flying, brawling, etc), he was great as a face or heel, and the fans always cared about his character.
It amazes me how ignorant people are on this subject. Wrestler, performer, entertainer, showman, etc, are all the exact same thing. It is only when people come to understand this simple fact, that they can start making logical opinions on who is a good wrestler. The idea that being a technical wrestler makes you a better wrestler than a power wrestler or a brawler is beyond ridiculous. They are all simply different styles of professional wrestling. One is not better than another.

The best WWE wrestler ever, or best professional wrestler period for that matter, is obviously Hulk Hogan. Anyone with half an iota of a brain cell would know that. However, the nature of the thread seems to imply who the best technical wrestler ever is. And the answer to that is Bret Hart. Out of all the technical wrestlers I have seen, who predominantly wrestle a technical style (such as Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, Lesnar, Jericho, Malenko, Perfect, etc), Bret Hart is the one who has been able to tell a story in the ring like no one else. Hart made more of a connection with the fans than all of the other technical style wrestlers. Even today, almost a whole decade after Bret Hart last wrestled, he is still loved by millions of fans all over the world. That right there shows how much the fans care about him, and is proof that he was a great wrestler. You don’t see many people still caring about Dean Malenko, except for a few diehard fans on the internet. No one even cared about him while he was wrestling. That’s because he sucked. He was a shit wrestler, and made no impact on the business.

Taking into account the very important parts of what truly makes a great wrestler (charisma, mic skills, storytelling, drawing ability, selling, etc), one must come to the conclusion that Randy Savage is the best all-around wrestler the business has ever seen. He could do it all, he could wrestle any style (technical, high-flying, brawling, etc), he was great as a face or heel, and the fans always cared about his character.

Wrestler, performer, entertainer, showman...4 different things, are the same thing???than yes hogan was the best, because he was one of the the worst at being an actual wrestler...being an actual wrestler has nothing to do with charisma, or being a showman or an entertainer...it's called being a wrestler...and this is the thread question
"I'm talking in terms of pure wrestling ability. Not promos, not mic skills, not drawing ability, merch sales, etc etc etc. Just based on one thing- wrestling ability. Who was the best pure wreslter that has ever stepped foot in a WWE ring? He or she can be from any era of the WWE."
read it and then answer it, you'll come up with names like Malenko, the Harts, Benoit, Angle, etc...PURE WRESTLING ABILITY...Hogan and Savage were not anywhere near the best, Savage was very good at least, but Hogan is just sad...and Malenko had no impact on the business?? Yea okay, that's why almost everyone uses one of the submission moves HE CREATED in EVERY MATCH, to say he was a shit wrestler is ignorant...he would destroy hogan, michaels, savage and flair in any match on any given day if it wasn't written in the script whether or not he would win or lose...if it was a real wrestling(pure wrestler's) match
So you sir are the ignorant one, read a question, think about it, then think about the shit that you type before you type it so maybe you can make some sense
I'm still waiting for a logical arguemnt as to why Brock Lesnar wasn't the perfect prototypical "wrestler". I hear Bret Hart, which he is fine and dandy, but if those two got on the mat, Brock Lesnar would probably destroy him. People tend to over look Brock, in my opinion, because he accomplished more in two years int he WWF then most anyone has done in wrestling history. Pretty much everything Bret Hart accomplished in his career with the WWF, Brock Lesnar did in 1/6th of the time.

And Lesnar having no in ring psychology is honestly the dumbest thing I've probably read on here. How int he world did the guy not connect with the crowd. People despised Lesnar, but they respected him. A guy that big and that powerful, yet graceful enough to tumble on the mat was damn scary, and people knew it. The WWE tried a different strategy, using a guys legitimate background to give him credibility, and it worked.
Yeah, the only thing against Lesnar was that he had no longevity. He could mat wrestle well above average, not quite at Hart or Angle level but pretty close, he was unbeliavably strong, he was agile, he could brawl, he could work a hardcore match or a staright up technical one, he could fly better than most men his size, he definately had planty of charisma, and his mic skills were good. If he had stuck around for 5-10 years longer he might well have been remembered as the best ever.
I'm still waiting for a logical arguemnt as to why Brock Lesnar wasn't the perfect prototypical "wrestler". I hear Bret Hart, which he is fine and dandy, but if those two got on the mat, Brock Lesnar would probably destroy him. People tend to over look Brock, in my opinion, because he accomplished more in two years int he WWF then most anyone has done in wrestling history. Pretty much everything Bret Hart accomplished in his career with the WWF, Brock Lesnar did in 1/6th of the time.

Perhaps you missed the point that we're talking about PRO WRESTLING not AMATEUR WRESTLING. Whether, in a legitimate wrestling match or fight, Brock could destroy Bret Hart or not has absolutely no value to this discussion. Wrestling is fake, its pre-determined, so your point has no validity to the important aspects of a pro wrestling MATCH. Lesnar couldn't lace the boots of Bret Hart in a pro wrestling match.

And Lesnar having no in ring psychology is honestly the dumbest thing I've probably read on here. How int he world did the guy not connect with the crowd. People despised Lesnar, but they respected him. A guy that big and that powerful, yet graceful enough to tumble on the mat was damn scary, and people knew it. The WWE tried a different strategy, using a guys legitimate background to give him credibility, and it worked.

I think you need to learn what 'psychology' means.
Lesnar was nowhere near one of the best, he shouldn't even make the list, at telling a story in the ring. And to tell a story in the ring you need every aspect of what makes a wrestler good. Sheer ability.

I'm still "shocked" that no one seems to be giving Jake "the Snake" Roberts a mention.
I would have to say Ricky Steamboat. This guy had a great technical style as well as being able to work well with big men and with wrestlers that were more over than he was (Ric Flair/Macho Man). Just watch his matches against Savage, Flair & Austin and they are impressive outings to say the least. Steamboat is very underatted as a performer and was an excelllent talent.
Wrestler, performer, entertainer, showman...4 different things, are the same thing???than yes hogan was the best, because he was one of the the worst at being an actual wrestler...being an actual wrestler has nothing to do with charisma, or being a showman or an entertainer...it's called being a wrestler...and this is the thread question
"I'm talking in terms of pure wrestling ability. Not promos, not mic skills, not drawing ability, merch sales, etc etc etc. Just based on one thing- wrestling ability. Who was the best pure wreslter that has ever stepped foot in a WWE ring? He or she can be from any era of the WWE."
read it and then answer it, you'll come up with names like Malenko, the Harts, Benoit, Angle, etc...PURE WRESTLING ABILITY...Hogan and Savage were not anywhere near the best, Savage was very good at least, but Hogan is just sad...and Malenko had no impact on the business?? Yea okay, that's why almost everyone uses one of the submission moves HE CREATED in EVERY MATCH, to say he was a shit wrestler is ignorant...he would destroy hogan, michaels, savage and flair in any match on any given day if it wasn't written in the script whether or not he would win or lose...if it was a real wrestling(pure wrestler's) match So you sir are the ignorant one, read a question, think about it, then think about the shit that you type before you type it so maybe you can make some sense

You really don't understand what the fuck you're talking about, do you? This is not amateur wrestling. This is not the olympics. This is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. Read that again. PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. Allow those two words to sink into your head. If this was shoot wrestling then Lesnar and Angle would be the best, unquestionably, but this is NOT real wrestling. Get that through your head. Who cares who would win in a real fight? That is not what this business is about. If Dean Malenko can kick everyone's ass in a real fight, how the fuck does that make him a good professional wrestler? The two things are completely different.

In the world of professional wrestling, charisma DOES matter, mic skills DOES matter, drawing ability DOES matter, storytelling DOES matter, and so on, and so on. Which is why you have to look at those things when deciding whether or not someone is a good professional wrestler. If you want to pick out a particular style of professional wrestling, i.e. technical/mat based/pure wrestling (Hart, Angle, Benoit, Malenko, etc), and look at who was good in that particular field, then fine. But the best "pure wrestlers" aren't necessarily the best professional wrestlers. Because being a technical/pure wrestler has nothing to do with being a good professional wrestler.
Perhaps you missed the point that we're talking about PRO WRESTLING not AMATEUR WRESTLING. Whether, in a legitimate wrestling match or fight, Brock could destroy Bret Hart or not has absolutely no value to this discussion. Wrestling is fake, its pre-determined, so your point has no validity to the important aspects of a pro wrestling MATCH. Lesnar couldn't lace the boots of Bret Hart in a pro wrestling match.

And so are you. Of COURSE it has value to the discussion. The point of this is who was the best overall wrestler. Amateur skills play a roll in that, which Lesnar trumps Hart on. He also trumps him on power, athleticism, size and just about everything else as far as in ring work goes. You're trying to come up with who the best real wrestler is. Ok, fine. If that's the case, Kurt Angle wins this going away. However, that's not what this is about. It's about who was the best overall package. While Bret was great, Lesnar trumps him in every aspect.

I think you need to learn what 'psychology' means.
Lesnar was nowhere near one of the best, he shouldn't even make the list, at telling a story in the ring. And to tell a story in the ring you need every aspect of what makes a wrestler good. Sheer ability.

Sheer ability? You really went there? Ok then, tell me who has more natural talent than Brock? He was a complete package all around. Bret had great matches, but it was wasn't because he was a complete package. He was a mat wrestler and a brawler. Lesnar had power, mat skills, some agility, and brawling. How you can say that Bret was better just on sheer ability is beyond me.

I'm still "shocked" that no one seems to be giving Jake "the Snake" Roberts a mention.

I'm not. He was one of the most overrated in ring workers of all time. Roberts got over for two things: the snake and the DDT. His psychology consisted of sitting in a corner and acting snake like. His whole offense consisted of getting the DDT and nothing more. How does that make you a good wrestler? He had one big move and set up moves for that. Other than that, he was very average.
I think you need to learn what 'psychology' means.
Lesnar was nowhere near one of the best, he shouldn't even make the list, at telling a story in the ring. And to tell a story in the ring you need every aspect of what makes a wrestler good. Sheer ability.


Oh I know what psychology is, but I also recognize that in ring psychology and story telling is about and a good storyteller is about as subjective as what a pro wrestler is. Brock never told a story in the ring, I simply don't understand that.

People got behind the baby faces when they faced Brock because Brock was an unstoppable monster. People understood at face value that Brock was a big strong freak of natue, and was booked that way, and he also had a legit background that gave him credibility, a point that the WWE was making no a weekly basis. People hated Brock because he was a big, young cocky son of a bitch, but he beat everyone. He took the Goldberg model, destroyed the mold, and made himself as the new standard bearer of unstoppable forces.

I would take Brock over Bret any day of the week. Bret put on good matches and was great, but Bret didn't become interesting until 1997.
I think the importance of storytelling and psychology is overestimated. Of course, it helps if you can tell a story in the ring and make everything fit. However, the likes of Evan Bourne, Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles have also shown that doing a fucking sick flip can be as important. Sorry, but it's true.

This isn't to say that Lesnar didn't have psychology and couldn't tell a story. I think he's like Kurt Angle and - sorry Shocky - Samoa Joe in that people just don't understand how he did it. These guys don't have the classic Hogan-esque psychology of, I dunno, sitting up at the right moment, but they managed to tell the story of a sport playing out in the ring, a real competition being laid out before us.

This is not to say that wrestlers such as John Cena cannot do this. I bring up, Cena, in fact, as I think that his match with Shawn Michaels on that certain Raw showed how selling the story of a legitimate competition over those of over-the-top characters can result in a fantastic match. I'll also give a brief mention to the possibly revolutionary but probably never repeated match of Joe/Angle at Lockdown. You know the one.

Now, as for who is "better" between Hart and Lesnar? It depends entirely on your definition of better. I'm a big fan of Lesnar. Always have been, always will be. Big fan of his matches and I deeply wish he'd stayed on in the E. If he succeeded without psychology and storytelling, as many claim (and as many claim of the likes of Angle) then is that not just proof that you don't actually need it to succeed and become popular?

However, in terms of match quality - which is subjective, I know - and overall importance, relevance and significance to the business, I think Hart is better. On that, I will not budge. However, certainly not in "pure" terms if we're talking "legitimate fight in their primes, who would win?". However, I think Hart is one of the best of all time overall, and possibly the best technical wrestler. I believe this may be a discussion for a certain upcoming tournament, however...
And so are you. Of COURSE it has value to the discussion. The point of this is who was the best overall wrestler. Amateur skills play a roll in that, which Lesnar trumps Hart on. He also trumps him on power, athleticism, size and just about everything else as far as in ring work goes. You're trying to come up with who the best real wrestler is. Ok, fine. If that's the case, Kurt Angle wins this going away. However, that's not what this is about. It's about who was the best overall package. While Bret was great, Lesnar trumps him in every aspect.

Sheer ability? You really went there? Ok then, tell me who has more natural talent than Brock? He was a complete package all around. Bret had great matches, but it was wasn't because he was a complete package. He was a mat wrestler and a brawler. Lesnar had power, mat skills, some agility, and brawling. How you can say that Bret was better just on sheer ability is beyond me.

I’d be curious to know when you started watching wrestling. Is all that accounts for subjective opinion the last decade of wrestling? Its not about the best overall package in the way you seem to be grasping at.. Power? Athleticism? Size? There’s been a great number of big, strong, athletic wrestlers with great looks and great packages, and they don’t even register in the grand scale of things when it comes to WORKING a pro wrestling MATCH. Look at Matt Morgan? He’s the blue print, and its true.. He’s got size, he’s got power, he’s got athleticism, he’s a complete package. Except he lacks what it means to be a good pro wrestler and have great matches.

You go watch a Brock Lesnar match and compare it to watching a Bret Hart match and watch what’s important about the essence of those matches, the style, the story, the flow, the reaction, and so on… there is absolutely no way Lesnar matches up to the ability of working a pro wrestling match to Bret Hart. You can take all Lesnar’s matches and put them up against Bret Hart, who had phenomenal matches his entire career… had great matches with EVERYONE he was in the ring with… and has had some of the best matches in wrestling history. That’s the proof right there. Not their package but their WORK. Hart trumps Lesnar in every single way, because this thread wasn’t “Whose the best package?”, “Who had the best look?”, “Whose the best amateur wrestler?”

I'm not. He was one of the most overrated in ring workers of all time. Roberts got over for two things: the snake and the DDT. His psychology consisted of sitting in a corner and acting snake like. His whole offense consisted of getting the DDT and nothing more. How does that make you a good wrestler? He had one big move and set up moves for that. Other than that, he was very average.

Were you around to see Roberts in his prime? Have you watched his matches before he even came to WWF? I don’t see how you can possibly say he’s one of the most overrated in ring workers of all time. He’s in fact one of the most overlooked, and that has everything to do with modern fans who have no knowledge of him beyond a name and a brief concept of who he was. Roberts was a ring general, he could make anything believable in that ring, draw the entire arena into his match, and have great matches with ANYONE. That’s exactly what BEST wrestler asks. He could make anyone look good in the ring (much like Bret Hart), and that’s far more important to being a good wrestler then some shallow package people seem to be misguidedly focused on. Its about more then just making yourself look good and putting yourself over in matches, but making the other person you’re in the ring with look credible and good. This is something Bret Hart and Jake Roberts could ALWAYS do, and is why they SHOULD be on the best wrestler list. Can the same be said about Lesnar? Did he have that ability? You can say yes, but I really don’t believe so. People made HIM look good in that ring.

Oh I know what psychology is, but I also recognize that in ring psychology and story telling is about and a good storyteller is about as subjective as what a pro wrestler is. Brock never told a story in the ring, I simply don't understand that.

People got behind the baby faces when they faced Brock because Brock was an unstoppable monster. People understood at face value that Brock was a big strong freak of nature, and was booked that way, and he also had a legit background that gave him credibility, a point that the WWE was making no a weekly basis. People hated Brock because he was a big, young cocky son of a bitch, but he beat everyone. He took the Goldberg model, destroyed the mold, and made himself as the new standard bearer of unstoppable forces.

I would take Brock over Bret any day of the week. Bret put on good matches and was great, but Bret didn't become interesting until 1997.

I don’t really care about the PACKAGE Lesnar brought to the ring, or what look he carried with him coming to the ring, to claim someone’s the best wrestler is all about their ability IN the ring to put on a wrestling match. Not an amateur wrestling match, but a PRO WRESTLING match, and what makes the two up is very different from one another.

Hart only became interesting in 1997? Is that because that’s all you’re aware of? Sorry to inform you, but Bret Hart came to the WWF long before 1997 and was a part of one of the greatest tag teams in the history of the business. Back when he was a tag team wrestler he was having some of the BEST matches in tag team wrestling, and on the entire card any given night. He wasn’t in the main event, but he was part of matches viewed as the best match of the night despite all of that… night after night after night. That proves his versatility, it proves his ability, and it goes towards the argument of this very thread. He was also a singles wrestler long before 1997 and was Intercontinental champion, remember that? What did he do as Intercontinental champion? He was having historic matches with countless people and once again having the highlight match on any given card, night after night. Based on match quality and wrestling ability. It didn’t change when he became World champion and was in the main events; the same cycle continued and he had great matches with everyone he was in the ring with and was the landmark for what WRESTLING should be in that ring. So that is by far all the proof anyone needs to show that he is the BEST wrestler, and certainly beyond a Brock Lesnar.
Well considering you've asked me this before and I told you the early 90s, care to gues what I'm going to tell you again?

What I do however get is that you must like fairly boring matches. Hart's matches more or less consisted of him trying to score pinfalls before after about 3 moves, consisting of a backbreaker, an atomic drop and an elbow from the middle rope deciding he wanted the Sharpshooter, which makes perfect sense right? The only hold that he wins matches with is the Sharpshooter. Ok, why not go for that at the very beginning then? That's always been my issue with Kurt Angle. He spends the whole match beating someone down and then after an Angle Slam he grabs the ankle. Why not do that at the beginning? But I digress.

Great matches with everyone? Yeah, those Backlund matches, Skinner matches, Jean Pierre Lafayette matches, DAMN they were classics. Bret had great matches and if you'd actually read something before you rant about it, you'd see that I say Bret is great. Do I ever say that's he's bad? Hardly. However, I say he's better than Lesnar. Bret was just dull in the ring until the end. Everything was building up to the finish. Lesnar kept people excited the entire time he was out there, if nothing else just for the spectacle of his looks.

Why would what he did before the WWE matter when the question is the best in WWE history? I could care less what he did before that in this argument. Making people look good in the ring qualifies you as a great wrestler? Then let's sit back and watch Finlay against Noble. Should be a classic. Both are great after all.
Holy cow... I guess no one reads my posts.

Speaking from personal experience, when people go to professional wrestling school and train, they are taught many things. There are classes on cutting promos, charisma, ring-psychology, etc... I think the subject that we are touching on in this thread is the skills on how to execute specific professional wrestling moves and holds inside of a ring. Other words that have been thrown around for this are "in-ring skills" or the physical art of professional wrestling. This is what has been questioned in this thread. PLEASE stop talking about "psychology", "story-telling", "charisma", "amateur wrestling", "MMA", and any other garbage that you guys are thinking up.

The simplest way I can explain it is we're talking about the superstars that are the best at performing all of the specific moves like the bodyslam, suplex, and chain-wrestling along with THOUSANDS of other professional wrestling moves that are performed in a ring.

Are we understood yet???
Well considering you've asked me this before and I told you the early 90s, care to gues what I'm going to tell you again?

I must’ve had absolutely no reason to remember it. Sorry!

What I do however get is that you must like fairly boring matches. Hart's matches more or less consisted of him trying to score pinfalls before after about 3 moves, consisting of a backbreaker, an atomic drop and an elbow from the middle rope deciding he wanted the Sharpshooter, which makes perfect sense right? The only hold that he wins matches with is the Sharpshooter. Ok, why not go for that at the very beginning then? That's always been my issue with Kurt Angle. He spends the whole match beating someone down and then after an Angle Slam he grabs the ankle. Why not do that at the beginning? But I digress.

Boring matches? This brings me to believe you’ve never watched any Bret Hart matches. It’s a completely asinine comment, especially considering he’s known (and there’s no arguing this) for how great his matches are. Not to mention you bring up a silly point in having a specific signature of moves, which everyone whose anyone in wrestling does and has. Look at Cena. Look at Shawn Michaels. Look at Hulk Hogan.

And what do you think a backbreaker or an atomic drop hurts? The spine.
What do you think the Sharpshooter hurts? Its not the leg, my friend, it’s the spine. Which means he was focusing on the same spot and building up throughout the match to its finish. Thank you, come again!

Great matches with everyone? Yeah, those Backlund matches, Skinner matches, Jean Pierre Lafayette matches, DAMN they were classics. Bret had great matches and if you'd actually read something before you rant about it, you'd see that I say Bret is great. Do I ever say that's he's bad?

Not every match has to be a CLASSIC, nor can it be. The fact that matches with Backlund, Skinner, and no bodies were GOOD and entertaining, which they were with Bret Hart, speaks volumes. Can the same be said about Lesnar? Tell me some low card talent or forgettable names that he had matches with that were entertaining and good? This only goes further to proving Bret Hart is the BETTER wrestler and the BEST wrestler of this thread.

However, I say he's better than Lesnar.

I’m glad we agree! End of discussion.

Bret was just dull in the ring until the end.

Is that why he has such a HUGE list of GREAT matches and feuds? This isn’t my opinion this is wrestling history’s opinion. Is that why, no matter what part of his career you pick, he had matches that were viewed as some of the best regardless of where on the card he was? Another asinine comment that doesn’t make any sense.

Everything was building up to the finish.

You mean the way a match should be done? Even more proof towards my argument.

Why would what he did before the WWE matter when the question is the best in WWE history? I could care less what he did before that in this argument. Making people look good in the ring qualifies you as a great wrestler? Then let's sit back and watch Finlay against Noble. Should be a classic. Both are great after all.

I love how you pick one piece of a much larger paragraph and speak about that, while ignoring the entire point and all the rest of the paragraph that proves why Jake Roberts should be seen as one of the best in the business when it comes to wrestlers. Lesnar could only wish to have some of Roberts skills as a PRO WRESTLER.

Yes, making people look good in the ring, regardless of who the other people are, makes you a great wrestler. Finlay and Noble are both great wrestlers, glad to see you can actually see that. No, they shouldn’t be on this list, but they’re certainly good wrestlers. And if they were allowed to really GO in the ring I bet they could have a classic. But not on par with Bret Hart.

Holy cow... I guess no one reads my posts.

Speaking from personal experience, when people go to professional wrestling school and train, they are taught many things. There are classes on cutting promos, charisma, ring-psychology, etc... I think the subject that we are touching on in this thread is the skills on how to execute specific professional wrestling moves and holds inside of a ring. Other words that have been thrown around for this are "in-ring skills" or the physical art of professional wrestling. This is what has been questioned in this thread. PLEASE stop talking about "psychology", "story-telling", "charisma", "amateur wrestling", "MMA", and any other garbage that you guys are thinking up.

The simplest way I can explain it is we're talking about the superstars that are the best at performing all of the specific moves like the bodyslam, suplex, and chain-wrestling along with THOUSANDS of other professional wrestling moves that are performed in a ring.

Are we understood yet???

I don’t know what personal experience you have, but if you think a wrestling match isn’t made up of in-ring psychology or the PHYSICAL ART doesn’t also have to do with story-telling, where you take that physical art and paint a story on the canvas, then its no surprise you likely failed.

What do you do once you know how to perform the specific moves? You just go through a list of moves, performing them one after the other, with no rhyme or reason in the ring? That wouldn’t make you a great wrestler, whether you could perform the move better then anyone else or not.

And if, by some stretch of meaning, we’re going to go solely by the act of EXECUTING moves, then Bret Hart still wins this debate and is the BEST. He wasn’t called the EXCELLENCE of EXECUTION for nothing. Every move he did was seamless, flawless, and people praise him for as real and perfect as he looked performing in that ring.

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