Who Is The Best WRESTLER In The WWE

Tyson Kidd
This Guy is amazing in the ring,look at his match on nxt against Justin Gabriel-Great Match!He Is the most underused&Underrated Superstar in the Company and deserves to be in the Mid Card at least.[/B]

I do agree that Kidd is pretty good, he was the last to be trained in the hart dungeon. Which beings me to a possible reason as to why he aint getting a push.

Do you believe that Vince is holding a grudge against all the 'Harts' family members in the ring today? If there wasnt a grudge would Tyson and DH Smith would be pushed more as a tag team, than they did when Bret Hart came back as "GM"
lol this is sad.

What is a wrestler's job? To sell tickets and be safe. Who have traditionally been the top guys throughout history? Guys who sell the most tickets and don't kill their opponents. Which means that if it's 1950 and you have to do a bunch of amateur style moves to get over, then doing that makes you the best. If it's the 1980s and being the craziest, most cocaine-endused character draws the most money, then doing that makes you the best. If it's 2011 and being a multi-media charmer who can put on matches based on storytelling is what sells, then THAT makes you the best.

The most over guy is ALWAYS the best. Saying otherwise is like saying the best baseball player is the fastest guy instead of the guy who creates the most runs.

In 2011, John Cena is the best pro wrestler because he's the best at his job. It's stupid to think that the best wrestler is the one who is the most "technically sound" because you don't fucking know what technically sound is because 99% of you have never even been in a ring and don't know how to do the moves. Not only that, but as Raven said "to an extent, they can all do all the moves, that's not what makes you a good wrestler".

Jesus. Why don't we judge the best movie based on the most colors used or some other equally as irrelevant idea.

I've been thinking about this the last few days. People always say sos and so is the best "wresltler" because they can do x amount of moves, incredible submissiond s or what have you. guys like Daniel Bryan, Tyson Kidd, yeah they can do a shitload of moves and all that, but in the end that doesn't make them the best wrestler in my book. The best wrestler is the guy who can do 5 main moves (I'm not joking) every match and keep the crowd glued to their seats, who can make you feel and believe what your watching, and I know he' s not technaically active right now but I would have to go with Triple H. Ovr the years looking back I've realized I've seen some of the greatest matches with awesome finishes courtesy of The Game. The man is truly a master of the craft and one of the all time greats and selling and in ring storytelling.
Exactly (except the HHH part). If doing a bunch of moves crisply is what made you great, then at wrestling schools (legit ones) they would just teach you as many moves as possible. That's NOT how it is though. Hmmm, wonder why. I guess guys like Dory Funk and Harley Race are dumb for training their guys in how to move, when to do moves, how to carry yourself, etc.

You guys think the guy who does a million moves is the better wrestler. That's dumb. That's like saying the movie with the most effects is the best. It's really the movie that stirs the most emotion. Which is the same thing in pro wrestling.
lol this is sad.

What is a wrestler's job? To sell tickets and be safe. Who have traditionally been the top guys throughout history? Guys who sell the most tickets and don't kill their opponents. Which means that if it's 1950 and you have to do a bunch of amateur style moves to get over, then doing that makes you the best. If it's the 1980s and being the craziest, most cocaine-endused character draws the most money, then doing that makes you the best. If it's 2011 and being a multi-media charmer who can put on matches based on storytelling is what sells, then THAT makes you the best.

The most over guy is ALWAYS the best. Saying otherwise is like saying the best baseball player is the fastest guy instead of the guy who creates the most runs.

In 2011, John Cena is the best pro wrestler because he's the best at his job. It's stupid to think that the best wrestler is the one who is the most "technically sound" because you don't fucking know what technically sound is because 99% of you have never even been in a ring and don't know how to do the moves. Not only that, but as Raven said "to an extent, they can all do all the moves, that's not what makes you a good wrestler".

Jesus. Why don't we judge the best movie based on the most colors used or some other equally as irrelevant idea.

So when David Arquette was the World Championship that made him the best wrestler..... yea good stuff man. Im sure RIGHT NOW Stone Cold can sell out more places that John Cena can.. But he isnt a better wrestler than Cena right now. Stop trying to give smart answers. you know the question was in ring wrestling.
So when David Arquette was the World Championship that made him the best wrestler..... yea good stuff man. Im sure RIGHT NOW Stone Cold can sell out more places that John Cena can.. But he isnt a better wrestler than Cena right now. Stop trying to give smart answers. you know the question was in ring wrestling.
You're really dumb. David didn't sellout any arenas and wasn't over at all. I never said "whoever has the belt booked to them" i said whoever is the most over.

Yea, Austin is probably more over because he's a novelty at this point. However, NOBODY on a consistent basis outdraws Cena because he's current. Did you not read the other part of my "great wrestler" equation being that they're safe in the ring? Austin wouldn't be safe because his body can't take much. You have a learning disability don't you? I mean, some fucking how you jumped to David Arquette when I said "the most over guy", which David never was, he was booked the belt in a shitty company, then you think that Austin would qualify for the "safe in the ring" part. I have a friend who is going to school to teach kids with reading comprehension problems, I can help you out if you want.

As far as "the question was in ring wrestling" well...who the fuck gets the loudest reactions? Cena. Every night 100% of the audience cares about his matches. Don't feed me the "he gets teh booz" bullshit because he's obviously working that. It's not who does the most moves, it's not who never botches (although kinda, with the safe part), it's who gets the loudest reaction and draws the most. Cena tells more of a story with 5 moves than most guys do with 50. You just can't see it because you can't seperate yourself from "ooo movez and teknicalz". Pro wrestling is about storytelling. No one has better ring psychology or in ring storytelling ability than John Cena. It's why he's so over.

In my opinion Christain is the best wrestler in Wwe right now, he is very versatile in the ring and he has been consistently putting on good matches all year with the likes of Randy Orton ,Sin Cara, and John Morrison. If you add that to his great mic skills, then that makes Christain a great all-arounder.

I also think Rey Mysterio is really good in the ring,all though he lacks in certain areas like technical wrestling, he shows a lot of energy in his matches, he is very inovative,and his high flying/acrobatic moves are all top notch.
How the fuck does Rey lack technical skills? Because he doesn't do basic chain wrestling you learn within the first 2 months? You don't actually know how to do the moves, so how can you say he's not technically sound? "technically sound" just means you do all your moves right.

I know how to answer the question in IWC speak. If the thread is "who is the best wrestler according to the IWC formula" then look at the alst 6 months. Watch every match, and count every move. Make a chart for each "type" of move. "Technical" being simple ass chain wrestling any rookie can do, "high flying" being stuff where people leave their feet, "submission" being any submission that's not percieved as a "rest hold" (never heard a real wrestler use that term because they don't exist, it's called working a fucking hold), subtract 2 moves for any percieved "rest hold", count "cool" moves also. Give each a value like 1 point for a regular move, 2 points for everything else, and 3 points for a "cool move". Then find out who gets the most points per minute. O, and if he's athletically built, shorter than 6'2", isn't over, isn't getting a push, or wears shiny boy short trunks and kickpads, you use a multiplier. x2 for one of those, x3 for two of those, etc.

Basically find out who does the most variety of moves and most moves per minute in each match. Fuck in ring storytelling, fuck selling, fuck emotion, fuck carrying a character, fuck all of that. That's how you figure out who the IWC thinks is the best in ring wrestler. Or as you guys like to put "REALZ WRESTLER"
What exactly is the best wrestler defined as??? To me i heard this one along time ago and it still holds true today!!! A true wrestler a really good one could wrestle with a Wet Mop and make the Mop look excellent!! Theres maybe three people out there who could do that!! C.M. Punk,Daniel Bryan,and Tyson Kidd!!! To me i have give the edge to Bryan.. Its really a shame he has loads and loads of talent but no one can hang with him in the ring!! I am not knocking the other two Christian by the way can go all the way but i am biased in a way towards those three i mentioned!!! Bryan has all the skills can make anyone look good!! Punk IMO gave as good as he got at MITB its a damn shame Cena cant do that week in and week out if he did he be up on this list!!
What exactly is the best wrestler defined as??? To me i heard this one along time ago and it still holds true today!!! A true wrestler a really good one could wrestle with a Wet Mop and make the Mop look excellent!! Theres maybe three people out there who could do that!! C.M. Punk,Daniel Bryan,and Tyson Kidd!!! To me i have give the edge to Bryan.. Its really a shame he has loads and loads of talent but no one can hang with him in the ring!! I am not knocking the other two Christian by the way can go all the way but i am biased in a way towards those three i mentioned!!! Bryan has all the skills can make anyone look good!! Punk IMO gave as good as he got at MITB its a damn shame Cena cant do that week in and week out if he did he be up on this list!!
What they mean by "look good" isn't in your personal opinion. It's mean "who can get a mop over?" It certainly isn't Daniel Bryan or Tyson Kidd, they can't even get real wrestlers over (in WWE, in ROH Bryan could get anyone over). In the WWE John Cena gets anyone he's in the ring with over.

I think people here are using too much of their own fanhood and personal preference instead of actually thinking critically. I'm actually not the biggest john cena fan. He's not my favorite. Like I always say, I own ZERO Cena material. I have an autographed picture from Bryan Danielson in his last ROH show in Chicago which I drove 13 hours round trip in one day to see (a trip I've taken many times). I just seperate my own fanhood and likes and dislikes from the reality that what's "good" in pro wrestling is what's over.
You should break down this question a tad bit. I'd say the best High Flying wrestler would be Evan Bourne instead of Tyson, even though there's alot of tech to Tyson's offense I'd still consider him a High Flyer. Best Technical Wrestler, Swagger. Obvious reasons. Best Brawling Wrestler, Sheamus. Best Wrestler who can use his environment to his advantage(Not sure what to name that category) is Christian. Overall, CM Punk takes the cake. Even though he is not the best tech wrestler high flyer brawler or best at using his environment, he combines all those traits to form a very hybrid wrestling style that is bested by none. CM Punk is currently the best wrestler in the WWE, but if Y2J ever wants to bring his ass back then Punk would be numero dos:)
You should break down this question a tad bit. I'd say the best High Flying wrestler would be Evan Bourne instead of Tyson, even though there's alot of tech to Tyson's offense I'd still consider him a High Flyer. Best Technical Wrestler, Swagger. Obvious reasons. Best Brawling Wrestler, Sheamus. Best Wrestler who can use his environment to his advantage(Not sure what to name that category) is Christian. Overall, CM Punk takes the cake. Even though he is not the best tech wrestler high flyer brawler or best at using his environment, he combines all those traits to form a very hybrid wrestling style that is bested by none. CM Punk is currently the best wrestler in the WWE, but if Y2J ever wants to bring his ass back then Punk would be numero dos:)
Why? Because he has an amateur background? Go up to an amateur wrestler and ask them to explain how to do a dozen or so moves to you. I bet they don't know how. Pro wrestling is not at all the same as amateur wrestling. It helps because it gives you a feel for how to make a fight look real, but boxing, MMA, and any other combat sport. Having acting experience also helps you. Pretty much any athletic experience helps you look like a legit athlete. Why is it obvious for Swagger? Please, I seriously don't get it. Kurt Angle explained in his book how different the two are. That amateur is about quickness and instincts, pro wrestling is about slowing it down and thinking. So what on earth makes Swagger "obviously" the best technical wrestler?

Not only that but as I've said, people on here saying who the best technical wrestler is makes about as much sense as me giving Roy Halladay pitching advice as none of us actually know how to do every move so we can't possibly critique their technical ability.
Why? Because he has an amateur background? Go up to an amateur wrestler and ask them to explain how to do a dozen or so moves to you. I bet they don't know how. Pro wrestling is not at all the same as amateur wrestling. It helps because it gives you a feel for how to make a fight look real, but boxing, MMA, and any other combat sport. Having acting experience also helps you. Pretty much any athletic experience helps you look like a legit athlete. Why is it obvious for Swagger? Please, I seriously don't get it. Kurt Angle explained in his book how different the two are. That amateur is about quickness and instincts, pro wrestling is about slowing it down and thinking. So what on earth makes Swagger "obviously" the best technical wrestler?

Not only that but as I've said, people on here saying who the best technical wrestler is makes about as much sense as me giving Roy Halladay pitching advice as none of us actually know how to do every move so we can't possibly critique their technical ability.

A Technical wrestler is one who uses Technical maneuvers such as submissions and suplexes and Swagger does this almost exclusively. Yes this is Pro wrestling and that is why a tech wrestler is such a minority in the sport, Swagger is a better tech wrestler than anyone else in the WWE no doubt so it's very irrelevant that you bring up Kurt.

If I get a SPAM notification for this it's your fault cause you're ranting to me for no reason, if you wanna converse about this just pm me cause this has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Ok i am gonna answer your question but first i have to address something

HOW THE FUCK is Christian underrated when he is the World Heavyweight Champion?! That obviously means the wwe sees in him the greatest in the ring that he has! hell this man jumped ship to TNa, came back, and after a few years is world champ 2 times! how can you call him underrated?!

To answer your question i think the best Wrestler in the wwe is Cm Punk! Did he carry Cena at MITB? no! and anyone that thinks so is just a Cena hater! BUT the man is amazing in the ring and on the mic and deserves to be called the best right now till Y2J comes back and claims his title of the best in the world!
A Technical wrestler is one who uses Technical maneuvers such as submissions and suplexes and Swagger does this almost exclusively. Yes this is Pro wrestling and that is why a tech wrestler is such a minority in the sport, Swagger is a better tech wrestler than anyone else in the WWE no doubt so it's very irrelevant that you bring up Kurt.

If I get a SPAM notification for this it's your fault cause you're ranting to me for no reason, if you wanna converse about this just pm me cause this has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
We're discussing "best wrestler" which a lot of times people mean "best technical wrestler". So it's not really off topic IMO.

Your post kind of points out how subjective the term "best wrester is" not only from the stand point of "who" but "what makes a guy the best".

To a lot of people it's their favorite wrestler.
To others it's the guy who does the most chain wrestling/suplexes/submissions.
To others it's who they feel is the most well rounded (and often, their favorite).
To others (me) it's who draws the most and gets the loudest reactions.

There almost needs to be a seperate thread of "what is your basis" or "what makes a guy the best wrestler"
when you ask who is the best wrestler in the wwe that means you want to know who has the best mic and in ring skills, not just in ring skills. so therefore that is why kid and bryan can not be on the top of this list. yes they are both very good in ring performers but they have not shown any mic skills thus far. and yes i know that they both can talk pretty good. i have seen them in the indies and they can cut a good promo. now christian is very good at both but it seems like his promos are very scripted at the moment. i know he can talk very good on his own and i think they need to let him do that. now there are other guys who can talk very well, like cena, but their in ring abilities are not that good. and i know alot of people hate on the miz but as a total package, he is damn good. he can sure as hell talk and his in ring ability gets better every time we see him. but i guess my point is at this moment is wrestling cm punk is the best. he of course can talk and he as sure as hell can tell a good story when he is in that ring.
Pretty obvious the best wrestle rin WWE is CM Punk or Daniel Bryan.They are the entire package. Kidd is good, but weak on the mic. Bryan and Punk have it all
For me the list will be something like this
1-DBD-one of the best pure wrestlers to ever be in the WWE
2-CM Punk/Christian-At first I would have put CM Punk here bu after watching Christians matches after he returned at EC Christian and Punk are equal (in my eyes at least)
3-Tyson Kidd-One of the most underrated wrestlers in the "E" at the moment.He can show great technical wrestling and if put against someone of the above we will see a show stealer.
Daniel Bryan- He is gifted in the ring, knows how to work a great match and I don't think I've ever seen a match of his that was bad/poor. He really can wrestle anyone and make it look good (sorta like Angle in '06)
In my opinion, the best wrestler in the WWE right now is Randy Orton. He has an amazing set of moves, he can do suplexes from the top rope, DDTs, stomps, back breakers, uppercuts etc, he has some great finishers, and generally all his moves look strong powerful and are executed perfectly without injuring his opponent. He also has great in ring psychology and knows how to sell getting beat up. He has good matches with almost anyone and is fast, agile and looks tough to beat. He also has a very intimidting stature which ensures that anyone watching him is invested in his character.

Other mentions go to Punk, who despite being a smaller guy, has an interesting move set and great in ring psychology.. Rey Mysterio, who is very innovative and entertaining in the ring and Shemus, who has a very interesting style that is impressive to watch.

Daniel Bryan hasn't got the psychology or the look to make anyone care, so why should he be the best wrestler. Any wrestler can do moves.. Its how you sell them to the crowd that matters.

Christian is also very good in the ring and that's why his matches with Orton have gotten over so well as they both understand in ring psychology nd have great move sets as well.

Orton's feud with Punk was excellent from a performance point of view (for similar reasons to his feud with Christian) even though Orton was booked favourably for whatever reason.

Overall, Orton is the best wrestler, while Punk is the best superstar over all.

People have mentioned Cena, but I honestly think that he doesn't sell well at all nd he looks ridiculous in his gear. The crowd is involved in his matches (minly cos they either love him or hte him) but Cena "needs" the crowd to have great match, unlike Orton who I feel, brings the crowd into his matches with his style. Basically, with cena, you struggle to take him seriously unlike Orton, who looks and performs like a badass.

Orton is on a par with Undertaker and Triple H in terms of ring performance.
I'm just going to go with the guy I enjoy watching the most and every time he wrestles there is an aura around the ring. My pick is The Undertaker. Him and HBK were just the best at telling stories.

I am not a Cena fan but i understand how others can give him their vote. When he wrestles I want to watch for some reason. In pro wrestling I think interest and entertainment is what counts the most. Booing for Cena and hoping he loses entertains me.
Probably CM Punk, I'm only a casual WWE fan, but over the last year his matches always catch my eye, he's got that storytelling thing going on, and his finisher is dope!
Randy Orton is the best in ring worker in the WWE today and has been for the past few years. He's had some classic and very impressive matches with almost everyone on the Raw and Smackdown roster. Orton and Kane tore the fucking house down a few weeks back on Smackdown. His match with Punk at WM27 was great. His matches with Christian have been great. He carried Khali in a match on Friday, that wasn't the best, but it was entertaining. He is the best over all in the company.

CM Punk has seen a vast improvement in the past 2 years in his ability to put on a great match. I remember seeing him live at a Raw house show a few years back vs Kane, and he was sloppy, and terrible to watch. Now he's spot on 100% and brings intensity and attitude to every match. He's had some great matches this year vs Orton, Cena, and Mysterio.

Christian holy shit how good is this guy? Surprisingly great. He's always been a great worker, but he's been so much better these past few months. He's put on some great matches with various people these past few months. He made Jackson look good a few weeks ago on Smackdown

John Cena love him or hate him, Cena can fucking go when it comes down to it. You may not like Cena, you may not like Cena's character, you may not like Cena's moveset, but Cena is a great in ring talent.

Dolph Ziggler is a wrestling god, yes a WRESTLING GOD. He's one of the best workers in the WWE has proves it every time he's in the ring.
William Regal could out wrestle anybody on the roster. If you mean more than just in ring ability and also sombody who gets regular TV time then I would probably be boring and go for CM Punk. Despite all this I am going to be even more boring and say The Undertaker because until he retires he will always be my favourite working pro wrestler.
William Regal could out wrestle anybody on the roster. If you mean more than just in ring ability and also sombody who gets regular TV time then I would probably be boring and go for CM Punk. Despite all this I am going to be even more boring and say The Undertaker because until he retires he will always be my favourite working pro wrestler.

Right here!

If you're talking wrestling, Regal is the man. He can go hold for hold with anyone, and make none of his matches look the same. If I could only watch matches involving one wrestler for the rest of my life it'd be Regal.
Right here!

If you're talking wrestling, Regal is the man. He can go hold for hold with anyone, and make none of his matches look the same. If I could only watch matches involving one wrestler for the rest of my life it'd be Regal.
I love Regal and respect the hell out of him, but this is wrong. The best wrestler is the most over guy.

Why don't we just say "who is the guy who did the most moves but also told a story in the ring and was interesting to smarky fans"? That's really what we're getting here. Seriously. I could have predicted most of your guys' answers and reasoning.
I think if you are talking about wrestling than that has to be Undertaker cause he is old that doesn't mean he still wrestling and he can put anyone over as a wrestler
Apparently having a bunch of moves in your arsenal makes you a good wrestler now :shrug:

John Cena is definitely the best wrestler in the company right now. No one incites the crowd through their ring work the way he does, he takes every move carefully and sells it properly, and no one delivers in the big match situations like he does. You guys can keep your little under card guys, but I'll watch Cena work all day over any of them.

You've got to be kidding right??
Yes having lots of moves in the arsenal makes you a better wresler.
WWE doesn't say wrestling. Not world WRESTLING entertainment. But WWE. "wrestling" is BAD remember. It's a dirty word.

John Cena is a great entertainer. Not a great wrestler.

The best WRESTLER, as far as in-ring ability goes. I'll take CM Punk every day of the week. My top 3 are Punk, Danielson, and Ziggler.

Cena told a fan to stop living in 1993. He needs to stop living there too. He's not Hogan. And never will be. This never give up shit is stupid. He has like 8 moves max. He does the same ol shit. (One Night Stand 2006) The guy can't wrestle(One night stand, MITB, Wrestlemania) He's got his ass booed at Wrestlemania since 06. Now what kind of "face" of the company gets his ass booed by the best fans in the world at wrestlemania. He sucks ass. Face it.

I imagine you're one of those tools jumping up and down in your bright ass shirt and 18 sweatbands when his music hits. Kids like you get shoved in garbage cans. Dork
You've got to be kidding right??
Yes having lots of moves in the arsenal makes you a better wresler.
WWE doesn't say wrestling. Not world WRESTLING entertainment. But WWE. "wrestling" is BAD remember. It's a dirty word.

John Cena is a great entertainer. Not a great wrestler.

The best WRESTLER, as far as in-ring ability goes. I'll take CM Punk every day of the week. My top 3 are Punk, Danielson, and Ziggler.

Cena told a fan to stop living in 1993. He needs to stop living there too. He's not Hogan. And never will be. This never give up shit is stupid. He has like 8 moves max. He does the same ol shit. (One Night Stand 2006) The guy can't wrestle(One night stand, MITB, Wrestlemania) He's got his ass booed at Wrestlemania since 06. Now what kind of "face" of the company gets his ass booed by the best fans in the world at wrestlemania. He sucks ass. Face it.

Everything you say after the bolded part is irrelevant. Having a lot of moves does not mean you're a good wrestler you munt, ANYBODY can do a bunch of moves. If you sit for one day in training I'm sure you could learn how to do 7 or 8 moves perfectly, but see how long it takes to learn how to take those moves and sell them properly. Bumping and selling are by far the most difficult qualities to master in wrestling and no one does that better than Cena.

This effort to differentiate entertainer from wrestler is a fucking joke. Wrestling is entertainment. If you're watching wrestling for flippies and athletic competition, you're kind of a simp. Wrestling is about storytelling and captivating an audience. If it were about doing a shitload of different moves, Daniel Bryan wouldn't make his entrance to the complete silence every week.

I imagine you're one of those tools jumping up and down in your bright ass shirt and 18 sweatbands when his music hits. Kids like you get shoved in garbage cans. Dork

Not the case at all, but I'd take being forced into a garbage can over the life of drunken spousal abuse you're destined for.

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