Who is Mr Wrestlemania??

Who is Mr Wrestlemania?

  • Vince

  • Hogan

  • Austin

  • HBK

  • Cena

  • Undertaker

  • Bret Hart

  • HHH

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


This is based 100% on Wrestlemania, and Wrestlemania only. We all have our favorite wrestlers, but please, vote unbiased. Please.

Hulk Hogan- Lets start this off with the man, who built Wrestlemania into what it is. If not for him, Wrestlemania wouldn't be half as big. Heck, Hulkamania is as big today, as it was 15 years ago. But, did he really ever do anything, other than oozze charisma? Sure its a great aspect of the game, but don't you think Mr Wrestlemania has to have some sort of Wrestling, skill?

While I don't like him, you can't leave his name out of this list. Self proclaimed Mr Wrestlemania, Shawn Micheals. The Showstopper, the man who revolutionized Wrestlemania evolving it from what Hogan made it. But truly, did he sell enough seats in Wrestlemania, to be called, Mr Wrestlemania?
(As a side note) (The Heart Break Kidd, I'll never forget Wrestlemania (8 or 12) when he introduced that manly looking woman as his newest manager. She beat up Sherry, real good.)

Bret Hart. He belongs on this list, but unfortanatly for me, I know very little about Bret. I love him, and the Hart foundation to death. But my knowledge of their skill and what not escapes me. So please, elder posters, fill this blank spot in.

HHH- Gah, I hate him. Hes headlined enough Manias' to get a nominee, but I sure don't think he deserves on this list.

Stone Cold- His in ring work, decent. His seat selling, Highest ever. This guy revolutionized Mania into what we know today, from Hogan, to HBK, to Steve Austin. This is where Mania stands today. I may be being biased here, but, Austin, is my vote in this.

John Cena- While not headlining enough manias for me, to call him Mr Wrestlemania, I just think its a little too soon to be calling him Mr wrestlemania. Cena does his job great, in my opinion, one of the if not the best ever. The guy is so modest, will put people over, his skill as a wrestle is good. I just feel, hes not headlined enough, to be called Mr Wrestlemania.

Undertaker- His streak says it all for me. While I dont think hes to be called Mr. Wrestlemania, hes highly up on that list.

Vince Mcmahon-This guy pays for mania, have to put him up here :)
Without Hulk Hogan, there would be no Wrestlemania as we know it. It would be a glorified Starrcade, period. I know, Taker has the streak, but how many Manias did he actually headline? Hogan was in 6 of the first 8 Wrestlemania's main events, and even when he tried to pass the torch (twice!), they still wound up going back to Hulk for (what should have been) Flair v.s. Hogan. It's simple.... how much more money did Hulk bring in for Wrestlemania than any of these other respectable candidates?
the streak says it all .
taker is the man. and theres no way in hell that anyone is ever gonna be able to emulate or even top what the deadman has done for wwf/e and wrestlemania.
seriously if someone says to you wrestlemania, el enterrado is the first thing that springs to mind.
the streak says it all .
taker is the man. and theres no way in hell that anyone is ever gonna be able to emulate or even top what the deadman has done for wwf/e and wrestlemania.
seriously if someone says to you wrestlemania, el enterrado is the first thing that springs to mind.

Thoughts that come to mind before ANYTHING the Undertaker has done at Wrestlemania....

1. Hogan slamming Andre (Arguably the most famous moment in pro wrestling)
2. Hogan versus Warrior
3. Watching Hogan and Mr. T team up against Piper and Orton

There are definitely moments that come in between this by other wrestlers, but the most memorable thing I can come up with Undertaker is beating Batista at Wrestlemania 23. Next.....
Wow...so many votes, so few comments...

I picked HBK, not because Mr. Wrestlemania is one of his names, but because of the reason why it is. HBK always takes his work to a different level at WM. From the moment he enters, he steals the show. It doesn't matter where he is on the card, his match is usually one of the best, if not the outright best, on the card. It doesn't matter who he's facing, the match is a sure-fire winner. Who else can say that?

Taker has had some good matches, yes, but not very many I would call show-stealing performances.
Hogan, imo, is one of the most over-rated performers in the history of the business. You can't deny his importance in the history of professional wrestling, but when it comes down to the product he delivers inside the ring...blech. It was awesome when I was a kid in the 80s watching it, but looking back now..not so much.

Austin...if anyone was going to challenge HBK for the title it would be Austin or Triple H. Both have delivered some excellent matches at the big one, both delivered incredible buy-rates that were justified by the product they delivered. But I don't think either one stepped their game up to a higher notch at WM than what they were already doing. An amazing Austin match from WM looks just like an amazing Austin match from SummerSlam, or NWO, etc.

Triple H...see Austin

Cena...umm, moving on

Vince...lol, I like that you included Vince because he pays for it. Funny stuff there. To be honest though, I think he is the only other guy on this list that shows with his in ring performance that he recognizes as much as HBK does how special a WM match should be. Three of my favorite WM matches have been McMahon/Hogan, McMahon/McMahon, and McMahon/Michaels.

And finally Bret Hart...Well, the two best WM matches he ever had were against Austin and Michaels, so does that mean that he was special, or that his opponents were?

I just feel that Michaels consistently brings his best work to WM, and almost always has the best match on the card, regardless of who he is facing or where he is on the card.

Your opinion may vary. It will be wrong. LOL
ok. i see where you're coming from with the hogan/andre slam but what about people that didn't get to see that fateful night until there were older and the power of hulkamania had died in the heart of a money grabbing geriatric old man.

what about those kids that were watching that night when the undertaker had just beaten big boss man and edge and christian rappeled in and hung him from the top of the cell.
looks cheesey as hell now but i seriously thought he was a goner.
If you took an overall internet poll,theyd probably go for Hogan cause he,s the only one ordinary joes have heard off.HBK seams to be officially tagged with this honour but youd be hard pushed not to mention Undertaker,In an age where titles change hands monthly & world champions like Lesnar & Lashley barely see the next WM ,let alone win it,his legacy is cemented & will probably end in Ric Flair style,with him losing his surely unbeatable WM record,just so happening to be after he announces his retirement.:undertaker2:
the thing is tho thats gunna drawsome major heat for whoever it is that does finally end the streak.
i hope they don't waste it on an already established name like hbk or cena.
the thing is every year theres always the faint glimmer that *whoever* is gunna actually pull it off.
although if you consider takers loyalty to the mcmahons over the year i think its something they'd let him keep.

sorry if its off topic.
I gotta go with Hogan. The first 9 Wrestlemania's he was the main event of 7 of them and the 2 he wasnt, at one he ended up winning the championship at the end(IX) and the other he had the money match on the card(rematch with Andre at IV). He then came back 9 years later at WMX8 and even though it technically wasnt the main event his match with The Rock was the money match on that one too and the next year he had another big match this time with McMahon. So although he may not have be undefeated like Taker or had the so called 5 star matches of HBK he has wrestled in more big matches at Wrestlemania than anybody and has a pretty good record in those matches as well which is why he gets my vote.
Doesn't it have to be Vince ??

Without Vince, none of the wrestlers would have the popularity they do. Lets be honest -- he did create Hulkamania, the Undertaker, HBK, Stone Cold, etc... Without his marketing prowess and storyline creativity, none of these guys would exist.

That being said, without the ability of all these guys to carry the product, would Wrestlemania still exist ??

In my opinion, labeling one individual person with the Mr. Wrestlemania tag in unfair to the business as a whole. But... since the question is "Who is Mr. Wrestlemania ?"... I will be the sole person to vote for Vince up to this point.
The answer to the question is Hulk Hogan.

The major competition to Hulk seems to be The Undertaker. That, of course, suggests that many of you are buying into the erroneous magnitude of a winning streak that has become bigger than the matches Undertaker wrestles. With Hogan, the match took precedence, and the meaning of the matches was laughably beyond what Undertaker was doing in most cases.

Hulk Hogan participated in the main event in eight of the first nine Wrestlemanias. Think about that. He kicked off the event in the tag team main event with Mr. T against Piper and Orndorff. He main evented in a cage against King Kong Bundy. He cemented a legacy against Andre the Giant. While he didn't main event Wrestlemania 4, he was instrumental in Savage's victory over DiBiase. He main evented WrestleMania 5 against Savage, 6 against The Warrior, 7 against Slaughter, 8 against Justice, and 9 as the surprise winner against Yokozuna. He was 7-2-1 in his first 9 Wrestlemanias, and one of those losses was a DQ loss in a tag team match against Money Inc. at Wrestlemania 9.

In that stretch, Undertaker had defeated Jimmy Snuka, Jake Roberts, and Giant Gonzales. I think I'll wet my pants now.

Furthermore, does anyone even recall the fact that Undertaker did not even participate in Wrestlemania 10? The big one-decade celebration? He was out from Royal Rumble thru Summerslam due to his casket match loss to Yokozuna.

At Wrestlemania 11, he defeated King Kong Bundy. Awesome! Hogan beat him to it, 9 years earlier. Only this time, no cage, no title. Just a match. A six-and-a-half minute match.

At Wrestlemania 12, Taker took out Diesel in a much better performance. This was actually 'Taker's first remotely significant Wrestlemania match or appearance.

Wrestlemania 13, completely stolen by Bret Hart's win over Steve Austin in the submission match, marked Undertaker's first WWF Title Match at a Wrestlemania, defeating Sid. This ran his winning streak to 6-0. In Hogan's first 6 Wrestlemania's, he was 4-2, having retained the WWF Title twice, won the WWF Title once, and having dropped the title once to The Warrior.

Wrestlemania 14 saw Taker defeat Kane in the first WM match between the brothers. At WM15, he defeated The Big Bossman (wow) in a Hell in a Cell match. At Wrestlemania 2000, Taker was...NOT THERE. That's two MAJOR Wrestlemania shows in which Undertaker was not featured. Streak my ass.

He returned at WM 17, defeating Triple H in quite possibly his BEST Wrestlemania Match, and one of his personal best EVER. At Wrestlemania 18, he defeated an aging Ric Flair by DQ, but wait a second...

THERE'S THAT HOGAN GUY AGAIN!!! Hulk literally stole the entire show, along with The Rock. Hogan lost that match, putting over the younger Rock, dropping his mark to 7-3-1. But you can't deny that Hogan vs The Rock was a bigger match than ANY of Taker's matches thus far.

At WM 19, Taker got Big Show and A-Train in a handicap match - the 2nd match of the night! If not for Matt Hardy vs Shannon Moore, Taker would have jerked the curtain. Hogan, meanwhile, beat Vince McMahon in a bloody 20-minute street fight CLASSIC, running his record to 8-3-1.

There's no need to go on, but we will. At Wrestlemania 20, Undertaker had a retread against Kane and won again. At WM21, Taker defeated Randy Orton in what was one of 'Taker's closest shaves yet. At WM22, Taker beat Mark Henry in a casket match that lasted less than 10 minutes. At WM23, he won the World Heavyweight Championship from Batista. 15-0, but only two title matches. Last year, he beat Edge in the Main Event. 16-0, three title matches, two classic singles matches (Triple H and Orton), and 11 absolutely forgettable crap fests.

I hope this makes clear sense to all parties involved.
As much as I hate taking the honor from Shawn Michaels because no one seems to raise his level of play when it comes to Wrestlemania as HBK. He does have loses to Nash, Austin and Angle. Even though in all of those matches he out performed the other guy. Even against Stone Cold with his bad back.

The real Mr Wrestlemania is the Undertaker. Sorry to all the Hulk Hogan, Triple H and the 1 John Cena fan out there. If the streak doesn't speak for itself how about the of oppenents he beat. Ric Flair (16 world titles), Triple H (12 world titles), Randy Orton (3 world titles), Edge (7 world titles), Batista (4 world titles), Kane (twice) (2 world titles if you count ECW), Big Show (5 world titles if you include ECW), Mark Henry (1 world title if you include ECW), and Kevin Nash (6 world titles). I think the fact he beat these guys and has not lost a match yet at WM gives him this honor. Also after watching the rumble this year I have a feeling HBK is going to be added to this list.
I'm gonna have to say Vince McMahon. I mean after all he is the one who created Wrestlemania & he is a big part of why Wrestlemania & wrestling in general is a big as it is today. Just think about it if he didn't create all those wrestlemania legends like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels & Hulk Hogan then Wrestlemania wouldn't be shit or even mentioned at all.
So no one here thinks The Rock should be on this list??....The Rock Main Evented or headlined WM 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and with the exception 15 which was all about Austin vs. McMahon the Rock was just as or an even bigger deal than the person who was in the match with him...He was THE star of wm16/2000, Rock/Austin 2 was big because of what they had done for the industry to that point...lets not forget that when Austin was on the shelf The Rock was the guy who carried the ball and brought in some of the highest ratings weve ever seen. WM 18 wasnt all about Hogan ppl...Yes he was makin his WM return but the match was about the past vs the present, and while The Rock got booed purely out of respect for Hogan, when he dropped the ppls elbow that whole arena went crazy...WM 19 was the completion of the trilogy btween him and Austin..another good match that gave us memories that we as wrestling fans will never forget...thats five consecutive years of being the main attraction and lets not forget wm 20 where he and mick foley had a High profile tag team match against evolution..and all you ppl up here know that if he hadnt retired his wm resume would be much longer than the people you have on this list with the exception of Hogan and Undertaker...
Whom you call Mr. Wrestlemania pretty much depends on what you mean by the term. If you are talking about the biggest draws, then it's Hogan for the first ten or so years with Austin and Rock as the biggest draws for the next ten or so years (the biggest Wrestlemania draw following these three is, in my opinion, yet to be determined).

If you are talking about who stole the show and whose matches fans will watch repeatedly over the years to come, then I think there are two Mr. Wrestlemanias. For the first ten or so years of Wrestlemania, it was Randy Savage. While he didn't compete in WM I or IX, he arguably had the match of the night at WM III, IV, V, VII, and VIII. Furthermore, his matches at WM II, VI, and X were solid and highly entertaining (although they admittedly were not contenders for match of the night). From WM X on, I think Shawn Michaels is Mr. Wrestlemania, even with his four-year hiatus. He arguably had the match of the night at all of the following Wrestlemanias: X, XII, XIV, XIX, XX, XXI, and XXIV.

In regards to the Undertaker: I see that he is currently winning the poll as Mr. Wrestlemania. But, save for his streak, can he really be called Mr. Wrestlemania? Sure, he has never been defeated at this event, but how many of his matches have been outstanding? Let's take a look, and then you can decide for yourself:

WM VII: Vs. Jimmy Snuka. A so-so match with a wrestling icon who, at this point in his career, was nothing more than a jobber to the stars.
WM VIII: Good match with Jake Roberts. However, nowhere near as good as Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper or Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair.
WM IX: Pitiful match with The Giant Gonzalez.
WM XI: Pitiful match with King Kong Bundy.
WM XII: Good match with Diesel, although it doesn't top Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels.
WM XIII: Decent match with Psycho Sid, although it doesn't top Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin.
WM XIV: Good match with Kane, although it doesn't top Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin.
WM XV: Unremarkable match with The Big Boss Man.
WM X-Seven: Great match with HHH, although not as good as the E&C/Dudleys/Hardys TLC match.
WM XVIII: So-so match with Ric Flair.
WM XIX: Unremarkable match with Big Show and A-Train.
WM XX: Unremarkable match with Kane.
WM XXI: Pretty good match with Randy Orton, although it doesn't top Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle.
WM XXII: Unremarkable match with Mark Henry.
WM XXIII: Pretty good match with Batista that is arguably the match of the night.
WM XXIV: Great match with Edge that is arguably the match of the night.

In my opinion, without the suspense of his streak and the great angles that he is put into leading up to his matches at Wrestlemania, The Undertaker would be considered one of Wrestlemania's most underwhelming participants.
I'm new and I realize my opinion may not be as well-considered as others, but you'll get over it. Lot's of people have.

In terms of Wrestlemania, you have to look at who put on the best show most consistently, who had drew the most seats, and who headlined the most. If no one person can claim all three, you figure out who did the best in each category and where they rank beside one another.

That being said:

Biggest draw: Hogan or Austin. I know-I know. SCSA is the obvious choice, and God only knows I like him better than Hogan. The problem is, while Austin sold more tickets, Hogan headlined considerably more WM's and of course, sold a ton of tickets himself. Second only to Austin. All in all, Hogan is the biggest draw of WM.

Advantage - Hogan

Most main events: No-brainer time. Hogan. He main-evented 8 of the first 9. No one else even comes close (Second place is Trips with 5).

Advantage - Hogan

Best show (consistently) - This is bit more of an opinion, but in the case of my selection, I don't think it's really all THAT opinionated. Taker has put on some outstanding matches (Best big man ever, imo), but has headlined 3 out of 25. Austin, much the same thing. Some good matches, but not enough to be considered. Bret, same thing.

It basically falls in the middle of three people. Hogan, HHH, and HBK. From a performance stand point, Hogan is out. We all know it. In his best days, not only wasn't he in the same league as the other two, he wasn't even in the same sport. He had charisma going for him, so that alone made for an entertaining show for many, many people. HHH is capable of greatness when he's on his game. HBK is...well...HBK. He's the standard. He's who you're compared against once you reach a certain level of awesome. No, I don't care if you like him, it's just facts. He is consistently the best match at WM.

Advantage - Shawn Michaels

The numbers don't lie. As bad as I hate to say it, as bad as you hate to hear it, we both have to admit it.

Mr. Wrestlemania - Hulk Hogan

(But I voted for HBK, cause I freakin' despise Hogan bad enough to ignore trivial crap like facts and relevance, and I encourage you to as well)
This is a really tough question....if you go by moments though, here's things I know/remember.

1. Hogan slamming Andre is the greatest moment in the companies history.
2. HBK retired the man with the most World Championships ever
3. Hart and Austin fought one of the most intense matches ever

As big as all these moments are, look at the names. Hogan went to WCW, missed a lot of Manias. HBK got hurt, missed a few Manias. Hart went to WCW. This leaves me with 2 guy left, Austin, and Undertaker. Undertaker does not have a defining moment, but Austin's defining moment was a loss, something Undertaker has not done at Wrestlemania. Just going off sheer number of Mania appearances, quality of matches, and record, Undertaker has to be Mr. Wrestlemania.

My vote has to be for 'Taker. No one has appeared in as many as him, and the streak goes without saying. He's never left the WWE since he arrived, unlike Bret and Hogan. HBK would be my 2nd choice, because he is the Showstopper, and always steps up in the big spot.

I've always loved his entrances, and they always seem bigger and more spectacular at WrestleMania. His match with Edge last year, shows that he can still have a big match, even at his age...
Taker isn't even a consideration. Yes, he's been a good draw, but nothing compared to Hogan, Austin, or even Michaels. His ring work has been good, sometimes great, but at Wrestlemania, he rarely headlines and he rarely has the show-stealing match (I know about last years with Edge. I said "rarely"). And please, for the love'a pete, quit bringing up that stupid Wrestlemania streak. It's a GIMMICK. We're supposed to be smarks. We know the score. He hasn't "beaten" anybody. It's. a. gimmick. If that's the case, Goldberg is the greatest wrestler since Gotch, 'cause he had a "streak". Not only is it a gimmick, at this point, it's a rather played-out gimmick.

I understand you guys like 'taker. "I" like taker. Infinitely more than Hogan. I just don't put my head in the sand, and start spouting fan-boy rhetoric even when it has no basis in reality. Undertaker's awesome, but he's barely in the top 5 of "Mr. Wrestlemania's".
Taker isn't even a consideration. Yes, he's been a good draw, but nothing compared to Hogan, Austin, or even Michaels. His ring work has been good, sometimes great, but at Wrestlemania, he rarely headlines and he rarely has the show-stealing match (I know about last years with Edge. I said "rarely"). And please, for the love'a pete, quit bringing up that stupid Wrestlemania streak. It's a GIMMICK. We're supposed to be smarks. We know the score. He hasn't "beaten" anybody. It's. a. gimmick. If that's the case, Goldberg is the greatest wrestler since Gotch, 'cause he had a "streak". Not only is it a gimmick, at this point, it's a rather played-out gimmick.

I understand you guys like 'taker. "I" like taker. Infinitely more than Hogan. I just don't put my head in the sand, and start spouting fan-boy rhetoric even when it has no basis in reality. Undertaker's awesome, but he's barely in the top 5 of "Mr. Wrestlemania's".
HBK for me. How many amazing matches has he had at Mania? His matches with Ramon, Hart, Austin, Cena, Flair, Vince and (most of all, at least to me) Jericho are all phenominal. I'm a big mark for Bret and Taker, so it was close for me, but HBK earned the title.
I have to go with Hogan. Look back at the first 7 Manias and you'll see the Hulk Hogan show. That's exactly what they should have been too. Wrestlemania was created to allow Hogan to be marketed to the masses and to say it blew the doors of expectation off is an understatement. People that hate wrestling know what WM is and it's because of the Hulkster. He had some of the most hyped matches of all time at those shows and he delievered every time. Throw in the mind blowing reaction in Toronto in 2002 and I really see no other alternatives other than maybe Taker.
Will this get abuse? Yes, but who cares.

I voted other. My reasoning is this:

I have watched six Mania's in my life, 15,16,17,18, 19 and 24. My highlight from 15 was the main event between between Austin and The Rock, both put on a phenomenal show.

Highlight from 16 was the McMahon in every corner match, which The Rock helped tell the best story, the babyface who gets screwed right at the end. From the ending you could tell Vince was the lead character, Rock second and HHH forgotten about.

I can't pick one highlight from 17, the TLC and Austin Rock II were both unbelievable.

Highlight from 18 was undoubtedly Rock Hogan.

Highlight from 19 was Austin Rock III.

24? Tough one, but I'll go for Edge vs Taker.

24 aside, who was a recurring factor? The Rock.

In my eyes he main evented three mania's and was in upper mid card matches twice, but both the midcard matches stole the show. I didn't care for HHH Jericho after Rock Hogan, and I didn't care for Lesnar Angle after Rock Austin III.

The Rock always got the best fan reactions, good or bad, and he always put on one hell of a show.

Yes, Hogan may have done more, but I didn't watch any of his Mania's bar the one with The Rock. Taker might be undefeated but the only two matches I really remember of him were the one with HHH at 17 and the one with Edge last year, but Edge was the main man to me in that one.

So my vote? The Rock - Other.
Easily Shawn Michaels here, and I think his only 'competition' should be The Undertaker. However, those that vote the Undertaker do so without thinking about the matches. They think about the streak. and the hype surrounding the streak. And the streak is great, but a majority of the matches weren't. Only these last few years has The Undertaker had 'great' WM matches. Just look at some of his opponents in the early years of the streak. They're not matches we'd think twice about, unless it was to call them bad, if they weren't part of 'the streak'.

Shawn Michaels, on the other hand, has never had a bad Wrestlemania match. It's widely acknowledged that he brings his 'A-game' to every WM, and no matter where he is on the card, he is the Main Event. He is the star of the show, and no one can compete. Shawn Michaels shows that you don't have to win a match to be the focus. Everyone, after every Wrestlemania, talks about how great Shawn was.
Well first off, I meant to click on Hulk Hogan for my vote, but I accidentally clicked on Austin :( Is there anyway my vote can be changed?

Anyways, on to the subject at hand, who is Mr. Wrestlemania?

Very good question, and very good choices for us to choose between. I think about the only wrestlers that could be in the "Other" category and that a strong case could be made for are Randy Savage and the Rock. So, I will include them in my analysis of the choices.

Vince McMahon: He deserves to be on the list, not only for creating the event, but he's also been a part of every Wrestlemania onscreen as well, except the 1st one I think (well, he appeared backstage briefly). And from Wrestlemania XV on, he's been a major part of just about every Wrestlemania.

He was one of the focal points of Wrestlemania XV and 2000 by appearing in the main event in both matches. He had a classic match with Shane at X-7. I don't remember him playing a major part of X-8. He had another classic match with Hogan at XIX. He did a memorable speech at XX. He wasn't a part of 21 I don't remember. He had a classic match with Shawn Michaels at 22. He was part of the match at 23 that got the most mainstream hype with the hair vs. hair match with Donald Trump, Umaga, and Bobby Lashley. So he's played a major part of most of the last 10 wrestlemanias. Is he Mr. Wrestlemania though? No. Overall, he is, beings he created the event, but if we're talking from a wrestling perspective he didn't wrestle at enough of them to be considered "Mr. Wrestlemania."

Stone Cold Steve Austin: A strong case can be made for him. He's had legendary matches at Wrestlemania against Bret Hart (XIII, and IMO the greatest WM match ever), Shawn Michaels (XIV), and The Rock (XV, X-7, and XIX). He was the focal points of Wrestlemania XIV, XV, and X-7. He was the biggest star of the Attitude Era and was thus the headliner of 3 Wrestlemanias which took place arguably during the WWF's biggest peak ever in mainstream popularity. But is he "Mr. Wrestlemania?" No. Why? He didn't wrestle at enough Wrestlemanias to be considered the definitive Wrestemania superstar. He also wrestled somewhat forgotten matches against Savio Vega (XII) and Scott Hall (X-8), but his career in the WWE was just too brief to be considered the ultimate Wrestlemania star.

Shawn Michaels: A very strong case can be made here. He's headlined 5 Wrestlemanias (XI, XII, XIV, XX, and 23), he's had more classic matches than anyone at Wrestlemania. His matches against Razor Ramon (X), Bret Hart (XII), Stone Cold (XIV), Chris Jericho (XIX), Chris Benoit and Triple H (XX), Kurt Angle (21), and Ric Flair (24) are amongst the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history. And his matches against John Cena (23) and Vince McMahon (22) were also fantastic matches as well. His matches with Tito Santana (VIII), Tatanka (IX), and Diesel (XI) were also solid matches. And he had some exciting tag team matches at Wrestlemanias V, VI and VII. He's had plenty of memorable moments at Wrestlemanias, and he always has the best match at every Wrestlemania he's been a part of. Is he "Mr. Wrestlemania." He would be either my 2nd or 3rd choice. I think the one big reason I can think of to not consider him "Mr. Wrestlemania" was because he was never a big enough mainstream celebrity to be the reason to draw non-fans to the event. He enjoyed some brief notoriety in 1998, but it was mostly Mike Tyson and Stone Cold that got the world's attention. For 23, Vince McMahon and Donald Trump were the ones that drew non-fans to the event. He's probably the greatest Wrestlemania performer, but when it comes to being Mr. Wrestlemania, you need to be someone that was a big enough pop culture icon to draw non fans to the event, and Shawn Michaels doesn't quite fit that bill.

John Cena: Probably the least qualified candidate for this question. Not because he sucks or anything, because that's just not true. But because his Wrestlemania career has been too short to call him "Mr. Wrestlemania." He's headlined two Wrestlemanias (22 and 23), although he will probably headline this year's making it a third one. He's only had one WM match that I would consider to be in the "classic" category (against HBK at 23, and it barely makes that category). Sure, he's the WWE's biggest current star, but WM existed and became a phenomenon long before his career started. He deserves little, if any, credit for putting WM on the map. 5-10 years from now, then we'll see where he stands.

The Undertaker: He's right there in 3rd/4th with Stone Cold (yeah I'll put Shawn Michaels at #2). Undertaker has only headlined 2 Wrestlemanias (XIII and 24), but he's appeared at more Wrestlemanias than almost any other wrestler in WWE history to the best of my knowledge, and of course his legendary streak which has become a cornerstone of Wrestlemania. While he's wrestled quite a few duds at WM over the years (I feel mostly due to the poor opponents he was put with), but he's also had some classics against Kane (XIV, his match with him at XX was not very good), Triple H (X-7), Ric Flair (X-8), Randy Orton (21), Batista (23), and Edge (24). The Undertaker is a cornerstone of Wrestlemania and a strong candidate for "Mr. Wrestlemania." But is he? No. Why? For the same reason that I didn't give the title to Shawn Michaels. Because the Undertaker has never been a big enough mainstream celebrity to draw in non-fans. He's only headlined two Wrestlemanias, and both WM's he was not the main draw or factor that brought in non-fans.

Bret Hart: A very strong case can be made for Bret Hart. He wrestled every Wrestlemania from 2 to XIII, which I believe is still the longest streak of consecutive appearances at Wrestlemania of anyone ever. He headlined three Wrestlemanias. Two of them as World Champion, and the other where he went in as the challenger and won. He's had quite a few classics against Roddy Piper (VIII), Owen Hart (X), Shawn Michaels (XII), and the greatest WM of all-time, against Steve Austin (XIII). But was he "Mr. Wrestlemania?" I'll have to say no. For one, he didn't have as many classic WM matches as Shawn Michaels did (but if Bret had stayed with the WWF, that might not be the case). He also wasn't a main event star for Wrestlemanias long enough to be "Mr. Wrestlemania." And he wasn't a big enough mainstream star to draw in non-fans.

Triple H: Triple H would be my last choice besides John Cena for this title. Triple H has been at a lot of WM's. He's headlined 5 Wrestlemanias (2000, X-8, XX, 21, and 22). He's had some classic WM matches against The Undertaker (X-7) and Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels (XX). And he's had solid to very good matches against Owen Hart (XIV), The Rock, Big Show, and Mick Foley (2000), Chris Jericho (X-8), John Cena (22), and John Cena again and Randy Orton (24) (his match at WM 21 against Batista while memorable was a bad match IMO). There's no doubt that he's been a focal point at WM in this decade. But is he "Mr. Wrestlemania?" No. He hasn't had enough "greatest" matches at WM IMO. And he's never been a big enough mainstream star to bring in non-fans.

The Rock: He'll be one of my two selections for the "Other" category. The Rock was a huge star from 98-2003. He headlined 3 Wrestlemanias (XV, 2000, and X-7). He's had classic matches against Steve Austin (XV, X-7, and XIX) and Hulk Hogan (X-8). And he had solid matches against Ken Shamrock (XIV) and Triple H, The Big Show, and Mick Foley (2000). Was he "Mr. Wrestlemania?" Nope. Definitely a big enough mainstream celebrity to showcase Wrestlemania to the world. But he just wasn't around long enough, and didn't really put WM on the map. He was only around for 6 WM's, and only 5 of them worthwhile. His career was just too brief to be considered "Mr. Wrestlemania."

Randy Savage: Here's my other choice for the "Other" category. Savage was a mainstay of Wrestlemania for the first 10 WM's (only missing the 1st one, as he wasn't with the WWF yet at that point, and he commentated at Wrestlemania IX). He headlined 3 WM's (IV, V, and VIII) and he stole the show at two other WM's (III and VII). He had classic matches with Ricky Steamboat (III), Ted Dibiase (IV), Hulk Hogan (V), the Ultimate Warrior (VI), and Ric Flair (VIII), and had solid or memorable matches with George "The Animal" Steele (II), Greg Valentine (IV), Dusty Rhodes (VI), and Crush (X). Randy Savage was undoubtedly the greatest performer of the first era of Wrestlemania (Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart picked up where he left off). He was also a big enough mainstream star to draw in non-fans and headlined WM's during the WWF's biggest boom period. But was he "Mr. Wrestlemania?" No. Why? He didn't appear at enough WM's in the overall history of Wrestlemania, and he wasn't the one that put WM on the map.

So who is Mr. Wrestlemania? It's Hulk Hogan, hands down.

No other wrestler is more associated with Wrestlemania than Hulk Hogan. He was the one that put it on the map. He headlined 8 of the first 9 Wrestlemanias, whether he was in the championship match or not. Wrestlemania was centered around Hulk Hogan, and we have Wrestlemania and the spectacle of it all thanks to Hulk Hogan. Yeah, there's the debate on whether Roddy Piper deserves credit for helping to draw in the crowd for Wrestlemania I and sure he did. But that's really not the point and is irrelevant. Wrestlemania wasn't instantly put on the map thanks to Wrestlemania I alone. Wrestlemania III I think solidified Wrestlemania as an event, and who was the major part of that? Hulk Hogan. Hogan headlined Wrestlemanias I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, and he was a major part of the main event for Wrestlemania IV. In those years he had classic matches against Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff (I), Andre the Giant (III), Randy Savage (V), the Ultimate Warrior (VI), and Sgt. Slaughter (VII). He missed the majority of the next 10 Wrestlemanias, but his legacy as "Mr. Wrestlemania" was pretty much already set. Then he came back in 2002 and added two more classic matches to his legacy at Wrestlemania. Against the Rock at X-8, and Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania XIX.

Hulk Hogan has all the ingredients to be considered "Mr. Wrestlemania." He's had classic matches. He's headlined more Wrestlemanias than any other wrestler. He did more than any other wrestler to draw in non-fans and solidify Wrestlemania not only as the "Superbowl of Professional Wrestling," but also as a cultural event. Hulk Hogan is Wrestlemania. It's as simple as that.

Now if I can just get my vote changed to Hulk Hogan :/

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