Who has the best entrance of all time?

swantonoffahugeladder said:
It seems everybody has forgotten about the game. At the start of his entrance is amazing, how he walks through the mist, then on the ring apron, if the camera angle goes really far out and tons of cameras are taking pictures of him, sort of like stone cold except the arenas dark so its better. Its incredible.
i agree 100% hhh was the first wrestler i saw and i was like holy shit this guy is the best
Ok I don't know if this counts because i'm talking more of ECW entrance, but seeing as ECW is back under the WWE umbrella these days I guess it counts.

The Sandman.

His entrance in the new ECW sucks though because it badly needs the theme music, "Enter Sadman" by Metallica.
The Undertaker. - It makes chills go down your spine, just look at the faces of his oppenent!
Randy Orton. - I LOVE his Pose. I LOVE HIM!
D-Generation X. - You heard the crowd lately? I like it when Triple H speaks before the other oppenent comes out!
why does everyone keep sayin orton. hey comes out and hold his arms up twice with cheesy golden shower. this is my list:
In that order
i liked goldberg except the start where it shows him comin out from his room. the sparks thing is pretty good.

Sting back from wcw where he came down from the roof. the lights and the music used to scare the sh*t outta me when i was like 5

and of course, eddie gurrero (yeh the lowrider)
i gotta say the undertaker deffinatly and second is the sandman cus he comes threw the crowd for the fans and shit
man my fav entrance has to be Evolution, the music was so bad ass, especialy when orton had the IC belt, Hunter had the World title, and flair/batista had tag gold.
OK, seriously, how can you like an entrance for a man who literally has a golden shower in his entrance? Other than that, a great entrance for me has to be more than just the musice hitting and the guy walking to the ring. Stone Cold was ok, but seriously, all he did was go to the ring and raise his arms. Eh. I had forgotten about Gangrel, the whole broiod thing was cool. Now, for the best one time entrance, I would have to say Triple H and Cena at 'Mania 22, while being the utmost in pretentiousness, were awesome entrances. It was what 'Mania is all about, the glitz, the grandeur, those entrances had it all.
Lita, are you kidding? just because she looked like she was having a massive orgasm before she hit the ring realy doesn't make it a great entrance, now Melina on the other hand, there is an entrance!
Im suprised that nobody has chosen my favourite. Id personally have to say that my favourite was Y2J Chris Jericho's. When the clock started to count down, you knew what was going to happen. The pose on the enterence ramp was also ace.

I also like DX's enterence...are you ready?? Its so ace, along with HBK's enterence.
my favorites are melina, taker, kane, eddie and DX's is awesome
I also liked goldust with the camera tricks and the pyro with gold glitter falling
Most Intimadating Entrance
Boom..................boom Boom...time To Play Da Gaaaaaaaamee!!!hahahaha
Jeff Hardys new one is pretty cool gets the crowd going and with the fireworks its pretty cool
The Undertaker by Far and HHH,

Razor Ramon had a great intro as well along with Al Snows original ECW entrancec.. classic!
Kane and Undertaker's...Undertaker is just like whoa..they just make the atmosphere in the arena so great and he just looks so evil coming out.

Kane's is just awesome, the first explosion to let you know that the big dog is coming out. And then setting the four ring posts a blaze(when they are all on :p)
The best would be monday night right at the beginning vince or some one would be talking and you knew that glass was going to break and it always did.
I'm surpised no one remembers Sting's entrance at Starcade '97- it was fucking amazing! His first match back against the hated Hollywood Hogan, and they had the big laser light display before it with the scorpion and the THIS IS STING. It still gives me goose bumps.
WWE-wise, I liked Kane & X-Pac's entrance when they were a team. They had Kanes organ intro, X-Pac's D-X theme, the suck it pyro's, then Kane' turnbuckle pyro's.
My current fav is definetly Melina, when that butt pirate Johny Nitro is'nt blocking it. DAMN HIM!
One of my favorite entrances of all time had to be Ricky Steamboat's when he came back to WWF for about ten minutes in I think it was 1991. Breathing fire kicks ass. So did he entrance that incorporated it. Very ahead of its time in terms of theatricality. As for a one-off entrance, I still loved Shawn Michaels' entrance at WMXII when he repelled off that zipline after Lothario pointed up to the rafters of the Arrowhead Pond. Aside from those, probably any of Sting's repelling entrances and exits during the NWO days. I especially liked when he came down to rescue one of his comrades and took him (I believe it was DDP) back up into the rafters, and then a few years later from Panama City when he came down out of the helicopter.

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