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Dark Match Jobber
To Win The World Heavyweight or WWE Championship next, who hasn't already won it?

My Choice is BY FAR Mr. Kennedy.
He's been with the WWE since around 2005, yes he failed a drug test, but oh well. I could see Kennedy being a great champion, possibly more than once. I can see great feuds with Orton, Edge, Cena, Trips, Even Undertaker again.
I want to See Kennedy win The Rumble next year, or even maybe challenge Punk for his MITB briefcase, and do to Punk what Edge did to him.

so who would you choose as the next champion who hasn't gotten it yet?
I would really like to see Umaga get another "push" like he did a couple of years ago. Remember, it wasn't that long ago when he feuded with John Cena for the WWE title!!!

Umaga has the skills to be great!!! He's strong as an ox! He has good speed too! I really don't care if he talks or not! He can have a manager that speaks if they want to pair him up. If the Great Khali and Mark Henry can be champions, then Umaga can be a great champ!

Here are my picks to be champ, that have NEVER been World Champion:
2-Matt Hardy
3-Shelton Benjamin
It all depends. I think many men who haven't won a world title will get title shots, especially if you are on Smackdown because the roster will take a beaten, but in the next year I see none. Unless, they bring back the King of the Ring and use it well for a heel, maybe Matt and propel him to the World Title. So I say none. But if I had to chose, not in this year but I chose Christian. I know he held the TNA Belt, but he didn't hold one of the two big belts in the WWE.
kofi kingston definitely he's always entertaining and as well as maybe shelton Benjamin but matt hardy in my eyes diserves it i mean jeff became WWE champion and Matt got another mid carder reign in the ECW championship come on it's something i know he deserves
I would love to see Shelton Benjamin get the strap. He's been with the company for numerous years and deserves a shot. He's probably the best pure athlete in the company and after playing out the whole Shelton's momma storyline from several years back, should get a chance.

Giving him the strap would set up nearly a dozen possible classic feuds, including Jeff & Matt Hardy, HBK, MVP, Punk, Mysterio, etc... For once, I'd like to see a non-heavyweight carry the title for a while. Punk's two month reign last year can hardly count.
This is an interesting thread ther are alot of guys that should get a run with the top 2 belts . my picks would be Shelton Benjamin , MVP , Matt Hardy , Christian , Mr. Kennedy ( if he can stay healthy) . I think WWE needs to inject new blood into the title picture becuase fans aren't fallowing Triple Hollywood VS Orton , Edge VS Cenanuff , Edge VS BigSlow . that is my take on this issue please feel free to interactw with me about your opinions I welcome them all ....
I would like to see the Big Show get a run as the World Heavyweight Champion. That would make him a Grand Slam Champion, with the WWE, WCW, ECW, World Tag, Hardcore, U.S., and World Heavyweight Titles in his resume. I think he's being severely under-used, and a run as the champion would be great for him. I would like to see Big Show take on guys like Kane, Undertaker, Batista, etc.
I would also like to give Kane an actual title run. He deserves it for the mid-card use he's been given the last few years.

Shelton Benjamin needs to be put in a few main event matches against guys like Cena, Undertaker, and Edge, and then given the title. If they give it to him now, he wont look like a strong champion. Let him dominate first, and then give him the title.

Kennedy would be great, maybe. I say maybe because he hasn't been healthy for long enough to get an actual look at his performances in the main event slot.

Christian could get one this year, but with all the feuding going on right now, I don't see that happening any time soon.

I would like to see Umaga start building momentum, and then possibly do that thing they talked about last year, with him revealing he can speak English...or just say he's been taking lessons in the year he's been gone from the ring. I would actually like to see him feud with Legacy. Maybe he comes to Raw in the draft, has a run as Intercontinental Champion, and then when Orton and Triple H are done killing each other, Umaga takes out Randy Orton and challenges him to a WWE Title Match.

Big Show, Kane, Christian, Benjamin, Umaga, and Kennedy.
They did give Christian the NWA title...twice actually, if I'm not mistaken.

I agree with giving Shelton a title run. I honestly felt that when his mic skills were shown off in ECW, he wasn't that bad. If he had a reason to improve his mic skills, I'm sure he would jump right on working with the agents and whatnot (Of course that should've started with him winning MITB this year, but I'm sure there will be another thread for that.) I'm still trying to understand why they just sit on him but I guess we'll get our answer soon...

Talking about the WWE, he hasn't won the big one yet. He's won the TNA Title, but that means shit. If you want to be at the top, you need to have won either the WHC or the WWE Title. Christian can deliver in the ring, and promo wise. He's got the backing of the fans, which was evident at WrestleMania. If he moved to RAW in the draft he could go straight into the main event scene. A big win for him at SummerSlam would be perfect.
To Win The World Heavyweight or WWE Championship next, who hasn't already won it?

My Choice is BY FAR Mr. Kennedy.
He's been with the WWE since around 2005, yes he failed a drug test, but oh well. I could see Kennedy being a great champion, possibly more than once. I can see great feuds with Orton, Edge, Cena, Trips, Even Undertaker again.
I want to See Kennedy win The Rumble next year, or even maybe challenge Punk for his MITB briefcase, and do to Punk what Edge did to him.

so who would you choose as the next champion who hasn't gotten it yet?

I want to see Kennedy in a ring first. Then I want to see him go 5 minutes without injuring himself or someone else.

Christian and MVP just because they seem to be on the cusp and the crowd last night seemed ready to embrace them for a chance at a title run.
I'd really enjoy seeing Shelton Benjamin at least getting a shot towards the title, this man has been stuck in the hell that is the midcard even though he works his ass off and quite literally risks his neck as he proved last night in the Money in the Bank match.

Now onto MR. KENNEDY! Kennedy! the man is consistent and the ring, has an amazing amount of charisma, and most of all is entertaining. The only problem he has is he is injury prone, which also makes him unreliable, the last thing that you need when it comes to the world champion of the largest wrestling company today.

Lastly, I move to Kofi Kingston, this guy is entertaining as hell, yet he hasn't done anything, nor given the opportunity to do anything. I had to seriously think back to remember if he even won a title in the WWE(a testament to where the Tag and IC title are at nowadays). I still don't get managements thinking in having Edge take out Kingston back at NWO, when he could have taken out Mike Knox and allowed to have the entertainment value of that match go up with Kingston in there.
Definitely Christian. This guy has been with WWE for how long? True without Edge, Christian wouldn't probably have made a name for himself but this guy deserves at least one run. He's never done anything terrible like fail a drug test. the only thing he did do that hurt his chances was going to TNA.

If not Christian than Shelton Benjamin. This guy is one of the best workers in WWE. Every time he is in the MITB ladder match, he always does something crazy. WWE needs to give him the push he deserves.
Even though I like Kennedy, I think he'd be 100x better suited to be given a test run with the ECW championship, as opposed to winning the WWE or World Heavyweight titles.

Out of the people that haven't already won one of those 2 world titles yet, the only people that I think are good enough to deserve it at the moment are Shelton Benjamin, MVP, John Morrison, Christian, and Umaga. But out of those guys, I'd love to see John Morrison as WWE champion above them all, and then Shelton, then Christian, then MVP, and then Umaga.

I really like Kofi and the Miz, but I don't think they're quite ready yet. I'd rather see them get long IC/US title reigns instead. The same goes for Evan Bourne, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase. Those five guys should be the leaders of the midcard division for this year and all get IC/US title reigns.
Even though I like Kennedy, I think he'd be 100x better suited to be given a test run with the ECW championship, as opposed to winning the WWE or World Heavyweight titles.
I fully agree here. Kennedy is good, but he needs another run with one of the lower belts to "prove" himself. He is good, but he needs to prove he can be champ, without injuring himself or someboy else. Kennedy should be ready next year if they build him right.
Shelton Benjamin,
I agree with all of your post, Except this. Sorry dude, but Shelton? What has he done with the united states Championship? He did nothing noteworthy that I can think off. Shelton is Highly overrated. He is good in the money in the bank matches, But He will always be the bridesmaid and never the bride. He is soo good in those type matches that the WWE will refuse to put him up into ME status, so he can continue being in it.
M.V.P Would be one of my picks. He has improved hugely since debuting, And I really thought he would win the money in the bank. He has the charisma, the ability and Has shown he can handle a championship.
John Morrison,
Morrison is another guy I say yes to. He really stepped up to the bat when the Benoit incident happend. And showed he could handle it. Since teaming up with the Miz he has improved more and could really step up to ME status easily.
Here is my third person, But I don't think that we need to worry. One of two things will happen to christian. One, is he will tag with edge again, Or he will fued with edge. I see it being the latter. So I have a feeling the Peep era will begin soon.
I think i would have to go with shelton benjamin. the guys a phenomal athlete and yet has never been given the big title. time for him to get it.

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