Who do you want as your champions this Summer?


Your Resident Candice Mark
Who would you like to see as your champions for the summer and explain why!


WWE Champ: Randy Orton (Anybody but Cena is fine with me)

World Heavyweight Champion: I guess Edge is fine. (Makes a good champ)

ECW: CM Punk (I guess he's my choice, either him or Marcus Cor Von)

U.S: Matt Hardy (each brother holding the secondary titles= cool)

Intercontinental: Jeff Hardy (same as Matt)

Women's: Candice (she's been improving and looks like she'll have it)

Cruiserweight: Don't care- I guess Chavo (not that important to me)

Raw Tag: WGTT (More charisma and better wrestlers then Cade and Murdoc, Cryme Tyme wouldn't be bad either b/c they have the gimmick and charisma)

Smackdown Tag: London and Kendrick (Other tag teams just don't cut it for me)
WWE-Chris benoit(not likely going to happen but hes supposed to get moved to raw and i dont hav to say why he would make a good champ as every1 knows)
WHC-Edge(Hes good as the champ now so why not)
ECW-Rey Mysterio(hopefully lashley gets drafted 2 raw and rey 2 ecw and he ends up winning the belt)
US-MVP(same as edge)
IC-Shelton Benjamin(great athletic ability and will turn face similar to how carlito did agenst masters just with haas)
WWE Tag-L&K(Most exciting team on Smackdown)
World Tag-Umaga and Khali(this will be a very interesting teem and i want 2 c it
Cruiserweight-Jamie Noble(very good in the ring)
Womens-Mickie James(The only good womens wrestler left)

Please comment
If anyone just posts one sentence answers or just lists with no reasons, you will receive an automatic Infraction. That is all, Thank You.
WWE-Chris Beniot (Hope he goes to Raw and we know he will and I would like a noncena chanmpion)
WHC-Edge(I'm a huge fan and he is a good champ!)
ECW-CM Punk(hopefully he ends up winning the belt and turning as a HUGE heel)
US-Matt Hardy(Think the Hardys should just stay on their own brand and if Matt gets good enough promo skills WWE could do this)
IC-Johhny Nitro (Hope they give him a huge push and stop him from teaming with Kenny)
WWE Tag-London and Kendrick and D&D (They could have a nice feud all summer I think that would be fine)
World Tag- Cryme Tyme (They are in line for the straps, they need a huge push as they have been idle excluding last monday)
Cruiserweight-Jimmy Wang Yang -(I think he is in line for the title)
Womens-Mickie James(agree with good old andy)
Mickie would make a better champion but I say Candice because Mickie has had the belt 3 times in under two years. Not sure if it's the same with Trish but I just don't see a title reign out of her for awhile, but it's your choice and I can respect that!
Cruiserweight: Retire belt
Womens: Mickie James
Smackdown tag: Retire belt
Raw Tag Titles: Khali/Umaga (Tag Titles are defended on any show).
United States: Edge
Intercontinental: Rey Mysterio
ECW: Bobby Lashley
World Heavyweight: Chris Jericho (as a heel)
WWE Champion: John Cena

Yeah, I know I kind of cheated with Chris Jericho. Hey, it's who I wanted. I think this is a good balance of good wrestlers and great entertainers. In addition, I officially would get rid of the cruiserweight title and the set of tag team titles that do not have the WWF lineage (I may have mistaken that in my list, but the WWF titles stay and the WCW ones go). By doing that, it makes the tag titles more important as all teams are gunning for the same title, plus they can be defended on any show, and by getting rid of the cruiserweight title, it increases the importance of midcard titles like Intercontinental and United States by having every wrestler not in the main-event to try and become midcard champion. Too many titles ruin prestige.

Micke James as champion...well, let's face it. She's hot and a great wrestler. She can work a good heel or face. Khali/Umaga would make one hell of a tag team. Talk about bringing prestige back to the tag titles, this team would do it. Umaga is a very good wrestler, and Khali is as intimidating as a bra to a 12 year old boy. Umaga does all the work, Khali kicks the ass. A good 5 or 6 month reign will put over not only the tag titles, but also the team that does wind up beating them.

Having two former World champions as mid-card champions will make the titles look more important. Eventually, the WWE needs to get back to these being the stepping stones to the main-event, and by using these two former world champions who have GREAT charisma, it can really give a big boost to the title, and the person that takes them away from Edge or Mysterio.

Bobby Lashley is making a good ECW champion. The fans are behind him, he has a great presence, and his in-ring work is improving by leaps and bounds. As the champion on the third show, he's not ever going to be asked to carry a show, but he is certainly great to keep a crowd into the show. Chris Jericho as a heel champion on Smackdown...does anymore really need to be said?

John Cena is the biggest draw in the company, he makes the company the most money, he works like a mule, his in-ring work is good, his promo ability is great, and you never have to worry about having a bad main-event match as long as Cena is main-eventing. Because Cena always delivers. He needs to be the number one guy holding the number one belt on the number one show.
Here are my pics for who I want as my wwe champions

WWE Title- Bobby Lashley- He has made a good ECW champ even though Vince Pretty much ruined ECW for everyone and I think its Time he got to hold one of the serious world titles.

World Heavyweight Champion-Chris Benoit- He should have had a second reign at the title long ago even though I know it wont happen he is still the best technical wrestler there is.

Women's Champ Mickie James- I think she has the best upside as far as a wrestling talent goes plus I think she is the best looking .

ECW champ Kevin Thorn or Snitsky I think either one would make great Heel Champ Both are good in ring competitors and good gimmicks.

Cruiserweight- Gregory Helms no real reason im just looking for a title change i really dont care about the cruiserweight division anymore wwe ruined it.

Raw Tag- The Majors Brothers- I would like to see Them get drafted to Raw and get the belts They have real potential. second The Highlanders they are a good team also.

Smackdown Tag- London and Kendrick They are the second coming of the rockers they are so exciting to watch in the ring I hope they can regain the belts.

U.S. C.M.Punk- If WWE truly knew what they were doing he would already have held a belt he would make a great U.S. Champ.

Intercontinental champ-Marcus Cor Von- Monty Brown has constantly gotten the shaft from wwe ever since he came there they owe him he should at least be Intercontinental champ

Those are my picks
Honestly I just can't wait for Cena to lose. He is a piece of shit , talentless douche who has become friends with Vince Mcmahon just to keep his title.He has no fans exceot for teenage girls and kids between the ages of like 4 and 11.
WWE: CM Punk (I have a feeling that hes going to be moved to RAW)
World: Edge (He deserves a longer run than the other 2 hes had)
ECW: Cor Von (Unless he gets drafted
IC: (anyone but Santino)
US: Matt Hardy ( the reunion was good, but now they need to become singles competitors, and Hardy has had MAJOR momentum lately)
Cruiserweight: Santino ( I think this is more of his for te')
Women's: Candice ( is improving dramatically)
WWE Tag: Kendrick and London (Douche and Dumbino are stupid)
World: WGTT (should defeat Cade and Murdoch)
WWE: Chris Benoit ( Same reasons as others have said, he deserves it)
World: Edge (Think he can be a good champion givne time to prove it)
ECW: Ray Mysterio, though don't really care
IC: Jonny Nitro ( Face Champ needs a heel IC Champ in my opinion and he's good)
US: CM Punk(needs to pay his dues in the big leagues before challanging for main belts)
Cruiserweight: eh somebody completely new
Women's: Scrap it, just have a hottest diva belt
WWE Tag: Boogeyman and Little Boogey (become so frustrating may as well make it funny!)
World: none, merge with above
WWE Title: Batista after SummerSlam

Cena has been great as the champ but it's time for a change. Chris Benoit would bring in a fresh feud and new challenge, but I can't see Benoit crossing the finish line. It would be nice to have Jericho return and become champion, but would they just give him the title just like that? I honestly don't see any other contenders except for one....Batista. They could turn Batista heel due to his frustration of not winning match after match for the World Heavyweight Title, then he gets drafted to RAW and feuds with Cena over the WWE Title as a heel and takes it at SummerSlam, leading to Cena chasing it in the fall.

World Heavyweight Title: Edge until Wrestlemania 24

Yes, I know Kennedy will be back sooner than later, but why ruin what could be an awesome main event at Wrestlemania? Besides, Edge deserves to have an extended run with the title, and with Mysterio and Kennedy coming back, he already has two faces to feud with until the Royal Rumble. The Undertaker doesn't have to win it again, but he could have a re-match since he never got a chance to get it back. The match would be streak vs. streak (undefeated Undertaker vs. unbeaten Edge, since he didn't win MITB 2007 due to injury) at Wrestlemania with The Undertaker winning back the title to a huge ovation.

ECW Heavyweight Championship: Bobby Lashley

Snitsky is NOT winning the ECW title, and I can't see the WWE building around C.M. Punk yet. The New Breed is falling apart, and I can see Marcus Cor Von (why can't they call him Monty Brown? Does TNA own the name or something?!) being Lashley's biggest competition coming up. It's an inevitable match that could see Cor Von winning the belt. However, after the McMahon feud, I can't see anyone else beating Lashley for a little while, not after he just got it back. Plus, I think everyone is right...ECW definitely needs the TV title back, but doesn't the roster seem a little depleted right now? I've only seen Lashley, C.M. Punk, Matt Striker, Cor Von, Elijah Burke, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman (who's on borrowed time), The Major Brothers, Kevin Thorn, Tommy Dreamer, and Stevie Richards on TV so far. Is that it for the roster?

Intercontinental Title: Carlito

Santino Murella (sp?) has done almost nothing with the belt. The Intercontinental title for the second time has been put on a guy who is debuting. Why not start a feud with a newly rejuvenated heel in Carlito against Santino? Carlito was at his best with the Intercontinental title, and could set up a very nice feud with Matt or Jeff Hardy in the later months

United States Title: MVP

I know, that's four heels with the top titles. Not that I don't like the faces, but times are changing and a lot of the best wrestlers right now are heels. MVP needs time to establish himself as the U.S. champ, so I wouldn't take this belt off of him for a while. In fact, I'd even bring in Jeff or Matt Hardy to feud with him until at least Survivor Series, and although it would suck that they can't finish the job, it would make MVP much more credible, and eventually dropping it to the one of them at Wrestlemania. Matt as Intercontinental champ, Jeff as United States champ at Wrestlemania? Hmmm.....

Cruiserweight Title: Super Crazy

So the cruiserweights have done nothing in a while, right? Jimmy Wang Yang is pretty good? Why not shake it and bring in Super Crazy for the draft? Super Crazy brings back what made the Cruiserweight title popular in the first place: insane lucha libre! I'd put Mysterio as champ if I were a booker just to re-establish the division, but since that'd be a step-down, I'd go with the next best thing. A division with Super Crazy, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Johnny Nitro (draft him from RAW), and some new talent, and the division is re-established. I think it's time for Chavo to move on and go for heavyweight titles.

Women's Championship: Candice Michelle

Melina is poised to lose the belt to her at some point. May as well get it over with. Mickie James should be involved again, though, as should Victoria. We need some new wrestling women again. Without Lita and Trish, the women's title seems so much less.

World Tag Team Championships: World's Greatest Tag Team

The complaints are that Benjamin is too lazy backstage and not working hard enough. I think putting the tag belts back on he and Charlie Haas could motivate him again. He's not good on the mic, yet, so why not give him a manager? Not that dumb "Donovan McNabb mama" crap, but a real manager like Paul Heyman or A.A. Estrada, or even a diva to do the talking for him? Having Haas and Benjamin with a female diva and the tag team belts could bring some life to both of their careers. Maybe turn them face and take the belts from Cade and Murdoch, which would be a nice feud for the summer and fall.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Kane and The Boogeyman

Why not? Two of the bigger and more underused wrestlers. They've worked well as a tag team, and they could be the biggest freak tag team since the Bushwhackers. I like more established tag teams like Deuce and Domino, but credibility-wise Kane needs a boost, and The Boogeyman is due.

If they established an ECW TV title: Elijah Burke

C.M. Punk could win it at Survivor Series, after Burke spends the fall running from him.
I would like Edge to dominate the summer I think unless they have him drop it to Kennedy if he returns in time.The Intercontinental chapion should be some one like Nitro again.ECW champion should be someone decent.The only candidate in my opinion is CM Punk.
WWE Champ - John Cena
ECW Champ - Sandman (come on)
WHC - Edge
Womens - Candice cause shes hawt
Tag - Jeff and Matt Hardy
SD! Tag - WGTT (hopefully draft will help)
IC - Santino, but he needs a hell of a push and some PPV action
US - Johnny Nitro because he needs a push and SD! will be perfect
Wwe Title:chris Benoit(come On Its Freakin Benoit)
Whc:kane (not Just Cuz He's My Fav But He Deserves It)
Ecw:cor Von(rub It In Tna's Face)
Ic:carlito..he's A Perfect Heel And Could Face Cm Punk If He Was Drefted 2 Raw
U.s:m.v.p(his In Ring Work Has Improved Alot So Thats A Main Reason)
Cruiserweight:yang..he's Asian
Women's:mickie James9the Only Good Womens Wrestler Wwe Has)
Wwe Tag:chavo And Helms(may Not Bring In Money But The Two Can Wrestle)
Wttc:cade And Murdoch(if They Lose The Titles Back To Low Card Hell For Them
wwe: Rey misterio
world: edge
us: elijah burke
ECW: cm punk (if hes given a decent push wed still get to see him on raw most mondays ala lasley, so why not leave him on ecw and give him the belt)
tag titles: hardys (merge the two titles together as there is obviously not enough depth to suport 2 sets of titles)
cruiser weight: chavo
womens: who cares
Heres mine

WWE Title, Chris Beniot

He seems to be the Favorite of everybody here, and rightfully so. Chris has busted his ass for WWE, IMO he doesn't need to be sound on the mic, because he gets over on his skill alone. WWE should capitalize on that fact, and give Beniot another title reign

WHC, Kane

He's my favorite Wrestler, and I would love nothing more to see him get another title reign. Kane is still incredibly over, despite the fact that he has become a glorified Jobber. It pisses me off to see Kane job week after week. Hopefully WWE will reward him one last time before he retires, as Kane may want one last run to please his fans that continue to show him support.

ECW, CM Punk

To be honest I don't really care for ECW, in fact I haven't really watched it since Big Show left, and even then I wasn't a huge fan. CM Punk is one of the best works their, along with Burke, Thorn, and Striker. Though Lashley is the camp right now, a feud between him and CM Punk would be gold, as i'm sure Punk could get some good matches out of Lashley.

IC, Santino Marella

This guy is very good, and even though he is a newcomer, the fans seem to be warming up to him. Although Carilto seems to be a good fit for the title, I think that WWE isn't done punishing him, besides a fued between Carlito and Marella would onlt increase Marella's credibility and get him more over with the fans.

US, Matt Hardy

I see Matt as a future WHC someday as WWE continues to push Hardy to new hights. WWE obviously has a lot of faith in Matt to make him such a major player. I would say that as US champ, his credibility could push him all the way to the main event and the WHC.

Cruiserweight, Jimmy Wang Yang

The guy is so over, I'm surprised he isn't champion right now.

Womens, Jillian Hall

To the guy above me, thenameless666, for you pick Mickie James, and then say that she is the only good womens talent that WWE has just proves how much of a WWE Mark you are.

Jillian Hall owned Mickie James's ass up and down the Indy circuit and throughout OVW as well. If I remember, Mickie James was barely on the same level as Trish, and as I recall, Victoria out staged Trish on several occasions and it would be my guess that she would do the same with Mickie.

I hope Jillian gets drafted to RAW, and takes her rightful place as the top womens talent, because I am sick and tired of seeing her being wasted on Smackdown and jobbing to fucking Ashley and Michelle each week.

WWE Tag, Regal and Taylor

these guys are long overdue for a title run, and even though they aren't incredibly over with the crowd, doesn't mean they won't respect Regal and Taylor for what their capable inside the ring.

World Tag, Cade and Murdoch

I was waiting for these guys to regain their gold, as these guys are a fine example of a well put together tag team. These guys are basically perfect as a team because the work well together, and they are really great at utilizing their surroundings. I hope these guys get a lengthy title reign
WWE: Chris Benoit, in a heel role. Like everyone said, he flat out deserves it. He goes out there, and busts his ass, and has played a major role in the development of MVP (someone who looks like he could be huge for the company in a couple of years). He's not the type of guy who will go ahead and destroy hotel rooms, or be uncooperative for asking to lose to The Miztake. Benoit's been a face for too long now. A return to the silent, cold, calculating heel taking on John Cena would be interesting, and a great change of pace from The Terrible Khali and Bombay Bischoff.

World Heavyweight: Edge. He deserves a long run as champion. He's the top heel in the company, and after Kennedy, the best at giving promos. He's a great wrestler as well, and has consistently been for awhile. The Edge/Kennedy feud has potential to last for months, and although I can see Kenendy eventually getting the title, it should happen for a little bit.

ECW: Bobby Lashley. Right now, ECW needs some stability. Lashley needs a lengthy run as ECW Champion to help develop both himself as a wrestler and the ECW brand. If only Lashley could cut a promo.

Intercontinental Champion: Elijah Burke. They put the belt on Santino in order to get a pop from the fans in Italy. The result? One of the most uninteresting people we've seen in quite some time. He has nothing redeemable about him that makes me at least think that he deserves to be where he should. Raw drafting Elijah Burke, who is also going to be a huge wrestler down the stretch, would give him some exposure, plus some credibility to the Intercontinental Title.

If Burke doesn't get drafted to Raw, then Shelton Benjamin would be my second choice. He's flat out too talented to be stuck wrestling on Heat. If he could cut a promo, he'd be in the running for the WWE Title.

US Title: MVP. He needs to keep being built up as one of the future stars of WWE. There are so few right now that could be taken seriously, because for the most part, they've been jobbed out.

Raw Tag Team: I honestly don't know. It seems that Raw only has three tag teams. Cade and Murdoch, World's Greatest Tag Team, Cryme Tyme, Dykstra and Nitro, and The Highlanders. Cade and Murdoch to me, are uninteresting. Cryme Tyme seems to mainly be used for comedy skits and a wrestling match once every two months. Benjamin and Haas need to be broken up. Dykstra and Nitro have virtually no tag experience, and I'm shocked The Highlanders haven't been released yet. In any other case, I would say the Hardys, but it appears they're being broken up again. If they don't seperate, then Benjamin and Haas should be tag champs. They're the most talented.

SD Tag Team: London and Kendrick. SD has two tag teams. The bland Deuce and Domino, and the exciting London and Kendrick. Of course, the draft will change all of this, but they're clearly the most fitting for the SD belts.
WWE – Cena, but in a real feud. No more of this giant-killer crap. His feud with Edge proved that a feud with Cena can get a mid-carder over as a main-eventer even if they don’t come out on top. Love to see a well-booked Cena (heel) / Benoit (face) or even a Cena (face)/ Elijah Burke (heel). The promos from that second one would be off the charts.

WHC – Edge – So many potential angles for him as champ, as he is effective in all kinds of fueds (wrestling, hardcore, heel/heel, verbal, etc). I just hope they actually let him be a dominant champion, even as a heel, rather that just ducking everyone and stealing all his wins. The match against Benoit was a perfect example of how all of his championship matches could be

ECW – Kevin Thorne – I could see fantastic feuds with CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer (I liked the way he and Dreamer have worked together in the past). Plus, since he walked out on the New Breed and is something of a ‘tweener, I would enjoy seeing him against Cor Von or Burke (whichever one doesn’t get drafted away)

IC – Nitro – I feel like the holder of this belt should eventually be a main-eventer, and I just don’t see Chris Masters ever taking that step. There is a pretty big lack of mid-card faces on Raw right now, but hopefully the draft will change that. CM Punk / Nitro over the IC should be pretty good

US – A feud between Shelton Benjamin and MVP for this belt. I don’t really care which of them is holding it since I could see it going back and forth a few times.

World Tag (Raw) – Cade and Murdoch – I like them as champs, and I think their “betrayal” of the Hardyz, as sloppy as it came off, should get them some good heat. I think Lance Cade especially could use this as a stepping stone into a singles run

WWE Tag (SD) – If Deuce and Domino get any character development, then I think they should have a pretty long title run. If not, I wouldn’t mind seeing a mis-matched tag team get a run..maybe Kane and Jimmy Wang Yang. It would get JWY over plus whatever storyline was weird enough to get them partnered up would have the potential to be interesting

Cruiser – Similar to the US title situation I’d like to see, I don’t care who holds the belt as long as London, Kendrick, Davari, and Shannon Moore feud over it. Preferable, L or K turns on the other to win the belt at some point.

Women’s – Jillian – I think she is the best women’s wrestler at winning a match but still making her opponent look good. A top talent holding the belt and getting people over adds to both the belt and the division and is what the women’s division in particular needs right now.
WWE: Bobby Lashley (I would like to see a Cena - Lashley feud where Cena turns heel like he was on Smackdown)
World: Edge (I would like to see Edge get a long title run unlike the other two that he has had. I would like to see an Edge - Rey feud in the summer)
ECW: Booker T (He should get rid of the King gimmick and get a reign as the ECW Champ and create feuds with guys like Jeff Hardy or CM Punk. Burke and Cor Von could also be in contention once they get a bit more noticed.)
Intercontinental: Chris Benoit(He should have a reign with this title for the summer to bring it more prestige like the US Title. A Benoit - Masters feud would do wonders for Masters career. This could also help Benoit get back into the World Title picture.)
US: MVP (I would like to see a Matt Hardy - MVP feud during the summer which I think will produce some great matches as well as propel both men to becoming main eventers.)
Womens: Candice (She is improving her skills and I think that the Women's division needs a change.)
Cruiserweight: Jimmy Wang Yang (He deserves to be the Cruiserweight Champ and I think that Chavo should become a contender for either the US or IC Titles to build up to and eventual World Championship. WWE needs to bring in new Cruiserweights like Alex Shelley, Jay Lethal, and Chris Sabin but in the meantime, a Yang-Noble feud would help this division)
World Tag Team: Cryme Tyme (They deserve to finally be in the tag title hunt. They have a huge fan base and they aren't bad wrestlers either. I think that Cade and Murdoch should be moved to ECW to ignite a tag division there.)
WWE Tag Team: I think that Deuce and Domino should be moved over to RAW and a new tag team should come to SD like guys from TNA that aren't being used much like LAX or Shelley and Sabin.
WWE- Chris jericho( if he returns) but i would like to randy orton step up and hold the title, he has star potential but he misuses it
WHC- Kane it isnt fair hes only had it once for 24 hour, a superstar like him deserves a long run
Ecw- Mysterio i would love to see him go to ecw during draft, and lead a new improved ecw brand and hes my favorite wrestler
IC- Carlito needs a major heel push or Masters who Vince is pushing now
US- Matt Hardy, needs to make a main event run, and this would be perfect stepping stone
CW- jimmy wang yang, he beat chavo 3 times, kind of hard to argue with that
(SD)TAG- lHighlands they are being held back
(RAW) TAG- WGTT good strong heel tag team
When they get the ecw tag titles, i think cryme tyme should get moved over to ecw to hold them they still have their title shot. i would like to see cryme tyme be a strong heel team
Women- Candice getting better as a wrestler
WWE-John Cena(Saying this just because he wont lose it)
WHC-Edge(Hes good as the champ now so why not)
ECW-Marcus Cor Von(It was either him or CM Punk but he has to get rid of Burke first
US-MVP(God up and coming star)
IC-Jeff Hardy (deserves one of the titles)
WWE Tag-L&K(Most exciting team on Smackdown)
World Tag-Cade & Murdoch(tThey have really improved)
Cruiserweight-JRey Mysterio(He is a cruiserweight not a heavyweight)
Womens-Candice Michelle(Has really uped her game)
WWE - Chris Benoit.

Probably the most deserving of any guy on the roster right now (other than Kane) and can flat out wrestle better than anyone in the WWE currently. Hell, draft over Finlay to RAW also and have him and Benoit tear the house down in classic wrestling matches, and in turn RAW becomes a wrestling show once more.

WHC - Kane.

The other most deserving guy on the roster. He's been shit on for years now and lately is just a big name jobber. He can draw, cut a damn good promo and most importantly of all, he can wrestle pretty good for a man his size. While I enjoy Edge a lot, he has held the top title, be it WWE or WHC more than Kane has and I think can wait a little longer to be the top dog on his respective show.

ECW - Tommy Dreamer.

The heart and soul of the real ECW and basically if it's not him or Sandman holding the title, I really don't give a good goddamn. Next...

IC - Finlay.

As I said, move him to RAW, put him in a fued for the IC title first, he wins it, defends it for a good 4 or 5 months, then drops it to fued with Benoit for the WWE title. This man is maybe the most underrated wrestler the WWE has right now and it's a shame he isn't used better. Yeah he doesn't have the star power of a Rock or Austin, but he's a better wrestler than both. Build him up enough and he will draw.


This man right here is the future of the WWE and will be main eventing reguarly within a year or two. He has improved by leaps and bounds since his program with Benoit and the future is limitless for him. I say keep the strap on him until September, then have him start challenging for the WHC soon after.

CW - Umm, how bout Super Crazy.

Moving him to RAW was a death sentence and made no sense to boot. Moving him to Smackdown would give him better competition and a better chance to succeed. A fued with Chavo for the CW title would produce some very entertaining matches.

SD Tag titles - Deuce and Domino.

They're alright as it is so why change it?

RAW tag titles - WGTT.

It would definately be a wise move to give these two the tag titles since both are exceptional wrestlers and can carry a good match. But I think they really need to unify the tag titles and just have all tag teams wrestle on RAW and Smackdown. Would make things easier than having two sets of titles I think.

Women's title - Don't really care actually, how about Mickie James.

She's the hottest of the women I think and she can actually wrestle so why not.
Please keep in mind that this list is not taking into account any possible draft picks.

WWE-John Cena.

He is doing a great job as The Champ right now, so why take the belt off of him?


It's a good thing Edge was there when Undertaker and Kennedy went down. Otherwise, we could have Batista as our champion again...

ECW-CM Punk.

He would make a great champion as a face or a heel.

IC-Santino Marella.

I say leave the belt on Santino for a while. See what he can do with it.

World Tag Team-Cade and Murdoch.

Well, they just won it. So, taking it off of them this early would be kind of stupid.


Is the WWE blind to her ability? Is she "in the doghouse"? I really can't think of a good reason as to why Melina is the champion instead of Victoria.

WWE Tag Team-London and Kendrick.

Why the fuck did they take the belts off of these guys, anyway? Deuce and Domino are already jokes. Just give the straps back to L&K already.

United States-Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP)

MVP should have a nice, lengthy run with the belt, as he certainly deserves it.

Cruiserweight-Jimmy Wang Yang

I hope he wins the belt at Summerslam. This guy is just so fun to watch.
wwe- bobby lashley
whc- edge-in my opinion the best in sports enertainment today good in ring and mic skills
ecw-chris benoit
IC- Johnny Nitro
USA- MVP fueding with Matt Hardy
SD Titles- London and Kendrick very enertaining team probbaly be split up by royal rumble
RAW tag team- Cade and Murdoch
Women's-Candice Michelle
Cruiserweight- i dont care about this one so jimmy wang yang-this belt has lost so much meaning.

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