Who do you want as your champions this Summer?

Here is my dream list... likely but mostly very unlikely.

WWE: HBK (Should have one final time at the top with a major feud with Batista. Haven't faught each other often and would love to see Batista as a heel again.)
WHC:Chris Jericho (With a majoir fued with heel HHH, there promos back in the day were excellent. )
ECW: Rey Mysterio (with a major fued with Dreamer over the true definition of Original.)
IC: CM Punk (With a major feud with Jeff Hardy, Elijah Burk and Randy Orton.)
USA: Matt Hardy (With a major feud with Mr Kennedy and The Miz... Miz has the talent but lacks the espect from the masses)
SD TAG: Bubba Ray and Devon Duddley (Brining back the golden days of Tag Team matches having a constant three way feud with the Major Brothers (Hardys) and Deuce and Domino (Edge and Christian)
RAW TAG: London and Kendrick (Undoubtably the best on Smackdown, move them to Raw and have a major feud with WGTT)
WOMANS: Mickie James (Especially if she goes crazy again and with a major feud with Ashley)
CRUISER: Super Crazy. (Would have some crazy matches with a major feud with Jimmy Wang Yang... ha ha... and maybee Hornswoggle.)
WWE Champ: Randy Orton. He can do so much in any capacity and let's face it - outside the ring problems aside, he may be the most qualified.

World Heavyweight Champion: Edge. Let him take a run at the belt and see if he can manage. I think he can because he's Canadian and a Devils fan.

ECW: Jeff Hardy. He'd be my choice for ECW champ because he could do the most extreme stuff with Sabu and RVD gone, and he's legitimize the title.

U.S: Matt Hardy. I agree, both the Hardy's either need singles championship runs or tag runs, no more in between garbage. Matt deserves the US title and at RAW's battle royal he proved it.

Intercontinental: CM Punk. A Raw to ECW trade - Hardy for Punk. A thing of beauty. CM Punk is a top 5 midcard talent and could use a belt to spice things up.

Women's: Mickie James. Very qualified to hold the belt, though I want to see more from Michelle McCool. A lot more. Lots and lots more...

Cruiserweight: Brian Kendrick. Drop the Smackdown Tag titles and jump start the Cruiserweight division again.

Raw Tag: Cryme Tyme. They're hilarious on TV, and I'd like to see more of them. Why not bring Regal back to Raw to team with Eugene again, they were great!

Smackdown Tag: Drop this championship.
WWE Title : Randy Orton , the Legend Killer is by far the most well suited to the role , having him as a heel champion would elevate his oncoming feud with triple H to classic proportions.

World Heavyweight Title : Edge , the Rated R Superstar deserves a long title reign as he has been bustin his ass in the company for near on 10 years and his promos are second to none.

ECW Title : Elijiah Burke , he has a lot of charisma and could have a great feud for the title with CM punk or Chris Benoit.

IC Title : Carlito , back when he was IC champ before he was at his best as the sneaky conniving heel. A feud with Kennedy could elevate them both.

U.S. Title : MVP , he has great potential and if turned face and made to feud with Chris Masters , it could make for some great action.

World Tag Titles : The Red Neck Wreckin Crew , Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch , both great brawlers except for Murdochs desire to land a Canadian Destroyer.

WWE Tag Titles : Deuce and Domino , both have ok ring skills and could maybe have a good promo dragged out of them.

Cruiserweight Title : Paul London , a feud with him and Kendrick would be one to watch.

Womens Title : Melina , gets better heat than victoria , has good ring skills and can do a decent promo, prettty damn hot too.
wwe champ: Randy orton
World Heavweight: Ric Flair WOOOOOOOOOOO
US:Chris Masters
World Tag Team:The Hardys
WWE tag team: Kendrick and London
Womens: Torrie Wilson
Cruiserweight: I could careless

Carlito and Masters need titles
Give Ric Flair a Belt so he can finally retire
Torrie deseves the belt she's been with the WWE way too long and still hasn't recieved a title run
Orton is a great Wrestler and dersves a Title Run
wwe: kennedy(loving this guy, as his promo skills rock..... and hes a good wrestler)
world: ric flair( i know edge is due a long title run and flairs kinda lost it now but it would be nice to see)
ecw: beniot(nuff said)
Ic: orton: (Kill that italian wannabe)
Us: MVP (keep him as he is just give him some decent opponents)
Cruiserweight: Mysterio ( and keep him in that division or ECW , having him as a world champion was disasterous and dont get me started on the whole eddie thing)
Womens: Micky James (Best womens wrestler since Trish left)
wwe tag: cade + murdoch ( im happy that any1s the champs apart from the hardys)
World: ???? (is there any credible tag teams on smackdown that arnt cruiserweights or too Green)
WWE Champion: Mick Foley - I'd love to see Foley win the WWE Championship for one final time at Vengeance. It would be amazing having a full summer of Foley as Champion.

World Heavyweight Champion: Edge
- Best on Smackdown! hands down. He is the champ and it's gonna be a fun summer watching him.

ECW World Championship: Chris Benoit - Chris Benoit is the main guy on ECW right now. I don't see anyone else holding the belt this summer. I love Punk, but Benoit has to be the champion this summer for the sake of the ECW brand.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Kenny Dykstra - For some reason I just see this guy as being a really great Intercontinental Champion. He's the epitome of what the I.C Title is all about, the future!

WWE United States Championship: M.V.P - Again, he's a great future talent whom really deserves a long reign as the United States Champion.

World Tag Team Championship: Cade and Murdoch - I have a feeling they'll be involved in some great feuds with the World's Greatest Tag Team and possibly The Hardys (if Matt comes to RAW in the Supplemental Draft). However I see these guys cheating every time to get a victory all the way to the end of Summer.

WWE Tag Team Champions: London and Kendrick - WWE made a bad choice by having these guys lose the straps in the first place. I think they'll win the titles back in no time. Hopefully we'll be seeing a Tag Team Title Unification match with London and Hendrick VS Cade and Murdoch.

WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Daivari - It's tiem Daivari wins some gold in the WWE. The Cruiserweight Championship is a perfect fit for Daivari.

WWE Women's Championship: Honestly I Don't have a prediction
wwe champion Randy Orton[He would be fun to watch and i would like to see him face hhh for the title at sumerslam]

word champion Edge [he is the most talented smackdown superstar]

ecw champion Shane Mcmahon[Unlikely but he seemed very intrested in the title when vince won it]

ic champ mr kenady [not up to world cham standers but could be a top mid carder

us champ batista[if he loses to edge he can not contend for the world title so i think he could be a good us champ]
Kenny as IC champ is a great idea; because I see in him much like I did HHH; a lot of potential. He has a big future ahead of him.
wwe champ: randy orton (hes the only guy on raw right now (thats not hurt) that has the in ring skill and on mic skill)
world champ: edge (same as orton, hes the best on the brand)
ecw: chris benoit (hes not only the best on ECW but hes also one of the best in all of WWE and he needs to carry ECW)
inter:kenny dykstra (i dont like him in the tag team divison i feel hes moved on to a singles status, maby he could feud with merela)
u.s champ : m.v.p ( hes the future)
world tag: the hardys (they are a good tag team and have good feuds) its to bad neither of them are good on the mic.
wwe tag team : london and kendrick ( same as the hardys)
womens : either candice or mickie ( they both have the in ring skill and on mic skill also)
cruiserweight:chavo (hes the best cruiser weight)
WWE- Booker-T (not King Booker but good ol' Booker T either heel or face)
WHC-Ric Flair (it's about time he had one last run) If edge was champ he would only have Flair to feud with which we've seen a thousand times, and if he beats Batista do or die that's someone else less)
ECW-either CM Punk or Benoit (one turn heel and have an excellent 3 month rivalry)
US- Chris Masters ( i want to see Masters finally get a push that sees him with gold jst to see if he can carry it)
IC- eugene (but as Nick Dinsmore a super heel)
WWE Tag- Regal/Taylor, London/Kendrick, D&D (good feuding all summer, personally i'd like to see Burchill/Finlay though its quite unrealistic)
World Tag-Cryme Time/Highlanders/Cade&Murdoch/WGTT (big four way feud leading up through Summerslam)
Cruiserweight-Jimmy Wang Yang -(I think he is reafy)
Womens-Mickie James/Victoria (does it matter?)
WWE: Jeff Hardy (he has never won the top title in TNA or WWE ever)
WHC: Edge (hes a very good actor and Batista sux monkey balls)
ECW: Chris Benoit (RVD is the only ECW original to hold the title since ECW's ressurection last year)
IC: Doink The Clown (he should wrestle more than once every 3 or 4 years)
US: Shannon Moore (he hasn't really ever gotten a decent push since he started)
Women's: Ashley (someone else other than the same two people: Mickie James and Melina)
WWE Tag: Brothers of Destruction (Undertaker hasn't really been used in main events recently and Kane hasn't gone for any titles in quite a while)
World: WGTT (there just ain't no stopping these guys)
Cruiserweight: Retired (no one gives a crap about this title)
Hardcore: Sid Vicious(They should get RVD to lose some kind of title match and then after the match, Sid Vicious should do a suprise run-in, beat up RVD, pin RVD, then declare himself the new WWE Hardcore Champion)
but whats his signature finishing move if he has one?

His finisher is that guillotine legdrop where he pulls his legs back then hits the legdrop.

My predictions for champs:

WWE: Bobby Lashley
WHC: Edge(who will be in a feud with Matt Hardy)
IC:I want to see Marella but its going to be some like Kennedy)
US: Either MVP or Masters
WWE Tag: Hardyz (Jeff is going over there in the draft(another prediction))
World: London & Kendrik
Cruiserweight: Jimmy Wang Yang(gonna win it at Vengeance, which sucks cause his gimick is terrible)
Womans: Candice Michelle(beats Melina at Vengeance, too bad that Raw has lost all the good divas or made them jobbers, Mickie and Victoria)
I have no idea why people are saying Kane should be WHC and Hardy the WWE champion. Kane has history and is great in the ring, but his mic skills are shit. Jeff Hardy.. thats a given.

World Heavyweight Champion: Edge (he is the best on sd! and they are setting up an instant classic for WM24)

WWE Champion: Orton (He is good in the ring and on mic. Another feud with HHH would draw)

Intercontinental Champion: Mr. Kennedy (Santino has put that title to shame)

United States Champion: MVP (He is good in the ring and not too bad on mic. He has a lot of potential.)

Cruiser Weight Champion: Jimmy Wang Yang (until Rey returns and brings that title back to what it once was)

World Tag Team Championship: The Majors (I don't see Deuce and Domino hanging on to this title much longer. Their matches can never hold my attention)

WWE Tag Team Championship: Brian and Kendrick (fun to watch.. would make a good feud with the Hardys and WGTT)

Womens Champion: I have no idea..
WWE-Booker T..5 time 5 time wcw champion.enough said
WHC- Edge..he's way better then batista
ECW-Benoit..you know its going to happen
U.S-Chris Masters.. well deserved title holder.i would of loved to seen him carry the IC title but he got moved
I.C-Randy Orton
WWE tag team-the Major Brothers
World tag team-Cade and Murdoc. an amazing tag team glad to see them back on top and off heat
Womens-michelle McCool?not that i care at all
Cruiserweight- Jamie Noble
WWE Champion - Mick Foley
World Heavywieght Champion - Edge
ECW - Chrish Benoit or CM Punk (both Deserve a title even more CM Punk)
U.S - Chris Masters (Masters need a new push)
I.C - William Regal (he hasnt had a title in ages) or Randy Orton (hes been on best behaviour recently but could be in WWE title fued)
WWE Tag Team - Batista and Ric Flair (Batista needs to work on some old + new moves, gain respect of fans, and being tag champ allows him to learn how to cut a good promo, Ric could help Batista and cuts a great promo)
World Tag Team - Paul London and Brian Kendrick (Havnt had these belts yet and deserve new belts)
Womens Champion - Candice Michelle (She has improved dramaticaly and would be only decent womens champ right now)
Cruiserweight - Chavo (Hes the only decent Cruiser and should really turn face and annihlate all the cruisers SPECIALY JIMMY WANG YANG)
wwe champ- I would really like to see Randy orton be the champ. He is one of top heels on the wwe roster and I would like to see anybody with the belt besides cena.
World Heavyweight - Edge, Boretista can't wrestle a lick.
US Champ - MVP, he's the only mid carder worthy of it at this moment
I.C champ - Carlito,The guy is a great heel and a good wrestler. Mirella's gimmick is getting old and stale
WWE Tag Team- Duece and Domino (Really don't know right now)
World tag team - Cade & Murdoch
Women's Champ - Candice is getting real good, I think she is better than Melina
Cruiser Weight - Chavo I guess
Cruiser title does matter for those who are smaller wrestlers who cant compete with fat or huge dudes like Batista, Umaga or even Cena.

WWE needs decent cruiser weights that can bring uniqueness that can only be found to thier division sort of what the X division wrestlers on TNA do.
WWE Champion - King Booker - The guy really didn't get a fair shot last time. He feuded with Batista and I don't even think he got a clean win the whole time. He won the match against Cena because he was hated by the fans more than Big Show, so at Cyber Sunday, they voted for him and he obviously retained. Besides, IMO, business is better when you have a heel champion and the fans are chanting for the babyface to come from behind and win it. It's much better than seeing Cena retain every week.

World Heavyweight Title - Edge - The guy is great on the mic. He's paid his dues for about 10 years now and giving him a 1 or 2 month reign is a slap in the face to him. Edge is currently the best all-around worker on Smackdown. He's one of the most experienced guys in WWE right now and should have an actual lengthy Title run as top heel on Smackdown. I don't see them giving it to Batista, as his fanbase has slightly been decreasing over the past few months. I honestly believe that you can't put Batista into a great feud with anybody, much less on Smackdown.

US Champion - MVP - The guy is making it white-hot right now. I really don't see any competition on SD for him unless Finlay turns babyface and they have another very technical feud, or them finally giving Matt Hardy a push for it. An MVP-Matt Hardy feud would work out very well for both GAB and Summerslam I believe. But I see Matt Hardy winning it at Summerslam.

IC Champion - Carlito - He's held it once or twice, but I really would like a Santino-Carlito feud. I believe that their styles would mesh quite nicely and that it would make for a hell of a feud. Still, I believe Santino's presence has made that IC Championship slightly less prestigious. I see Carlito winning it sometime in the future, unless he goes into a feud with Sandman.

World Tag Team Champions - Londrick - They're so fast-paced. London is truly one of the greatest wrestlers in the World today. Now that the Hardyz are breaking up, I see them taking the top babyface tag team role on RAW. I'd like to see a 3 way feud between them, Cade & Murdoch, and the WGTT. They'd have great feuds with either team though.

WWE Tag Team Champions - Deuce and Domino - I haven't seen much of them, but I have seen Deuce in OVW, and I really liked him. I don't think WWE is serious about giving the Major Brothers the Titles for awhile now.

Women's Champion - Mickie James - She's the only one on RAW that I can honestly see carrying the Title. Candice has been improving but they should get rid of Jillian's gimmick and let her feud with Mickie over the Summer.

Crusierweight Champion - Jimmy Wang Yang - He's a great wrestler. I've seen his work with Chavo and compared to Jimmy, Chavo is boring as hell. Jimmy could add some more excitement to CW matches.
WWE Champion: Who other, than Booker T? Not this King Booker stuff, but the old Booker T. It's about time the guy was given a run in the limelight, to reignite his career, and this Summer should be the time. The big guys like Michaels, Taker and HHH are gone, and Booker needs to step up to be a serious main eventer, and it starts with him becoming the WWE champion. I don't mind if he remains a heel, but he's got to drop the King Booker gimmick because yeah, it was funny for a few weeks, but it's gotten old and pointless and isn't doing much for him. Forget Orton, because I doubt very much that they'd give him the title, or that he deserves it now, so that's why I feel the next candidate in line is Booker. Give him a go, and give Cena a long, long, deserved rest from being anywhere near the title frame.

World Heavyweight Champion: Is there anyone else but Edge? He needs this title reign, and as much as I'd like to see him run the show on Raw, I guess SD will have to do. I am looking forward to seeing him run the show over there, and I would stand for no one else (particularly not Henry, Khali, Kane, Flair or Batista.)

ECW Champion: Let Benoit have his moment. I look forward to seeing what he can do against the young talent in ECW, but that's the only thing I would look forward to on Thursday afternoons (the airdate of ECW here.) Benoit is experienced, and deserving of a world title, but unfortunately, the ECW Title is all he's going to get, but it's better than nothing.

Intercontinental Champion: William Regal. Why William Regal? Because his character has depth and he is one of the more underrated midcarders today. Keep him a heel because that's when he's at his best, and he may be able to teach a few lessons to some of the younger wrestlers in that division. I cannot stand to have someone like Marella as champion because it devalues the title. Having a veteran like Regal is something I want to see because he can do things with that belt if given the time, and I really hope he is given a shot at doing so. Not to mention that his British accent can be quite humourous at times.

United States Champion: MVP. He is deserving of a long midcard title reign, and he's getting quite fun to watch after I didn't expect much of him to start with. Who else is there to hold that title? Masters doesn't look like getting anywhere near it, nor does any of the other heels they got in the draft. Maybe a feud with Matt Hardy could turn into something decent, but I really hope we see MVP as the US champion, because he's fun to watch and he's the only one they have.

I couldn't care less about the other titles, because they have less importance than the points do on Whose Line is it Anyway. But the Raw Tag Team Champions should be the WGTT to give them a go because they are a very good team and could do awesomely against 'Londrick', and my SD Tag Team Champions...well, since there's only 2 teams, I'll go with Deuce and Domino, but I couldn't care less.
WWE Championship- Mick Foley... Christ I am dying for a breath of attitude era air
World Heavyweight Championship-Edge... Love him as a champ period
ECW Championship-Put the strap on CM Punk and let him run with it while Benoit helps carry him on his first championship run...
Womens Championship-The Fabulous Moolah shes ready for a another run with the belt... imagine a fued with her and Melina
United States Championship- Ric Flair... legend
Intercontinental Championship-Rey Mysterio... put his ass on Raw and let him revive the living hell out of a belt that is dying for some respect...
Cruiserweight Championship- Brian Kendrick... guys freaking phenomenal in the ring... He could embarass Chavo on a weekly basis... somehow get that belt to him on Raw
WWE Tag Championships- A supposed return of the Dudleys would make my day and giving them the straps would be even better
World Tag Team Championships- Worlds Greatest Tag Team with the Worlds Tag Team Straps???? Makes sense... To me anyways
If the summer went my way, your Champions would be:

WWE Championship - I'd like to see Mr.Kennedy make a return with a bang.
World Heavyweight Championship - Edge, he's doing great as Champ.
ECW Championship - As much as i'd love to see Punk as Champ. I'm gunna put my vote on Chris Benoit. He's an original!
Womens Championship - Candice Michelle. She's been proving herself recently, she deserves a nice run.
United States Championship - Matt Hardy. Him and his brother can hold their respective brand's mid-card title.
Intercontinental Championship - Jeff Hardy. Same reason as above.
Cruiserweight Championship - Keep it on Chavo but turn him face.
WWE Tag Championships - The Major Brothers. Great tag team so far. Only a matter of time before they wear gold.
World Tag Team Championships - World's Greatest Tag Team. They're great and can enter a fantastic feud with Kendrick & London.
WWE Champ: Mr. Kennedy/Jeff Hardy (Kennedy can come back with a bang and beat Lashley and Booker for the #1 Contendership and take the title, and how cool would a kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy later or cage match for the title be?)

World Heavyweight Champion: Matt Hardy/ Edge (Matt can finally get revenge on Edge and be elevated to main event status that way. A TLC match with those two would be amazing. How bout the hardys vs. edge and kennedy, with edge and kennedy putting they're titles on the line, there is so much history there and that could be a TLC match too, instead of individual ladder matches for each title, put them both up in the same match, that would be match of the year.)

ECW: Chris Benoit (He deserves another run as a champion, he will bring some respect to the title, he can train all the young guys in ECW, and whoever beats him (if its clean) wil gain some respect from the fans

U.S: MVP (He is building up his technical skills and becoming less annoying. They could bring back him vs. Kane and he could conquer the beast that burned him. Also, give him Finlay to train him, or Masters/Kenny Dykstra in future stars type of storyline)

Intercontinental: Shelton Benjamin (He was at his best when he had the strap as a single superstar and he could take out Santino a good match. He could do his whole everybody's racist gimmic, and Bobby Lashley or Booker could come and shut him up. That's a great triple threat title match there and it makes the IC title matter again)

Women's: Mickie James (fueding w/ Melina after the Candice story is done, with the right planning, Micke and Melina can become Trish and Lita)

Raw Tag: DX / Randy Orton and John Cena (Shawn Michaels and Triple H can win the titles with HBK saying that this is who he really wanted to win the Tag Titles with not Cena. Cena gets pissed and is already flippin out b/c he lost the title. DX is like okay, go get a partner and face us in a World Tag Team Championship match. Out walks Randy Orton (sending Cena heel) and we have a kick ass storyline with prestige goin to the tag titles. And this could easily turn into a #1 contendership fatal-four way match. A kinda will they work together or not kinda thing)

Smackdown Tag: Finlay and Hardcore Holly (They are both hard-hitting old school guys a would make a killer tag team. The tag division on smackdown is kinda weak and these guys would be cool and could elevate major brothers or have a cool fued with Helms and Chavo)

Cruiserweight: Hornswaggle/ Little Boogeyman!! Thats how you give a title prestige. Haha jk. It should be Pauk London or Brian Kendrick. The crusierweights are lacking on Smackdown and they need to get any body light enough to go back to SD and make an impact here.
WWE title- Erm Anyone but Cena or HHH!!! erm seriously though people that I would consider are Kennedy because he is a great smack talker, tho they wont put the strap on because of injury worries, King Booker would be ok if they get rid of the actual king gimmick and build him up well, Orton would be ok given his reacent push, and even Carlotio would be ok. Under no circumstances do I want Lashley as champ, it would be as bad if not worse than Cena!
Tag Champions- London and Kendrick, they have grown on me and i prefer their high flying over the hardys and WGTTs, tho i wouldnt mind WGTT get a run. Cade and Murdoch are also ok tho and should get loads of heat if they like i predict screw the Hardys over at Vengence.
IC champ- Gotta be Regal, bring some prestiage back to the ttile and put it on a guy that can actualy wrestle, I would have him feud, with Booker-as a face, or Benjimin, or even jeff hardy but only because he is a cediable face. Raw is really lacking in good FAce's now!!!
US title- Keep it on MVP, solid wrestler, cant really see anyone else capable of holding it atm once again- no faces!
WWe tag titles- Not sure on this one, I supose Deuce and Domino because there is no-one else!
Heavyweight title- Edge obviously, god knows who he will feud with after shitista tho- theres no more faces!!
ECW title- Benoit, bring some pristage tot the title, he could feud with justa bout anyone, and ECW orginal fans might start tuning back in with a guy like benoit as champ.
Women's title- Mickie James, great match with trish last year still in my mind, she does fuck up sometimes ut shes more entertaining than Melina (in-ring). Turn her heel again into the psyco stalker!
I'm going to take a more realistic (more likely too) Swing at it.

WWE Title -Bobby Lashly
Reason- I like the guy, and couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of him. Plus, you all have to admit that Vince wants this guy big, almost , maybe more, than Cena. I'd enjoy a Lashley Cena feud, even both as faces.

World Title - Edge
Reason - Edge is a good champ. Period. I'd like to see a feud with Matt hardy over the summer, but I don't want Hardy to get the title. Yet. Right now, they just need to put him into the main event.

ECW Champ - Chris Benoit
Reason - I want an origional to hold it again, even if only for a little while. Give someone else the title later on, I don't care. I just want the title to still have some ECW cred in it.

IC Champ - An up and coming guy whos never had it, at least in a while.
Reason - Santino got boring. Umaga is a terrible IC champ. Give it to Shelton or Regal again, or maybe someone that hasn't had it before, like Sandman or even Snitsky. I like to see this and the US titles changed alot.

US Title - Same as above
Reason - Same as above. Someone like Kenny, Eugene, Masters, etc.

WWE Tag Titles - Flair and Batista
Reason - I want them both out of the World title picture, but want them both to remain big on the roster, have them reunite before one of em turns heal. Plus, I hate D&D.

World Tag Titles - Cryme Tyme
Reason - These guys are funny, the summer seems like a good time to put the titles on them. Imagine the Summerslam celebration if they won the titles there? That has good potential.

Crusierweight - At least two different people, one of them not Chavo again
Reason - I miss the good old days where the crusierweight division actually existed. I want the title to just get tossed around, they have all earned it.

Womans - Candice
Reason - I hate the Diva Search. It has brough nothing but Crap. Exept her. She came in as crap, but she worked her ass off, and I think with trish and Lita gone, we need new "Female wrestlers" (I no longer agree with calling them Divas)

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