Who can save the tag team division in the WWE?

Who can save the tag team division in the WWE?

  • World's Greatest Tag Team

  • Paul London & Brian Kendrick

  • Cryme Tyme

  • Cade and Murdoch

  • The Major Brothers

  • Duece and Domino

  • The Highlanders

  • DX

  • Other

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Both Raw & Smackdown have a total of 4 teams. Raw has Cade/Murdoch, London/Kendrick, & World's Greatest Tag Team. Smackdown has Deuce & Domino. Thats it. If I'm missing any, tell me.. but don't say "M.V.P. & Matt Hardy" as they aren't a legit Tag Team. The Daltons are "coming" but aren't here yet, as are the *new* Hart Foundation. The Tag Team Division is by far the worst of the three, but at least W.W.E. is making small steps to rebuild it, IF (big word) they actually bring in these other teams & build them properly..

I'm going to post this in here as it seems more in line with what I'm going to say, and don't want to end up spamming now do I?!

Added to that you have the Majors and the Highlanders, so we have (accross all brands); Cade/Murdoch, Londrick, WGTT, Deuce & Domino, The Majors and the Highlanders. Coming up we have the new Hart foundation and Daltons.

That added to OVW/Florida we have Mike Mondo and Nick Nemeth, The James brothers, Team elite, the Samoan fight club and Terminal velocity.

Also I'd point out that on ECW there is no official tag teams. So there's 6 in WWE plus another 2 coming and 6 in the development rosters [including Hart foundation]. So 13 in total, but I'll just concentrate on the main roster for now;

Now I've felt there's been a problem with the tag team division for a while now, even haven R-Rated RKO and Cena/HBK having the belt was a bad move for the divison, it seems to be about throwing the belt on two individuals rather than a team (see Smackdown with MVP and Matt Hardy).

This problem seems to have been going on for a while now.

Lets start with the Smackdown belts first since its creation in 2002 there have only been 7 teams I would class as a proper tag team win the belt;

WGTT, The Bashams, 2 Cool, The Dudley Boyz, MNM, Londrick and Deuce and Domino that's 7 out of 19 winners, I haven't included LOD because Heindrich in my opinion should never have been a part of that team.

The World Tag Team Championship since 2002 has had as follows;

Billy & chuck, The un-Americans, The Dudleys, La Resistance, Evolution, Hurricane and Rosey, The spirit Squad, The Hardyz, Cade & Murdoch so that's 9 out of 16 winners, so it's slightly higher.

Before that we had the likes of of Hardyz, Dudleys, E&C, RTC, NewAgeOutlaws, APA going for gold. And 6 is a good number WHEN THERE'S ONE BELT. That seems to be the problem that once it went to 2 belts (well 4 technically because there's 2 for each brand :p) was when teams became two individuals rather than a team. That with tis the demise of 'proper tag teams' happened. What I feel that needs to happen is a joining of the tag belts so there's just 1 rather than 2 accross the brands, bring ECW into the fray as well.

On top of that they need to start in development as well, as I pointed out there's only 3 tag teams in each of the development sites (6 in total soon to go down to 5) which shows that even at the development level the heart for tag team wrestling seems to be disappearing. This I feel is a big shame as I always love watching a tag match.

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