Bring Back Tag Teams!


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Personally, I think the WWE was strong when there was a strong tag team division. Right now the tag team divisions on RAW and Smackdown are terrible and a tag-team division is non-existent in ECW. IMO, the missing things from the divisions, are little things like, names, matching ring gear, etc. What would you do to correct this given complete creative control, or would you even do it?

Right now these are the tag teams:

ECW: FBI (I don't consider Test/Knox a tag team since they're simply a tandem for a feud with Dreamer/Sandman) (Total=1)

RAW: The Highlanders, Spirit Squad, Cryme Tyme, Haas/Viscera, Eugene/Duggan, Cade/Murdoch (Total=6)

Smackdown: The Hooligans (London/Kendrick), The Pitbulls, The Teacher's Pets (KC James & Idol Stevens), Gymini. (Total=4)

What I Would Do:

1. Move Jeff Hardy over to Smackdown and reform the Hardy Boyz.
2. Break up Viscera/Haas
3. Reform The World's Greatest Tag Team with Benjamin and Haas (since the WWE is doing NOTHING with Benjamin anyway) and re-form the Viscera/Venis tandem and give them a clever name. V-Spot perhaps?
4. Move the Pitbulls to ECW
5. Move Super Crazy and Psichosis to ECW and reform the Mexicools.
6. Break up the Spirit Squad into two tag teams and give Kenny Doane a singles push. Have Mitch and Nicky retain the Spirit Squad gimmick. Have Mikey/Johnny move to ECW.
7. Move the WGTT to Smackdown so Smackdown has the better tag division and an attraction to watch.
8. Break-up Eugene/Duggan. They're a joke and kill Tag Team credibility. Have Eugene turn heel. Take Duggan off the road.
9. Move Rob Conway and Sylvan to ECW. Reform La Resistance.

After adjustments:

ECW: FBI, Mexicools, The Pitbulls, Mikey/Johnny, Le Resistance (Total=5)
RAW: The Highlanders, The Spirit Squad (Mitch/Nicky), Cryme Tyme, V-Spot (Viscera/Venis), Cade/Murdoch (Total=5)
Smackdown: The Hooligans, The Hardy Boyz, The WGTT, The Teacher's Pets, The Gymini (Total=5)
what is WGTT? by the way WWE is to blind to see that but stil u bring up a huge point nice jb
WHAT!!! NO! Shelton is a good solo and should be pushed as a future main eventer. WGTT is over and needs to stay over. There is nothing wrong with Haas and Viscera, also Matt Hardy needs a singles push, The Hardy boyz are so 1999.
Team Angle was a gimmick..

there tag team name was World's Greatest Tag Team. thats what WGTT is
Haha. I would put Shelton back with Haas because the WWE is doing nothing with him. So they should at least re-build the tag team division with him. And he can do that. Shelton undoubtedly deserves a huge singles push along with Matt Hardy, but unfortunatley the WWE doesn't really care. That's why I would put Shelton and Matt back into tag teams. Let them build steam with tag teams and after that go out with a fresh singles career again.

Plus, a lot of the things WWE does comes back from the 90s except in different forms, and sometimes the same form (e.g. DX).

And one more thing, Imagine a new triple threat tag team TLC with The Hardy Boyz/London & Kendrick/Haas & Benjamin.

Nuff said.
dont get me wrong i would love to see a great tag team division in the wwe.. but good tag teams dont have any loyalty to each other any more.. certain tag teams will have one guy better than the other getting the majority of the pops.. the wwe then see him as the next breakout star and split the team up!!
DeathIsARight said:
WHAT!!! NO! Shelton is a good solo and should be pushed as a future main eventer. WGTT is over and needs to stay over. There is nothing wrong with Haas and Viscera, also Matt Hardy needs a singles push, The Hardy boyz are so 1999.

WhaT? Ok im gonna break your post piece by piece...

1. Shelton doesnt really seem like hes gettin a push anytime soon does he?

2. WGTT was one of the best Tag Teams in the past 5 years... they were amazing in the ring... and they brought the Tag Division up during there time as a team...

3. Viscera and Haas... Nothing wrong with them? Thats just crazy... Them two dont fit as a Tag Team...

4. Matt doesnt seem like hes gonna go any higher the Cruiserweight Title... And I believe the Hardys actually started running shit in the begining of 2000...

But I liek what the first person said... Those teams arent all that good.. But they could juice up the Tag Div in each brand..... What they really should do.. Is let the Bashams wrestle... And team up Rey and Chavo instead of make them fued..
I know it was a gimmick but it is also what they were known as first
DeathIsARight said:
WHAT!!! NO! Shelton is a good solo and should be pushed as a future main eventer. WGTT is over and needs to stay over. There is nothing wrong with Haas and Viscera, also Matt Hardy needs a singles push, The Hardy boyz are so 1999.

Ummmm yeah your wrong my friend 1 the hardy boyz were debuting as the hardy boyz in 00 and listen If your wining is gonna go on li have godd news!!! Matt is going to be WHC by 2007 if that makes you happy,Shelton is HORRIBLE read my typing HORRRIBLE as a singles wrestler i do want the WGTT to form up again
you knwo what are you gonna argue with me in every single post?
listen i knwo it becuase i am training in a lower wrestling school(OVW) so i know a lot more than you do
If it were up to me I would

1. Break up Charlie Hass and Viscerra. Have Hass Reform the World's Greatest Tag Team with Shelton Benjamin. Move Viscerra to ECW, have him form a Vampire tag team with Kevin Thorn and Ariel.

2. Bring back 2 Cool with Scotty 2 Hotty, resign Grandmaster Sexay and Rikishi. Have Rickishi turn on 2 Cool, move to RAW and become Fatu agian, forming a Samoan tag team with his younger brother Umaga, being managed by Armando Alejandro Estrada.

3. Move Jeff Hardy to Smackdown, re unite with Matt Hardy and reform the Hardy Boys. Become the new Team Extreme with Ashley Massaro replacing Lita.

4. Send Amish Road Kill back to ECW, have him use his Angry Amish Charcter and team up with Danny Doring.

5. Sign Colt Cabanna and have him team up with CM Punk and become a tag team in ECW.

7. Have Harry Smith form a new British Bulldogs tag team with Paul Burchill or a British devlopmental wrestler from OVW or DSW.

8. Have Jusitn Credible form a new Impact Players tag team with a technical devlopmental wresler and dvia called from OVW or DSW.

9. Have the Shane Twins drop their Gymani names, (since Simmon Dean is now head trainer in OVW ) go back to wrestling as themsleves.

10. Reunite Rob Van Dam and Sabu, sign Bill Alfanso to manage them. Have RVD and Sabu in the ECW tag divison.

11. Move Rene Durpre to Smackdown and reform La Resistance with Slyvain Graneir.

12. Have the Basham Brothers turn on Paul Heyman. Have the Bashams be a tag team in ECW.

13. Break up Eugene and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Have Eugene turn Heel and move to ECW under his old ring name Nick Densmore. Have Hacksaw fued agianst Randy Orton.

Heres my ajusted Tag teams

Raw, The Highlanders, Cryme Tyme, Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Cade and Murdoch, A Samoan tagteam with Fatu and Umaga, The New British Bulldogs

Smackdown, The Hardy Boys, The Shane Twins, The Teachers Pets, 2 Cool, The Pitbulls, Paul London and Brian Kendreck, Duce and Domino, La Resistance

ECW Danny Dorring and Roadkill, FBI, The Basham Brothers, CM Punk andColt Cabanna, Rob Van Dam and Sabu, The new Imapct Players, Kevin Thorne and Viscerra.
He doesnt get a singles push though, he is an awesome wrestler but he only wrestles on heat with Eugene and stuff. But he does deserve to be pushing for the IC title
The Pitbulls, London and Kendrick, Cade & Murdoch, and Highlanders are 3 awesome Tag Teams.

I would like to see the return of MNM, WGTT, La Resistance, and maybe even Haas and Rico (they were so entertaining) I think Finlay and Regal should team up more too.

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