Which three wrestlers would you take from TNA and why?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay here we go as it says in the title you are in charge of the wwe and you can sign three wrestlers from TNA only who would it be and why and where would you put them? For me its

1.Kurt Angle - quite simply one of the best ever, he could work a part time schedule, great on the mic and I would put him in Raw

2. Mr Kennedy/Anderson - felt he was unlucky to be realised due to his injuries but loads and loads of potential and good on the mic - Smackdown

3. A.J. Styles - I feel he needs to come to the WWE - a high flyer and not bad on the mic either - again Smackdown
1) Kurt Angle first and foremost. I want Kurt to have one last run in the WWE before he has to hang up the boots for good. He would be such an asset in getting the new guys ready for the main event stage and would entertain the hell out of us while doing it.

2) AJ Styles, he is being wasted so awfully in TNA that it makes me want to smash my TV everytime I see it. He could be so popular in WWE if they would give him half the chance. He could actually be this generations HBK.

3) Beer Money, James Storm and Robert Roode are the best tag team in wrestling right now, and I think they would be hugely over if brought into the WWE.
1. Robert Roode - Future world champ, has come a LONG way since his failed singles run back in '07. If Rick Rude and Curt Hennig had a child it would be named Robert Roode.

2. Matt Morgan - Much like Roode he is a future world champ and has come a long way from being both Brock Lesnar's and Carlito's lackey. Has the "look" that Vince loves, and with the likes of Taker, Kane and Big Show retiring in the new 2-5 years WWE will need a new Giant.

3. Hernandez - I havent seen a man he size move the way he does since Mike Awesome. Strong mid carder. Perfect for the U.S or I.C title or as muscle for Del Rio.
AJ Styles for sure... i can already see the matches he can have with guys like ADR Edge and others on smackdown... though he deserves to be a bigger name and on Raw i just feel he'll match up better on smackdown.

Cowboy James Storm but only if they keep his same image, the beer drinking redneck.. if they do anything different I don't think it will work as well. I can see him on Raw... not a HUGE superstar but definitely doing enough. I'd prefer to say Beer Money as a team but you did say 3 guys so I'm going to have to leave robert roode off.

Finally Jay Lethal! It can be like having the macho man back for vince w/o actually having to bury any hatchets haha just kidding but seriously though I think Lethal is an amazing talent, he can be serious and funny depending on the situation and i think can add a lot and would be a perfect fit on Raw.
1. AJ Styles. In my opinion he is the best wrestler in the business right now. Like it has been said, given a chance in the WWE he could be this generation's HBK.

I would put Styles on RAW to give him the spotlight on the main stage. Put him against Ziggler, Bryan, JoMo, Punk, and Sheamus and you will have some awesome matches.

2. MCMG - yes i'm including them as a unit. Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are quite possibly the most exciting young duo in the business. The are just hitting their stride, and they are young enough that they should only get better. WWE would be well served to gobble these guys up.

I would put them on SD I think the way that SD is used to build younger talent would benefit them. Put them against Beer Money(see below), the Corre and you could have some solid matches.

3. Beer Money - again including them as a unit. Storm and Roode have the WWE size, and Roode definitely has the look the WWE likes. Put them against the guns on a bigger stage and you've got money in the making.

I would put them on RAW and bring them in as back up for Ziggler and Vicki in a stable. Have them terrorize Orton, Cena, fued with the MCMG and the Corre and the group could be good. Or pair them up with Michael Cole to give him something to keep up his heel persona and get him out of the booth.

Yes i know that is 2 tag teams and 1 singles but i considered the teams 1 unit.
It's funny that these are all ex-WWE:

Kurt Angle:
What else would you want from a wrestler? he is simply great at what he does

Mr. Anderson: He is the reason why i believe there is backstage politics in WWE. Before Miz, there was Miiiisteeerrr.....

The Pope:
He is a great upper-midcarder. Actually for an upper-midcarder he has exceptional mic skills. He can easily build up a good feud and make you get interested. Shame we haven't seen much of his skills as Elijah Burke.
Kurt Angle: He would definitely be my first choice. He doesn't have much longer as an active wrestler, but he could still be a major asset if given a HBK type schedule. He can still go in the ring I would love to see him have another World title reign. Then help put over younger talent in the way Jericho has. Like Jericho he could lose the match and still come out looking like a million bucks.

AJ Styles: I would love to see the matches he could have with guys like Morrison, Christian, Miz, Mysterio, Bryan, Bourne, Sin Cara, Edge, and Jericho. He could have a great much with any of those guys no matter what level they or he is at at the time. I would love to see Edge or Jericho put him over for the WWE/WHC on their way out of the company.

Robert Roode: I would like to have both him and Storm come in as a Team. They wouldn't be Beer Money it wouldn't work in a PG WWE and it's probably trademarked by TNA. After they helped reestablish the tag division. I would break them up have them feud with each other at first with Roode Being the face. Then have him work his way up the ranks as a singles star.
This is a cool topic....

1. Sting- He's the one superduperstar that's never been in the WWE. I let him have one last run here just for the sheer magnitude of some of the matches. Sting vs. HHH, Sting vs. Taker, Sting vs. Edge

2. Abyss- With Taker and Kane getting up there in years, I need a badass monster to wreak havoc over the next decade. So I bring in Abyss.

3. Kurt Angle- He's been here before and I know he can do it again.

As far as not taking any of the guys like Roode, Storm, AJ or any of the tag teams, I feel there's enough young talent in WWE right now and it would need some veterans to show these guys a thing or two.
AJ Styles: The guy has potential to be a huge top player in WWE. He's got the talent. Him versing Cena wolud be one of a kind.

Sting: It would be awesome to finally see Sting in a WWE ring.

Samoa Joe: He's a great talent, got a lot of potential, would really do well in WWE. He's got a unique look and speed for a big guy, plus he's friend's with Cena.

Angle's too old and worn out, Anderosn will continue to drop people on people's heads, and Morgan just flat out sucks.
1. Kurt Angle - I just feel like he should be everyone's number 1 for this question because he truly is the greatest in ring competitor in the world today. He and Vince aren't on bad terms, it'd be a fun final run for the Olympic Gold Medalist and he could either resume feuds (Orton or Cena) or start new ones (Punk, Del Rio, or Daniel Bryan)

2. AJ Styles - I don't know much about him because I've only watched TNA twice but PWI named him wrestler of the year and I've heard wonderful things about him so I'd love to bring him in and learn about him as the WWE Universe learns as well. The best part about this is the fact that every feud he gets involved in would be new.

3. Jeff Hardy - As much as the Hardys have badmouthed the WWE and as much as Jeff has ruined his image with his drug use, there is no denying the fact that he has almost always been over with the WWE Universe. His moveset, his in ring charisma, his finisher, just everything earns the fans' love and if he got clean he'd do wonders for the WWE just like how he was supposed to in 2009 before he threw it all away.
Kurt Angle I would love to see Kurt make one more run in the WWE, and when he reaches the point when he wants to retire, maybe play a smaller role of sorts.

Mr Anderson Would love to see him make a return to SD! They need more faces in the WWE at the moment, i could see... Kennedy! make a return and have a reign World Heavyweight Champion

Eric Bischoff Would mark out for him as Mysetery GM!
I wont go with Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson or Jeff Hardy as they are the obvious choices. So, I'll try to keep it a little fresh.

1. AJ Styles. He would simply be such a shock if he showed up on WWE television. His mic work has gotten a bit better and he's obviously a great performer. He's done quite a few programs with the TNA roster, so, it'd also be a nice change of pace. I'd also simply like for him to get the recognition he deserves.

2. Matt Morgan. His mic work has improved and he has a nice, little identity for himself. So, it would be nice to see him get in a company that favors guys his size.

3. This was the trickiest one for me. I wanted to go with Samoa Joe at first. Just to see how he could acclimate. Then, I wanted to see the entire tag team division. Lol. However, in the end, I went with a pretty obvious choice in Sting. For.... very obvious reasons.
1 and 2. Robert Roode and James storm. First the come in as a team and dominate tag division for a year or so. Then Vince does what he always does with a great tag team split em up. Both could go on to be great single stars Roode as the egotistical heel and Storm as the fun redneck brawling face.
3. Hernandez- put him in a team with Brodus Clay as Alberto's protection.
Aj Styles - he's simply phenomenal and if he isn't the top guy in the WWE I'd just shoot myself in the face.

Jeff hardy - TNA isn't strict enough on him, he can basically show up drugged up and wrestle I guess... WWE wouldn't allow it, they'd keep him clean and in a good direction for the most part.

Beer Money - They could teach the WWE locker room a thing or two about intensity, and they could branch off and become single wrestlers in future years as well.

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