If WWE bought TNA who would you keep?

I think this will probably happen one day. Ideally, if WWE bought TNA, I would hope they would just keep running it on Spike TV. They simply don't have room for even 5 new main event wrestlers right now. Especially on RAW. If they could use the main guys on the WWE shows and PPV's when they wanted to, but 80% of the guys would never see TV if Vince tried to do what he did with WCW/ECW. If they did this they could actually have real Bragging Rights and interpromotional matches like they claim we are getting with RAW and Smackdown.

To answer you question:
A J Styles
Kurt Angle
Beer Money
Motor City Machine Guns
Desmond Wolf
Matt Morgan
Mr. Kennedy (I wish Kennedy was still in WWE, there might be some issues with bringing him back)
I would also buy out the contracts of Hogan, Flair, and Bischoff. I wouldn't want them on TV every week, but it would be nice to see them on special occasions.

RVD and Jeff Hardy quite WWE because they hated it. I don't see Vince welcoming them back with open arms. However, if he thought there was some money to be made, we would see them again.
Personally there isn't many on the TNA roster that I would class as 'definates'. Theres the 2 obvious choices of AJ Styles and Kurt Angle, in my opinion 2 of the best in the world right now.
After them, i would go for:
Matt Morgan- in my opinion the best 'young' big man since Diesel
Pope- seriously misused his first time in WWE
MCMG- would be great either as a team or as single wrestlers in the midcard
Beer Money- best tag team in the world today for me, and both have the potential to be main event status for years.
Im not convinced that anyone else currently on the TNA roster would really improve on what WWE already has. Theres the obvious nostalgia trip of guys like Flair and Sting, but if were talking mid to long term then theres no great benefit from that.
Dont even know why I would offer such a ragged post after Jack Hammer, but whatever.

Kurt Angle, Aj Styles, Matt Morgan could all be definate main eventers if given the right oppurtunity.

Desmond Wolfe, Beer Money, and Mr.Anderson could be solid in the mid-card.

sure Rob Terry has the look, and Jeffy Hardy could be an auto-win given his WWE popularity, but neither could even remotely hope to pass the welness policy.

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