Which TNA Wrestlers Would Prosper In WWE?

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That would be nice if they went to wwe. Matter fact, a real good match would be either london and kendric or jimmy wang yang and shannon moore vs the mcmg. Or even duece and domino vs mcmg would be good too
The only one who might have a chance in the wwe would be abyss. He has the size and we all know vinman likes big guys. The others would get their month or two push and then downgraded to the rip off ecw(this ecw is just a name). WWE is terrible with talent. They have the odd guy who will survive but on the whole they use guys until their gimmick goes stale then they get released, do i need to run down the list. AJ would be another RVD and have his career killed(kind of like what TNA is doing to him now). I like Roode cause he reminds me of a modern day million dollar man but he would go for two or three months and become a jobber. AMW reforming would be the only way Harris and Storm could accomplish anything in WWE. Then theyd get shipped out once they ran through the 3 tag teams in WWE. Whatever happened to Cryme Time haha. TNA should stop getting old WWE guys cause they are starting to hold the homegrown talent down.
I would love to see AJ Styles in WWE just because He is an amazing wrestling but its would be just like what happen with RVD.

WWE wouldnt know what to do with him and they wouldnt want him going over their big jakked up guys.

The WWE from their view would probably like to have Abyss ... he's a big guy that can move ... if he just hits the gym a little harder he would be a good fit in the locker room.
There are a few TNA guys that think would be good in WWE:

AJ Styles: Obviously his athleticism and in ring ability would make into an RVD typed person in WWE, i dont think he would ever get a title run, but would make a great mid-carder.

LAX-Out of all of the TNA tag teams, i think they would be most likely to succeed in TNA, they are both good in ring performers and WWE isn't exactly loaded with quality tag teams, at least ones that aren't just two singles stars put together. I especially could see Hernandez getting a singles push, he has great size and can move really well in the ring.

Robert Roode: He has the typical WWE wrestler look and is very good on the mic, i think out of all the TNA originals, he could actually get the biggest push in WWE.
AJ Styles is the sure bet simply because he is so gifted in the ring, i cant see any other star being made into a superstar.. perhaps shark boy into another colin delaney... And for all those people who are ragging on how Marcus Cor Von was shit in the WWE... he was the most dominant force on ECW at the time and was a main eventer with the new breed... main eventing your show is pretty successful if you ask me, i think if he stuck with wrestling and didnt have to give it away an eventual Lashley (when he was champ) Cor Von program was sure to be put in place... PURE POWER DISPALY
Not many WCW wrestlers succeded in WWE after the invasion. Only one real main eventer, and that's King Booker. Palumbo, Helms & Chavo are mid carders, if your being generous. And the likes of Finlay, Flair, Mysterio etc didn't debut during the invasion.

But if a another invasion was to occur. Who do you think WWE would be intrested in, and who do you think would actually make it?

Obviously it's almost a given that they would be intested in hiring back the likes of Cage, Tomko & Angle. Cage & Tomko left on good terms, and Angle's a star.

Intrested In:

Abyss: Abyss would surley be put into a feud with Taker and Kane. He's one wrestler that would do really well in WWE. He has the size, he can work. I dont think he would have the longevity of Taker. But I could certainly see him in a Kane type role.

A.J. Styles: Styles turned down WWE when they bought out WCW. So I imagine they would still be intrested. But I dont think they would ever do anything with him. His push would be mid card at best.

Chris Sabin: They'd be intrested in him as an occasional jobber/cruiserweight. Couldn't see him lasting long.

Alex Shelley: Same as Sabin

Hernandez: I could see him being sent for development and debuting in a few years. I could see him initially getting a decent push, but I think WWE would get bored of him.

James Storm: I could see him doing well in WWE. He's got the talent. I would imagine they would reunited AMW. Which wouldn't be a bad thing to statr off with.

Lance Hoyt: Same as Hernandez.

Chris Harris:
Same as Storm.

Sting: Obviously they would want him. But he'd be short term anyway. Not that he would accept an offer of WWE.

Robert Roode: I dont think he would make an impression. Under card wrestler, eventual jobber.

Samoa Joe:
He'd be Umaga's raw fish eating brother.

Your right that all these superstars would be good, but you forget two, The New Age Outlaws. I would also like to see sting retire rick as a retire vs retire match, but we all already know that shawn is doin those honors
There Is A Few Guys In Tna That Would Make It To WWE But Make No Real Impact Except For Petey Williams I See This Guy As a Solid Intercontinental Champ An Maybe Being Contender For World Heavyweight Title At the Royal Rumble Obv Would Not Win It
AJ Styles has been in the WWE...has anyone else seen his try-out matches? He doesn't have their style. I love his unorthodox charisma and love the way he commands the ring but in the WWE...he would simply be another Shelton Benjamin, or a Charlie Haas. Abyss is a no as well....he has no mic skills( and yes Batista does have mic skills and can work a crowd, just because he doesnt talk much means nothing)and besides the fact that he is a mix between Kane and Mick Foley....he doesn't have that special character that is needed to succeed. He was simply the answer for TNA in their battle for the "big men." MCMG, possibly, but they are pretty much the same as AJ. Small, quick wrestlers....with loads of talent but will not get that push they deserve, simply because small guys hardly get the recognition they deserve. Besides the cruiserweight title may as well be dead, because unless they really need a mid card match they have no need for the belt in their eyes. Monty Brown was the best fit....and his sister passing away kind of hindered that, so for now...we should just hope that both shows can showcase their talent the right way so that we all get a taste of both federations...
To me the only tna stars that would prosper in the WWE are the ones who were actually there before.

Christian Cage - Christian was soo over in the wwe before he left, more over then cena i believe. They just wouldnt give him the big push he deserves, but now since edge is the top heel on smackdown, Christian vs Edge fued has INSTANT CLASSIC written all over it

Dudleys - The Dudleyz to me are still the best tag team in wrestling today, and they had an awesome run in the wwe, so it would make sense that they could do it again in the WWE and be the top team

VKM - These guys have WWE written all over them, they were successful in the wwe, King of the ring, tag champs, ic champs, hardcore champs, and I believe they can have another tag title reign together plus put over new teams

Rhyno - Tna isnt using him very well, Rhyno would be the perfect ECW champion for me, he can wrestle a wwe style and a hardcore style. He's an ECW original, so that would add more to his character being in ECW

Booker T and Angle - are both former wwe champions so to me its a no brainer but for some reason i dont think they could really bring much to the WWE. Angle's body can't handle the wwe anymore and booker to me became very stale in the wwe and he wouldn't pass mid card status
Aj Syles and Samoa Joe. If I were writing the story lines, I could think of a few good ways to use them. I would have AJ come in and confront Jeff Hardy out of know where and I could see that feud going on for at least 6 months. I would have Joe come in and do a few Squash matches and then challenge Shawn... kind of like what Austin did when Bret came back, that looked good on both ends back then. Thats just my opinion, it least it wouldn't be predictable like the storylines they write now.
Robert Roode would be great for the WWE as he could team with JBL as his mentoree. JBL is a great teacher and would get the best out of people.
Samaoa Joe would be another benefit because his wrestling style reminds me of Umaga .
Abyss needs Vince McMahon to recreate his character to be the new monster of the WWE, the poor storyline TNA had for him as of late duid not do him any justice. Not only that they can bring back the hardcore championship with Abyss as the holder of the belt.
Samaoa Joe would be another benefit because his wrestling style reminds me of Umaga .

I don't mean to sound rude but Umaga and Samoa Joe have nothing in common in terms of style. People say that Umaga "moves good for a big man" but he has no way near the talent of Joe. Personally I cannot stand watching an Umaga match, but I love Joe's matches.

I do like your idea with Robert Roode and JBL though. That's a great idea and I think it could create a great heel and allow for a face turn for either one. I don't think that Roode would make it well in the WWE though.

I love TNA and their brand of wrestling, but I don't think that many guys would translate well into a WWE style. WWE is mainly about size, and even when you look at some of the smaller guys who have had a top spot, they still trump the size of more TNA wrestlers. Most of the guys I see being able to hold a spot would be guys that have been to WWE already such as Tomko and Rhyno.
Hernandez could make a great mid carder. The guys has some pheneomenal moves, the huge crucifix toss and the dive over the ropes are very impressive. If only we knew how he was on the mic. Him combined with Homicide preety much defines why LAX is by far the best tag team in TNA (imo) Now all they need is to get another member (a Konnan type, Salinas doesn't count seeing as she doesn't do much and doesn't fit in. People look at her and say ''hey that's Ariel!'') and become a faction that interfere in matches and are recruited for jobs APA style. Homicide could hold the x-divison title when the group enters a role that doesn't involve the tag team titles, could happen seeing as TNA seems to be recognising him as an X-Division competitor as of recently.
I think that Robert Roode could do well with his current gimmick in the WWE. i mean he would never be a world champ but i could definitely see him holding the IC or US belt. Also i think i character like Roode would bring something to the table that WWE don't seem to have at the moment, a heel who gets heat because he is an absolute prick. most of the heels in WWE are put over as either over-confident cocky guys (Kennedy, MVP) or *****es that always run away from matches (Edge).
a heel who gets heat for being a prick. correct me if i'm wrong, but there's a couple of them in WWE. i can think of at least two that are main-eventing backlash - JBL and Orton. Finlay before he got his leprechaun spawn.

however, I've said before, Roode has the ability to do well in WWE, sort of like a Mr Perfect like gimmick - arrogant but willing to step up to the challenge
WWE would benefit from some TNA wrestlers, ill break down who would go to which brand

ECW & sMACKdOWN: Motor City Machine Guns would do great as a tag team against the greasy duo, Londrick (imagine the fued between these two), and would really help revive the Tag team divison.

Samoe Joe would be a good fued for Kane for the ECW title,
Joe Vs Batista, Joe Vs Umaga, Joe would have a short top card run and and a very long mid card status.

AJ styles i see more of a Jeff Hardy League Wrestler meaning he will have great runs as IC & US champion and will have a couple of WWE/WHC matchs which he wont win

Jay Lethal would be put into fueds with CM PUNK, Morrison, Jeff so he would defo have a future with WWE but the gimmick must go.

RAW: The TNA Knockout Division at this moment is very good, Awesome Kong, ODB and Gail Kim would be great in WWE and really help develope the Womens Divions the other gurls can be usedas Eye Candy and Interview gals.

ABYSS - although he is a major copy of Undertaker, Kane and Mankind i think after being repackaged he could have the same status as Kane.

Petey may have a good run in WWe but i dont see him wining any major gold.

Christian well the way he left WWE and was on TNA the following week i doudt the WWE will want him back.
Dammit Jake, you just listed every currently rellevent TNA wrestler (aside from Jeff Jarrett for obvious reasons). Now I'm gonna have to just pick the first talent you didn't list that comes to mind...let's see...Aha, I've got it! Big oily guy! (Wait, why was that the first that came to mind? Eek!)

If Eugene were still around I would suggest Eric Young so they could form a tag team, being that Young's character in TNA ambiguously has a mild form of ******ation. They could call their team "the specialists"...or maybe "the short bus".

I agree that Samoa Joe in WWE would be interesting. He doesn't exactly have the "big muscular guy" physique, but he pulls off the dominant badass character very well. I'd like to see a feud between Joe and Orton. Orton's character is an arrogant, loud-mouth punk and Joe could be just the guy to try and shut him up.

I could see Hernandez debuting in WWE with a Deacon Batista/Diesel/Jesus Aguilera/Tyson Tomko/Big Daddy V type role where he plays the body guard/enforcer for another superstar, and then we'd see where he goes from there. Obviously a couple of the guys I just mentioned went places, and a couple didn't.

Abyss could have awesome feuds with some of the big guys, especially Kane because their characters are so similar. But of course if Abyss were in WWE who knows what his character would be then. Knowing the way WWE rolls they might just dress him up as the new Doink the Clown and have him tag team with Jim Duggan. But hey, speaking of Duggan, in all seriousness maybe he could be part of the specialists/short bus faction. He certainly has the mentality for it.

I agree with everything you said except Samoa Joe because the WWE already has a dominate Samoa wrestler (Umaga), but if S. Joe would move to the WWE, Umaga and him could have a great fued, but he would have to place face not heel.

WWE would benefit from some TNA wrestlers, ill break down who would go to which brand

ECW & sMACKdOWN: Motor City Machine Guns would do great as a tag team against the greasy duo, Londrick (imagine the fued between these two), and would really help revive the Tag team divison.

Samoe Joe would be a good fued for Kane for the ECW title,
Joe Vs Batista, Joe Vs Umaga, Joe would have a short top card run and and a very long mid card status.

AJ styles i see more of a Jeff Hardy League Wrestler meaning he will have great runs as IC & US champion and will have a couple of WWE/WHC matchs which he wont win

Jay Lethal would be put into fueds with CM PUNK, Morrison, Jeff so he would defo have a future with WWE but the gimmick must go.

RAW: The TNA Knockout Division at this moment is very good, Awesome Kong, ODB and Gail Kim would be great in WWE and really help develope the Womens Divions the other gurls can be usedas Eye Candy and Interview gals.

ABYSS - although he is a major copy of Undertaker, Kane and Mankind i think after being repackaged he could have the same status as Kane.

Petey may have a good run in WWe but i dont see him wining any major gold.

Christian well the way he left WWE and was on TNA the following week i doudt the WWE will want him back.

I know you just did not say "the other gurls can be usedas Eye Candy and Interview gals". A few of the Divas that you claim as Eye Candy have grown in the ring. I would have never thought that Candice Michelle would ever become WWE Champion. In the near future I also see Michelle McCool clasp the title, but right now it is really boring with "The Dramazon" Beth Pheonix. I also have to admit that the WWE Women's Championship has become a blah. I can see Beth Pheonix and Awsome Kong creating an alliance, Gail Kim having a feud with Candice Michelle, Michelle McCool, and Mickie James as a heel for the Women's Championship. OBD can reignite her fueds with Beth Pheonix and Kaite Lea. Lastly, Divas are not Eye Candy, they are wrestlers!
Let's see:

Vince doesn't like cruisers, so they'd prosper on the bottom or ECW or SD at best. AJ would have to job to Hornswaggle on a nightly basis, just so Vince can stick it to cruiser fans. Petey Williams would have to get a new move, since only UT is allowed to do anything remotely looking like a piledriver in WWE.

Vince and Steph want a certain look from their women (ODB herself has said that Steph told her she doesn't like her "look"), so the only ones that would prosper are Velvet/Love Entertainment--oh wait, they were let go from OVW.

WWE's ex-employees (Angle, Booker, Steiner, etc) HHHave a problem with a certain individual HHHolding tHHHem down.

Lastly, Vince just wants either names or big guys, so the only guys left that would actually "prosper" in current WWE are: Sting(the only WCW guy he has never gotten, but Sting is at the twilight of his carreer), Abyss(somebody to feud with Kane, UT, or Batista), maybe Hernandez, maybe Samoa Joe(but Vince would give him another racist samoan gimmick and pair him with Umaga--not good), maybe Robert Roode(only if HHH likes him), and maybe James Storm(might be re-teamed with Chris Harris).
I have to say I think this is a great topic to get a discussion going:

I reckon WWE should be interested in:

LAX: Hernandez has the size and the look, plus WWE needs Spanish speakers to expand into Mexico/Brazil etc.

Samoa Joe: I think there are enough Joe Supporters in WWE (Umaga, CM Punk et al) and surely WWE would love to steal ”TNA’s top self-made star” and showcase him properly.

AJ Styles- Even JR has to admit In his online Blog that he’d love to see AJ in WWE and just thinking of the match-ups make my mouth water, AJ Styles vs HBK or vs Rey Mysterio (Hell Yeah) or even Benjamin and Moriisson (AJ has money written all over him)

Abyss/Chris Parks- Obviously they’d need to give him a new gimmick but he’s the BEST BIGMAN IN THE BUSINESS today and he can damn sure sell the Big Show and Khali down the river!

Lance Hoyt – I have a feeling WWE would give him a developmental deal because of his size and his flexibility (could get a Test push at best)
(side note: Does anyone think of Heavy Metal Van Hammer when Hoyt plays with his Guitar Hero game?!)

Chris Harris - I know he’s with WWE but there’s no indication as to how he’ll be used yet, I have to believe he’ll get a chance, problem being that he’s got long (Fairish hair) and can’t see Trips allowing that on RAW, so I reckon SDOWN will be his chance, think he could be a hit but if not can’t see TNA taking him back after some of the things he’s said.

Kazarian- Think WWE missed the boat on him, surely they’ve got to realise they’re wrong about him because he’s fast becoming one of my faves to watch and he can carry just about anyone to a decent match, here’s hoping TNA give him a push soon.

Robert Roode- as a heel he’s hotter than just about everyone in the business right now, except maybe Edge. He’s got a good look and build and he could be a upper-midcarder in the ‘E fairly easily if given a chance, only problem is the similarity to JBL’s character.

Realistically I can’t see WWE signing any of these guys, unless they really want to make new stars since TNA has the best potential talent in the business. Don’t think they’ll be opening too many doors but when the right talent becomes available the sensible thing is to give them a chance to shine and show up TNA by showcasing the guys they never did. Here’s hoping.
There are a couple I think could do very well in the WWE.

AJ Styles: Seems like a US and IC title contender more then a WHC or WWE Championship contender. Still, very athletic and could bring a lot of excitment in the WWE and possibly feud with Mysterio.

Motor City Machine Guns: TNA's version of Londrick. Could have a great feud between the two teams to reinvent the tag division. If they didn't feud with Londrick it'd be a travesty.

Sting: The most popular guy to have never wrestle in the WWE, joins the WWE. He could be used for great feuds against the Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, Randy Orton, and HBK off the top of my head.

I'm not sure if you count guys who have already done well in the WWE, but if you aren't then Angle, Christian, 3-D, and possibly Steiner could all do well in the WWE.
TNA can make a star outta almost anybody and giving them ther deserved push, wwe is lacking in cruiserweght tag team and womens division. i would love to see the hardys in tna and some origonal ecw'ers would be nice, sandman, sabu and RVD especially! i dont understand the storyline concerning kevin nash in tna as he's just a lacky to samoa joe. reminds me of stevie richards and raven wen they came to wcw!!

MVP would be good to see in tna, i dont like his heel angle in wwe as he's just another fool but hes a pretti good wrestler. elijah burke needs a big push in wwe as hes jus anotha ecw outcast. it should be called the c.m punk show because he is the only wrestler in the company who is getting a big push after winning mitb match at wm24.

What can i say bout smackdown? edge would be jus wat TnA would b interested as he is quick, athletic and he has great mic skills.

Pleez let me no wat you think as its my first posting!!

cheers: robbief
Velvet Sky/Angelina Love - They'd be the same characters, heels, in the WWE.

ODB & Gail Kim - They'd probably push them the same as in TNA, faces.

Motor City Machine Guns - Easily fit in the tag team division, most likely as faces.

AJ Styles - He'd probably be located around a midcard title. US maybe.

Abyss - Honestly, I think he'd only last long enough to be a feud for Kane and the Undertaker, but who knows.

Sting - No need to elaborate.

Eric Young - Depends on what you determine as "prosper", I guess. I doubt he'd be the next WWE champ or anything, but he'd probably have a few feuds here and there as a comedic character, then fade into oblivion.

Honestly, I don't think many guys in TNA have what it takes to be in the WWE (and some guys in the WWE don't either, so I have no clue why they haven't been cut yet lol). It seems like its much easier to get over in TNA than the WWE if not just because there is such a small roster in comparison, so I feel a lot of the guys would just get lost in the shuffle of things if there was a full on draft or something.
A whole bunch of you guys keep calling Umaga dominant. Ummm, he is the company's top jobber. You call in Umaga to lose to someone important. How dominant is someone that is called in to face Jeff hardy, who isn't there to wrestle, and then lose. Samoa Joe could be what Umaga needs to advance in the company. A stable of Samoans might be a good thing.

That being said, Christian would be WWE's top choice. He's been there before, left on good terms, is GREAT in the ring, GREAT on the mic, and most of all, believable. I sincerely believe everything that Christian does. He seems like he was the smartass kid in school that could back up his mouth.

Jimmy Rave would be another. He is a good worker, and a "bigger" cruiserweight. Jeff Hardy, Jericho, Benoit, RVD, HBK, and Eddie have all fit into this body type and had very successful careers. I think Rave is young enough, and talented enough to go far in the WWE (or just without Hoyt anywhere).

AJ of course would be on their list. He could jump right in and be Jamie Noble, but you know, watchable. I think Styles, with the right push and gimmick could easily be a Hall of Famer. You could even bring in Tomko, start them together, and have them feud. They could both do well.

These aren't the only guys, but these guys could get a push and do really well.
Ive always thought Abyss is the perfect fot for Vince. He's not only big, but can actually pull decent patches out of people. Could have ample feuds with the big guys, as the SHW matches have become preciatbally stale. Plus he can work face/heel as effectively as each other.
I dont think of the x-division stars, bar AJ (Is he x-division anymore though?) could get over in the wwe. Many have already tried (Kaz being the best example) and have gotten nowhere. There's an apparent phobia of anybody under 250lbs in the wwe, and more importantly, there's a lack of availble talent to draw entertaining matches out of them. Every match would be Mysterio-esque i.e. they got squashed for ten minuites, then pull out a miraculous victory.
I think that Robert Roode and Cowboy James Storm would do great in the WWE. In TNA, both these men are heels and WWE needs more heels to balance out with the huge number of faces they have. Also, in order to prosper in the WWE, you need to have mic skills. These two do. WWE doesn't want pure wrestlers. They want entertainers and Robert Roode and Cowboy James Storm are great entertainers.
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