If TNA was to be bankrupt, which 5 wrestlers would WWE Sign?

Beer money. These guys have WWE wriiten all over them. They fit the profile of a WWE maineventer.

MCMG. WWE's lack of tag team wrestling is terrible right now. Have a couple matches with gen me and you'll have a good tag team division again.

Generation Me. Same as motor city machine guns.

Team 3-D. Again...they need a tag division. the dudley's are thr best tag team in the world.

On to single wrestlers.
Kurt Angle...I don't even know why they let him go. He could be another shawn michaels and he can put people over. He's gotten ten times better since going to TNA. Drop the bitch attitude backstage and he'd fit right in again.

Mr. Anderson...again...he could've been the next rock if pushed the right way.

And last...AJ Styles...this guy would rather go bankrupt then work for the WWE. But it'd be interesting with the fued they can come up with. CM Punk, Randy Orton, Kaval, Daniel Bryan, and Rey Mysterio would all be great opponents for Styles.

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