Which TNA Wrestlers Would Prosper In WWE?

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It's hard to believe that Vince wouldn't bury any wrestlers, but if I had to choose I'd obviously pick Angle and Cage, I mean they already made it successful in the WWE. Definately A.J. Styles as well, the guys is just too talented and would be impossible to bury.
I don't think any TNA superstars would be interested in joining WWE. The WWE should of kept Christian, maybe signed him a longer deal. But instead he's the best in TNA, while a mid-carder in WWE. They let go of a lot of talent they just can't get back.
^^ Uh, the thread really wasn't about who do you think will go to the WWE. It's about who actually could survive there if they went there..... basically just saying would Vince bury them or not.
In my opinion, the following would make it greatly in a W.W.E. career.

A.J. Styles: The man doesn't have the size of a Main Eventer, to the likes of Vince McMahon, but he has talent that McMahon wouldn't ever look passed. Because of that fact, Styles could be matched up against practically anyone in the W.W.E. & make the match a 5 star match. Styles would have ever singular ability to become the Cruiserweight Champion, up to the W.W.E. Champion. If anything, I could very well see him making history by winning EVERY Championship (except the Women's) that a male performer could. (Rey Mysterio HAS this ability, if he ever wins mid-card gold)

Petey Williams: He'll NEVER make it out of the cruiserweight division, but he'd be more than capable of carrying it through these tough times. The Canadian gimmick could work well with reforming a W.W.E. version of "Team Canada," however Williams wouldn't be the Captain, or anything remotely close to a leader.

America's Most Wanted: As a Tag Team, these two could very easily carry the W.W.E. Tag Team division for a solid year, or more.. as Chris Harris & James Storm, they'd make nothing more than Intercontinental/United States Champions, that'd last for about 3 monthes.. before being lost in the shuffle.

Wrestlers I feel wouldn't get the push people believe they would..

Abyss: When I first began watching T.N.A., all I could see when I seen him.. was a sad rip off of Kane. Abyss, in W.W.E., would be nothing more than discarded almost 2 monthes after he debuted. They'd attempt carrying the monster gimmick for him, but they've (they being W.W.E. creative) never been able to hold a solid 'monster' gimmick, without destroying it at some point rather quickly.

Samoa Joe: This one could very easily get me a lot of heat, but facts are facts.. W.W.E. would use him for a "Samoan" & stereotype him into a Rikishi, or Jimmy Snuka type gimmick. His best days are in T.N.A., & in my opinion, you'd see him drop quicker through the ranks of a W.W.E. roster than Monty "Marcus Cor Von" Brown.
If I have to pick some guy who Vince would like and push, it'll be

Bobby Roode: Definitely a WWE style worker, decent enough size, and good on the stick.

Abyss: No brainer

Hernandez: Excellent size, good worker, very agile, this guy is wwe management's wet dream

Guys who'll never make it big in the E,

AJ Styles: Lets face it, it doesnt matter how good he is, he's not big.

Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, Senshi, Chis Daniels, all fall under the same category.

Alex Shelley's is a different story, I think he has a 50-50 shot considering how he's a fast learner and could adapt to the wwe style in a few days. But even if he does end up making it there, he'd be jobber for life.
Abyss would have a good shot - Midcarder/Possible main eventer
Hernandez - Sheer size of the man, maybe good a enforcer ala Diesel in the 90's. Also a good main eventer one day
Kurt Angle - Again. But they need star power, although he probably wouldnt resign for them.
THE ONE BIG WILL: Samoa Joe: This one could very easily get me a lot of heat, but facts are facts.. W.W.E. would use him for a "Samoan" & stereotype him into a Rikishi, or Jimmy Snuka type gimmick. His best days are in T.N.A., & in my opinion, you'd see him drop quicker through the ranks of a W.W.E. roster than Monty "Marcus Cor Von" Brown.

Not trying to give you a lot of heat, i like where your head is at. but TNA is doing that very thing to him right now. what with all it Samoan dancers, and sticking up for his samoan pride...thats why they went out to get fatu.
i think JOE would do great in WWE....on the ECW brand. WWE would have to know about his fued with Punk in ROH. they could EASILY play off of this, maybe bring him in heel. i think if after his time in ECW he would go to smackdown he could be a huge mid-card/close to main eventer...just like Umaga( or as i love to hear Regal say it: Umanga) is now, he could be the US champ..or go after (and not win) the world title..or just fued with top stars(Umanga and HHH style). i think even one day he could win the big title.

i think LAX just because WWE needs tag teams, plus, if they broke up, they have too great high mid-card wrestlers. homicide could be like a rey mysterio type guy, hernandez a kane type big strong force.

i think maybe AJ Styles, but i just dont think Vince would use him right, but he could easily be like jeff hardy.

i think Sting also, i know he doesn't want to go there because he thinks Vince will not use him right and just crap on what he did in WCW.(like he did at first with Booker T) .but i think Vince is smarter then that, know that he is a legend, and use him right...maybe give us the dream match up of sting vs. Undertaker! ( in my dreams!)

aj styles could be the champ anywhere i agree they need to let the crusier's go wild and do some more stuff,wcw crusier weights were incredible
i wonder why wwe doesnt try and get some people from mexico or japan they need some more exciting wrestlers
AJ Styles would be squashed quicker then you could sauy "welcome to the WWE". He doesn't have the size and IMO i've seen better on the mic. His finisher..."The Styles Clash" is weaker than watered down beer. Vince would throw him to Umaga and that would be the last of Mr. Styles.

TheOneBigWill: Thank you for helping remember Petey Williams.

I think that Petey Williams would thrive in the WWE. I could see him and one of the Hardy's having an off the wall fued. Oh, and btw Vince gets off on sick finishers. The flip-driver would get Petey a World Heavyweight Championship match quick then you could say...hmmm..."WOW!"
i think JOE would do great in WWE....on the ECW brand. WWE would have to know about his fued with Punk in ROH. they could EASILY play off of this, maybe bring him in heel. i think if after his time in ECW he would go to smackdown he could be a huge mid-card/close to main eventer...just like Umaga( or as i love to hear Regal say it: Umanga) is now, he could be the US champ..or go after (and not win) the world title..or just fued with top stars(Umanga and HHH style). i think even one day he could win the big title.

Well, the one & only problem with this is.. if you instantly sent him to the E.C.W. brand, you'd be doing exactly what they did with Monty Brown. He'd more or less die off after one or two big matches. And the fans of W.W.E. may be similar to T.N.A., but I promise you.. a lot more people watch W.W.E. & ignore T.N.A. than people realize.. & because of that, without a good gimmick (other than the Samoan background) the fans will turn against Joe, regardless of his wrestling ability. (see Shelton Benjamin)

AJ Styles would be squashed quicker then you could sauy "welcome to the WWE". He doesn't have the size and IMO i've seen better on the mic. His finisher..."The Styles Clash" is weaker than watered down beer. Vince would throw him to Umaga and that would be the last of Mr. Styles.

TheOneBigWill: Thank you for helping remember Petey Williams.

I think that Petey Williams would thrive in the WWE. I could see him and one of the Hardy's having an off the wall fued. Oh, and btw Vince gets off on sick finishers. The flip-driver would get Petey a World Heavyweight Championship match quick then you could say...hmmm..."WOW!"

While I agree that I think Mr. McMahon wouldn't know how to properly use A.J. Styles.. I have to disagree with Petey Williams instantly becoming a World Champion contender. (unless you mean E.C.W., then I agree) The Canadian Destroyer is amazing, & Trevor Murdoch tried it once, failed greatly. But the key isn't Williams using it.. its his opponents knowing how to flow with it.

Murdoch didn't "fail" with it, because he was too big. Matt Hardy failed following through with it, because he isn't used to it. I'm sure weight MAY of been an issue, but the fact is.. W.W.E. doesn't know how to finishing moves, & their talent has to take more time to learn them.

With that being said, Williams would thrive in the Cruiserweight division, or the E.C.W. brand as a World Champion.. but wouldn't make it anywhere else, outside of those two factors.
Originally Posted by bambam
i think JOE would do great in WWE....on the ECW brand. WWE would have to know about his fued with Punk in ROH. they could EASILY play off of this, maybe bring him in heel. i think if after his time in ECW he would go to smackdown he could be a huge mid-card/close to main eventer...just like Umaga( or as i love to hear Regal say it: Umanga) is now, he could be the US champ..or go after (and not win) the world title..or just fued with top stars(Umanga and HHH style). i think even one day he could win the big title.

THE ONE BIG WILL: Well, the one & only problem with this is.. if you instantly sent him to the E.C.W. brand, you'd be doing exactly what they did with Monty Brown. He'd more or less die off after one or two big matches. And the fans of W.W.E. may be similar to T.N.A., but I promise you.. a lot more people watch W.W.E. & ignore T.N.A. than people realize.. & because of that, without a good gimmick (other than the Samoan background) the fans will turn against Joe, regardless of his wrestling ability. (see Shelton Benjamin)

Again, not trying to give you heat. The problem with comparing him to Monty Brown is that WWE did not push him at all. If you remember, Monty Browns last match was against Beniot i believe. Right when they got him, they put him behind Burke. With Joe, they could use him right away. They aren't going to try that weak excuse for a stable, "The New Breed". He could come in heel, fight with Punk(bring back they good Punk from ROH, Great fued of Punk vs Joe), AND, you could use Smackdown! to make sure to get him exposed. If you threw him straight to Raw or Smackdown!, he WOULD get lost in the shuffle, they would HAVE to use the Samona angle, and he would fade back to TNA. All and alll, i think outta everyone in TNA, he would prosper the best.
James Storm would do well. Good size, solid moveset, and he has personality. He could cut it as a heel or a face in the WWE. Chris Harris could under the right circumstances. I'd like to think that Samoa Joe would prosper but he'd probably be wasted. While he's a big guy he does possess the type of look that WWE usually likes. Plus if they can ruin the badass that was Taz they can ruin Joe.
I would love to see AJ on thje big stage but he'd be so limited they'd have to put 50lb weights in each boot to stop him trying something wwe considers "dangerous", since Rey cant do any high flying stuff nemore and is prob headed to Raw he'd be perfect on Smackdown, I agree again that Abyss is the most obvious choice, but I have another:

Matt Bentley- he's HBK's cousin and im sure Mr Hickinbottom would have no problem getting his family member a sufficient push to midcard. But in all seriousness Joe could be the man they want Lashley to be, and fill a void left since Lesnar went (I don't count Batista cos he's awful!)
I'm not up to date with my TNA, mainly because when I watch it on TV i get confused, I never know if its new, old or what, but I would love to see Christian back. Edge Vs Christian for the title, it would never happen, but i'd love it.
I would love to see Joe on Raw only for the Dominant Samoan in WWE.
AJ Styles would be a great addition to the Cruiserweight divison on SmackDown! he would give alot of solid competition.
Abyss I believe would flourish in ECW, bring back the old ECW with Abyss at the helm.

Sanjay Dutt - SmackDown!
Hernandez - Raw
Homicide - Raw
Triple X - SmackDown!
Sharkboy - ECW
Eric Young - Raw
AMW - Raw
Jay Lethal - ECW
Team 3D - ECW
I personally don't believe that any TNA talent will blossom in the WWE.
If the WWE was to get an top name like Joe or Styles the WWE will use them in mid card fashion.

I don't believe the WWE will let an TNA talent run the WWE.
The WWE will let Cody Rhodes - LoL - run the WWE before Joe Or Styles.

And if im not mistaken Aj Styles and Somoa Joe were in the WWE at one point.

I know Aj Styles was apart of the lil Canadian Faction in the WWE with
Christian Lance Storm Edge , Etc..
And if im not mistaken Aj Styles and Somoa Joe were in the WWE at one point.

I know Aj Styles was apart of the lil Canadian Faction in the WWE with
Christian Lance Storm Edge , Etc..

Whoa dude, have you ever watched wrestling? Sorry, just a bit curious here. As far as I know AJ has never been in the WWE, perhaps he had a tryout, but I know for a fact that he has never been a regular let alone somone who had a prominent on air role. You're not really confusing AJ with Test are you?
Whoa dude, have you ever watched wrestling? Sorry, just a bit curious here. As far as I know AJ has never been in the WWE, perhaps he had a tryout, but I know for a fact that he has never been a regular let alone somone who had a prominent on air role. You're not really confusing AJ with Test are you?

AJ had a match with The Hurricane on an edition of WWF Metal in 2002, so yes it was just a tryout. He also was in WCW for a very short time right before they went under, in the tag team Air Raid. Chris Daniels was also in WWF for a short bit.

I'll be honest. I'm not really sure anyone from TNA would prosper in WWE. It goes back to when Vince would sign guys from ECW and then just bury them, take Public Enemy for example and the obvious one, Taz. Big names and impact players in ECW, but under the WWE umbrella they became jobbers. The only guys I could see doing any good in WWE would be a few of the veterans like Scott Hall or Sting, just because they are such big names. I think The Dudleyz would be buried for a while, Angle would be jobbed out very quickly, if he would even be taken back and most of the young guys just don't have any kind of track record, except for Joe and a few others. I don't know, I could be completely wrong, but just seeing what Vince has done to other guys in the past, I wouldn't be too sure any of them would prosper.
Every1 in TNA would become jobbers just because vince would want everyone 2 think that his business was best so those guys would lose 2 WWE's crap wrestlers just 2 make TNA look bad.
I really don't know that there is much talent in TNA that WWE would even be that interested in.
The obvious ones are Cage (who they must know they missed the boat on), Angle (if they could mend fences) and Abyss. They could all prosper on Monday and Friday nights, but the rest is murky.
I think Tomko has really added some in-ring ability to out-of-ring charisma and could make a splash ... and AJ obviously would be used, but probably would be held down as he is in TNA.
Samoa Joe would be the most interesting. This guy is ridiculously talented and does things a man of his size obviously shouldn't. He could get buried in midcard ... or surprise the world and be a WWE main eventer as well.
Also, no doubt Sting and Jarrett could be legitimate top tier stars ... but they would both work a backyard federation before the WWE.
LAX could possibly do well together or apart. If WWE could get them along with Konnan as their mouthpiece.it would be a best case scenario. Homicide would do well on ECW where they could pair him against Shelton Benjamin or CM Punk. Or they could put him on Smackdown where he could be a legitimate bad ass heel cruiserweight.
Hernandez is young and has the size that the WWE favors plus the Shawn Michaels connection couldn't hurt. He hasn't talked much but he has size and athleticism and lack of mic ability hasn't hurt Batista.
Abyss-yes def. like everyone said he could jump right into a taker/kane match.
AJ Styles-Yes! Love to see him wrestle rey mysterio!! that would be awesome! and do promos with jericho, or even work with jericho!!
No one else really though. Samoa joe would not do well since they have umaga. Plus, looking at there roster, its wcw all over again.(which is cool in my book. wwe is boring)
I would have to say none just because of how they treat people like Shelton Benjamin and whatnot.Amazing talent but WWE treats them like crap and doesn't hardly let them showcase their talent.The only one I can actually think of is Abyss just because like someone else said, he could be put right into a match with Undertaker or Kane.But no one else would prosper in WWE just because of how they treat their "talent" thats already there.Shelton Benjamin is always a good example.
Lets be honest.... i think that nobody in tna fits the mold of wwe except 1. Quite frankly, if they did, WWE would of taken them already. Look at one of the superstar of tna i knew from the begining of his career MONTY BROWN-A.K.A.-MARCUS COR VOR. AJ Styles is the only person besides him that fits that mold. I would Love to see AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio in a Ironman match, who wouldnt? So, the answer would be AJ and only AJ.
AJ Styles, LAX and the Motor City Machine Guns would probably be the only ones who would succeed in WWE. MCMG would do great in the cruiserweight division, while AJ Styles would probably win the IC title. LAX would be made tag champs just so WWE can keep the hispanic viewership up, just like Eddie and Mysterio being made WWE Champions.
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