Which TNA Wrestlers Would Prosper In WWE?

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About 80% said the same thing. You all keep saying someone will be 'mid card' at best. Personally I love the midcard of the WWE. Guys like Shelton Benjamin, Carlito (sometimes), and some others are what I like most in WWE.

I admit I am FAR from being the biggest TNA fan. I kinda watched it when it was a weekly PPV, then got tired of it. Having Ken Shamrock as NWA Champ didnt help either.

Although I would be interested in some people in WWE. First off, I would NOT want to see Samoa Joe in WWE. I just cant picture it. Honestly I could see AJ Styles going midcard on Smackdown, possibly US Champ at some point. But what is wrong with that? You act like the only way to be a success is to be World Champ. If thats the case then why is someone like Matt Hardy the most over superstar on Smackdown? They underuse him constantly until recently but hes still over. I call that success.

The tag teams would help. As much as it would be cool to see AMW reunite, it wouldnt happen in WWE, because they have their own redneck southern tag team. It would just be repeatitive. LAX is the first non WWE/WCW tag team I liked in TNA. As heels they were phenominal. It would be great to see them as heels in WWE with Konnan returning as manager.

I could see Jay Lethal coming with the Black Machismo gimmick. That shit is awesome. I absolutely love it. Hes so dedicated to it to. Notice how he reacts when hes attacked, then watch a old WWF event with macho man. Every thing is the same. He has it down to the proverbial T. It would get over in WWE, as we all remember the nacho man and hukster or whatever they were called from wcw days.

One guy I am a fan of is Robert Roode. Hes improved alot over the last year and I could see him elevated to the apprently bad mid card in WWE, but hell thats what he is in TNA. So whats the difference. They shouldnt push him as an unstoppable force, but instead actually have him lose his first couple matches, then find a partner/manager/trainer/etc person to push him to winning ways.

I could go on but pizzas here...
Chris Sabin and Lance Hoyt.

Sabin has that ego thing down pat. He's not only talented and athletic, he can be a total jackass character better than Orton can but without being an ACTUAL jackass.

Lance Hoyt is someone I believe in. He's got amazing size without looking like a product of a pharmacy, a young look, and is a decent worker in the ring. He'd make Bobby Lashley look good. Reminds me of Test back when Test was marketable.
I see alot of people bring up Robert Roode, but apparently they forgot that he is one of the many on the TNA roster who already had a run in WWE. Although it was short and forgettable it did happen. However now with a few more years of exprience under his belt I could see Roode as IC, US, or ECW champion.

Others I think would last in WWE:

AJ- IC, US, or Cruiserweight champion. Defenitely a face to start out with, but put on some great matches with likes of J. Hardy, Shelton, CM Punk, Morrision, Burke, and many of the cruisewieghts.

Joe- ECW or IC champion. He should come in as a heel on either Raw or ECW and fued with Punk, Hardy, Kennedy, Orton, and eventually Cena.

AMW(Storm by himself could make it), MCMG, and LAX- the only tag teams on the TNA roster that would have half a chance in WWE. (Triple X would be good, but eventuall Daniels and Skipper would be let go and Senshi would flounder in the cruiserweight division.)

I would love to Christian come back and finally get the push he deserved. He's great as either a heel or face.

Rhyno, Raven, and 3D could come back to help ECW in the ratings. This only works if WWE allows some element of the real ECW to return.

I've wished and dreamed since I was a kid that Sting would go the WWE! Don't think it will ever happen, but if it did: Sting v HBK at 'Mania would be the biggest main event ever!
Petey Williams: Give him some mic skills training and let him put the Canadian Destroyer on everyone and then manouever it into a sharpshooter with the angle of he's getting revenge for Canada for the "Montreal Screwjob".

Lethal would do very well. Lethal vs. Chavo would be very intriguing.

Abyss would very well, put him in a program against Snitsky and demolish him and then lead him to Kane past Wrestlemania and then the Undertaker through the summer.

Christopher Daniels would do very well with the older Fallen Angel gimmick that had him at one time looking and acting like the lead singer for Disturbed.


Christian - would never go back. In an interview on another wrestling site. He claimed to been offered more money by WWE, but WWE would not guarantee any title run like they did with Edge. Basically, they thought he was a top-level mid-carder.

Samoa Joe - WWE would turn him into a gimmick and kill him.

Robert Roode. To me, he's a combination Rick Rude (the robe and the swagger) / HHH knockoff wannabe (the hairstyle, the rich man whose wealth came from his ancestors, and the hairdo). If he went to WWE, you bet that HHH would squash him for a year because of the way he 'covertly' imitated him in TNA. He's better off as an 'silent enforcer' type in a tag team.


One area where TNA went wrong was ending Team Canada. They should have pushed it further (but still get rid of A-1) but bring in Greiner and Dupree to the stable and then because they were from Quebec, split them off with D'Amore as heels and have Team Canada vs. Team Quebec playing off the "Quebec Succession From Canada" you hear in the Canadian news every so often.
How come no one has mentioned Christopher Daniels? I think he's a phenominal talent in TNA that deserves some mention in this discussion. With that said, I could only see him on Smackdown only able to hold on too the U.S. Title maybe once.
Also, Senshi could be a great talent in the Cruiserweight division...if WWE really had one.
Besides those who have already had their chance in World Wrestling Entertainment, there are a few who, if used right, would flourish.

-Ron Killings. I cannot begin to describe the level of talent this man has, and the way he interacts with fans is unseen in today's wrestling.

-Lance Hoyt. I have been a fan of his for awhile, and with Vince liking big guys, he would fit right in.

-Sting. His last match in WCW was against Ric Flair, and I would have really liked to see his last match in professional wresting be against the Nature Boy as well. In a time where true main eventers are few in number, he could bring some much needed name value to a declining WWE. Not only would he do well in WWE, they need him.

A few names that people have said that I don't agree with:

-Abyss. I love him, but I would fear for his career with the way WWE uses his type of personalities. He would end up pulling a Kevin Thorn on ECW and going no where.

-Samoa Joe. For his size he can do amazing things, and I don't think anyone disputes that. However, his body type isn't keen with Vince, and he wouldn't be used correctly at all.

-Daniels, Styles, and any other X-Division star would go no further then they already have in TNA, just a bunch of high flyers battling for less than great titles.
They say your only as strong as your weakest link, and at the moment in the WWE that means rubbish ( gimmicks or characters - they might actually be good wrestlers but as stated by others, hard to tell when given a set moves lit to tick off each night) like the highlanders, chris masters and such like.

They could definately use some of the TNA talent, even if it's only ( in the beginning anayway) to build up the tag team and ECW divisions.

Def think Samoa Joe would be a hit. Submission wrestlers like Bret Hart, Angle and Benoit were all popular and WWE seem to be lacking someone like that now. He's the type of guy who could feud with anyone.

Angle would obviously make it if he was ever invited back. Too much talent and history not too.

Sting - Easliy a main eventer. Probably wouldn't do anything but a series of main events.

Pick of the bunch for me though would be the return of Christian. He was building up a cult following before he left ( especially in the UK, he was by far the most cheered guy when RAW was in Birmingham - hence my singature) and now has more main event level experience. In fact if he hadn't left I am sure he would have had a title run in WWE ( even if only because of all the injuries - certainly better choice than Khali or Batista).
If you take all of those WWE rejects that's TNA got, i think the only TNA wrestler that would prosper in the WWE would be AByss. He's could pretty much that use the same character and he's what Vince like, he is a big guy and he actually can wrestle. Alot of people would say that AJ Styles and Samoa Joe would prosper but i don't see it. Aj Styles is too small for the WWE and he might be stuck in the cruiserweight division and Samoa joe might be stuck in a character like Umaga.
Rejects? You need to look again jerk-weed psyko. WWE isn't doing much better with their talent in the 3 shows they promote. They can't even put on one exciting match on each show, let alone one good match on one show. Let's clench our teeth and wave the foam fingers for the climatic early return of Shawn Michaels. A 5minute segment that took 2hrs to get to (because WWE always runs over the 2hr mark, something they stole from WCW just like most of their current story lines).
TNA is fresh, and even their preliminary bouts are more entertaing than WWE's main events. They're a new Organization and some of the guys need mike work but their work in the ring surpasses anything WWE is promoting, even as scripted as the the WWE is. Thank God for no Diva bikini pillow fights. You can find strippers and porn on the internet.
Abyss? Samoa Joe? AJ Styles? Christopher Daniels? They'd ALL get lost in the WWE shuffle...Marcus Cor Von anyone? Even if WWE obtaned any of these guys they wouldn't know how to properly use them. WWE has been wanting STING since Time-Warner sold WCW but he knew it would be character assination.
Vince Mcmahon took credit for The Rock, Steve Austin, Brett Hart, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, etc. Ain't it funny how all recently retired/semi retired big names are gone and the company has yet to develope anyone to take their place. Just look at the Raw ratings. The ratings were dwindeling way before the Benoit/steroid controversy.
So all you WWE marks take notice, WWE has competion. TNA is up and coming. Even if it's TNA or another developed organization, I think everyone knows Vince Mcmahon single handly ruined wrestling. He may have monopolized it for a few yrs, but what comes around goes around.
Maybe this thread should read "What WWE superstar would fit nicely in TNA."
I just read my "mail" and was warned for "flaming" on these posts from Acheleon I guess for calling psyko a "jerk-weed." I apologize to psyko for hurting his feelings. But for a moderator to send me a e-mail scolding me with no reply e-mail to address the matter is cowerdly. I've read most Acheleon's posts and it disturbs me that all he seems to write about is the women of wrestling. Why? Is there not enough internet porn out there. Or does he like getting roughed up by women. Your young age exposes your immaturity about the sport. You'll never understand the great matches of 20-30yrs ago. How did you become moderator if this is all you talk about? But let me explain something about todays "divas." They would never be able to wrestle the late Sheri Martel, Madusa, Wendi Richter. Vince Mcmahon's vain self gratification has made a laughing stock of the women's title to the point of aerobic glamor girls hold a shallow piece of tin. I give credit to Lita who earned her stripes in the independant circuit before moving on to WWE and Trish Stratus who went from spokes model to busting her butt. But right now the discussion of a bunch of pop tarts passing a fading title around is humourous if not down right funny considering 90% have had some sort of plastic surgery, so you know they not going to be too aggressive in the ring. Until there are hard working women "workers" as there are in TNA WWE just needs to focus on making current feuds better and entertaining. I came to watch some rasslin', not a bunch of half dressed bimbos pillow fighting in Vince McMahon's "sports entertainment". Once again, watch a porn.
there are three and one would work
Sting but he hates the WWE
Abyss is the one who would work
Angle but he basically said FU WWE when he went 2 TNA as the only legit guy they had

Almost everybody is saying that Abyss is the only one who would truly make it in the WWE, but I don't agree. McMahon has a history of either changing the character completely or bringing a guy in and burying him because he didn't think of the character first. They would see Abyss and think he's a Mankind rip-off and change his role then bury him. Before you know it, he's fighting Boogeyman and that fat ass Big Daddy V on ECW, aka wrestling hell. That being said, if they didn't change his role, I would tend to agree. Others I think would succeed in the right situation:

1-AJ Styles-wrestling skills & decent on mic
2-Christopher Daniels-wrestling skills & good on mic
3-Samoa Joe-wrestling skills & good bad ass attitude
4-James Storm & Chris Harris (America's Most Wanted)-tag team at first then split
5-Senshi & Elix Skipper (Triple X)-only as tag team
6-Judas Mesias-good character to play with & wrestling skills
7-Jay Lethal-young but good skills to play with
8-Homicide & Hernandez (LAX)-same as AMW
9-Alex Shelley-decent wrestler but really good on mic
10-Chris Sabin-wrestling skills

Most of these guys can out wrestle over half of the current WWE roster, they just don't have the WWE machine behind them. I personally would rather have them right where they are at TNA than to see McMahon get any of these guys and take credit for their successes.
Rejects? You need to look again jerk-weed psyko. WWE isn't doing much better with their talent in the 3 shows they promote. They can't even put on one exciting match on each show, let alone one good match on one show. Let's clench our teeth and wave the foam fingers for the climatic early return of Shawn Michaels. A 5minute segment that took 2hrs to get to (because WWE always runs over the 2hr mark, something they stole from WCW just like most of their current story lines).
TNA is fresh, and even their preliminary bouts are more entertaing than WWE's main events. They're a new Organization and some of the guys need mike work but their work in the ring surpasses anything WWE is promoting, even as scripted as the the WWE is. Thank God for no Diva bikini pillow fights. You can find strippers and porn on the internet.
Abyss? Samoa Joe? AJ Styles? Christopher Daniels? They'd ALL get lost in the WWE shuffle...Marcus Cor Von anyone? Even if WWE obtaned any of these guys they wouldn't know how to properly use them. WWE has been wanting STING since Time-Warner sold WCW but he knew it would be character assination.
Vince Mcmahon took credit for The Rock, Steve Austin, Brett Hart, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, etc. Ain't it funny how all recently retired/semi retired big names are gone and the company has yet to develope anyone to take their place. Just look at the Raw ratings. The ratings were dwindeling way before the Benoit/steroid controversy.
So all you WWE marks take notice, WWE has competion. TNA is up and coming. Even if it's TNA or another developed organization, I think everyone knows Vince Mcmahon single handly ruined wrestling. He may have monopolized it for a few yrs, but what comes around goes around.
Maybe this thread should read "What WWE superstar would fit nicely in TNA."

Well said, i get fed up with how some people slate TNA and then praise WWE, now dont get me wrong im a fan of WWE and have been for many years but at the current time prefer TNA a hell of a lot more. I am nearly always left anticipating the next show and cant wait for the PPVs which is more than can be said about WWE.

Raw has become very boring and predictable as of late and i just hate how WWE are willing to sacrafice the other shows to make sure Raw is the no 1 show.
Leading upto edge getting injured i have to say Smackdown was the better show for me, better wrestling, less promos and as soon as he was injured and they had the Draft they crapped all over smackdown to make sure their 'flag ship' show didnt loose out.They took Londrick for what seems to be no reason at all, Kennedy to waste him (i know most of that is his fault because of the steriods but they still havent tried), and dont get me started on PPV matches i think the last 3 ECW Title matches have lasted less time than HHH return intro and celebration combined :( , its just really sad to see them rape the other shows, it seems like they are cutting off 2 limbs to better another.

I feel a lot of the flack TNA get isnt called for, i know that some of the stars would be better off gone (3D, VKM, Black Reign, Pacman) but even after 1 2 hour show it looks a lot more promising for Impact. People i think for the most part either are not willing to give it a chance or have too much loyalty to WWE (I understand this isnt everyone just a lot of people that dish out bad press).

Anyway got a bit carried away, as for stars that would fit there are plenty of stars that could be huge in WWE but i really dont believe they would be used correctly, they would come in, mabey have a bit of a push but would end up fading into obscurity.
i would say,,,,

americas most wanted-cos the wwe needs more decent tag teams.

triple x- same reason but they could use them in the crusierweight division aswell,even use the freebird/demolition rule in the tag team.

abyss-decent big man and we all know vince loves the big men.
Petey Williams: He would win the united states/intercontinental title in no time

Aj styles: he would be a great world heavyweight champion

ABYSS: would be a rival wih taker and kane or snitsky

Samoa Joe: he would show umaga who's boss :)

LAX: Would be future tag team champs for sure

Eric young: why not? WWE needs more crowd favorites

Christopher daniels: he would be one of the high-flyers
I would say theres quite a few guys the wwe would be interested in like.

1.Sabin,Senshi,petey,eric young, all would fit in the cruiserweight devision.

2.Lax,3d,vkm, all would fit in the wwe tag division.

3.Abyss,joe would fit in the heavyweight division.

Also i think the wwe would take back everyone that they lost to tna including angle,cage,sting,rikishi,blackreighn etc.
I would say theres quite a few guys the wwe would be interested in like.

1.Sabin,Senshi,petey,eric young, all would fit in the cruiserweight devision.

2.Lax,3d,vkm, all would fit in the wwe tag division.

3.Abyss,joe would fit in the heavyweight division.

Also i think the wwe would take back everyone that they lost to tna including angle,cage,sting,rikishi,blackreighn etc.

Fact is, Vince wouldn't be interested in bringing any of them back. If he did hire any of their talent, he would bury them and make them jobbers. He has done it with Kazarian and Kid Kash. He has no interest in making these people stars or he would have hyped the hiring of Monty Brown and gave him a push instead of burying him in a stable and giving him virtually no airtime. That is what Vince does with all the talent he acquires from perceived rivals. His track record with WCW proves this as well.

Chucky the main reason I quoted you was your last line about Vince would bring back everyone he lost to TNA. You included Sting in that line. Sting has never worked for the WWE and has stated he never would because of the sexist storys among other factors. Angle wanted out, thus he "over-acted" with WWE concerning his drug adictions so that they would say go home. They did and he immediately signed with TNA. He wanted out as did Christian. Vince let Rhino, Rikishi, Dustin Rhodes and a slew of others go. He said there was no future for them and the fans didn't care. Why would these people go back anyway. They know what Vince will do. "You're Fired!!"
I would love to think X-Divsison people like Daniels, Styles, Sabin, Shelley, & lethal would prosper in wwe's cruiserweight divison and help relaunch but in the ned Vince would make them all jobbers. One guy I could see maybe being big is Lance Hoyt. He definelty is a big guy(and we know how much vince likes them) I can see him on Smackdown/ECW as a bodyguard type sort of like Test when he first was in wwe.
AJ Styles & maybe Samoa Joe.

Styles was the guy who built TNA. He was and still is one of the most popular wrestlers on the roster. Vince isn't that big of a moron to pass up on the chance of having Styles in WWE. I don't see Styles ever winning the WWE title, but I also never would of predicted Chris Jericho to either. Styles has it all. He's basically RVD 2.0, those two have a very similar style and RVD pretty good for himself in The E. Vince could sell a lot of tickets and merchandising with AJ. There's no question about that.

If Vince left Joe alone, Joe would get over quickly with the fans. He's a big guy WHO CAN WRESTLE and he's a very believeable badass.
ECW needs Raven back for fueds with Tommy Dreamer Cm Punk and Kane

Sting for Ric Flair the last match and money matches with HHH HBK Cena Orton Lashley Batista Kennedy even Mick Foley

MCMG Sabin and Shelley Best Tna tag team that hasnt been there
Jay Lethal to poke fun at Savage on a bigger show and cruiserweight
Abyss Robert Roode James Storm Chris Harris Samoa Joe to steal the good so called homegrown talent in a bischoff type move
Steiner Brothers for one last run in Michigan Varsity Jacketts to make up for scotts run in 03
I think that Robert Roode would do better in WWE than most people think. I see so many similarities between him and Curt Henning that it boggles the mind why people don't think he is a god wrestler!

He's decent on the mic, a good worker and a good heel in my opinion. I think if WWE picked him up he would really do well because he would be a good IC/US Champion and build from there.

I think its a shame that in TNA he won't go as far as he can because he is kinda stuck in a mid card limbo because of the big names on the roster.
Apart from the WWE former stars in TNA i dont think any home grown TNA stars would really do anything in TNA if WWE brought out TNA hope not but if they did probs end up doing exactly what they did with the stars with WCW.
Fact is, Vince wouldn't be interested in bringing any of them back. If he did hire any of their talent, he would bury them and make them jobbers. He has done it with Kazarian and Kid Kash. He has no interest in making these people stars or he would have hyped the hiring of Monty Brown and gave him a push instead of burying him in a stable and giving him virtually no airtime. That is what Vince does with all the talent he acquires from perceived rivals. His track record with WCW proves this as well.

Chucky the main reason I quoted you was your last line about Vince would bring back everyone he lost to TNA. You included Sting in that line. Sting has never worked for the WWE and has stated he never would because of the sexist storys among other factors. Angle wanted out, thus he "over-acted" with WWE concerning his drug adictions so that they would say go home. They did and he immediately signed with TNA. He wanted out as did Christian. Vince let Rhino, Rikishi, Dustin Rhodes and a slew of others go. He said there was no future for them and the fans didn't care. Why would these people go back anyway. They know what Vince will do. "You're Fired!!"

Sorry Mean Gene!, I have to disagree with ALOT of your post. LOL Sorry, couldn't resist brother. Let me start with Burying their talent. He wouldn't touch some of em, but ABYSS & Samoa Joe to name a few would be HUGE in WWE and would NOT be buried. You use Monty Brown as an example. Monty Brown had no business in the WWE to begin with as his wrestling was DISMAL at BEST. I used to watch him in the indies here in Michigan and at NO POINT in time was I impressed ONE BIT with him. Did Vince bury Jericho? How about Benoit? Big Show? Booker T? AUSTIN? Rey Mysterio? Finley? I can keep going if you would like.

Your talking about people in the WCW that never amounted to ANYTHING in WCW. Christian left the WWE to SHOW Vince he COULD DRAW. NO OTHER REASON. Don't think for one second if Vince said hey Christian, Come back and we'll give you the strap that he wouldn't leave TNA in a HEARTBEAT. As for Angle, he did want out. But only because his EGO saw a way for him to get ALL the spotlight instead of sharing it. And WOW, Is he EVER getting full of himself there. He has no problem Jobbing, but Sting held the title for what, All of a week? Ever since he won it, He has pretty much been ALL the focus of TNA.

BTW, In the technical sense, Sting worked 1 night with the WWE the night WCW died. He was never contracted with the WWE, but none the less, the last night of WCW, it was under ownership of VKM. Also, The only reason Sting is not in the WWE is because he wanted a lighter schedule. He had contract in hand and was going to sign, but it would be too much on his OLD BODY.

The last thing is, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those guys would kill to get back into the WWE and don't think for ONE SECOND they wouldn't.

Mentalsynapse, I have been saying that Roode is Henning reborn for years! Read my post in the "Who should have been the FIRST TNA CHAMP" or the TNA vs WWE thread. I love this guy. This guy is by far the best PURE wrestler that has it all! Mic skills and MORE! He has SUPERSTAR written ALL OVER HIM. People would like him more if they took the spotlight off Angle for a few minutes. He is the BEST right NOW. PERIOD.
Althought the WWE is far superior to TNA in most aspects, the tag teams are one area I think TNA might have a leg up on the WWE, and I believe a few of TNA's tag teams would prosper greatly in the WWE;
**Motor city is very exciting and great high fliers, more entertaining to watch than London and Kendrick.
**Team 3D could dominate both smackdown and raw, why they don't go back to WWE, I'll never know??
**VKM-These guys would make great heels in the WWE
There are more to list, but bottom line is Vince should pluck some of these up and coming tag teams from TNA to WWE, or recylce the Dudleys, or the Steiners, cause WWE's tag team divisions on both Smackdown and Raw just suck right now. Bringing back DX last week on Raw was the best thing to happen to the tag teams on WWE since Cena/HBK lost the titles!!! Just my thoughts!
Chris Sabin I think would prosper tremendously in the cruiserweight divisio because his talent is overlooked.

AJ Styles because the guy is just amazing

Of course guys like Cage and Angle

The last one is Abyss. He would make a great rival of Kane.
Here is a list of stars Vince would absoletely bury:
Most of the X-Division - See: WWE Cruiserweight Division
Most of the stars Vince already hired and fired or let go (within the last 2-5 yrs)
Abyss - See: Kane and of what's left of his, once awesome, monster gimmick

stars Vince wouldn't bury:
The Dudleys - See: ECW Rebirth
Rhyno - See: The Dudleys
Raven - See: Rhyno
Christopher Daniels
Whoever does the flipping piledriver...can't remember his name.
VKM - See: Rebirth of DX Version 2 (HHH, HBK, NAO/VKM)
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